A Day In The Life Of Rocket



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08/08/2023 Weight 180bs - Water weight / retention still coming off !!

Backpain still pretty bad ??

Todays Schedule:
Tuesday - 9am Bone Marrow Biopsy - Hershey Penn State Medical Center
Tuesday -2:15pm - Platelet Transfusion - Ortenzio Cancer Center

This did not go as planned, when I got to Hershey Penn State Medical Center, they did a blood draw and my Platelets were (2), they said the needed to get them up to 20 or more, so I don't bleed out during the procedure. I got a double Platelet Transfusion and the Procedure went off with out a hitch! So my one hour appointment at Hershey tuned in to about four hours. The good news is, I was able to cancel my afternoon appointment at the Ortenzio Cancer Center.

Tomorrow; Wednesday - 8am - IV/IG Infusion (6 Hour Appointment) - Ortenzio Cancer Center

I did get a really good lunch a Hershey Medical Center, a Mac & Cheese Bowl with a lot of chicken it, and the chef chopped up a ton of fresh scallions on top of it. It was soft so chewing it with my sore mouth was easy, and very tasty!

Calories 1,973
Fat 75 grams
Carbs 203 grams
Protein 128 grams

Mac & Cheese Bowl.jpg
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08/08/2023 Weight 180bs - Water weight / retention still coming off !!

Backpain still pretty bad ??

Todays Schedule:
Tuesday - 9am Bone Marrow Biopsy - Hershey Penn State Medical Center
Tuesday -2:15pm - Platelet Transfusion - Ortenzio Cancer Center

This did not go as planned, when I got to Hershey Penn State Medical Center, they did a blood draw and my Platelets were (2), they said the needed to get them up to 20 or more, so I don't bleed out during the procedure. I got a double Platelet Transfusion and the Procedure went off with out a hitch! So my one hour appointment at Hershey tuned in to about four hours. The good news is, I was able to cancel my afternoon appointment at the Ortenzio Cancer Center.

Tomorrow; Wednesday - 8am - IV/IG Infusion (6 Hour Appointment) - Ortenzio Cancer Center

I did get a really good lunch a Hershey Medical Center, a Mac & Cheese Bowl with a lot of chicken it, and the chef chopped up a ton of fresh scallions on top of it. It was soft so chewing it with my sore mouth was easy, and very tasty!

Calories 1,973
Fat 75 grams
Carbs 203 grams
Protein 128 grams

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Glad you were able to get a good meal in, and that they caught the platelets dropping before your transfusion.


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Oh man the Sopranos eh, I haven't even thought of this show in forever. I may have to rewatch it myself.


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I would say the best TV Series ever done!
Many would agree! It definitely changed the game, and brought on some of the best tv shows ever following it. The whole idea of a raw and gritty tv show without the rating restrictions to limit the storytelling opened up so many possibilities.


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Glad you're doing well Rocket!! I'm sorry the back pain is still there, is it staying at that magical 7 or less that you've been monitoring at least?

I watched the first episode of the Sopranos last night.
Oh dude you're in for it now lol. I gotta say I think Sopranos is one of those dramas that did a great job of staying interesting compared to like MadMen that I really wanted to love but got so bored with.

The whole idea of a raw and gritty tv show without the rating restrictions
I love that it was raw and gritty but not AS uncomfortable as a lot of scenes in Sons of Anarchy. There are a couple episodes from SOA that are forever burned in my head, certain scenes I'll never be able to forget.


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Glad you're doing well Rocket!! I'm sorry the back pain is still there, is it staying at that magical 7 or less that you've been monitoring at least?
Today when I was at the Doctor I got a spasm that may have been the worst pain I have ever had. Lucky for me, they got to see how bad it was, but I think there plan is going to be upping my oxy. I'm not crazy about this but, I may just have to do what they say and put my fears behind me.


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08/09/2023 Weight 178bs - Water weight / retention still coming off !!

Backpain still pretty bad ??

Todays Schedule:
8am - IV/IG Infusion (6 Hour Appointment) - Ortenzio Cancer Center. It ended up only taking about 5 hours, so that was a good thing. I got home and got in about an hour long nap, that felt good!!

Tomorrow Schedule:
Thursday - 8am Blood Draw Hampden Penn State Medical Center
Tuesday -2:15pm - Platelet Transfusion - Ortenzio Cancer Center (if needed)

Calories 1,709
Fat 48 grams
Carbs 193 grams
Protein 135 grams


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I understand your fears of leaning more on the opiates - I would feel the same. But I also understand that true pain is truly crippling. It does break you. Just like a loaded barbell, when the load is simply escalated beyond a certain point, no one can overcome it.

We all spend a lot of time cultivating our willpower, trying to defy limitations & overcome - to swim upstream. And that has tremendous merit at times. But at others, the best path down the river of life is to simply go with the flow of the universe. Sometimes you have to just accept you’re in this boat called life, you don’t have full control, and you need to hang on & ride it out to calmer waters.

I hope you find some relief in managing your pain!


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I totally agree with @Hyde here. I completely get the fear of addiction being someone with addictive personality type. Now is the time to use your will power to exert control over your use of this tool. It is no different than any other possibly dangerous tool you use in life. Take the proper precautions and the risks are actually limited. Don't try to out tough your pain, as Hyde said, it will break you, and honestly there is no reason to avoid using the tool they are giving you. Just use it properly and as prescribed. I mean you wouldn't go weld without protecting your eyes, and shouldn't, but that doesn't stop you from welding. Same thing here. It's a tool with some risk so use it with respect but use it when needed.


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only other thing I can think of is thc. I read an article this week saying opioid use is down due to the increase in thc use.

In general, to each their own on that subject. But in Rocket's case, unless prescribed by his doctor, a positive test result could mess him up with insurance and possibly disqualify him from what appears to be an exceptional level of medical care that he is getting. Plus, he's on so many outside the norm medications, and I think that's a great positive thing in his case, but I doubt THC has been studied with many or any of them, whereas at least with oxy it has been heavily studied in almost all things cancer and cancer recovery related since that was one of the original intended uses of oxy to begin with.

I say to each their own in other cases bc I don't respond well to it myself - I found when I was much younger - thc makes me tired, hungry, and on edge - and hell, I stay tired, hungry and on edge for free all the time so definitely don't need to spend money to be that way haha 🤣:LOL:


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In general, to each their own on that subject. But in Rocket's case, unless prescribed by his doctor, a positive test result could mess him up with insurance and possibly disqualify him from what appears to be an exceptional level of medical care that he is getting. Plus, he's on so many outside the norm medications, and I think that's a great positive thing in his case, but I doubt THC has been studied with many or any of them, whereas at least with oxy it has been heavily studied in almost all things cancer and cancer recovery related since that was one of the original intended uses of oxy to begin with.

I say to each their own in other cases bc I don't respond well to it myself - I found when I was much younger - thc makes me tired, hungry, and on edge - and hell, I stay tired, hungry and on edge for free all the time so definitely don't need to spend money to be that way haha 🤣:LOL:
Haha that last paragraph! it's funny, my Dad hated it, my Son can do with or without it, and I have smoked off and on since my first time at 8 when my step brothers thought it would be funny to get me toasty and have me do stupid things for their amusement. I have always kind of felt sorry for people who can't enjoy it because it is so damn stress relieving to me. Slows my ADHD brain down a little so the world isn't constantly running at 100mph in my mind.


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I say to each their own in other cases bc I don't respond well to it myself - I found when I was much younger - thc makes me tired, hungry, and on edge - and hell, I stay tired, hungry and on edge for free all the time so definitely don't need to spend money to be that way haha
Slows my ADHD brain down a little so the world isn't constantly running at 100mph in my mind.
I'm finding it to be very common that folks I know with pretty strong ADHD value the impact of THC like a medication that gives them relief. I'm the opposite and I really can't stand the way it feels, but I'm open minded to it's value as a medicine potentially. Since it's 100% legal recreationally here my wife and I have had edibles and neither of us like it. It's essentially like taking a sleeping pill for us, lol.


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I'm finding it to be very common that folks I know with pretty strong ADHD value the impact of THC like a medication that gives them relief. I'm the opposite and I really can't stand the way it feels, but I'm open minded to it's value as a medicine potentially. Since it's 100% legal recreationally here my wife and I have had edibles and neither of us like it. It's essentially like taking a sleeping pill for us, lol.
I have terrible ADD - I don't have the hyperactivity type, I have the type in which I can't focus or concentrate and but stay tired all the time. It doesn't help with my ADD at all, it actually makes it a lot worse. I can see how it could help with the people that are super hyper, but definitely doesn't for people like myself. It just makes me tired and useless.


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I'm finding it to be very common that folks I know with pretty strong ADHD value the impact of THC like a medication that gives them relief. I'm the opposite and I really can't stand the way it feels, but I'm open minded to it's value as a medicine potentially. Since it's 100% legal recreationally here my wife and I have had edibles and neither of us like it. It's essentially like taking a sleeping pill for us, lol.
Yeah, especially edibles, they can be tricky and an edible from an indica strain might as well be a sleeping pill. You can fall asleep waiting for the high not even realizing it has kicked in and just has you super mellow. I have to go with Sativa, or a Hybrid, straight indica, leaves me "indacouch" as they say.
I have terrible ADD - I don't have the hyperactivity type, I have the type in which I can't focus or concentrate and but stay tired all the time. It doesn't help with my ADD at all, it actually makes it a lot worse. I can see how it could help with the people that are super hyper, but definitely doesn't for people like myself. It just makes me tired and useless.
Oh yeah, I am that constantly fidgeting, always bouncing my leg, tapping my fingers, restless in my seat ADHD! I am impulsive as all get out, unintentionally loud, and often hugely inappropriate. When I can't slow down or sit still I take a hit of my "fuggit" and get my relax on. Now like you though, if I mess with indica I am pretty much useless. I am not going to get anything done and I am going to more than likely eat more than I should.

I won't say I use it medicinally though, I enjoy getting high, and make sure to get through what I need to get done for the day beforehand. I just know there are a few things I have to do before that or they won't ever get done. :p I look forward to it kind of like an I earned this good feeling kind of thing.


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I did smoke pot in high school, but I have never tired any of this new legal pot.


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I did smoke pot in high school, but I have never tired any of this new legal pot.
It is definitely stronger and tastes much better, but nothing else really different. You just need a lot less of it to get you there. A new smoker, or someone who hasn't in a long time should be a one and one type of thing. That's all it takes for newbies.


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It is definitely stronger and tastes much better, but nothing else really different. You just need a lot less of it to get you there. A new smoker, or someone who hasn't in a long time should be a one and one type of thing. That's all it takes for newbies.
I am not at all interested in starting again !


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I am not at all interested in starting again !
I wouldn't assume so with how worried you are about the Oxy. I know my Dad's was only an alcoholic, but he wouldn't touch anything else in his sobriety. Just kind of explaining the differences and similarities from back in the day to now.


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I just took my first Muscle Relaxer for my back Flexeril 5mg .... we will see what happens???


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I just took my first Muscle Relaxer for my back Flexeril 5mg .... we will see what happens???
Flexeril is legit stuff, it is what I was taking for my back / neck while I was down earlier this week. You might fall asleep though.


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Flexeril is legit stuff, it is what I was taking for my back / neck while I was down earlier this week. You might fall asleep though.
I fell asleep in my recliner, for about an hour, went to bed and got some good quality sleep!


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08/11/2023 Weight 178bs - Water weight / retention still coming off !!

Todays Schedule:
Go to work, no doctors appointment, Yea !!

Change of plan - Phone Call, Can you go to the medical center and get some for a blood test.... Sure !

WBC .2
Platelets 7

So I have a 8am appointment tomorrow for a Platelet Transfusion.

Calories 1,961
Fat 65 grams
Carbs 190 grams
Protein 141 grams

My doctor told me on my last blood test, I was showing early signs of malnutrition. I need to start eating more!
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08/11/2023 Weight 178bs - Water weight / retention still coming off !!

Todays Schedule:
Go to work, no doctors appointment, Yea !!

Change of plan - Phone Call, Can you go to the medical center and get some for a blood test.... Sure !

WBC .2
Platelets 7

So I have a 8am appointment tomorrow for a Platelet Transfusion.

Calories 1,961
Fat 65 grams
Carbs 190 grams
Protein 141 grams

My doctor told me on my last blood test, I was showing early signs of malnutrition. I need to start eating more!
Curious what symtoms you had of malnutrition? As far as I’ve been following along your calories have always pretty much stayed the same


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Shakes should help as well….you could mix some ice cream, Fairlife milk, and whey protein, throw in some blueberries, strawberries, bananas, really whatever you like, blend it up , very good, high calorie, nutritious milk shake, and very soothing. I had esophagitis before, and couldn’t eat solid foods for about 10 days, so those shakes were a lifesaver and very soothing in the mouth and throat.


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Shakes should help as well….you could mix some ice cream, Fairlife milk, and whey protein, throw in some blueberries, strawberries, bananas, really whatever you like, blend it up , very good, high calorie, nutritious milk shake, and very soothing. I had esophagitis before, and couldn’t eat solid foods for about 10 days, so those shakes were a lifesaver and very soothing in the mouth and throat.
I've got so used to Making Protein Pudding and Overnights Proates, I almost forgot you can just blend up a shake :unsure:🤣


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08/12/2023 Weight 176bs

Todays Schedule:
So I have a 8am appointment tomorrow for a Platelet Transfusion, 45 minute drive to Hershey, PA. Saturday 7am, almost no traffic! After my Platelet Transfusion, the nurse ask if I had ever had a Packet Red Blood Cell Transfusion ? I told her I have never even heard of it. (Is this were Double Reds Donation come from?) She said if I had the time she would check with my Doctor and see what he thought of the idea. So we did it. I got home from my one hour 8am appointment at 3:30pm. What ever it takes.

Calories 1,488
Fat 43 grams
Carbs 150 grams
Protein 125 grams

I started this thread in November of 2018, I'm sure glad I did not name it a training log. Not much training going on these days. I really do enjoy making these post, hearing your feed back and a friendship here. The words of encouragement, the prayers and just having a friend to talk to really help! Thank you all !!


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Shoot, you are the grandpa to this online family we got going on. You don't have to thank us for supporting you!


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Hey @Rocket3015 everything alright? You disappeared on us Monday, I don't want to be a worry wart but not used to you being off the forum for this many days in a row.


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Hey @Rocket3015 everything alright? You disappeared on us Monday, I don't want to be a worry wart but not used to you being off the forum for this many days in a row.
Yeah hope he's all good for sure


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Just checking in I’m still alive but don’t have the stamina to get on line I’m in Hershey Med Center


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We are all praying for you brother🙏 thanks for the update……you just rest up and let those good Doctors and pretty Nurses take care of you.👍

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