How to use Formeron questions



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Brundel, will there ever be enough Folidrone to go around? I been waiting for 3 weeks and everytime I call TGB or Nutraplanet they are sold out in 3 hours and I never know when they post it. They tell me that they get 100 bottles here and maybe 200 bottles there, To me, this supplement is useless if I can never get it. I mean no disrespect by that, I been using your Formeron for months and just started Viron.
Yes there will eventually be enough to go around. Keep in mind this stuff is VERY expensive to make. double the price of Formeron. Im not BPI or Muscletech...I dont have millions of dollars. So I have to ramp up as we make money on sales. I still have a few hundred bottles at the shop and Ill be shipping out over the next few days. Ill let you guys know here in the Follidrone FAQ and in FB if it doesnt sell out before I can post again... There is another 1000 coming though and after that Ill order 2000 and then 4000 and so on until we are stable. Hang in there. Keep watching for the us to say its in stock and at worst within a month or so we should be relatively stable.


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Yes there will eventually be enough to go around. Keep in mind this stuff is VERY expensive to make. double the price of Formeron. Im not BPI or Muscletech...I dont have millions of dollars. So I have to ramp up as we make money on sales. I still have a few hundred bottles at the shop and Ill be shipping out over the next few days. Ill let you guys know here in the Follidrone FAQ and in FB if it doesnt sell out before I can post again... There is another 1000 coming though and after that Ill order 2000 and then 4000 and so on until we are stable. Hang in there. Keep watching for the us to say its in stock and at worst within a month or so we should be relatively stable.
Okay good stuff. I literally cannot wait, your products are spot on.


brundel i have a question. I will be starting a ostarine cycle in a couple of weeks (20mg for 8 weeks) and have a couple of bottles of formeron with me aswell..

Just wondering if it would be worth running the formeron alongside the osta? would there be any benefit or should i just save it for pct?


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brundel i have a question. I will be starting a ostarine cycle in a couple of weeks (20mg for 8 weeks) and have a couple of bottles of formeron with me aswell..

Just wondering if it would be worth running the formeron alongside the osta? would there be any benefit or should i just save it for pct?
Seems like Osta does cause suppression and can cause gyno in spite of research I have read on the contrary.
Im uncertain if this is because manufacturers are not actually using Ostarine (most likely reason) or what but I would recommend trading lightly and to use the FOrmeron on cycle and PCT.


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Question on a application, how long do I need to wait to sweat after application? I typically start sweating about an hour after application due to my lifestyle. Any issues with this?


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Question on a application, how long do I need to wait to sweat after application? I typically start sweating about an hour after application due to my lifestyle. Any issues with this?
Never mind. I see the answer to this on the page before. Thanks.


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So I've been looking for a good natty stack for bulking (didn't want to take steroids or prohormones simply because I didn't want to risk getting shut down and possibly permanently damaging my endocrine system).

Now your product seems amazing I just still want to clarify, if it's a prohormone how will it not shut me down even on high dosages? And how long can I be on it before I need to cycle off (if at all)... Also what products do you feel work well it? Thanks.


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So I've been looking for a good natty stack for bulking (didn't want to take steroids or prohormones simply because I didn't want to risk getting shut down and possibly permanently damaging my endocrine system).

Now your product seems amazing I just still want to clarify, if it's a prohormone how will it not shut me down even on high dosages? And how long can I be on it before I need to cycle off (if at all)... Also what products do you feel work well it? Thanks.
Formeron is primarily an AI (aromatase inhibitor).

AI's work like this- simply put.
In males estrogen is made primarily from testosterone via enzymatic conversion.

Test> Aromatase> estrogen.

An AI binds to the aromatase and either temporarily or permanently inactivates it. Permanent is a suicidal AI. non is non.

Now...because estro is made from test when estro is suppressed the body makes more test so more estro can be made.

AI's do this directly
SERMS trick the brain into thinking estro is low even though it may be high. (why you want an AI always during PCT)

Now, formeron is a mild PH but its ability to elevate test levels far outweighs any potential suppression.
Also 300mg transdermally is not a high dose. Its just a high dose for Formeron.

Ive taken 1000mg daily for short periods. At this dose it IS suppressive I believe. Not at 300 though.

I know people who have been on Formeron for years with no break for HRT estro control.
For a cycle 8-12 weeks with a month + off is fine.

Follidrone works very well with it.
As does viron or perhaps our Fat burner Incinderine which will be back in stock late next week we think.


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Brundel, I want to put together a night time sleep stack. I tried 2 Virons before bed and slept pretty good and woke up feeling great. My question is can I dose Viron and Follidrone together? or do they have to be separate?


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Brundel, I want to put together a night time sleep stack. I tried 2 Virons before bed and slept pretty good and woke up feeling great. My question is can I dose Viron and Follidrone together? or do they have to be separate?
I dose them together every night.


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Awesome guys, thanks. How is it working out?
If you mean specifically related to the Viron, then I have only noticed mildly improved sleep like you said, but that's about it. But follidrone's effects on performance ate incredible.


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If you mean specifically related to the Viron, then I have only noticed mildly improved sleep like you said, but that's about it. But follidrone's effects on performance ate incredible.
I think Viron builds momentum, this is my 3rd week and I'm noticing more effects like sleep and libido. BTW, Follidrone is the best supplement I've ever taken, and I have taken everything under the sky for the past 20 years.


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Brundel, I want to put together a night time sleep stack. I tried 2 Virons before bed and slept pretty good and woke up feeling great. My question is can I dose Viron and Follidrone together? or do they have to be separate?
Why not try Prolactrone before bed?I think I saw here in one of these threads that brundel uses it before bed.


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Why not try Prolactrone before bed?I think I saw here in one of these threads that brundel uses it before bed.
Prolactrone has 166mg 99% ldopa per cap plus 333mg 50% EGCG.
1 cap AM 1 cap before bed is how I would dose it. UNless your taking a multi vit or anything with b6/p5p. In this case take multi vit am and Pro PM.

Ldopa increases dopamine
Lowers prolactin
causes a huge spike in HGH. 19.6 on average in one study. The human normal is 0-3 so 19.6 is very high.

I get much improved sleep when I take it plus vivid dreams.


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Prolactrone has 166mg 99% ldopa per cap plus 333mg 50% EGCG.
1 cap AM 1 cap before bed is how I would dose it. UNless your taking a multi vit or anything with b6/p5p. In this case take multi vit am and Pro PM.

Ldopa increases dopamine
Lowers prolactin
causes a huge spike in HGH. 19.6 on average in one study. The human normal is 0-3 so 19.6 is very high.

I get much improved sleep when I take it plus vivid dreams.
I was trying to link him to your post but it didn't


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Why not try Prolactrone before bed?I think I saw here in one of these threads that brundel uses it before bed.
Prolactrone has 166mg 99% ldopa per cap plus 333mg 50% EGCG.
1 cap AM 1 cap before bed is how I would dose it. UNless your taking a multi vit or anything with b6/p5p. In this case take multi vit am and Pro PM.

Ldopa increases dopamine
Lowers prolactin
causes a huge spike in HGH. 19.6 on average in one study. The human normal is 0-3 so 19.6 is very high.

I get much improved sleep when I take it plus vivid dreams.
I didn't think about that, I was taking prolactrone for a couple of months and totally forgot about it ever since Follidrone came out, lol. I wasn't taking it at night though, I'll try it. Thanks!


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I stopped formeron about 3 weeks ago, when can I begin again.


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I stopped formeron about 3 weeks ago, when can I begin again.
Thank you for the response. I have a doctor's appointment (blood work) in two weeks. Should I start after doctor's appointment?


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Hi Brundel

I have been on the formeron for the past few weeks and it ran out about 2 weeks ago. It did a great job of shrinking the gyno. I started on 2 pumps per day and then decreased to 1 pump when I realised I was going to run out.

Over the past week or so, the gyno has come back a bit. What should I do?


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really?? and then stay on it for ever? Doesn't make sense to me!


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Ok, then maybe check with your doctor. This is a supplement and this isn't a medical forum, so if you are having issues that you do not want this product to assist with, then that is the route you need to go.


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Hi Brundel

I have been on the formeron for the past few weeks and it ran out about 2 weeks ago. It did a great job of shrinking the gyno. I started on 2 pumps per day and then decreased to 1 pump when I realised I was going to run out.

Over the past week or so, the gyno has come back a bit. What should I do?
Why do you have gyno in the first place?
Whats causing it? Are you on cycle?


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I was on osterine. for about 4 -6 weeks bro.. excellent gains. Osta gave me gyno but formeron reduced itStopped the cycle a 3 weeks ago but continued the formeron. . I ran out of formeron about 2 weeks back.

What would you suggest buddy?


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I was on osterine. for about 4 -6 weeks bro.. excellent gains. Osta gave me gyno but formeron reduced itStopped the cycle a 3 weeks ago but continued the formeron. . I ran out of formeron about 2 weeks back.

What would you suggest buddy?

You stopped the cycle 3 weeks ago and fan out of Formeron 2 weeks ago.
So your post cycle was 1 week of Formeron?

I recommend running a standard 4 week PCT.


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I ran formeron alongside the osta. I'll order another bottle tomorrow and restart the pct. I always thought osta didn't need PCT (then again I never thought osta would give me gyno!).

Any particular way to run the formeron? Do I do 1 pump a day until the bottle runs out or tailor off a little etc etc?


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Ive heard of guys getting gyno from osta.

As for the PCT.
I would run Formeron at 2 pumps per day for 4 weeks. 1 am 1 pm. Or even 3 pumps.
You can also add Viron 1-2 caps daily.


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okdoki. I was a moody b**tard on 2 pumps for a while.. even more on 3.. but anything to avoid sharing a bra with the wife.



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okdoki. I was a moody b**tard on 2 pumps for a while.. even more on 3.. but anything to avoid sharing a bra with the wife.

PCT especially is a time where you just feel bad for the most part. It sucks but its needed to help maintain gains and HPTA function.
If you choose to add viron it should help. I cant say for sure as everyone is different but it should help you feel better. It will for sure help the PCT work better.

When I used to run PCT Clomid was my number one most hated compound....Made me feel like jumping off a bridge.


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just waiting for the uk supplier to order in some virion - no one seems to have it here.


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Reasons why Formeron is amazing and my go-to AI

Formestane increases IGF-1 secretion and activity.
Formestane decreases the number of progesterone receptors (inhibits the trenbolone and "deca-dick" type side effects and increases fat loss)
Formestane inhibits 91.9% of aromatase enzyme production
Formestane increases HPTA activity similar to HCG and Clomid together
Formestane is anabolic and androgenic (At 500mg weekly the product is similar in effects to 250mg of Primobolan Enanthate)
Formestane is a "suicide inhibitor" of aromatase. Specifically this means that it will irreversibly bind to the aromatase enzyme and permanently deactivate it
Formestane (The sterile injectable form) possesses a 4-day half-life
Formestane decreases SHBG 34% thus increasing androgen activity.
Formestane inhibits DHT (dehydrotestosterone) formation and activity.
Formestane possesses 1% of the binding affinity of DHT to DHT receptors
Formestane has been shown to decrease prostate concerns such as BPH.
Formestane has been shown to continue to increase HPTA function above natural levels even after 22 weeks of continuous administration.


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I should add that I run this solo at 3 pumps spread 1/1/1 daily. Using Forearms, chest and delts as application sites and what I have noticed so far:

Increase in Muscle Density
Increase in Erection Quality and Duration
Increased Lean Mass gains
Increased Feeling of Well-being

Quite honestly, the best product I have used OTC. Yes, it isn't "natty", but the benefits are freakin amazing. Mild PH, AI for on cycle etc. etc.

Highly recommend.


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3 pumps per day?? Does it not run out after a week?
Lasts about 25-30 days. Pump is slow and controlled (pushing down slowly). Iaim for ~4.5ml per day.

120ml per bottle/ 4.5ml per day = 26ish days


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gotcha - any signs of weakness, depression and joint problems with oestrogen suppression with that?


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Reasons why Formeron is amazing and my go-to AI

Formestane increases IGF-1 secretion and activity.
Formestane decreases the number of progesterone receptors (inhibits the trenbolone and "deca-dick" type side effects and increases fat loss)
Formestane inhibits 91.9% of aromatase enzyme production
Formestane increases HPTA activity similar to HCG and Clomid together

Formestane is anabolic and androgenic (At 500mg weekly the product is similar in effects to 250mg of Primobolan Enanthate)
Formestane is a "suicide inhibitor" of aromatase. Specifically this means that it will irreversibly bind to the aromatase enzyme and permanently deactivate it
Formestane (The sterile injectable form) possesses a 4-day half-life
Formestane decreases SHBG 34% thus increasing androgen activity.
Formestane inhibits DHT (dehydrotestosterone) formation and activity.
Formestane possesses 1% of the binding affinity of DHT to DHT receptors
Formestane has been shown to decrease prostate concerns such as BPH.
Formestane has been shown to continue to increase HPTA function above natural levels even after 22 weeks of continuous administration.

I just read that Formestane is suppresive. What exactly does that mean?

Quote Originally Posted by Goliath1 View Post
Forma products are suppressive..


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Formestane is not suppressive at any dose we would commonly use.
Suppressive means it suppresses your natural testosterone production.
On the contrary, formeron raises testosterone levels.

At some point it will become suppressive but you would never be using it at a high enough dose for this to happen.

Ive seen blood tests from guys in the 1-4pump per day range and 100% of the results indicated test levels were rising not being suppressed.


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I used formeron in my last pct and had a great recovery.


How about some go get before & after labs done who isn't using any other products and has been off of hormonal or test boosting supps for some period of time?

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