Douchebags at the gym...



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I have never scarred my legs doing deadlifts... must be doing it wrong haha.
No socks/ sweats can apparently cut your legs. I have bruised mine and some brush burn or whatever but I have seen guys cut a lot worse.

Only way I can see is if they were pulling all legs/ really long arms and really drug it on the shins.


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Interesting, I always bruise my left thigh when I dead lift. Maybe it's a sign of a weak leg or knee.

Your weight shift backwards or you really extend your back when you bring the rep up? I never have had that issue. I am a smaller guy (180) so when I deadlift over 4 or 5 hundred pounds I really have to pull the bar into me to keep my center of weight in tight.


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Speaking of trainers... Nice latte buddy. Why do you look worse than the guy you're training? I try not to pass judgement, but get yourself right before you fix others. Or maybe it's the off-season for him?
Kilo G

Kilo G

^lol I just don't understand how these "trainers" get their jobs.


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<img src=""/>

Speaking of trainers... Nice latte buddy. Why do you look worse than the guy you're training? I try not to pass judgement, but get yourself right before you fix others. Or maybe it's the off-season for him?
Looks like one of those lazy *******s who think "hmmm how can I make money pretending in something I'm not?".. Internet search = online certification for personal trainer. Abracadabra ! You got part time Starbucks employee/personal trainer!


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Nice snooki cap lol.

Those things are great in the field but make my head too hot while exercising.


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Nice snooki cap lol.

Those things are great in the field but make my head too hot while exercising.
Shhhhh, it's the only skully that keeps my headphones in my ears and blocks out the fat people panting.


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Shhhhh, it's the only skully that keeps my headphones in my ears and blocks out the fat people panting.
Lol, I don't think I've ever heard fat people panting. It sounds obnoxious.

The majority of the people at my gym are jacked.


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Lol, I don't think I've ever heard fat people panting. It sounds obnoxious.

The majority of the people at my gym are jacked.
Kilo G

Kilo G



i was on my last set and last rep on bench press, i had no spotter, i was struggling to get the weight up, but was managing. then this guy runs up to me and pulls the bar up and racks it. when i got up he started shouting around the gym(small gym) don't lift weights that heavy without someone "helping" you.. this mofo is one of the guys who think a spotter is someone that should assist you in the positive, plus the shouting thinking he is right wtf!


Yeah I'm still hoodie/beanie guy. I like to get a solid sweat going, and for some reason it keeps people from talking to me. Win/win
People wear beanies to my gym....I live in Florida...nuff said


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People wear beanies to my gym....I live in Florida...nuff said
Floridians are stupid? Douchebags? Not clear on your point, gator boy.

Quick edit; the above is meant as a joke, in a thread full of levity. I got a fawking PM about this (not from this poster), so I thought I'd better clarify.


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Floridians are stupid? Douchebags? Not clear on your point, gator boy.

Quick edit; the above is meant as a joke, in a thread full of levity. I got a fawking PM about this (not from this poster), so I thought I'd better clarify.
Wait, do mods actually care about what we post now? :smileeek:

Haha, that's kinda cool..


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It wasn't a mod. Apparently a disgruntled Floridian. They're a sensitive bunch.


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It wasn't a mod. Apparently a disgruntled Floridian. They're a sensitive bunch.
I knew it was too good to be true...

I know I would get defensive if I was a Florida native? :toofunny:


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It wasn't a mod. Apparently a disgruntled Floridian. They're a sensitive bunch.
If you had to deal with all the blue hairs on the roads down there you'd be a little on edge as well.


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So I was at the gym this morning and there were a couple high school age kids in there. What happened next I couldn't believe, they were doing pullups using the bar in the smith machine. And not with the bar up all the way, they had to bend their knees 90 degrees to even hang. Dumbfounded.


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So I was at the gym this morning and there were a couple high school age kids in there. What happened next I couldn't believe, they were doing pullups using the bar in the smith machine. And not with the bar up all the way, they had to bend their knees 90 degrees to even hang. Dumbfounded.
Perhaps they were afraid of heights. :)


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Very interesting.


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I'm gonna try that today .. But I'm not gonna do chin ups. I'm gonna just hang from the bar with a lolly pop in my mouth and a cut off belly shirt and stare at people.
Kilo G

Kilo G

I'm gonna try that today .. But I'm not gonna do chin ups. I'm gonna just hang from the bar with a lolly pop in my mouth and a cut off belly shirt and stare at people.
Lmfao - that was a funny image.


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I'm gonna try that today .. But I'm not gonna do chin ups. I'm gonna just hang from the bar with a lolly pop in my mouth and a cut off belly shirt and stare at people.
Someone told me that was your protocol anyway. Not saying who though...


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I'm not as silly in real life.... I only have one and leg and girls think I'm short.
Kilo G

Kilo G

I'm not as silly in real life.... I only have one and leg and girls think I'm short.
"Ohhhhhh noooo(Bruce from family guy)"

That's cold brah lol

*q'd in for ****storm*


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I'm gonna try that today .. But I'm not gonna do chin ups. I'm gonna just hang from the bar with a lolly pop in my mouth and a cut off belly shirt and stare at people.
Ok pass the brain bleach that is not a mental image I want.


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I guess you could say I was a douche today. Saw some guys doing deadlifts with 135. I try to bite my tongue but damn it was horrible haha. Gave some advice but they went on using terrible form. To be honest Idk where they got the idea to do deadlifts. Hell one of them was even doing "sumo"ish deadlifts. Went to the locker room to get my stuff and came out to see they had loaded the bar up with 185.


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I guess you could say I was a douche today. Saw some guys doing deadlifts with 135. I try to bite my tongue but damn it was horrible haha. Gave some advice but they went on using terrible form. To be honest Idk where they got the idea to do deadlifts. Hell one of them was even doing "sumo"ish deadlifts. Went to the locker room to get my stuff and came out to see they had loaded the bar up with 185.
It's all in how you give the advice. If your like "hey f*ckwad, you're an idiot, this is how you do it"-then yeah a little douchey.

But if it was constructive criticism and advice then I wouldn't call it a douche move. I had a trainer come up to me and gave me some advice a few months back. It was actually helpful and I thanked him.


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Dead lift heros... I lent a guy my straps today so he could shrug like 185.... LOL


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Dead lift heros... I lent a guy my straps today so he could shrug like 185.... LOL
I must get laughed at cus I've using straps to hold on to anything over 225lbs lately (deads/bb shrugs) because my wrists where messed up bad and right radius broken in half last fall. I make it up to 365 before its just to painful on my wrists/forearms or feels like I'm gonna **** something up again. Sucks when injuries make you look like your struggling with the weight when it's the injury messin your world up. I'm a grunter too so that doesn't help :-/


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I must get laughed at cus I've using straps to hold on to anything over 225lbs lately (deads/bb shrugs) because my wrists where messed up bad and right radius broken in half last fall. I make it up to 365 before its just to painful on my wrists/forearms or feels like I'm gonna **** something up again. Sucks when injuries make you look like your struggling with the weight when it's the injury messin your world up. I'm a grunter too so that doesn't help :-/
I'm always grabbing my right wrist wincing like a little poon after just about every lift. If only I would of gone to the doctor lol


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It's all in how you give the advice. If your like "hey f*ckwad, you're an idiot, this is how you do it"-then yeah a little douchey.

But if it was constructive criticism and advice then I wouldn't call it a douche move. I had a trainer come up to me and gave me some advice a few months back. It was actually helpful and I thanked him.
No I only stepped in because I was seriously scared haha. I try not to get involved because people usually dont listen. There was literally nothing right with his form. He had his hands inside his knees... he wasnt doing sumos.


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No I only stepped in because I was seriously scared haha. I try not to get involved because people usually dont listen. There was literally nothing right with his form. He had his hands inside his knees... he wasnt doing sumos.
Reminds me of the two kids I saw attempting to squat last night. I literally can't imagine how their technique could be any worse.

There was one thin(ish) guy who would decide how much he and his very fat mate could lift (132lbs including the bar) and they would then take it in turns to grab the bar like they could only have learned from watching Worlds Strongest Man.
Thin guy would go first and stand with his feet as wide as the squat rack, bend his knees inwards so they were almost touching and then bend his back to lower the weight. To bring the weight back up, he would lift his heels and press with his toes until his knees bent back into position.

Once he was done, he would then give his fat mate advice on how to replicate his awesome technique as if he had been lifting his entire life.

I honestly thought something was going to snap!


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No I only stepped in because I was seriously scared haha. I try not to get involved because people usually dont listen. There was literally nothing right with his form. He had his hands inside his knees... he wasnt doing sumos.
Haha...yeah I usually don't say anything either. Had a guy next to me the other day doing some kind of squat good morning all in one routine. He would lower his butt an inch at the same time lower his upper back to just above parallel.

But I did step in last month when a woman was trying to use the hack squat obviously for the first time. She loaded it up an sat in the hack squat, but couldn't figure how to lower it. I thought she would be able to figure it out, and I was having a good laugh. So I didn't say anything. But she proceeds to try raise the bar you load the weights on with her left upper arm and release the level with left hand. Meanwhile her right hand was in the track. Even with ten pounds loaded on, it would have been painful. So I ran over stopped and told her how to do it right.


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Reminds me of the two kids I saw attempting to squat last night. I literally can't imagine how their technique could be any worse.

There was one thin(ish) guy who would decide how much he and his very fat mate could lift (132lbs including the bar) and they would then take it in turns to grab the bar like they could only have learned from watching Worlds Strongest Man.
Thin guy would go first and stand with his feet as wide as the squat rack, bend his knees inwards so they were almost touching and then bend his back to lower the weight. To bring the weight back up, he would lift his heels and press with his toes until his knees bent back into position.

Once he was done, he would then give his fat mate advice on how to replicate his awesome technique as if he had been lifting his entire life.

I honestly thought something was going to snap!

Maybe he was trying to combine Good mornings and calf extensions? LOL


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I must get laughed at cus I've using straps to hold on to anything over 225lbs lately (deads/bb shrugs) because my wrists where messed up bad and right radius broken in half last fall. I make it up to 365 before its just to painful on my wrists/forearms or feels like I'm gonna **** something up again. Sucks when injuries make you look like your struggling with the weight when it's the injury messin your world up. I'm a grunter too so that doesn't help :-/
It's all good. I just usually set up shrugs so I can just the weight on the rack and it will be right below hip level so I can ditch it. This kid was perfectly healthy, I understand injuries. Fractured vertebrae, bulged discs, dislocated SI joint about a year and a half ago, It's almost always pain from that which ends up holding me back in deads and squats. No shame in that, as long as your being smart and working to heal and get better and stronger.

Grunting is fine in moderation too, I do when I squat and dead. Not a lot.


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F'ing Dbag storm in here right now, one guy doing bb curls on bench press rack, chick next to him doing step ups on the bench press rack next to him and then a guy doing quarter squats on smith. Oh wait another one just started doing bb curls on the preacher bench. The German in me is tweaking out right now, I'm about ready to freak on these idiots.


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F'ing Dbag storm in here right now, one guy doing bb curls on bench press rack, chick next to him doing step ups on the bench press rack next to him and then a guy doing quarter squats on smith. Oh wait another one just started doing bb curls on the preacher bench. The German in me is tweaking out right now, I'm about ready to freak on these idiots.
Do it.


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Grunting is fine in moderation too, I do when I squat and dead. Not a lot.
Pretty much the only two things I grunt on too. Squats I grunt the worst and I cant squat ****. I hold the bar with one or two fingers because my shoulder injuries effect my ROM so I have a problem keeping weight on my back over 265lb. I try to make up for it with hacks and the sled since the gym won't get a SSB in. Funny thing is the more I try and hold back a grunt the uglier or strange sounding it comes out. Last week a high pitched squeal came out and heads turned and my eyes got real big staring in the mirror like , **** that just came outa me damnit lol


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Pretty much the only two things I grunt on too. Squats I grunt the worst and I cant squat ****. I hold the bar with one or two fingers because my shoulder injuries effect my ROM so I have a problem keeping weight on my back over 265lb. I try to make up for it with hacks and the sled since the gym won't get a SSB in. Funny thing is the more I try and hold back a grunt the uglier or strange sounding it comes out. Last week a high pitched squeal came out and heads turned and my eyes got real big staring in the mirror like , **** that just came outa me damnit lol
Speaking of the 'squeal'........DBags at the gym.....all those guys that watch too many Scott Herman Fitness videos and then sound like the freakin Karate Kid with every rep.


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Haha, it offers some entertainment I admit. I seriously could take at least 5 pictures of classic and new found douchbaggery on a daily basis. The guy that works the desk was working out the other day. Skinny dude , doesn't lift often. Anyway I watched him wheel a bench from a perfectly clear area into the rack backwards so he could put his feet on the spot platforms while he did DB flys during peak gym hours. I walked by and looked at him with a half grin and he looked at me and just nodded like he was in the zone puttin work in mr serious.

I'm currently looking for a more suitable gym within reasonable distance but the only thing close by is 2 "Planet Fitmesses" in either direction. I'm surrounded by the mother ships! Send back up now damnit!!!
You need to move! haha


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All the talk of grunting made me think of this one guy that hasn't been in in awhile. He was a pretty big dude with a small waist. He would yell with EVERY rep. Doin sets of 10 on Deadlifts and yelling every rep like it was his last. Then, of course, the obligatory throw the barbell down and scream on your last rep like you are a bad ass.


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All the talk of grunting made me think of this one guy that hasn't been in in awhile. He was a pretty big dude with a small waist. He would yell with EVERY rep. Doin sets of 10 on Deadlifts and yelling every rep like it was his last. Then, of course, the obligatory throw the barbell down and scream on your last rep like you are a bad ass.
Ill admit doing that (yelling and throwin ****)is kinda fun but I don't unless I'm working out in my yard with my own equipment. That way the neighbors continue to think I'm a nut job still (in turn keeps their buisiness outa mine) and if I break equipment the only person it effects is me.


I hate people who snipe the squat rack for curls
I ****ing **** you not I am warming up today to get to my working sets at 365. So there's 275 on the bar I rack it and step out and sit down to start charting my squats as I am doing the cube.
Guy literally veers around me and unhooked the catches on the rack and walks to start peeling my I am in my belt prepping to load more and squat and he does this. So I say hey man I'm just getting started... he goes my bad I thought you were done.


he then unracks a different barbell and fails to put my catches back grabs his butt buddy and does swinging ape orangutan curls.

Dude was wearing jeans a beater and a backward baseball cap......douche.


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I hate people who snipe the squat rack for curls
I ****ing **** you not I am warming up today to get to my working sets at 365. So there's 275 on the bar I rack it and step out and sit down to start charting my squats as I am doing the cube.
Guy literally veers around me and unhooked the catches on the rack and walks to start peeling my I am in my belt prepping to load more and squat and he does this. So I say hey man I'm just getting started... he goes my bad I thought you were done.


he then unracks a different barbell and fails to put my catches back grabs his butt buddy and does swinging ape orangutan curls.

Dude was wearing jeans a beater and a backward baseball cap......douche.
The idiots are seeming to come out more and more as the spring and summer come around. Seriously I think like 4 weeks ago this thread died down to a post or two a! Idiots unracking your weights *worst is they don't ****ing fix that **** when you say you aren't done*, the last two days in a row there has been an overly concerning amount of weights left around the floor and never reracked. I almost think it's the personal trainer there that likes to just do pump sets the entire day while training. I need to go right now and I almost hate the fact that I have to workout during the day now. I used to always go early early am or late pm when mostly it was just me. These idiots are pissing me off, starting to dislike my gym
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