SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide

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SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide

Made you a little graph. Maybe you can see now, why your stuff worked over the cycle period:

View attachment 128269


Very interesting. Thank you for the insight and the effort!

Whatever the case may be, I am loving it. I walked into the gym and finally hit a 5 plate deadlift in first week of PCT. Walked in this second week and hit 5 plates for 3 reps!! Love seeing my numbers go up. :)


YK-11 is with highly probability a DHT derivative and therefore a steroidal SARM (Trenbolone for example acts in some way as an selective AR modulator, too). The other parts are non-steroidal SARM like the stuff we know - the "real" substances :)
So if its a DHT derivate should this effect hair like Prov/Mast?


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This is a very good question. Because of the official Phase 0 status there are no measured side effects until now. We can only speculate - of this and of further possible side effects.
Even derivatives may have changed effects regarding to its "mother"-substance.

The only thing I red about YK-11 users:
- rapid increase of power
- some got acne (shoulders, back, face), but it seems not that harsh
- high blood pressure

But even these logs are very new. I will post bloodworks if I get/find any (only the legit ones).

More interesting is the "longer-term" usage of YK-11: when a very small amount of it (500nmol, if I remember right) can lead to higher follistatin values - and therefore decreased myostatine values - what's the effect of 1-max. 2mg/ed over 10-16 weeks?
If the side effects are low - especially liver values - and a usage of more than 10 weeks appropriate, every steroid user will have an added benefit of that YK-11. Imagine the possibilities of decreased myostatine over a longer period: the gains are more sustainable. Four weeks are nice but you know what I mean. Actually, until there are nearly no blood values out there I wouldn't recommend to use it more than four weeks (stay safe!).
PCT with a SERM is a must, because of it's structure it may lead with high probability to a shutdown.

Furthermore, if you compare YK-11 with Progesterine you will notice furhter similarities. It also could be that YK-11 will affect the progesterone value - either in positive or negative way, we don't know (IF so).

It's like to pick up a pill from the streets - or from Morpheus, like in Matrix with that blue and red pill - and waiting, what will happen next. The only thing you know: it's a derivative from a prohormone - therefore this name "pro", the preliminary stage to a hormone - like from DHT or another one and that it will affect somehow in some way your muscle mass. And that it will increase follistatine, which will e.g. itself increase the prostata. There are sooo many gears in this whole system, so I appreciate every bloodwork from every brave guinea pig :D

It's not known when the Phase I studies start.


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This is a very good question. Because of the official Phase 0 status there are no measured side effects until now. We can only speculate - of this and of further possible side effects.
Even derivatives may have changed effects regarding to its "mother"-substance.

The only thing I red about YK-11 users:
- rapid increase of power
- some got acne (shoulders, back, face), but it seems not that harsh
- high blood pressure

But even these logs are very new. I will post bloodworks if I get/find any (only the legit ones).

More interesting is the "longer-term" usage of YK-11: when a very small amount of it (500nmol, if I remember right) can lead to higher follistatin values - and therefore decreased myostatine values - what's the effect of 1-max. 2mg/ed over 10-16 weeks?
If the side effects are low - especially liver values - and a usage of more than 10 weeks appropriate, every steroid user will have an added benefit of that YK-11. Imagine the possibilities of decreased myostatine over a longer period: the gains are more sustainable. Four weeks are nice but you know what I mean. Actually, until there are nearly no blood values out there I wouldn't recommend to use it more than four weeks (stay safe!).
PCT with a SERM is a must, because of it's structure it may lead with high probability to a shutdown.

Furthermore, if you compare YK-11 with Progesterine you will notice furhter similarities. It also could be that YK-11 will affect the progesterone value - either in positive or negative way, we don't know (IF so).

It's like to pick up a pill from the streets - or from Morpheus, like in Matrix with that blue and red pill - and waiting, what will happen next. The only thing you know: it's a derivative from a prohormone - therefore this name "pro", the preliminary stage to a hormone - like from DHT or another one and that it will affect somehow in some way your muscle mass. And that it will increase follistatine, which will e.g. itself increase the prostata. There are sooo many gears in this whole system, so I appreciate every bloodwork from every brave guinea pig :D

It's not known when the Phase I studies start.
Great info like always!


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What's everyone's thought on stacking osta and lgd. I've read some people saying its good and some saying they compete for the same receptor


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What's everyone's thought on stacking osta and lgd. I've read some people saying its good and some saying they compete for the same receptor
The receptor thing is a myth, we have too many receptors that can be occupied so no need for them to compete. The stack just isn't synergistic, that's why it isn't reccomended.


This is a very good question. Because of the official Phase 0 status there are no measured side effects until now. We can only speculate - of this and of further possible side effects.
Even derivatives may have changed effects regarding to its "mother"-substance.

The only thing I red about YK-11 users:
- rapid increase of power
- some got acne (shoulders, back, face), but it seems not that harsh
- high blood pressure

But even these logs are very new. I will post bloodworks if I get/find any (only the legit ones).

More interesting is the "longer-term" usage of YK-11: when a very small amount of it (500nmol, if I remember right) can lead to higher follistatin values - and therefore decreased myostatine values - what's the effect of 1-max. 2mg/ed over 10-16 weeks?
If the side effects are low - especially liver values - and a usage of more than 10 weeks appropriate, every steroid user will have an added benefit of that YK-11. Imagine the possibilities of decreased myostatine over a longer period: the gains are more sustainable. Four weeks are nice but you know what I mean. Actually, until there are nearly no blood values out there I wouldn't recommend to use it more than four weeks (stay safe!).
PCT with a SERM is a must, because of it's structure it may lead with high probability to a shutdown.

Furthermore, if you compare YK-11 with Progesterine you will notice furhter similarities. It also could be that YK-11 will affect the progesterone value - either in positive or negative way, we don't know (IF so).

It's like to pick up a pill from the streets - or from Morpheus, like in Matrix with that blue and red pill - and waiting, what will happen next. The only thing you know: it's a derivative from a prohormone - therefore this name "pro", the preliminary stage to a hormone - like from DHT or another one and that it will affect somehow in some way your muscle mass. And that it will increase follistatine, which will e.g. itself increase the prostata. There are sooo many gears in this whole system, so I appreciate every bloodwork from every brave guinea pig :D

It's not known when the Phase I studies start.
Brilliant as always, Love reading your posts and I know i have to read it a few times to take it in properly :)

It would be great if it did not effect hair but give the Mood benefits of Prov/Masteron.


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On stacking lgd and osta :

The stack just isn't synergistic, that's why it isn't reccomended.
Is this because lgd is much stronger than osta so it makes no sense to add the osta? I actually ran this stack and thought it was ok but then it was my first lgd cycle.


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sanmarino That's some interesting stuff for sure :) Even though I don't get all of it, I enjoy learning from such educated people as yourself. Big props to you!


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You are welcome guys, no need to thank :)

The receptor thing is a myth, we have too many receptors that can be occupied so no need for them to compete. The stack just isn't synergistic, that's why it isn't reccomended.
THEORETICALLY speaking, the receptor thing - speaking about the androgen receptors - is not a myth. Imagine a untrained person which is taking 500mg/e5d Testosterone. Only a fraction of the active part can dock on, the other part is floating around and causing nice side effects when aromatized in high amounts to estrogen for example.
But we are all people who work out for many years, some of us with juice. The guys which took/take testosterone for example have a further benefit: while taking exogenous testosterone the androgene receptors increase in their numbers (they are for example in the satellite cells) - much faster than without gear. But wait before injecting: it's not fully evaluated that the new reached amount of AR will be the new level (tendency: nothing is forever, only gene-manipulation). Furthermore, the sensitivity and the bondability are further aspects.

Therefore, yates is completely right. If the receptor thing is a problem, then every stack (SARM, PH, AAS) shouldn't work :)


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Will be running Excel Sports Nutrition YK-11 after PCT. Will dose it 3 caps ED for 8 weeks. Will most likely add in OL Radar1ne for the first 4 weeks, to kick start. Pretty excited for this


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Will be running Excel Sports Nutrition YK-11 after PCT. Will dose it 3 caps ED for 8 weeks. Will most likely add in OL Radar1ne for the first 4 weeks, to kick start. Pretty excited for this
Nice, I think your strenght will go through the roof haha

Just a thought: it seems, that YK-11 will increase the strenght massive which comes from the androgenic part. RAD-140 itself will reduce this androgenic component (see the study with Test P, where the anabolic effect rose but the androgenic decreased by nearly 40%). Two guys I know who were running Test E with RAD-140 - from OL UK - told me that the androgenic component was noticeably weaker (less aggression, less power, a bit more regeneration time needed).

IF the YK-11 is going to be a high androgenic substance, its real effects won't shine through with RAD-140 in a stack. Interesting to see, if the strength will increase after you finished RAD-140, or not.

Unfortunately, I can't tell something about the purity of this product. It would be much safer if the provider was called OL UK :D


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Interesting. Thanks for the info. With that being said, I may hold off on adding the Radar1ne. I agree on OL products. I've ran xcel sports nutrition products before and had good results


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When you have another high anabolic substance - the androgenic level as low as possible, YK-11 should be potent as hell - this could be used instead of RAD-140. I don't want to say you may not use RAD, it was just a thought :D RAD-140 is in my eyes much more interesting for woman, who want to reduce the androgenic effects (by nearly the half, in C2C12 cultures shown). For men, it's not a big deal (beside the fact, that the androgenic factor has its negative effects, too). The androgenic effect is welcome in some way.

Just one more thing: while the binding affinity of non-steroidal SARM like Ostarine or LGD are higher than these of steroids, the binding affinity of YK-11 is unknown. I expect it to have a similar rate like DHT. Therefore, in first line every added non-steroidal SARM will displace the steroidal ones.
As you may have red the post of yates, this is only a theoretical problem as long as you are not a bloody beginner (and you are definitely not, jmyers ;) ).

Watch out for your liver, when taking YK-11. It could harm it (blood test recommended).


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Awesome info bro. That's why I come here. Always good to hear another point of view. I'm just going to keep it 8 weeks with YK11. As always will have on cycle supps


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I'm sorry if it's already been answered, but is it safe to start of an lgd cycle at 10mg/ed and run that for the whole duration? the company i usually order from only has 10mg caps. Will the supression hit me harder? i guess i might be able to open the caps and isolate half for the first few weeks, if necessary.


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I'm sorry if it's already been answered, but is it safe to start of an lgd cycle at 10mg/ed and run that for the whole duration? the company i usually order from only has 10mg caps. Will the supression hit me harder? i guess i might be able to open the caps and isolate half for the first few weeks, if necessary.
If you have 10mg caps then just run 10mg the whole cycle, no reason to try to split caps. Suppression won't hit you any harder, tapering is reccomended to assess side effects for new users.


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If you have 10mg caps then just run 10mg the whole cycle, no reason to try to split caps. Suppression won't hit you any harder, tapering is reccomended to assess side effects for new users.
Thanks for the quick answer :)


Yates84 what dosage you thinking of running YK-11 and how long?

I like the Idea of a long cycle at a low dosage along side my usual Test dosage.


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If you have 10mg caps then just run 10mg the whole cycle, no reason to try to split caps. Suppression won't hit you any harder, tapering is reccomended to assess side effects for new users.
That's the way I run it.


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Yates84 what dosage you thinking of running YK-11 and how long?

I like the Idea of a long cycle at a low dosage along side my usual Test dosage.
Same. Wonder if it would be worth the loot?

Also wondering what this stuff does to
1) Appetite
2) sleep
3) energy levels
4) HDL levels
5) Liver enzymes


Only one way to find out... Log it and let us know! I sure as hell ain't putting that stuff in my body lol.


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I'm interested in hearing your YK-11 experience jmyers. Thinking of giving this a try later, I can get 4mg and 10mg caps... I don't plan on running it for a few months, curious on everyones input.


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Me too easier on the pocket. regdabyenoh didn't see do plan on a run of it also?


Me too easier on the pocket. regdabyenoh didn't see do plan on a run of it also?
Yeah thinking about it, 375mg Test + MK-677 10mg + CJC 1295 Dac 1+mg & YK-11?

I run test year round at 375mg or 500mg but gonna stick to 375mg as not noticing much difference


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Yeah thinking about it, 375mg Test + MK-677 10mg + CJC 1295 Dac 1+mg & YK-11?

I run test year round at 375mg or 500mg but gonna stick to 375mg as not noticing much difference
Can wait to get blasting and cruising again. Any thoughts of adding some GHRP-2 in there also? Do you plan on running a log?


I think I will log yeah. Having an issue with this account though (not AM but a email/contact/work issue, I wont go into) so might need to sign up again but similar name. Hoping AM is ok with that.

If I could I would probably use ipamorelin and mod grf 1-29 W/O dac but I cant inject everyday, Its to restricting to me regarding time and making sure its done regulary. Some people think theres an issue regarding GH Bleed and adverse effects using CJC Dac but I have read allot to say otherwise so I'm gonna give it a go.

Beauty Of CJC dac is you can injext once per week, So I will do this at the same time as my Test. Also MK-677 is easy as it once per day dosing.

Oh GRP2 some find raises E and Hunger. ipamorelin Seems to be the smoothest.


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I hear you, the other beauty of CJC DAC is im stocked up. lol Figured you'd want the hunger bump. Less pinning the better. Any AI? Looks good through good luck.


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Let's talk Osta....

Ostarine - is, probably, the most well known SARM's. It is best used to preserve muscle mass, while in a caloric deficit. Ostarine can, and will, suppress your natural testosterone production in longer higher dosed cycles. So, a SERM PCT is needed. Ostarine can also cause gyno in some users. So, it is recommended that you have an AI, like Exemestane, on hand. The average cycle length is 6 to 10 weeks at a dosage range of 10mg to 25mg.

Ostarine example cycle:
Beginner cut
Ostarine - 15/15/15/15/15/15
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
*AI of choice on hand

Advanced Cut:
Ostarine - 15/15/15/15/15/20/20/20/20/20
OL Eliminate - 2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/3
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
Clomid 50/25/25

Recomp cycle:
Ostarine - 20/20/20/20/25/25/25/25
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
Clomid 50/25/25

Now, here are some SARM cycle Stacks that I've come up with....

Cut to Bulk:
Ostarine -15/15/15/15/15/15/0/0/0/0
LGD - 0/0/0/0/4/4/8/8/12/12
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
Clomid 50/25/25

RAD/Osta Recomp:
RAD - 4/4/8/8/12/12/0/0
Ostarine - 20/20/20/20/25/25/25/25
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
Clomid 50/25/25

RAD - 4/4/8/8/12/12/0/0
LGD - 4/4/4/8/8/8/12/12
OL Super PCT as indicated on label
Clomid 50/50/25/25

**MK 677 and/or GW would stack great with these cycles, as well, and would help with endurance, sleep, and overall muscle gain. (Refer to MK 677 and GW dosing at top of thread).**

Coming tomorrow...other PCT options!
Ran a short osta 4 week cycle. Not by choice, but I have super pct on order. Still waiting on it but I started my serm. So I figure I will run nolva for 2 weeks at 20. Will this be enough for pct off a 4 week cycle?


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My question was more towards being okay without the super pct.


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My question was more towards being okay without the super pct.
you'll be fine without the super pct. 4 weeks is pretty short for osta, so recovery should be painless. i would taper the nolva though, and do 20 the first week, and then 10 for 2 more weeks. optionally, you could do 10 every other day for a 4th week.

how were your results for such a short run?


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Only one way to find out... Log it and let us know! I sure as hell ain't putting that stuff in my body lol.
Same. Lolol


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you'll be fine without the super pct. 4 weeks is pretty short for osta, so recovery should be painless. i would taper the nolva though, and do 20 the first week, and then 10 for 2 more weeks. optionally, you could do 10 every other day for a 4th week.

how were your results for such a short run?
I thought it went great. Muscle mass increase and strength on power lifts increased 25 pounds. Started to feel shutdown at the start of week 3. No pain associated with shutdown. I did not feel lethargic at all during the 4 weeks. Wanted to go longer but could not find any more of the primeval osta.


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First-time SARM stack

First post, several questions - likely annoying and misplaced like most new users, but I did my due diligence so bare with me. Swim is 23y/o, 6'1", 218Lbs at ~16% BF. Weightlifting at least 3days/wk for 7 years. No previous experience with anything but natty. All bloods normal, HDL/LDL in good shape, no history of heart or liver/kidney problems. 3rd generation power-lifter. No injectables. Planning to contribute back to the community with a detailed log.

Swim's priorities: (1) Size / Weight Gains, (2) Strength Gains, (3) Nothing that's scheduled or requiring a prescription

10wk, 6 on, 3pct, 1 empty - nothing fancy, changing one thing every 2 weeks so I know what my body's reacting to.

OL Armacare Pro (I dont mind overspending by running this when it may not be necessary)
OL Super PCT (seems to share ingredients with Armacare, figure its best to not overlap - is this right?)
Toremifene (no N0lva/Cl0mid, they're prescription, Cl0mid sides are nightmarish, I'll visit doc if it comes to that):

Question (1) Big elephant. How dumb is it to start the above without N0lva/Cl0mid already on hand?
Question (2) How effective is OL Super PCT + Toremifene (instead of Cl0mid) for LGD shutdown?
Question (3) Armacare Pro seems to be an AI. Do I need a "stronger" AI on hand before starting?
Question (4) How many weeks after PCT is needed to know if there was any permanent shutdown?

Let me know if I've missed anything dumb (like some of these not being orally available - swim hates needles).

Any input / suggestions / things I don't know or didn't think of welcomed. Thank you for taking the time to read this


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I thought it went great. Muscle mass increase and strength on power lifts increased 25 pounds. Started to feel shutdown at the start of week 3. No pain associated with shutdown. I did not feel lethargic at all during the 4 weeks. Wanted to go longer but could not find any more of the primeval osta.
I may cop some flak for this - but 4 weeks of osta will produce only mild suppression, albeit noticeable from the sound of it. You don't NEED to run a PCT, you will recover adequately in good time. The choice is yours to run a PCT, be it OTC such as Sup3r PCT &/or pharma grade product. The difference will be response time. Many guys don't run a PCT following an Osta run, even at 8 weeks. They don't suffer for it, they just take longer to get back to homeostasis & are happy to do so & mind their wallet.

Is it good practice to run a PCT following a cycle of any suppressive compound? Of course. Is it a necessity & need it be clomid etc? No, that is a choice you make for yourself.


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My question was more towards being okay without the super pct.
You'll be fine without it. It's certainly a good all round health product & would be beneficial to use it if you have it, plus it'll be useful prep before your next cycle, but you can save it for later use if you want to.


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First post, several questions - likely annoying and misplaced like most new users, but I did my due diligence so bare with me. Swim is 23y/o, 6'1", 218Lbs at ~16% BF. Weightlifting at least 3days/wk for 7 years. No previous experience with anything but natty. All bloods normal, HDL/LDL in good shape, no history of heart or liver/kidney problems. 3rd generation power-lifter. No injectables. Planning to contribute back to the community with a detailed log.

Swim's priorities: (1) Size / Weight Gains, (2) Strength Gains, (3) Nothing that's scheduled or requiring a prescription

10wk, 6 on, 3pct, 1 empty - nothing fancy, changing one thing every 2 weeks so I know what my body's reacting to.

OL Armacare Pro (I dont mind overspending by running this when it may not be necessary)
OL Super PCT (seems to share ingredients with Armacare, figure its best to not overlap - is this right?)
Toremifene (no N0lva/Cl0mid, they're prescription, Cl0mid sides are nightmarish, I'll visit doc if it comes to that):

Question (1) Big elephant. How dumb is it to start the above without N0lva/Cl0mid already on hand?
Question (2) How effective is OL Super PCT + Toremifene (instead of Cl0mid) for LGD shutdown?
Question (3) Armacare Pro seems to be an AI. Do I need a "stronger" AI on hand before starting?
Question (4) How many weeks after PCT is needed to know if there was any permanent shutdown?

Let me know if I've missed anything dumb (like some of these not being orally available - swim hates needles).

Any input / suggestions / things I don't know or didn't think of welcomed. Thank you for taking the time to read this
I've got all kinds of suggestions, gotta find a few minutes to type all of this out.

1) not smart at all, especially as a new user that has no clue how your body will react to these compounds.
2)torem is a serm just like nolva/clomid. It will help restart the hpta and super pct will help. Read my pct thread, it will help you plan your pct.
3) always have exemestane on hand, armistane will do nothing for high estrogen sides.
4) this is user dependant. Use a serm and do a proper pct and you should recover fine.
I don't really like your cycle setup, rad is too long and lgd is too short. Try:
Rad 8/8/12/12
Lgd 8/8/8/8/12/12/12/12


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Can someone tell me if i need more than 1 caps of letrone ED while on lgd? :)


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Can someone tell me if i need more than 1 caps of letrone ED while on lgd? :)
You shouldn't need any tbh, lgd doesn't have a substantial effect on estrogen for most users. I wouldn't use an ai unless necessary. Save it for pct.


New member
You shouldn't need any tbh, lgd doesn't have a substantial effect on estrogen for most users. I wouldn't use an ai unless necessary. Save it for pct.
Would it be a good idea to run it for 3 weeks with clomid then run clomid 1-2 more weeks more afterwards ?


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Would it be a good idea to run it for 3 weeks with clomid then run clomid 1-2 more weeks more afterwards ?
Yes, I like to run an ai past my serm. This helps prevent rebound.


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so you would do the opposite? run letrone past clomid? so something like clomid 4 weeks letrone 6?
Ues. A serm like clomid actually increases circulating estrogen so when a serm is discontinued you have a bunch of extra estrogen and lots of free receptors for it to attach to. Tapering off a serm and running your ai past the serm helps mitigate all this extra estrogen.


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Ues. A serm like clomid actually increases circulating estrogen so when a serm is discontinued you have a bunch of extra estrogen and lots of free receptors for it to attach to. Tapering off a serm and running your ai past the serm helps mitigate all this extra estrogen.
thanks :)


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Just a note and personal observation...

I took my last dose of LGD 3 weeks ago tomorrow and have been continuing with Tr3st @ 100 mg and MK-677 @ 20 mg. I will do this for 2 more weeks before starting PCT.

What I've noticed... I was gaining weight consistently until about 1 week ago. Up at that point by 18 lbs. over 10 weeks (hit 232 morning weight for the first time ever). I recognized that some of that was glycogen/water retention and I had become a bit bloated. This morning I weighed in at 229 and am looking leaner with no bloat. The great news is that I've still been setting new PRs this past week. I've also noticed the lethargy that was present through my entire LGD cycle, subsided a week ago as well. My sleep has been amazing and I can finally get through the night without having to get up to pee (which became an ongoing problem during the LGD cycle).


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Any feedback or updates on SR-9009? I saw SR-9099 as well while looking around today but that was the first I saw 99...


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Any feedback or updates on SR-9009? I saw SR-9099 as well while looking around today but that was the first I saw 99...
The bioavailability just isn't there and the half life is extremely short. We were working on making a usable sr9009 product before the uk line was discontinued but it wasn't looking very promising.


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The bioavailability just isn't there and the half life is extremely short. We were working on making a usable sr9009 product before the uk line was discontinued but it wasn't looking very promising.
I agree. I picked up a bunch for a killer price when it just came into play, figuring id run it on my next one... Next one came and info was released about the bio-availability issues. I decided to give it a shot with no intentions of it working, running it the past 3 1/2 weeks. I've been dieting and adding a lil more cardio. Start weight was 196 morning weight, currently down to 184. I've also add PES Alphamine to my daily so that could be a factor also but one thing to note is im feeling stronger at a lower weight which is odd at least to me and my experiences. But I'd says my losse has lil too do with SR-9009. Also dosing timing is very annoying as it's ever couple hours and easy to forget during daily activities. Personally i would save your money and spend it on more researched products.....tons are coming out with lots of promise;)

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