HWD gets vanilLEAN with BPS



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Got a casting call from my modeling agent for playgirl lol that may be a conflict of my career but what's more important...


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Got a casting call from my modeling agent for playgirl lol that may be a conflict of my career but what's more important...
Omfg!! That's funny as hell. Do it


Got a casting call from my modeling agent for playgirl lol that may be a conflict of my career but what's more important...
**** yea bro!


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Wear a mask or something


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haha do it to it, bro!

on a vanillean note, I'm dosing it now myself. Are you noticing any amplification of other products' effects?


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Got a casting call from my modeling agent for playgirl lol that may be a conflict of my career but what's more important...
Do it! That would be sick! May as well do it young in your career before later...


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Just do it. You can go under the name mike Hancho


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Ok bros here is my pre shoot shoot cycle lined up....

T minus 10 weeks until go so the first four is a simple cut with my vanillean and my test E I'm on now here is my 6 week cut cycle prior to my shoot:

Week 1-6 vanillean
Week 1-6 winny...need a recommended dose
Week 2-6 clen plus Keto
Week 2-6 t3 25mcg a day
Week 1-6 PNI topical fat loss :) shhhhhh
Meanwhile ill be on my test E at 650mg

I'm sitting steady at 205 at the moment so my goal is 7-8% bf prior to the shoot so to give you an idea my avi is me at 180lbs at 9.5% bf and when I get to 8%bf ill weigh 190lbs soooooo

Leanest was nov: 180lbs 9.5% bf
Goal for this photo shoot in 10 weeks
190lbs at 8% bf which means I'd be up about 15lbs of muscle since my last photo shoot :) yay

Notes about vanillean...well I carbed up bc this was my last dose of sdrol and I'm hitting back and chest so I needed them well here is me as of today...no pump yet and full of carbs plus my face is puffy from the blackberry problem last night lol


^^^^^ good stuff!!!! A 4 pack and nice lats at 205 while being carb bloated!!! FANTASTIC JOB BPS!!!!! So happy I ordered 2 more bottles lol
Cary K

Cary K

Well-known member
Ok bros here is my pre shoot shoot cycle lined up....

T minus 10 weeks until go so the first four is a simple cut with my vanillean and my test E I'm on now here is my 6 week cut cycle prior to my shoot:

Week 1-6 vanillean
Week 1-6 winny...need a recommended dose
Week 2-6 clen plus Keto
Week 2-6 t3 25mcg a day
Week 1-6 PNI topical fat loss :) shhhhhh
Meanwhile ill be on my test E at 650mg

I'm sitting steady at 205 at the moment so my goal is 7-8% bf prior to the shoot so to give you an idea my avi is me at 180lbs at 9.5% bf and when I get to 8%bf ill weigh 190lbs soooooo

Leanest was nov: 180lbs 9.5% bf
Goal for this photo shoot in 10 weeks
190lbs at 8% bf which means I'd be up about 15lbs of muscle since my last photo shoot :) yay

Notes about vanillean...well I carbed up bc this was my last dose of sdrol and I'm hitting back and chest so I needed them well here is me as of today...no pump yet and full of carbs plus my face is puffy from the blackberry problem last night lol

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=72595"/>

^^^^^ good stuff!!!! A 4 pack and nice lats at 205 while being carb bloated!!! FANTASTIC JOB BPS!!!!! So happy I ordered 2 more bottles lol
Hell yea bro, sounds like you have got yourself a hell of a plan there!!


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Awesome stack!pni topical huh!


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Ok bros here is my pre shoot shoot cycle lined up....

T minus 10 weeks until go so the first four is a simple cut with my vanillean and my test E I'm on now here is my 6 week cut cycle prior to my shoot:

Week 1-6 vanillean
Week 1-6 winny...need a recommended dose
Week 2-6 clen plus Keto
Week 2-6 t3 25mcg a day
Week 1-6 PNI topical fat loss :) shhhhhh
Meanwhile ill be on my test E at 650mg

I'm sitting steady at 205 at the moment so my goal is 7-8% bf prior to the shoot so to give you an idea my avi is me at 180lbs at 9.5% bf and when I get to 8%bf ill weigh 190lbs soooooo

Leanest was nov: 180lbs 9.5% bf
Goal for this photo shoot in 10 weeks
190lbs at 8% bf which means I'd be up about 15lbs of muscle since my last photo shoot :) yay

Notes about vanillean...well I carbed up bc this was my last dose of sdrol and I'm hitting back and chest so I needed them well here is me as of today...no pump yet and full of carbs plus my face is puffy from the blackberry problem last night lol

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=72595"/>

^^^^^ good stuff!!!! A 4 pack and nice lats at 205 while being carb bloated!!! FANTASTIC JOB BPS!!!!! So happy I ordered 2 more bottles lol
Looks like quite a ride for the next 10 weeks bro! Assuming your winny is oral you can dose from 50-100mg/day. Id say if you have enough of it start at 50 the first few days to make sure you don't react negatively and then bump to 75 or 100 for the rest. Test, winny, t3, Clen and keto is a serious shred up cycle! If you're not already, start superdosing some joint support supps, winny made my joints hurt pretty bad.


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Winny doseage will depend on how you react.

I was actually going to recommend some advanced frontloading advice but I am going to PM it to you. Don't want a bunch of people seeing what I'm about to recommend and try it Haha.


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Winny doseage will depend on how you react.

I was actually going to recommend some advanced frontloading advice but I am going to PM it to you. Don't want a bunch of people seeing what I'm about to recommend and try it Haha.
Awesome bro I'm game :)


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Winny doseage will depend on how you react.

I was actually going to recommend some advanced frontloading advice but I am going to PM it to you. Don't want a bunch of people seeing what I'm about to recommend and try it Haha.
Ancient Chinese secret?


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Day 6

Workout: back n bis nothing crazy just did a nice workout and did lots of cardio

Diet: didn't eat to much just hamburger n protein plus loads of egg beaters yum

Notes: really feeling this stuff lol wow it feels like my belly is burning but a good burning like it's working...sweating is about the same so far and my weigh is unchanged but I look leaner day by day...I'm excited to see how lean I get over the next 3 weeks :)


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Please share! I'll probably run winny again in the future, I'm curious what your dosing looks like
Hit HWD up and he can forward the PM to you... if he is feeling nice lol. I hate posting heavy doseage procedures on the forum openly for everyone to see (especially newbs). There is certain stuff you need to learn before trying more advanced stuff. Gotta know how to do it in the safest way possible.


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Hit HWD up and he can forward the PM to you... if he is feeling nice lol. I hate posting heavy doseage procedures on the forum openly for everyone to see (especially newbs). There is certain stuff you need to learn before trying more advanced stuff. Gotta know how to do it in the safest way possible.
Very very true dave


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Well well well....lol um guess I got a nice two week break from work to lift now...got suspended with pay today....lol oh god people are so stupid...ill be back to work in two weeks though
Cary K

Cary K

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Well well well....lol um guess I got a nice two week break from work to lift now...got suspended with pay today....lol oh god people are so stupid...ill be back to work in two weeks though
Holy crap!!!


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Lol my chief even laughed but if something wasnt done the newspaper would of ripped my department a new ******* so Ill take the free vacation haha
Lol hell yeah! 3-a-days!!! You will be able to get lean as fock!!


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2 *******s were deff drunk sitting behind me and my girl at the movies and they were so loud holy **** I was getting mad...22$ for movie tickets I wanna enjoy my movie....so I turned around and asked them to be quite they laughed and got louder then I stood up and told them to **** the **** up and they stopped....5 mins later they threw popcorn as us and asked if that was 3D enough for me well....I stood up as did they and then a nice scuffle started lol oh boy it was fun two drunk dicks and me going at it well one went right down the step and the other punched me in the back of head when I was turned around so when I turned around I broke his ****ing face haha...anyone whose ever fought (specially airborne) knows when your punching someone in the face and your hand starts getting wet it makes you not want to stop lol with the adrenaline going crazy and the blood on your hand it's crazy **** so needless to say the cops had to come and didn't cuff me or anything but took me to their station and called my
Chief and he came and saved my ass lol I didn't get charged with anything since the two drunks were told if they wanted to press charges they would be charged with the same plus public intoxication

Cary K

Cary K

Well-known member
2 *******s were deff drunk sitting behind me and my girl at the movies and they were so loud holy **** I was getting mad...22$ for movie tickets I wanna enjoy my movie....so I turned around and asked them to be quite they laughed and got louder then I stood up and told them to **** the **** up and they stopped....5 mins later they threw popcorn as us and asked if that was 3D enough for me well....I stood up as did they and then a nice scuffle started lol oh boy it was fun two drunk dicks and me going at it well one went right down the step and the other punched me in the back of head when I was turned around so when I turned around I broke his ****ing face haha...anyone whose ever fought (specially airborne) knows when your punching someone in the face and your hand starts getting wet it makes you not want to stop lol with the adrenaline going crazy and the blood on your hand it's crazy **** so needless to say the cops had to come and didn't cuff me or anything but took me to their station and called my
Chief and he came and saved my ass lol I didn't get charged with anything since the two drunks were told if they wanted to press charges they would be charged with the same plus public intoxication

Hell, at least you got to kick a little ass and experience that "blood-lust"


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2 *******s were deff drunk sitting behind me and my girl at the movies and they were so loud holy **** I was getting mad...22$ for movie tickets I wanna enjoy my movie....so I turned around and asked them to be quite they laughed and got louder then I stood up and told them to **** the **** up and they stopped....5 mins later they threw popcorn as us and asked if that was 3D enough for me well....I stood up as did they and then a nice scuffle started lol oh boy it was fun two drunk dicks and me going at it well one went right down the step and the other punched me in the back of head when I was turned around so when I turned around I broke his ****ing face haha...anyone whose ever fought (specially airborne) knows when your punching someone in the face and your hand starts getting wet it makes you not want to stop lol with the adrenaline going crazy and the blood on your hand it's crazy **** so needless to say the cops had to come and didn't cuff me or anything but took me to their station and called my
Chief and he came and saved my ass lol I didn't get charged with anything since the two drunks were told if they wanted to press charges they would be charged with the same plus public intoxication

Focking biblical!! I know what you mean about when your knuckles turn wet.... especially if you see red and its almost a blackout rage until someone pulls you off..


Oooooh yes I know what you mean exactly my brother :) I try to refrain from fighting haha but sometimes I just wanna


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Hell, at least you got to kick a little ass and experience that "blood-lust"
Focking biblical!! I know what you mean about when your knuckles turn wet.... especially if you see red and its almost a blackout rage until someone pulls you off..
Oh yes I was right at that black out point but I always carry off duty so I'm afraid if I would of lost control I would of blew his brains out just happy my girl was there to make me relax lol I took my shirt off bc I had a wifebeater on man I bet I looked sick being escorted out with a wife beater on a sick pump and blood on me haha now that would of been an AVI!!!!! Haha thanks bros time for 2 a days now yummmm


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2 weeks with pay - that's the kind of discipline I want my job to dole out!
Go be a teacher :p teacher in my local school was suspended two years yes YEARS for sexting a student an they paid him 70k a year for those two years....made me sick lol


Just picture two drunk asses throwing popcorn at your pregnant girl....yeah haha
Ehh yea... I would lose it... Beat ass and after shove my .45 down there throat... Put the fear of god in them


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2 *******s were deff drunk sitting behind me and my girl at the movies and they were so loud holy **** I was getting mad...22$ for movie tickets I wanna enjoy my movie....so I turned around and asked them to be quite they laughed and got louder then I stood up and told them to **** the **** up and they stopped....5 mins later they threw popcorn as us and asked if that was 3D enough for me well....I stood up as did they and then a nice scuffle started lol oh boy it was fun two drunk dicks and me going at it well one went right down the step and the other punched me in the back of head when I was turned around so when I turned around I broke his ****ing face haha...anyone whose ever fought (specially airborne) knows when your punching someone in the face and your hand starts getting wet it makes you not want to stop lol with the adrenaline going crazy and the blood on your hand it's crazy **** so needless to say the cops had to come and didn't cuff me or anything but took me to their station and called my
Chief and he came and saved my ass lol I didn't get charged with anything since the two drunks were told if they wanted to press charges they would be charged with the same plus public intoxication

Nice work! I hate people like that


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You heard it here first, folks. Vanillean causes you to kick ass!


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You heard it here first, folks. Vanillean causes you to kick ass!
FACT!! and it causes you to get 2 weeks paid vacation...


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Waitt is this possible? I just got REALLY mad bc I couldn't find a sock and had to remake my bed after sex.. Like PISSED... yiure supposed to be calm after sex
Wait, so you have sex with a sock and got pissed off because the sheets got messed up?

Get a grip.


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Wait, so you have sex with a sock and got pissed off because the sheets got messed up?

Get a grip.
Hahaa. No my "ex".. And before the gym too.. I was mad about that too bc it kills my drive for a while

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