SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide


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Anyone have a sleeping problem on osta? Can't sleep more than 4 hrs a night
I use zma with melatonin pre bed already
If my BP is high, that usually keeps me up or keeps me from sleeping good. It can possibly be the same issue with you.


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I take my osta upon waking up since I train morning fasted
Melatonin is 5mg

I also tried TSN sleep - melatonin 5mg + gaba in chewables
Osta doesn't affect my sleep. I try not to rely on sleep aids tbh, so limit my intake of melatonin & valerian etc.

You're not stim heavy during the day are you?

Are you wide awake after 4 hours or simply unable to get back to sleep after waking during the night?
There are so many facets to sleep disorders it's not funny. We can toss through some ideas to help you narrow it down but realistically you may need to see a pro & get assessed.


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Caffeine only in the morning via coffee then pwo
No caffeine rest of the day lately
Usually a great sleeper but past week just been horrible. Wake up and can't fall back asleep not really wide awake but not tired


Caffeine only in the morning via coffee then pwo
No caffeine rest of the day lately
Usually a great sleeper but past week just been horrible. Wake up and can't fall back asleep not really wide awake but not tired
Half a benadryl tablet usually does the trick for me if natural sleep aids aren't working but a combo of lavender oil gelcaps, lemongrass balm, and zma does great for me.


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Half a benadryl tablet usually does the trick for me if natural sleep aids aren't working but a combo of lavender oil gelcaps, lemongrass balm, and zma does great for me.
Not a good idea to rely on antihistamines for sleep aid, although I would definitely agree. You wake up groggy as hell though.
Never had better sleep than with MK 677.


Not a good idea to rely on antihistamines for sleep aid, although I would definitely agree. You wake up groggy as hell though.
Never had better sleep than with MK 677.
I agree, I'm not saying to use it every night but it works in a pinch. 6 hours felt like 12 on MK


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Not a good idea to rely on antihistamines for sleep aid, although I would definitely agree. You wake up groggy as hell though.
Never had better sleep than with MK 677.
I agree, and suggested MK-677 also.


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Caffeine only in the morning via coffee then pwo
No caffeine rest of the day lately
Usually a great sleeper but past week just been horrible. Wake up and can't fall back asleep not really wide awake but not tired
I hate to even suggest this because of the addictive nature of it but phenibut could definitely get you the sleep that you are missing out on. It is not something that should be used every day, dependance and withdrawal are real concerns, but is good for the really tough nights when you absolutely need some rest.


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I hate to even suggest this because of the addictive nature of it but phenibut could definitely get you the sleep that you are missing out on. It is not something that should be used every day, dependance and withdrawal are real concerns, but is good for the really tough nights when you absolutely need some rest.
Have a tub of it and was thinking about it


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Have a tub of it and was thinking about it
I've got some on standby because I'm a trenaholic, haven't had to use any yet but nice to know I've got it. Interested in your thoughts on it when you do try it.


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I've got some on standby because I'm a trenaholic, haven't had to use any yet but nice to know I've got it. Interested in your thoughts on it when you do try it.
Prob try a small dose tonight. Friend at scivation sent it to me a while ago and never needed it. I know tolerance builds quick


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Prob try a small dose tonight. Friend at scivation sent it to me a while ago and never needed it. I know tolerance builds quick
Phenibut is the devil! Seriously though, if you have an addictive nature about you at all, I'd suggest to stay away. A good dose of Valerian root works well for me. I also use other stuff sometimes like 10g taurine, 600mg theanine, etc though with it.


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Phenibut is the devil! Seriously though, if you have an addictive nature about you at all, I'd suggest to stay away. A good dose of Valerian root works well for me. I also use other stuff sometimes like 10g taurine, 600mg theanine, etc though with it.
True but if you take phenibit once or twice x week 500mg -1000mg max you will be fine.Is the best sleep aid ever.It makes you sleep like a dog.


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Caffeine only in the morning via coffee then pwo
No caffeine rest of the day lately
Usually a great sleeper but past week just been horrible. Wake up and can't fall back asleep not really wide awake but not tired
Curious. If you're getting to bed at the same time every night then maybe look at late night food intake, or check to see where & when you've changed supps.

Liver products are a good example, as the body cycles through your organs for cleansing & regeneration at various times in your sleep pattern. The Chinese call it the Chi Cycle, they state the liver & gall bladder will be energised for this process between 0100 - 0300 (Gall Bladder starts at 23:00). Take a cycle support product at the wrong time, especially one promoting Glutathione production, and you may inadvertently boost energy levels at that time.

They also say the liver is connected to anger, which leads me to stress & emotional change that may affect sleep.

You could also just stop the osta & see if things return to me that's preferable rather than throwing more sleep aids at the issue in a bandaid type fix.


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Need a bit of advise yates84 or anyone else...

After finishing my LGD + MK-677 cycle 11 days ago, I've been continuing running Tr3st with mk-677 and have continued to get great results... As of today, I am 4 1/2 weeks into Tr3st @ 100mg. I was intending to run it for a full 8 weeks before starting PCT.

Here's the problem... I misplaced my second bottle and took my last dose tonight pwo. I have another bottle of caps and a bottle of dermaTr3st on the way (should be here in a couple of days). Do I say **** it and cut my cycle short and start PCT tomorrow or do I go a couple days without Tr3st and pick up where I left off for the last 3 1/2 weeks?


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Need a bit of advise yates84 or anyone else...

After finishing my LGD + MK-677 cycle 11 days ago, I've been continuing running Tr3st with mk-677 and have continued to get great results... As of today, I am 4 1/2 weeks into Tr3st @ 100mg. I was intending to run it for a full 8 weeks before starting PCT.

Here's the problem... I misplaced my second bottle and took my last dose tonight pwo. I have another bottle of caps and a bottle of dermaTr3st on the way (should be here in a couple of days). Do I say **** it and cut my cycle short and start PCT tomorrow or do I go a couple days without Tr3st and pick up where I left off for the last 3 1/2 weeks?
If it's only a couple of days it should be fine.


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Not flaming but misplaced your bottle? Lol.

It's like when I was young and friends would lose their pills or weed.

Who does that?


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Not flaming but misplaced your bottle? Lol.

It's like when I was young and friends would lose their pills or weed.

Who does that?
maybe his mom found the bottle and throw anabolics to the toilet...


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If it's only a couple of days it should be fine.
Agreed. You'll probably get a good hard kick off the trest when you restart it too :D


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Not flaming but misplaced your bottle? Lol.

It's like when I was young and friends would lose their pills or weed.

Who does that?
Be like a junkie scratchin around lookin for that sweet anabolic fix :slaphappy:


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Not flaming but misplaced your bottle? Lol.

It's like when I was young and friends would lose their pills or weed.

Who does that?
maybe his mom found the bottle and throw anabolics to the toilet...
Lol... I knew when I wrote that, I'd get ****. I ordered so much stuff with the clearance sales and the discontinuation of OL Sarms... All while getting a ton of Christmas presents delivered to my house and office. Who knows... Maybe one of my kids got it in their stocking. So it's okay, flame away.

I just wanted to know if I missed a couple of days of dosing, should I be too worried. Shipping info updated to say my new stuff will arrive tomorrow, so I guess I'm good.

Thanks anyway


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Lol... I knew when I wrote that, I'd get ****. I ordered so much stuff with the clearance sales and the discontinuation of OL Sarms... All while getting a ton of Christmas presents delivered to my house and office. Who knows... Maybe one of my kids got it in their stocking. So it's okay, flame away.

I just wanted to know if I missed a couple of days of dosing, should I be too worried. Shipping info updated to say my new stuff will arrive tomorrow, so I guess I'm good.

Thanks anyway
Sh1t happens sometimes, just how it goes. Missing a few days isn't going to kill you but is pretty much like starting your cycle over. Your kids are lucky! Wish I got some trest in my stocking thus year :)


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Sh1t happens sometimes, just how it goes. Missing a few days isn't going to kill you but is pretty much like starting your cycle over. Your kids are lucky! Wish I got some trest in my stocking thus year :)
Thanks Yates. Only going to end up missing one day if the usps doesn't let me down. But now I'm wondering if I should save them up for my next cycle since they are no longer available. Oh the decisions. Lol


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Thanks Yates. Only going to end up missing one day if the usps doesn't let me down. But now I'm wondering if I should save them up for my next cycle since they are no longer available. Oh the decisions. Lol
Don't you love hard decisions such as this lol!


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Need a bit of advise yates84 or anyone else...

After finishing my LGD + MK-677 cycle 11 days ago, I've been continuing running Tr3st with mk-677 and have continued to get great results... As of today, I am 4 1/2 weeks into Tr3st @ 100mg. I was intending to run it for a full 8 weeks before starting PCT.

Here's the problem... I misplaced my second bottle and took my last dose tonight pwo. I have another bottle of caps and a bottle of dermaTr3st on the way (should be here in a couple of days). Do I say **** it and cut my cycle short and start PCT tomorrow or do I go a couple days without Tr3st and pick up where I left off for the last 3 1/2 weeks?
Lol. I've had this problem before...


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Sh1t happens sometimes, just how it goes. Missing a few days isn't going to kill you but is pretty much like starting your cycle over. Your kids are lucky! Wish I got some trest in my stocking thus year :)
Didn't you get yourself something better? :naughty:


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I'd finish your cycle if it was me, and learn from the lesson. You should be fine to continue as others have stated. What you should take from this is keep your stash on lockdown especially if you have kids in the house, cause everyone wants to be like daddy. I'd suggest you plan out your cycles with everything you need, especially AI and PCT and know where your **** is at all times. If your not sure on stuff ask away before starting something then figure it out before you need other products etc in a short time which might not be available to you.

Yah so what did you pick up???

All Creation

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Any particular reason for why I might be stronger in PCT than while on cycle? I ran an 8 week Osta cycle, with the last 4 weeks with Rad thrown on top as a finisher.

Now that I am in PCT I feel better and my lifts are stronger and they are continuing to increase.

Cycle was:
Osta 10/15/15/15/20/15/15/10
Rad 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 4/ 8/ 12/16

Using OL Super PCT and Torem 60/60/30/30.

Lethargy reeeeally started kicking in with Rad at 16mg, but post cycle bloods showed less suppression than I expected. I went from ~450 test to ~170 test.


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Any particular reason for why I might be stronger in PCT than while on cycle?
Lethargy reeeeally started kicking in
Maybe just because you had to lift in the lethargic state and now you are more motivated?


In my experience, lgd took a few weeks to kick in before I noticed strength increases and I kept the progression during the second week of PCT, prob due to test increasing. I'm not sure that 4 weeks of rad is long enough to really take advantage of the gainz


Hey guys been following along for a while, bit am kind of new to this, so I have a few questions for the experienced guys. I'll be ending my first cycle soon, 8 weeks osta rx and anafuse. I planned to run clomid 50/25/25/10, along with lecheek pct 3 ad, also daa. What do you think of this for pct? I wanted to get my hands on some of sup3r, but already have the leavers. Does it matter what time of day I take the clomid? Also, I have liquid clomid, how do you guys dose it, straight up? Mixed with something? Sorry if this is addressed somewhere in this post, I scanned through it, and through the reactor my searches found lots of conflicting info. Thanks in advance.


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Your PCT is fine. Sup3r PCT is better, but in the end its all about the clomid.
Usually one takes it in the morning, but it shouldn't matter much if you choose another time of the day.
I usually drink something with a lasting taste, than pipette the liquid in my mouth and drink something sweet immediately to wash it down as the taste of the liquids I have is totally unbearable otherwise.


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Hey guys been following along for a while, bit am kind of new to this, so I have a few questions for the experienced guys. I'll be ending my first cycle soon, 8 weeks osta rx and anafuse. I planned to run clomid 50/25/25/10, along with lecheek pct 3 ad, also daa. What do you think of this for pct? I wanted to get my hands on some of sup3r, but already have the leavers. Does it matter what time of day I take the clomid? Also, I have liquid clomid, how do you guys dose it, straight up? Mixed with something? Sorry if this is addressed somewhere in this post, I scanned through it, and through the reactor my searches found lots of conflicting info. Thanks in advance.
Pct looks fine, I see no issues. I like to dose my clomid at night before bed, helps mitigate any side effects the clomid might produce. Definitely don't mix it! Use an oral syringe and shoot your clomid in the back of your mouth, just have a chaser close by.


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I second the chaser!!!! I've never had issues dosing in the morning but maybe ill try at night next run.


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I second the chaser!!!! I've never had issues dosing in the morning but maybe ill try at night next run.
If morning worked for you then stick to it. The only thing that really matters is dose at the same time every day. If 6 am is your preferred dosing time then just make sure you dose right around 6 am every day. Consistency is key.


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If morning worked for you then stick to it. The only thing that really matters is dose at the same time every day. If 6 am is your preferred dosing time then just make sure you dose right around 6 am every day. Consistency is key.
Thanks for the info, yah I'm always interested to see if something works better for me as everyone is different.... I'm very strict on my timing for everything....maybe a lil too much sometimes.


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Pct looks fine, I see no issues. I like to dose my clomid at night before bed, helps mitigate any side effects the clomid might produce. Definitely don't mix it! Use an oral syringe and shoot your clomid in the back of your mouth, just have a chaser close by.
What sides have you experienced from Clomid? Extra emotional?


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What sides have you experienced from Clomid? Extra emotional?
Just the emotional sides but only experienced them at higher doses (100mg)


Thanks for the help guys, superb. One more question, how soon do i start pct once I'm done with my cycle, next day? I had read that it depended on the half life of the substance, and I believe osta has a 24 hr half life.


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Thanks for the help guys, superb. One more question, how soon do i start pct once I'm done with my cycle, next day? I had read that it depended on the half life of the substance, and I believe osta has a 24 hr half life.
Correct. Unless you are dealing with long ester steroids then you should start pct the day after your last dose.


Got it, The osta treated me pretty well. Experiencing a little lethargy the last couple weeks, but nothing too bad. Next time I think ill be using a test base. I picked up a few goodies before they were all gone, so i'm going to start planning my next cycle. It wont be for a while, but this time I want to make sure I have everything in place and figured out way before I start. Thanks again fellas!


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Any particular reason for why I might be stronger in PCT than while on cycle? I ran an 8 week Osta cycle, with the last 4 weeks with Rad thrown on top as a finisher.

Now that I am in PCT I feel better and my lifts are stronger and they are continuing to increase.
I've found that osta & lgd provide me with results up to 2 weeks post cycle, they just seem to linger. Haven't tried rad yet. With a good pct & natty test boosters I continue to lift as well & keep my size on for a good while after, moreso with lgd than osta. Which is curious as 20mg of osta has more effect on me than lgd, I really gotta bump lgd up to 10 - 15mg to get some action happening.


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I'd finish your cycle if it was me, and learn from the lesson. You should be fine to continue as others have stated. What you should take from this is keep your stash on lockdown especially if you have kids in the house, cause everyone wants to be like daddy. I'd suggest you plan out your cycles with everything you need, especially AI and PCT and know where your **** is at all times. If your not sure on stuff ask away before starting something then figure it out before you need other products etc in a short time which might not be available to you.

Yah so what did you pick up???
100% agree. Lesson learned.

Thanks to quick shipping from NV and the speedy USPS, I just picked up my new bottle of caps and transdermal at the PO. . I popped two caps as soon as I got in my truck. So I only ended up missing one day of dosing.

This will be my first time using a TD. Since I work out and shower in the evenings, should I apply one full pump of TD in the morning upon waking and then take two caps PWO?


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100% agree. Lesson learned.

Thanks to quick shipping from NV and the speedy USPS, I just picked up my new bottle of caps and transdermal at the PO. . I popped two caps as soon as I got in my truck. So I only ended up missing one day of dosing.

This will be my first time using a TD. Since I work out and shower in the evenings, should I apply one full pump of TD in the morning upon waking and then take two caps PWO?
I would split dose the td every 12 hours, just make one of your doses before your shower and still hit the caps pwo. This will keep blood levels as stable as possible with a big boost pwo.


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100% agree. Lesson learned.

Thanks to quick shipping from NV and the speedy USPS, I just picked up my new bottle of caps and transdermal at the PO. . I popped two caps as soon as I got in my truck. So I only ended up missing one day of dosing.

This will be my first time using a TD. Since I work out and shower in the evenings, should I apply one full pump of TD in the morning upon waking and then take two caps PWO?
Personally I'd do the 2 caps in the morning and the pump pwo after your shower. I've always thought correct me if i'm wrong, but with less oil on the skin after showering would provide better absorption. Alot of products tell you to clean the targeted area before applying.


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Personally I'd do the 2 caps in the morning and the pump pwo after your shower. I've always thought correct me if i'm wrong, but with less oil on the skin after showering would provide better absorption. Alot of products tell you to clean the targeted area before applying.
But doesn't your body absorb it best when your pores are open, like when working out?


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I would split dose the td every 12 hours, just make one of your doses before your shower and still hit the caps pwo. This will keep blood levels as stable as possible with a big boost pwo.

I was hoping I could get away with one pump rather than try to manage accurate half pumps. I tend to have a heavy hand . Maybe a syringe for accurate measuring?


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But doesn't your body absorb it best when your pores are open, like when working out?
Sorry i forgot to say after a hot shower, your correct on the pores being open.

I'll stay out of this yates84 is here.

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