Bulletproof MCT Coffee mixture?



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Funny, I refer to something similar in a log of mine. Using MCT fats early in the day.
My morning beverage:
10g iso whey
Coconut milk 2 oz
8 oz coffee.

10 g iso whey
1 tbls MCT oil
Full fat cream
1 Splenda


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I tried it pre workout last night and again this morning, I feel like a get a bit more of a buzz from it and the consistency is like I put half and half in the coffee. I've been drinking coffee only at work lately so the buzz could also just be from making the coffee stronger at home. It is pretty good though, I'll have to try it with the coconut oil sometime.


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Having used his brand vs a columbian organic, only thing I can sense is more of an alertness than the columbian. I get more of a stimulant effect from the organic but nothing compared to the jitterness and crappy feel I get from the keurig crap. In really depends on what "feel" you prefer. I actually use both and like the flavor of the columbian better (I like very bold flavor). I think there is something to his objections about mass produced coffee vs. his brand and other higher quality brands. He's a bit of an extremist so he takes it another level but I think if you get a high quality organic coffee, you will get the same type effects. He even admits that. So all in all, I am happy with his blend. Its more of a smooth coffee flavor and definitely lighter than the columbian I like (very bold). I like the MCT over cocunut as well...MCT has zero taste.


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Having used his brand vs a columbian organic, only thing I can sense is more of an alertness than the columbian. I get more of a stimulant effect from the organic but nothing compared to the jitterness and crappy feel I get from the keurig crap. In really depends on what "feel" you prefer. I actually use both and like the flavor of the columbian better (I like very bold flavor). I think there is something to his objections about mass produced coffee vs. his brand and other higher quality brands. He's a bit of an extremist so he takes it another level but I think if you get a high quality organic coffee, you will get the same type effects. He even admits that. So all in all, I am happy with his blend. Its more of a smooth coffee flavor and definitely lighter than the columbian I like (very bold). I like the MCT over cocunut as well...MCT has zero taste.
I do organic bold coffee with a dollop of coconut oil and some cinnamon. Tastes delicious.


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waiting for suspended.*********.com......



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Yeah Im hooked. Going to try his coffee though in the french press. I have his Kcups which aren't that great compared to this. Have to use 2 cups to get anything...

But the Columbian, MCT oil and Kerrygold unsalted butter is a potent drink. Tastes great...

Where is that poison guy? I know he runs a coffee site...I'm sure he hates this guy now. :lol:
Lol, my my.

1) That guy recommends people supplement with Provigil to make themselves smarter. Yeah ok bud. (I may try Provigil, I'm not against it; it's the recommendation to the masses without qualm that I see as DUMB).

2) Coffee with butter. Pretty original, right? Wrong. It's originally drunk in Tibet and elsewhere in the Himalayas, only they use tea and rancid yak butter. Why do they do it? Because they need a ****ton of calories doing what they do in freezing temps above 16k feet. Do you live in the Himalayas? Are you lacking sources of concentrated calories? Are you a sherpa? Ok then.

3) I must ask: what is butter? Anyone? Ok, it's churned cream. It solidifies when you beat the **** out of it. Weird, I know. So let me get this straight: somehow churned cream (ie butter, for the dense), which will float on top of your coffee all day long, instead of happily integrating itself into a delicious mocha brown brew, is supposed to be better than UNchurned cream, which we all know, love, and have been partaking of for years?

4) Mycotoxins. Oh please. Do they exist? Sure do. Are they on your coffee? Quite possibly....if you drink ****ty coffee. Something really cool happens when you buy quality coffee, though: it's worth significant amounts of money to the farmers, who put a ton of effort into making it great, so logically enough they take steps to ensure mycotoxins don't start growing on their prized crop, ensuring they can charge maximum prices. Our executive friend isn't buying from some magical, limited bean source. EVERY other good roaster, myself included, is selling mycotoxin-free coffee, but with the added bonus of probably buying even higher quality beans, and doing wacky cool stuff like roasting to order and shipping the same day. Not to mention I'm actually a ****ing good coffee roaster, not some self-proclaimed bulletproof exec trying to be good at everything.

5) Herp derp coffee is toxic, coffee is dangerous.....unless you buy mine. /bulletproofexec

Need more? :p


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I've drank poison's coffee for over a year now.

I lost 10 pounds, gained 20 lbs of muscle and I attract the finest Israeli ladies.

That is all


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I've drank poison's coffee for over a year now.

I lost 10 pounds, gained 20 lbs of muscle and I attract the finest Israeli ladies.

That is all
There you have it, folks. :lol:


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Lol, my my.

1) That guy recommends people supplement with Provigil to make themselves smarter. Yeah ok bud. (I may try Provigil, I'm not against it; it's the recommendation to the masses without qualm that I see as DUMB).

2) Coffee with butter. Pretty original, right? Wrong. It's originally drunk in Tibet and elsewhere in the Himalayas, only they use tea and rancid yak butter. Why do they do it? Because they need a ****ton of calories doing what they do in freezing temps above 16k feet. Do you live in the Himalayas? Are you lacking sources of concentrated calories? Are you a sherpa? Ok then.

3) I must ask: what is butter? Anyone? Ok, it's churned cream. It solidifies when you beat the **** out of it. Weird, I know. So let me get this straight: somehow churned cream (ie butter, for the dense), which will float on top of your coffee all day long, instead of happily integrating itself into a delicious mocha brown brew, is supposed to be better than UNchurned cream, which we all know, love, and have been partaking of for years?

4) Mycotoxins. Oh please. Do they exist? Sure do. Are they on your coffee? Quite possibly....if you drink ****ty coffee. Something really cool happens when you buy quality coffee, though: it's worth significant amounts of money to the farmers, who put a ton of effort into making it great, so logically enough they take steps to ensure mycotoxins don't start growing on their prized crop, ensuring they can charge maximum prices. Our executive friend isn't buying from some magical, limited bean source. EVERY other good roaster, myself included, is selling mycotoxin-free coffee, but with the added bonus of probably buying even higher quality beans, and doing wacky cool stuff like roasting to order and shipping the same day. Not to mention I'm actually a ****ing good coffee roaster, not some self-proclaimed bulletproof exec trying to be good at everything.

5) Herp derp coffee is toxic, coffee is dangerous.....unless you buy mine. /bulletproofexec

Need more? :p
Not sure he would disagree with most your points. He actually said he got it from the far east where highly agitated butter coffee is common. He basically is against ****ty coffee, which I believe most K-cups are these days...likes to add MCT oil and butter, and never claims he invented it. He just marketed it which is....smart.

I've moved on from his actual coffee anyway. Too mild for me.


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Not sure he would disagree with most your points. He actually said he got it from the far east where highly agitated butter coffee is common. He basically is against ****ty coffee, which I believe most K-cups are these days...likes to add MCT oil and butter, and never claims he invented it. He just marketed it which is....smart.

I've moved on from his actual coffee anyway. Too mild for me.
K-cups are awful. I've never had a good cup from a k-cup. I don't recommend any pod system, because coffee goes stale very quickly, especially when ground (and proprietary nitrogen packaging doesn't do much at all). But if you must use pods, Nespresso pods are pretty decent (for various reasons I won't bore you with), and Lavazza is not bad either.

I'm cool with his sale of coffee, but get annoyed with his spiel, which makes it sound like all other coffee is unhealthy.

As far as the butter, cream seems like the same results in a tastier package, but all things coffee boil down to one point: does it taste good to you? If so, rock on. :)

Oh, if you love butter, you need to try:

I was in Iceland last year, and was blown away by the bread and butter at the hotel breakfast. Oh my. Their cows are a different breed, the stuff they eat/graze is different, and the butter is unlike anything else I've ever had. Whole Foods has it, like $4 a block.


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As with all other things, marketing and what other people have said, get in the way of what he has said. He's actually recommended other coffees which he believes are good quality and encourages supporting local organic coffee suppliers. I just think he is against the mass produced coffee and the recent popularity of Keurig.....I think when you break everything down, he doesn't disagree with any of your points. The disagreements are minor.

His coffee is good, but I prefer a more robust and bold taste. The butter adds texture, and the MCT oil adds its own health benefits. Its good...much better than the crap K-cups I used to drink. They have progressively gotten worse. I have 2 machines collecting dust and get better results with a $30 cheap french press.


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As with all other things, marketing and what other people have said, get in the way of what he has said. He's actually recommended other coffees which he believes are good quality and encourages supporting local organic coffee suppliers. I just think he is against the mass produced coffee and the recent popularity of Keurig.....I think when you break everything down, he doesn't disagree with any of your points. The disagreements are minor.
I spent a night shift reading his site, which sounds a bit different than you say, but maybe he's more open in interviews. I'll agree with the above, more or less.

As far as brew methods, I highly recommend trying a Clever:


It provides the extended brew time of a French press with the clarity of a cone filter. Basically it's a cone filter with a stopper at the bottom. Put a filter in, put the grounds in, pour 200 degree water over, stir, let sit 3-4 minutes, and when you set it on your cup, it allows it to flow out. Awesome.

His coffee is good, but I prefer a more robust and bold taste. The butter adds texture, and the MCT oil adds its own health benefits. Its good...much better than the crap K-cups I used to drink. They have progressively gotten worse. I have 2 machines collecting dust and get better results with a $30 cheap french press.[/QUOTE]


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I spent a night shift reading his site, which sounds a bit different than you say, but maybe he's more open in interviews. I'll agree with the above, more or less.

As far as brew methods, I highly recommend trying a Clever:


It provides the extended brew time of a French press with the clarity of a cone filter. Basically it's a cone filter with a stopper at the bottom. Put a filter in, put the grounds in, pour 200 degree water over, stir, let sit 3-4 minutes, and when you set it on your cup, it allows it to flow out. Awesome.

His coffee is good, but I prefer a more robust and bold taste. The butter adds texture, and the MCT oil adds its own health benefits. Its good...much better than the crap K-cups I used to drink. They have progressively gotten worse. I have 2 machines collecting dust and get better results with a $30 cheap french press.

They need to make a clever dripper for American size coffee lol

I need 24oz in the AM.


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Lol @ Poison's posts. Lol.

I actually enjoyed the sarcastic rants ( :D ) and agree with most of what you said


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It's all tongue in cheek, coffee is fun stuff!


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I'm hooked on bulletproof coffee, Its a terrific pre-workout beverage. Keep in mind that I do follow a diet that's 90% paleo so YMMV.

  • 2 cups coffee (I use Newmans organic)
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil (trader joes virgin organic coconut oil)
  • 2 tablespoons Kerrygold grass fed butter (unsalted)
  • Blend 15-20 seconds, pour and add a dash of cinnamon on top...no sh*t, it tastes like a cappuccino.
  • The purity of the ingredients is important!
  • do not use flavored coffee.
  • do not use salted butter or cheap butter.
  • Preheat blender with hot water.


Does this makes a difference?

No ball bust, legit question ...


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I'm hooked on bulletproof coffee, Its a terrific pre-workout beverage. Keep in mind that I do follow a diet that's 90% paleo so YMMV.

  • 2 cups coffee (I use Newmans organic)
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil (trader joes virgin organic coconut oil)
  • 2 tablespoons Kerrygold grass fed butter (unsalted)
  • Blend 15-20 seconds, pour and add a dash of cinnamon on top...no sh*t, it tastes like a cappuccino.
  • The purity of the ingredients is important!
  • do not use flavored coffee.
  • do not use salted butter or cheap butter.
  • Preheat blender with hot water.
Newman own is great, as companies go, but the coffee is low grade and stale. Try fresh roasted stuff.

Btw, who put 'running with the big boys' under my name, and wth does it mean, lol?


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A difference in what way? Butter IS cream. Why would adding butter be better? (MCT oil is another story). People: drinking cream and coffee for breakfast for 600 years. If you like coffee, buy fresh roasted coffee, grind before brewing, add whatever flavorings you like (or not), and enjoy. Not too complicated.


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Newman own is great, as companies go, but the coffee is low grade and stale. Try fresh roasted stuff.

Btw, who put 'running with the big boys' under my name, and wth does it mean, lol?
It means you like cardio with fat guys


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Does this makes a difference?

No ball bust, legit question ...
In terms of pronlonged energy, for me, yes. (compared to straight coffee with no MCT).


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Almost 60 grams of fat for a pre-w/o coffee pick me up seems a bit excessive no?
[*]2 tablespoons organic coconut oil (trader joes virgin organic coconut oil) [*]2 tablespoons Kerrygold grass fed butter (unsalted) [


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Newman own is great, as companies go, but the coffee is low grade and stale. Try fresh roasted stuff.
Sh*t, I was using the Newmans organic (k-cups) thinking it was a good choice for quick and easy coffee. I have a small grinder and a French press but for the life of me I can't get a good cup of coffee out of it. I assume that I'm not using the right grind for the press...any tips?


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Almost 60 grams of fat for a pre-w/o coffee pick me up seems a bit excessive no?
I do the bulletproof coffee about 1hr-1 1/2hr before a workout on a empty stomach. So far I've had positive results. Fat is my primary source of fuel, I follow a paleo diet that's based on John Welbourn's principles. my training program is pretty exhaustive. Typical workout consists of time restricted strength training (30 min) followed by a crossfit WOD.


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Nice. Glad to hear it's working well for ya man

I do the bulletproof coffee about 1hr-1 1/2hr before a workout on a empty stomach. So far I've had positive results. Fat is my primary source of fuel, I follow a paleo diet that's based on John Welbourn's principles. my training program is pretty exhaustive. Typical workout consists of time restricted strength training (30 min) followed by a crossfit WOD.


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Sh*t, I was using the Newmans organic (k-cups) thinking it was a good choice for quick and easy coffee. I have a small grinder and a French press but for the life of me I can't get a good cup of coffee out of it. I assume that I'm not using the right grind for the press...any tips?

View attachment 95880
Well, you have to use good beans to get good coffee. So start removing variables by buying some fresh roasted coffee. If it doesn't have a roast date on it, it's no good. Use by dates are useless.

Once you get it, you can play with the grind. That's a blade grinder, right? Blade grinders are not ideal, a good burr grinder is much better, but a blade grinder should not stop you from brewing good coffee...


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Well, you have to use good beans to get good coffee. So start removing variables by buying some fresh roasted coffee. If it doesn't have a roast date on it, it's no good. Use by dates are useless. Once you get it, you can play with the grind. That's a blade grinder, right? Blade grinders are not ideal, a good burr grinder is much better, but a blade grinder should not stop you from brewing good coffee...
Will you compare/contrast your Sulawesi and Ethiopa?


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Will you compare/contrast your Sulawesi and Ethiopa?
One is over here

and one is way over there. Polar opposites. The Sulawesi is super robust, full bodied, and very balanced for an Indonesian. It's sweet and deep, but with a snappy green apple tanginess, and all kinds of herbal notes. Pretty in your face.

The Ethiopia....man, Ethiopia may be my favorite origin, and this one is awesome. I usually go for more winey, blueberry-centric, chocolatey Ethiopias; this one is all sweet stone fruit, mild cacao, and what blows me away are the Earl Grey notes, complete with bergamot. So good.

I love both!


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I just add some MCT oil and coconut oil to black coffee in a large thermos.


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I am starting to think this is a ploy for Admin and poison to launch the new coffee shop sponsorship section of AM. ;)


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I am starting to think this is a ploy for Admin and poison to launch the new coffee shop sponsorship section of AM. ;)
Lol anabolic coffees??


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Just tried this for the first time. Actually really enjoy the texture and taste! Very good. I'll let you know if I feel any different than my normal cup of joe.


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Newman's own k cups is the worst coffee I have ever had. Worse than any other k cups. Worse than gas station coffee. Worse than old coffee reheated in the microwave. It's insulting to even call it coffee. I would call it something else but whatever I called it would be insulting to the name I chose.

My recommendation is to buy a burr grinder, find a local roaster or a reputable online roaster, and buy a few different pounds of fresh whole bean coffee. If you only have a drip machine, that works, but a French press is even better. Drink it for a couple weeks, then go back to k cups. The difference is incomprehensible.


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I am starting to think this is a ploy for Admin and poison to launch the new coffee shop sponsorship section of AM. ;)
I'm in.

Lol anabolic coffees??

Newman's own k cups is the worst coffee I have ever had. Worse than any other k cups. Worse than gas station coffee. Worse than old coffee reheated in the microwave. It's insulting to even call it coffee. I would call it something else but whatever I called it would be insulting to the name I chose.

My recommendation is to buy a burr grinder, find a local roaster or a reputable online roaster, and buy a few different pounds of fresh whole bean coffee. If you only have a drip machine, that works, but a French press is even better. Drink it for a couple weeks, then go back to k cups. The difference is incomprehensible.
Kcups ALL suck. If you must have a pod system, buy Nespresso, it's the best of the bunch. They know what they are doing, and control the age of their pods fairly tightly, so even though it's not fresh, it's not horribly stale either.

But yeah, buy your own gear, and find a local roaster (or, ahem, you know....mail order ;) ). Let me make it easy.

Burr Grinders

The main thing is to grind your own coffee before brewing. Ground coffee goes stale quickly, and should be used within 2 days of grinding (and I'm being lenient), so obviously grinding at the store is a huge nono. If all you can afford is a cheap $20 blade grinder, do it.


If you are poor, but willing to put in a bit more effort, this is a great $30 hand grinder with burrs that does a better job that a blade grinder:


If you can spend $80, this burr grinder does great. There are cheaper burr grinders; DO NOT BUY THEM! They suck. The Capresso INfinity is the cheapest burr grinder that isn't absolute ****. BTW, Bed Bath and Beyond generally carries the Infinity, and they kick out 20% off coupons all the time, which may be your cheapest bet. Anyway, here:


The best burr grinder for drip brewing is the Baratza Encore. It's well made, grind quality is very good, and Baratza overall has great customer service (Capresso doesn't), and it'll last a LONG time. This is the one I recommend, if you can afford it.



There are many ways to brew coffee, but the best ones allow you to control water temperature and brew time. People tend to fixate on the brewer, but a good grinder is WAY more important, as grinding fresh, and having a consistent grind, is paramount. If you have that, you can pour 200 degree water over grounds in a cup, and let it settle, without filtering, and have an awesome cup, no brewer necessary. But most people don't need to go that native/ghetto, so...the cheapest, best brew method, IMO is the Clever Dripper. It simply kicks ass over all other methods, IMO. Cheap, simple, no muss, no fuss, and world class results. It basically combines the extended brew time of a French Press, with the convenience and clarity of a Melitta cone filter.


There is also the ever-popular French Press, which is a great way to go too (take your pick):

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias=garden&field-keywords=french press&sprefix=frenc,garden&rh=i:garden,k:french press

Some people like the Aeropress (not my favorite, but it's fine):


If you need a drip machine, realize very few actually maintain the water temps necessary for optimal brewing and maximum flavor extraction. The best combination of price vs quality is the Bonavita machine. It's essentially a knockoff of the $300 handmade-in-the-Netherlands Technivorm (which is awesome too, if you feel like throwing money around). Get the thermal carafe, not glass.



Coffee is mostly water, so of course which water you use matters. Use bottled spring water; I like Fiji, but any is better than most tap water. DO NOT USE DISTILLED. People have no idea what the water temp is when they brew by manual methods, and eyeballing it is BS, so use a steak thermometer, or buy this, and pour it at 195-200 degrees:



If I had $1 for every person who said 'I don't like coffee' then nearly dropped their pants when they tasted my stuff, I'd be a lot richer. Yeah, 99% of what's out there is absolute swill. This includes Starbucks. Let me make it really simple:

1) If it doesn't have a roast date on the bag, or they can't tell you when it was roasted, it's not fresh. 'Use by' dates? It's stale. Now, just because it has a roast date on the bag doesn't mean the roaster is good, or the beans are awesome, but it's an awesome start. So find you local roaster and give him a try.

2) The ultimate litmus: how does it taste? People get all wrapped up in the minutae of this or that, but the bottom line is what you taste. Remember, if all you've ever had is Folgers or Starbucks, you owe it to yourself to try fresh roasted coffee from a small, talented roaster.

If anyone needs more options or advice, I'm here. This is what I do, it is not just a hobby, so just ask.


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I'm a little insulted no one enjoyed my coffee gear buying guide. I put some effort into that. :lol:


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I've never found a burr grinder to do a better job than a little finesse with a $9 blade grinder, which grinds just the right amount of for a single cup.
I'm not sure how the Clever is better than a $5 Melitta dripper.
As for water... I boil it, wait a hot second, then pour. Maybe not scientifically precise, but it's still way better than a Mr. Coffee.
I agree on selecting good beans. The rest of it's a waste of time if you're picking up old, dried up, over-roasted, low quality beans.
Oh. Paper filters kind of keep some of the tasty oils out of coffee, but they're far too convenient for me to try cloth filters. I assume if you're going for orgasmic coffee, you wouldn't use paper like me.


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If anyone needs more options or advice, I'm here. This is what I do, it is not just a hobby, so just ask.
I bookmarked this as well haha.

I have the Hario Buono kettle, Bodum burr grinder (i think it was $120 at JC Penny) and the Bodum french press.

Now all I need to do is find great coffee beans! I currently just use the Dunkin Donuts whole bean.

Any suggestions on brands? I know Tim Ferriss recommends Blue Bottle.


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I bookmarked this as well haha.

I have the Hario Buono kettle, Bodum burr grinder (i think it was $120 at JC Penny) and the Bodum french press.

Now all I need to do is find great coffee beans! I currently just use the Dunkin Donuts whole bean.
$230 in gear and you use... Dunkin?! I was always a fan of getting local stuff (I haven't been "in" to coffee in a few years, but as for national brands... recently enjoyed Peet's Major Dickason's Blend and Death Wish coffee. Buy something different every time.


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$230 in gear and you use... Dunkin?! I was always a fan of getting local stuff (I haven't been "in" to coffee in a few years, but as for national brands... recently enjoyed Peet's Major Dickason's Blend and Death Wish coffee. Buy something different every time.
I use Dunkin when I run out of the other random stuff I buy!

Found an A W E S O M E bean that had a hint of chocolate and I can't find it anymore. It was just a basic bag that it came in. It was so fresh and the difference in taste compared to Dunkin was night and day.


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I bookmarked this as well haha.I have the Hario Buono kettle, Bodum burr grinder (i think it was $120 at JC Penny) and the Bodum french press.Now all I need to do is find great coffee beans! I currently just use the Dunkin Donuts whole bean.Any suggestions on brands? I know Tim Ferriss recommends Blue Bottle.
Of course I have a recommendation. ;) I roast.


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I've never found a burr grinder to do a better job than a little finesse with a $9 blade grinder, which grinds just the right amount of for a single cup.
I'm not sure how the Clever is better than a $5 Melitta dripper.
As for water... I boil it, wait a hot second, then pour. Maybe not scientifically precise, but it's still way better than a Mr. Coffee.
I agree on selecting good beans. The rest of it's a waste of time if you're picking up old, dried up, over-roasted, low quality beans.
Oh. Paper filters kind of keep some of the tasty oils out of coffee, but they're far too convenient for me to try cloth filters. I assume if you're going for orgasmic coffee, you wouldn't use paper like me.
Then you haven't tried a good burr grinder. A blade grinder creates a very non-uniform grind. The small fines over extract, and make it bitter; the large particles under extract. A good burr grinder creates more uniform grind particle size, and far better extraction of flavor. It's remarkable how much better a baratza encore is then a blade grinder, and I'm talking taste in the cup.

The clever is better because instead of just pouring through the grounds with little steep time, it has a stopper. You pour the water over the grounds in the clever, let it sit for 3-4 minutes like a french press, then set it on a cup which opens the stopper and let's it drain out. Again, a remarkable difference.

Boiling water... I can guarantee you your water is too hot, unless you live in sub zero temps. At 70 ambient temps ,it takes around 5 minutes for my kettle, when half full, to cool to 200.

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