Segansational's Motivation Log


Well-known member
Well, this is my first AM log/workout journal. I've done a few in the past on other forums here and there. I do find that writing things down helps keep you accountable and engaged, so here we go.

Specifically, I've been in a bit of a slump lately and could use the extra motivation. Usually lifting is my haven, but things have been tough these days. So I welcome any and all motivational pictures, words of encouragement, and general tomfoolery. The more the merrier!

To start things off, I'm semi-cutting currently. Weighed in at 159.5 lbs on Monday, looking to drop a few more lbs, but mainly decrease BF% over the next few months. We'll see how long this lasts.

Just started running Norcodrene (1 cap), Ep1c Unleashed (2 on/1off), Forskolin 95% (50 mg). Staples include daily multi, fish oils, whey protein. Rotate pre's and other goodies as needed. Will provide updates along with workout details.

Currently running a single body part split, mainly using supersets and some bodyweight exercises.
subbed for my fellow demigod
Let's do this!
Let's do this!

Yeah buddy.

Chest day today.
Pre concoction 2 scoops BodyForge 2.1, 1 scoop Glycergrow, 1 scoop Alpha Amino. I workout fasted in the AM. Cardio prior to lifting. Ran on the treadmill this morning.

Bench Press
Incline DB Flys

Incline DB Press
Cable Crossovers

Pistol Press
Weighted Crunches

DB Pullovers
Rotator Cuff Ex
That looks
Like a fun workout. Love super setting any kind of presses!
Do you like the single body part split,
And how long do your workouts
Usually last?
That looks
Like a fun workout. Love super setting any kind of presses!
Do you like the single body part split,
And how long do your workouts
Usually last?

I do like the single split, and it's more for practical reasons than anything else. My workouts are an hour and a half already, so to add in other body parts would take too long in the mornings. But I honestly don't get in the gym as often as I should for single part splits. That's the downside.
I feel you. Honestly I don't do my schedule by day of the week, but duration between each single muscle group training.
I always end up having to miss one or two days so I just have to try to stay on a consistent rotation.
I feel you. Honestly I don't do my schedule by day of the week, but duration between each single muscle group training.
I always end up having to miss one or two days so I just have to try to stay on a consistent rotation.

I'm consistent with M,W,F, with usually a weekend session thrown in, but it varies and is sometimes cardio only.

Pre-WO concoction today 2 scoops BF 2.1, 1 scoop GG, 1 g ALCAR, 2 caps KNO3, 5 g BCAA. Plus the norco/forskolin. Basically I made a poor man's HYDRO3, using GMS. On my next WO I may pop open my HYDRO3 to test against.

My BF 2.1 is so clumped though I just threw out half a tub it was that bad. Not sure what happened. Never had it that bad before.

Decided I need to focus on rear seats for full roundness, so hit shoulders today.

Cardio, 30 mins bike
Abs: swiss ball crunches, Russian med ball twists

Seated DB Shoulder Press
Upright Rows

Rear Delt Flys

BB Front Raises
Lateral Raises

Thinking about heading to the Europa this weekend down in AC. Could use the motivation. Never been.
Well, didn't make it down to the Europa this weekend, but did get a run in this afternoon. Did 2.85 miles in just under 27 mins. Had popped 1 Norco and 2 EU about an hour prior.

I've easily adjusted to 2 caps Norco per day now, 1 AM and 1 PM. Took about 3 days to adjust before I could up to two caps per day.
Can I join the party? Since you and I are about the same weight, any chance you can log weight lifted per lift? I'm always curious about strength per body weight. First motivation:

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kenpoengineer definitely man, like I said, the more the merrier! Yeah, our stats are similar on paper, but from your avi you seem more solid. What's your BF% out of curiousity?

I'm not going for strength per se right now as I'm super setting everything, so I have to save a bit of room in the tank. But my max lifts were never very high to begin with. I'll post some weights up on my next workouts.
So, in addition to yesterday's run, was planning on getting in a workout which never happened. But ended up helping a friend move. So 1 antique dresser, 3 slate pieces from a pool table, and 2 pianos later (yes srs), I feel like I got my workout in.
So, in addition to yesterday's run, was planning on getting in a workout which never happened. But ended up helping a friend move. So 1 antique dresser, 3 slate pieces from a pool table, and 2 pianos later (yes srs), I feel like I got my workout in.
That is usually more of a workout than the gym!
Weighed in this AM at 156.5.

Popped open my bottle of HYDRO3 this morning. Took 2 caps plus, 2 EU, 1 Norco, 2 scoops BF 2.1, 1 g ALCAR.

Since I was asked about some weights, here's today's WO, 3 sets x 10.

Cardio, treadmill
EZ Bar Curls: Bar plus 50,55,60 lbs
DB Incline Curls: 15 lbs

Machine Preacher Curls: 50 lbs
DB Hammer Curls: 25 lbs

VBar Triceps Pressdowns: 140 lbs
Rope Pressdowns: 60 lbs

Machine Triceps Extensions: 50 lbs
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Bring on the show!
Lol, you know you're always invited brother. Speaking of which, where's GNO, NoAddedHmones, OlympusLabs, Lucianooo?

Lovely party, pity I wasn't invited ... oh wait I was :sleeping:

Kill It Segansational!!!!

I can only tolerate EU TD because of a dietary intolerance to choline but I like it more from my short run on caps & found I sweat my brains out with the TD! Great for fat loss... I am trying to grow so more food YAY!
I'm in!

Bring on the show!

They don't pay me enough for that, hah!

Here i am my bro ;)
Lucianooo in the house!

Lovely party, pity I wasn't invited ... oh wait I was :sleeping:

Kill It Segansational!!!!

I can only tolerate EU TD because of a dietary intolerance to choline but I like it more from my short run on caps & found I sweat my brains out with the TD! Great for fat loss... I am trying to grow so more food YAY!

Who needs sleep?

I'm looking to pick up some more TD Ep1c Unleashed to pair with my caps. EU kicked in nicely for today's back workout.

Now it's a party!
Happy labor day weekend to all of my American brothers in iron. I'm due for a few updates, but hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!
Happy labor day weekend to all of my American brothers in iron. I'm due for a few updates, but hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!

Canada celebrates labor day too, just sayin ;)
Canada celebrates labor day too, just sayin ;)

How could I forget my neighbors to the north!

OK, well too lazy to post the previous two workouts, but I hit back and shoulders. Really felt the endurance of Ep1c Unleashed kick in on the third sets of my back exercises. Helped push through the supersets.

Today's workout I hit arms. Currently running an OL/PES stack: 4 caps HYDRO3, 2 caps Ep1c Unleashed, 1 cap Norcodrene, 2 scoops Amino IV, 1 g ALCAR, 5 g creatine.

EZ Bar Curls: +50 lbs
Incline DB Curls: 10 lbs

DB Hammer Curls: 30 lbs
Neutral Grip Pullups

Skull Crushers: +40 lbs
Close Grip Bench Press: +40 lbs

DB Kickbacks: 30 lbs
Bench Dips

Reverse Grip Curls

Swiss Ball Crunches
Russian Ball Twists

Now, where else are my UK brethren? @Edje007 grinnell27 NewAgeMayan Joedoubledose jbryand101b koi1214
I can always use a little extra motivation.

Is that so? Well I would care to entertain a little competition between fellow Demigods
Better yet... Grappling in a pool of EPIC Unleashed TD.

Even the loser will come out with gainz lol.
Hhmmm Bw Incline Press and Weighted Pullups for 5mins total time! Loser has to .....getting there lol
So today was chest day. Popped 4 caps HYDRO3, 2 caps Ep1c Unleashed, 1 cap Norco, with 2 scoops Amino IV, 1 g of ALCAR, and 5 g creatine. All of this was taken an hour prior to my workout. I think I will try to dose my HYDRO3 closer to my workout next time. While pump was there, it wasn't as strong as I'd expect given the dose.

Cardio treadmill

Bench Press x 145
Incline DB Flys x 20

Incline DB Press x 40
Cable Crossovers x 3 plate

Neutral Grip Chest Press x 100
Machine Flys x 37.5

Did not have time to hit abs today, but upped the volume on chest. Was pleased overall with the workout and visual effects of upper body post-WO. However was not happy with weight this week. Bounced back up to 158.5 on Monday, so up 2 lbs since last week.
So today was chest day. Popped 4 caps HYDRO3, 2 caps Ep1c Unleashed, 1 cap Norco, with 2 scoops Amino IV, 1 g of ALCAR, and 5 g creatine. All of this was taken an hour prior to my workout. I think I will try to dose my HYDRO3 closer to my workout next time. While pump was there, it wasn't as strong as I'd expect given the dose.

Cardio treadmill

Bench Press x 145
Incline DB Flys x 20

Incline DB Press x 40
Cable Crossovers x 3 plate

Neutral Grip Chest Press x 100
Machine Flys x 37.5

Did not have time to hit abs today, but upped the volume on chest. Was pleased overall with the workout and visual effects of upper body post-WO. However was not happy with weight this week. Bounced back up to 158.5 on Monday, so up 2 lbs since last week.

That's a solid pre workout stack. I can't believe I weigh more than you tho! This is a first lol
Nice all around lifts!
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I was thinking push ups or something. You guys are kinky.

See what you're missing? You know you like it!

That's a solid pre workout stack. I can't believe I weigh more than you tho! This is a first lol

I'm not a tall guy, so I've never had the poundage really. :( Most I've ever weighed was when I had bulked to 180, but it was pretty dirty. I just don't feel good carrying that much weight. And I'm currently trying to still drop a few % of BF.

Nice all around lifts!

Thanks man, yesterday was really all about feeling the contraction of the muscles.

Im here!!!

What took you so long?! :P
haha sorry my man... I use the app most of the time and it doesnt tell you when you have a mention... Trying to use this more often now.