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typing on my phone, I work...unlike someone.
Ha! Touche! But it could be anyone, any day...besides, my new gig starts next week. It was a nice vacation...and not because of any excuses or tragedy. So by all means, please go back to work.


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PCT-Day 16


Forearm splints are kicking my ass...popped open the Formadrol (thanks again, Met) and took two before my morning workout. Chest/delt tie-in let me know it was still there, but not too much pain. I don't think it's anything serious.

4:15 am: 2 Formadrol, shower
Before leaving: Fish oil, 4 Prime, 2 Pink Magic, 1 OEP, 1 E-911, Animal Pak, 1 Receptor, 3 scoops ASGT, 3 scoops AP.

Workout: Legs, Tris (Arrrgh!! I don't have the weights and sets available because I left my training book at the gym, in my locker. Damn! But strength is still slowly climbing. Also hit PRs on Deadlifts (which I haven't done in MONTHS) and Leg Press Machine Calf Raises (765x100)).

Anxious to see how the Formadrol treats me. Stay tuned.


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Okay back to focusing in the PCT... Let's see some azz kicking in here.


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PCT-Day 17

Oy...I'm sore all over...but that's a good thing...

I think the Formadrol was right on's starting to kick in. Does it have recovery properties? The reason I ask is, it usually takes me 2 hours to do this workout from Muscle and Fitness. Today, I was able to knock it out in an hour and 25 minutes! I mean, I was like the Energizer bunny! I just seemed to recover more quickly between sets, even the heavier ones! Either that, or my strength is just going through the roof.

4:15am: 2 caps Formadrol, shower
Before leaving: 4 Prime, 2 Pink Magic, 1 Receptor, 1 OEP, Fish Oil, Animal Pak, 2 scoops ASGT, 3 scoops AP, 1 E-911

Workout: Shoulders, Back

Overhead Barbell Press: 115x10, 140x5, 160x3, 195x7, 195x6, 195x6, 195x6, 160x18
BB Upright Row: 60x8, 70x8, 80x8
Lat Raises: 30x8 (3 sets)
BB Bent-Over Rows: 135x10, 165x5, 190x3, 230x6 (4 sets), 190x15
Reverse-Grip Pulldowns: 110x8, 130x8, 160x8
Cable Rows: 140x8, 150x8, 170x8
BB Shrugs: 230x10, 275x5, 320x3, 390x6 (4 sets), 320x22

Postal w/1 scoop each of ON Casein and ON Whey was consumed 30 minutes post-workout.

My back and shoulders are killing me, I'm walking like Fred Sanford, but it was WORTH IT. I guess we're all crazy like that. Plus I think the Formadrol made me a bit angrier than I already am (if that's possible, lol!). Every little thing on the way to the gym just pissed me the fukk off. I just incorporated it into my workout, didn't say anything to anyone but myself, cussing and sh!t between sets. I got some strange looks, but people left me the fck alone. Thankfully, no one tested me on the way home, so I was cool. My GF did catch it full force earlier, though...I apologized.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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man those are some impressive numbers my brother!!


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Great work and yes the extra test definitely helps recovery. That and gives extra drive to want to go harder and faster.


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Hows about lending me some of that BEAST action you have there in the numbers... My word man!!!! Keep doing big things.


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You're not doing bad yourself, E!!! Will update later. Been a rough couple of days.


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PCT-Days 21 and 22

Sorry for not posting the last couple of days...they kinda sucked, but hey, that's life. Weight is back up to 325, thanks to a weekend of eating whatever the hell I wanted (Kleen's gonna KILL me), although I do look significantly better than I did at the "old" 325, I know, I's still not the point.

Yesterday's Workout: Chest, Biceps

Bench: 230x10, 275x5, 325x3, 390x4 (I don't know WHAT happened to my strength here), 370x6, 370x6, 365x6, 325x12

Incline Bench: 225x8, 245x8, 275x8

Cable C/O (weight is per side): 70X8, 80X8, 100X8

Curls: 60x10, 70x5, 80x3, 95x6 (4 sets), 80x15

Preacher Curls: 85x8, 90x8, 90x8

Hammer Curls: 45x8 (3 sets)

I have no idea what happened with the 390....I was expecting to equal or even exceed last week. Maybe I was still concerned with the tightness of my chest/delt tie-in from last week....maybe it was a mental block. I don't know, but it PISSED ME THE FUKK OFF! I was pleased, however, with the 100x8 on the cable crossovers; they were relatively easy and a PR. Who knows.

On to today....complete disaster. My back started bothering me as soon as I started squatting. Maybe I need to incorporate some kind of core exercises or something. It started hurting so bad I ended them after the third set. I was so disgusted with my performance and resulting lack of focus that I just left the gym. No sense in lifting if you're not into it; that's a sure-fire recipe for disaster, i.e. hurting yourself. Complete waste of fukking time! I'll make the rest of today's workout up on Thursday, which would usually be my off day. But I can't let this go.

Very happy with the Formadrol so far, things are going well. It just makes me so damn ANGRY, angrier than I already am. They say steroids amplify who you already are, so it'll be very interesting (to say the least) when I come to the Dark Side. I remember how I was on Superdrol....whoo!


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Well you probably wont get much more volatile than you were on SDrol that is about as androgenic is it gets man. Test would be much less of an issue than SDROL as far as that goes.


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PCT-Day 23

"Happy Birthday to me....Happy Muthafukking me...."

-Kenny, "Oz"

Yeah, today's my B-Day. And my back still hurts. But I took my ass to the gym regardless. I did NOT do any lower-back work (that would have been stupid), but I did do shoulders and a bit of upper back. So while I still felt the pain to a degree, it wasn't debilitating as if I had, say, done some BB rows or some other dumb sh*t like that. GF gave me $200, so that was a plus. Now to see if I can get a free meal from either my sister or my best friend...LOL!

Supps were taken, feeling OK for a 43-year-old. I will decline from now on to provide personal info, as someone on here threw my jobless situation in my face, which was a serious low blow and out-of-bounds. So call it a lesson learned. I know who my friends are on here...and I don't have many. It's cool, though. I'd rather be respected and feared than loved--that's from one of my favorite movies, "A Bronx Tale.":bigok:


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:birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance::birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol Happy Birthday wild man!!!! hope you RELAX and have a great day!!!


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:birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance::birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance: :birthday: :dance:
Thank you.


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Hey you said you started taking joint supplements. Do you still take them? How did it go for you?


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Hey you said you started taking joint supplements. Do you still take them? How did it go for you?
Yeah, I'm still taking the fish oils and the MSM/Glucosamine. It's working pretty well, some forearm splints but nothing like I had before. I'm going to try and get some Alflutop. That should work well.


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I can have someone killed if you need that service ex!


And heres your present:

My new log woooooooooo!!!111111!!11!!
Haha, thanks for the offer, you log whore.

No workout today, gotta test my Week 4 maxes tomorrow. There will be NO back or squats workouts, still f*cked up. But I'll be OK. My sister bought me a strawberry shortcake for my birthday, and I had two pieces. Kleen's gonna kill me, but that's one of my favorites. I did end up scraping most of the icing off, because that sh*t is too rich and too sweet. Taking my supps...


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Haha, thanks for the offer, you log whore.

No workout today, gotta test my Week 4 maxes tomorrow. There will be NO back or squats workouts, still f*cked up. But I'll be OK. My sister bought me a strawberry shortcake for my birthday, and I had two pieces. Kleen's gonna kill me, but that's one of my favorites. I did end up scraping most of the icing off, because that sh*t is too rich and too sweet. Taking my supps...
Atleast your not lieing about your food intake. To tell you the truth your the reason I'm trying natadrol :D


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Atleast your not lieing about your food intake. To tell you the truth your the reason I'm trying natadrol :D
You won't be sorry.


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PCT-Day 29

OK, got the scare of my life today...I was benching heavy and on my second heavy set (370), I felt my left pec/delt tie-in pull and (I think) slightly tear. I had the presence of mind to immediately rack the weight. It doesn't really HURT, it's more of a dull ache. I lowered the weight to 225 and just finished out my sets. I guess that's my body's way of telling me that I'm through with heavy benching. No more "ego lifting," which is really what heavy benching is. I will no longer go above 225; you can probably work the muscle doing sets of 20 reps of 225 the same as you can doing heavy sets; I'll just incorporate more DB work. It seems to be not serious because I was still able to do my normal DB incline press and flyes, plus I did a set of cable cross-overs to test it. I felt it, but it was minimal pain. Thank God.

4:15 am: Shower, 2 caps Formadrol
Before leaving: 2 Pink Magic, 4 Prime, 1 Receptor, 1 Animal Pak, 1 OEP,1 E-911, 3 scoops ASGT, Fish oils

15 minutes before training: 3 scoops AP

Workout: Chest, Biceps

BB Bench: 230x10, 275x5, 325x3, 370x6, 345x4 (this is where I felt the pull/tear), 225x15, 225x15, 225x15
DB Incline: 80x10, 100x10, 100x10
DB Flyes: 80x10 (3 sets)
Curls: 60x10, 70x5, 80x3, 95x5 (4 sets), 70x20
DB Incline: 30x10, 35x10, 30x10
Rope Hammer Curl: 60x10, 70x10, 80x10

Post-Workout: 3 scoops Postal, 1 scoop ON Casein, 1 scoop ON Whey

I'm a little bummed about this. At first I thought it was me losing strength after coming off Natadrol, but I've increased strength on most of my other exercises. WTF? On the other hand, it could have been MUCH worse...


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Army Guy

Army Guy

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it's because he is superhuman!!!


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Way to play it smart :) Fairly sure 225 will work just fine, hell, it may even be better


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PCT-Day 31

Thanks for the kind words, V...I will indeed stick with the 225. It's not worth risking an injury that would put me on the shelf for at least six months. Did legs and tris today. No squats, back still recovering. Made up for it with lots of leg extensions and heavier leg presses.

4:15 am: Shower, 2 caps Formadrol
Before leaving: 4 Prime, 2 Pink Magic, 1 Receptor, 1 OEP, 1 E-911, Animal Pak, fish oils, 3 scoops ASGT

15 minutes prior to lifting: 3 scoops AP


Leg Extensions: 95x10, 125x5, 155x3, 185x9 (4 sets), 125x30
Leg Press: 315x10, 405x10, 545x10
Leg Press Calf Raises: 545x50 (3 sets), 855x50 (3 sets), 855x100 (PR city!)
Close-Grip Bench: 190x10, 230x5, 265x3, 225x10 (3 sets), 275x10, 225x20 (could have gone heavier but took it easy; I felt my chest twinge slightly, but not very painful):grumpy:
Lying Triceps Extension: 95x10 (3 sets)
Pushdowns:90x10, 90x10, 100x10

Post-Workout (30 min): 3 scoops Postal, 1 scoop ON Casein, 1 scoop ON Whey

Notes: The combo of Formadrol+Pink Magic seems to keep my strength rising steadily (if slowly). This cycle has given me strength increases I've only dreamed of. :32:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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man those are great numbers big man!!!! great job!


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PCT-Day 36

Okay...damn good workout this morning, felt strong, going for reps rather than power on the bench press seemed to be spot on. Thinking of a MMV3/M1D run in a couple of weeks (special thanks to AG and Kleen).

4:05 am: Shower, 2 caps Formadrol
Before leaving: 2 Pink Magic, 1 Receptor, 1 OEP, 1 E-911, Animal Pak, Fish Oils, 3 scoops ASGT
5 minutes Pre-w/o: 3 scoops AP

Workout: Chest, Biceps

Bench: 135x10, 225x5, 225x20, 225x20, 225x25 (felt good, very minimal pec tightness)
DB Incline: 90x10, 100x10, 110x10
DB Flyes: 80x10, 80x10, 85x10
Curls: 60x10, 70x5, 80x3, 95x5 (4 sets), 70x25 (PR!!!)
DB Incline Curl: 30x10 (3 sets)
Hammer Rope Curls: 60x10, 80x10, 100x10

Not bad, not bad...for some reason, felt very strong today. Wow...gotta keep the train rolling. As far as the bench press, I'm thinking that either I wasn't warming up, or the strength jumped too quickly from Natadrol, or BOTH. Suffice it to say that I will be building up my strength from reps before/if I ever go heavy again.


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can u tell anything from PM?
Not really. I even stopped taking it for a few days to see if I noticed any difference. What I will say is that either I'm a low-responder or it's under-dosed. It may be one of those supps like Prime where you have to mega-dose it to get good effects. I can't honestly say it doesn't work, just not very well for me. It may also be one of those supps that work best in conjunction with other supps, i.e. OEP with PES Alpha T-2.


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Not really. I even stopped taking it for a few days to see if I noticed any difference. What I will say is that either I'm a low-responder or it's under-dosed. It may be one of those supps like Prime where you have to mega-dose it to get good effects. I can't honestly say it doesn't work, just not very well for me. It may also be one of those supps that work best in conjunction with other supps, i.e. OEP with PES Alpha T-2.
Man prime did wonders for me and it didn't do anything for you. But Natadrol did wonders for me and I can't wait to see what it can do for me.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great numbers on the lift my friend


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I didn't get much out of PM either,. was really a shame. I was hoping to but alas not as much as I expected. Prime, Recreate and Jack3d I love, but PM left me wanting. It could be my lower carb lifestyle. Everyone talks about it being a major partitioner. Although I can get partitioners for so much cheaper than PM. So I won't spend my money on it unless it is real cheap just to give it that one more try type of thing.


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I am looking forward to trying the PM. I did pay for some but I got some from USP also. I have enough to mega-dose it, I will let you guys know.

So its a partitioner or a tbooster?


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haven't seen any bloodwork on the test boosting part, someone here was running it as a part of pct


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PCT-Day 43

Good chest/bicep workout today...this is the last week of PCT/this particular regimen. Will be switching things up a bit next week. Just in time for football season...ha!

4:10am: Shower, 1 cap Formadrol
Before leaving: 4 Pink Magic, 1 OEP, 1 E-911, Animal Pak, 3 scoops ASGT, Fish Oils, 1 Receptor
15 minutes prior to workout: 3 scoops AP


Bench: 135x10, 225x5, 275x3, 225x20, 225x22, 225x23

DB Incline: 100x10, 100x10, 110x10

Cable Crossover (per side): 80x8, 90x8, 110x7 (PR)

Curls: 60x10, 70x5, 80x3, 95x5 (4 sets), 70x26

Preacher Curls: 65x10, 95x8, 95x8

Cable Concentration Curls: 60x8 (3 sets)

3 scoops of Postal in 1% milk was consumed 30 minutes post-workout with 1 scoop ON Whey and 1 scoop ON Casein

Chest and arms are ON FIRE right now. But that's a good thing.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Postal in milk??? that is a new one!!! You truly are insane!!! lol
love the volume that you showed in this lift my friend! and I agree, FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!!!! who cares about the rest!!!!


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Postal in milk??? that is a new one!!! You truly are insane!!! lol
love the volume that you showed in this lift my friend! and I agree, FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!!!! who cares about the rest!!!!
LOL, that's not the first time I've been told I was insane...maybe you guys are on to something! BWAHAHAHAHA....anyway, the Postal in milk isn't bad, especially given the fact that I add a scoop of whey and a scoop of Casein. It STILL tastes better than ASGT, though.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol I think it was Dragon who tried ASGT and milk. He said he almost lost his cookies on that one!!!


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lol I think it was Dragon who tried ASGT and milk. He said he almost lost his cookies on that one!!!
Well today I'm going to try ASGT and pump with slum milk. It should be intersting :yup:


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how'd u like?
Better than water! I always mix ASGT and pump with 3.0 oz of liquid and it always mixes amazingly. The taste wasn't bad at all and it went down A LOT easier.


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I kept telling people about asgt in milk, nobody believed me :sad2:

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