Promagnon Is Back!!! Introducing CEL PMag



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While Buster was sleeping in class...

Day 10 summary for Buster

Strength gains are just starting to kick in. I usually mention this in cycle logs when a chest movement goes up since that's my weakest bodypart.

Mood has been very pleasant. I've had a few mild urges to be confrontational, but that's usually about 20 minutes to 1 hour after dosing the CEL TD Formestane.

Libido is noticably up. I MUST get laid every day or I get cranky. Bedroom performance has been slightly enhanced. Keep in mind, my form dosage is very conservative.

I've dropped 1 belt loop. But, I can't figure out why I'm still a fatasss in the mirror :think:

Muscle hardness and pumps are up slightly. They last most of the night after a workout. Vascularity is up SIGNIFICANTLY! I can get vascular from brushing my teeth lately :laugh:

Most importantly, gyno lump is waaaay down. It's almost gone thanks to the TD form. Like I've said before, I've been close to getting rid of it before, but it always comes back. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but wouldn't be surprised if it pops back up in pct or after pct :dunno: Either way, CEL's TD formestane has my seal of approval :thumbsup:


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so far you seem to be knowticing more effects from the formestane eh?


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Day 10 summary for Buster

Strength gains are just starting to kick in. I usually mention this in cycle logs when a chest movement goes up since that's my weakest bodypart.

Mood has been very pleasant. I've had a few mild urges to be confrontational, but that's usually about 20 minutes to 1 hour after dosing the CEL TD Formestane.

Libido is noticably up. I MUST get laid every day or I get cranky. Bedroom performance has been slightly enhanced. Keep in mind, my form dosage is very conservative.

I've dropped 1 belt loop. But, I can't figure out why I'm still a fatasss in the mirror :think:

Muscle hardness and pumps are up slightly. They last most of the night after a workout. Vascularity is up SIGNIFICANTLY! I can get vascular from brushing my teeth lately :laugh:

Most importantly, gyno lump is waaaay down. It's almost gone thanks to the TD form. Like I've said before, I've been close to getting rid of it before, but it always comes back. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but wouldn't be surprised if it pops back up in pct or after pct :dunno: Either way, CEL's TD formestane has my seal of approval :thumbsup:
Excellent summary. Glad that things are looking positive for you.

Only once a day? Slacker :D


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Day 11

both are showing effects IMO. Even though others say it takes more, I like TD form even at a low dose. I attribute the occasional aggression and bump in libido to the form. I attribute the strength and vascularity to Pmag.

I know I know. I'm a once or twice per day guy. But it usually doesn't bother me if we skip a day here and there. But with form in the picture, she's not getting away not even for 1 day :smileysex5:

I'm gonna say about 1.5 pounds but I won't count that since cals increased just recently. I expect maybe 5-8 more by the end of the cycle. Slow and steady about 1-2 pounds per week.

Day 11

Monday, April 27, 2009

3 caps Pmag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Today's workout was a typical shoulders routine. Luckily, a coworker helped me get the knot out of my shoulder. Actually, for those technically inclined, it was levator scapulae :study: I didn't add any extra weight to Hammer Shoulder Press machine, but increased from 6 reps last week to 10 today. Another increase on my usually whimpy push moves!

I finished off with shrugs with the 120 pound DBs, but that's pretty typical for me. I'd like to get the reps up higher though, with better quality lifts in the third set. I did 3 sets of 10 today and I think my PR is 3 sets of 20. Maybe I'll shoot for 3 x 25 reps for the cycle :think:

At this particular moment, I can't find the primary gyno lump. There's a few little side "pebbles" but I suspect they're vanishing too. Sensation and sensitivity are down as well.

That is all :wave2:


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Seems like Pmag is being good to you, Good!! Maybe brush teeth pre w/o to get super pumped?? haha jk, but I know exactly what youre talking about.

To bad your shoulder hurts/is messed up. That can put a damper ona lotta lifts and activites. Maybe Pmag will also cure that haha!


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1-2 lbs a week is pretty nice. especially if your cutting a little fat!


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Day 12

thanks for the well wishes. But honestly, I have access to a lot of therapies to address this minor problem. I'm pretty sure it's just a cramp and didn't bother me at all today for back and bis.

right on brotha. Someone at work asked me yesterday if I was losing weight. They were surprised when I told them I had put on 2-3 pounds since last seeing them a few weeks ago :head: Btw, I suspect that I underestimated what the weight gain is going to be. I don't want to say officially, but the scale has went up .5 lb for the last 2 mornings straight. We'll get a more "official" measure this weekend.

Day 12

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

I nailed my back and bis routine today. I had endless energy for about 70 minutes, and if I didn't have vehicle maintenance to attend to, I'd still be in the gym... ROAR!!!!! Most lifts were up 5 pounds here, 1-2 reps there, you know the drill.

Sleep was pretty wrestless last night. My girl had me in a headlock like 4 times for "moving too much." I still felt good today so she'll have to put up or get out :nono:

I know most message boards are about "under the radar" supp companies like CEL. But I have to mention my all time favorite preworkout mix, TRAC Extreme NO. This supplement gives me by far the best mood enhancement and just enough stim with absolutely zero jitters. Pumps are sick. I know that sounds like an add, but I wouldn't say it if I didn't experience it every time. Plus, I wouldn't almost $40 for it over and over if it didn't work. I use it maybe once or twice per week. I expect to not be able to use it within a week or 2 once P-Mag is in full force because the good pumps will turn into biceps and calf cramps.

TRAC Extreme NO and TD formestane are, without hesitation, my favorite 2 supplements out of the hundreds (sadly) that I've tried.


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keep killin it bro! it should be kicking in full force really soon


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Heres a bit of motivation for ya brotha!



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Day 10 summary for Buster

Strength gains are just starting to kick in. I usually mention this in cycle logs when a chest movement goes up since that's my weakest bodypart.

Mood has been very pleasant. I've had a few mild urges to be confrontational, but that's usually about 20 minutes to 1 hour after dosing the CEL TD Formestane.

Libido is noticably up. I MUST get laid every day or I get cranky. Bedroom performance has been slightly enhanced. Keep in mind, my form dosage is very conservative.

I've dropped 1 belt loop. But, I can't figure out why I'm still a fatasss in the mirror :think:

Muscle hardness and pumps are up slightly. They last most of the night after a workout. Vascularity is up SIGNIFICANTLY! I can get vascular from brushing my teeth lately :laugh:

Most importantly, gyno lump is waaaay down. It's almost gone thanks to the TD form. Like I've said before, I've been close to getting rid of it before, but it always comes back. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but wouldn't be surprised if it pops back up in pct or after pct :dunno: Either way, CEL's TD formestane has my seal of approval :thumbsup:

YEAAAAA Buddy!!!!!!! (in Ronnie Coleman voice)


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TRAC Extreme NO is also one of my favorite pre workout supps. JP8 is like my motivation in a tub. Trac extreme NO seems to have no stims so its more like my "get pumped up" suppliment. There is no way TRAC Extreme NO would get my lazy ass to the gym like JP8 does, but TRAC NO does provide some pretty healthy pumps without the stim feeling which i dont care for sometimes.


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im sorry....but i love ronnie coleman and his stupid sayings! hahaha. everybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna do no deadlifts......BUT ILL DO EM! YEEEEP!

Irish Cannon

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TRAC Extreme NO is also one of my favorite pre workout supps. JP8 is like my motivation in a tub. Trac extreme NO seems to have no stims so its more like my "get pumped up" suppliment. There is no way TRAC Extreme NO would get my lazy ass to the gym like JP8 does, but TRAC NO does provide some pretty healthy pumps without the stim feeling which i dont care for sometimes.
I still have yet to try JP8, but really want to...I'm just not big on pre-workout powder products. They tend to keep me from wanting to sip on my BC+EAA/WMS intra-wo drink...I usually toss a few RPM or Adrenalean/Y-RD's back before I hit the weights; I've also been taking Somnidren pre-workout which is pretty sweet.


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im sorry....but i love ronnie coleman and his stupid sayings! hahaha. everybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna do no deadlifts......BUT ILL DO EM! YEEEEP!
deadlifts are my favorite


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Good chatter fellas!

you'll find that I like mild stims since I've never quite figured out the art of sleeping LOL I like the mild ones with just a hint of "eye opener" and that's enough to get me through most workouts. So ya, I totally see where you're coming from.

I've lost interest in "intra" mixes to be honest. I'm not convinced that they do anything at all other than interfere with post workout absorption. I could probably think otherwise if I was in an all out bulk, but I doubt it LOL :dunno:

The only reason I ever even pick up anything for during workouts is to make sure I keep adding water to it... it's tough to drink a gallon of plain water in like a 90min workout.

Finally, I almost always have some form of deads in my routine. But, I like rack deads or SLDL. Usually with straps so I'm not quite as hardcore as the raw powerlifters.


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Day 14

After all this talk about jumblies, I hope P-Mag is still interesting :boobies::hump:

Day 14

Thursday, April 30, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Motivation was way up today. All I could think about all day at work was that I couldn't wait to get to the gym! Mood was great. My sense of humor was a bit aggressive in nature, but I'm pretty sure it stayed under control.

Chest and tris workout was real good today. I did some staple moves like DB Incline and Weighted Dips but then decided to just have fun with the rest of the routine. I did like 5 exercises for tris including a DB tri-set for extensions on the incline, flat, and decline benches. One of the fun chest moves was 10 sets of 10 on the chest press machine. I thought it was gonna be light but after about 5 sets, the burn and pump were sick :head:

Libido is still rockin. I like the low dose form because it has libido and performance up. But, it's not giving me a one track mind. So, I can still function throughout the day without having to hump the coat rack every 10 minutes :D

Gyno lump stays down throughout the day but has been a bit puffy again in the mornngs until I apply the form. Don't ask me what that means, I am clueless when it comes to this topic :shrug:


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hahaha...hump the coat rack? thats a new one. the pumps are gonna get better'll be walking from your car to a store or wherever and you'll get some sick calf pumps for sure
puffy nips is just because your taking hormones. happens all the time and people freak and think its gyno

Irish Cannon

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Celc, do you feel a low-dose of Form in PCT could be beneficial? I just mixed up some of the new Penetrate with 5g of Form, and am about to start PCT on Saturday. I'm debating whether to apply 2 pumps (~80mg) per day for the first couple weeks, and then bumping it up, or waiting until about Week 3 and toss it in at 160mg/day.


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it was an issue before the cycle. This isn't something new.

personally I didn't get much from form in pct. I used it after a phera run last spring and it just didn't have the strength, aggression, libido effect. That's just a personal preference and I don't really plan on using it in pct.

I really liked 6oxo. I'm not convinced that it does much in terms of controlling estrogen so I'll pass on that for pct as well.

I am convinced that ATD controls estrogen well. I'm also convinced that libido is important for me personally. I've heard low dose theories with ATD but I still end up with a shaky libido.

So that leaves bromo. I thought Hyperdrol was the shiit the one time I used it. Unfortunately, it wrecked my stomach the 2 times I've tried it since then. So that leaves me at aPCT, which is my AI of choice for this cycle.

...short question, long answer. I need "concise" lessons :doh:


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isnt apct and hyperdrol x2 pretty much the same thing with the 6 bromo? why not try reversitol?


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good stuff man, especially that +10 on bench...

im sorry to hear about that gyno lump, but you know your sh!t and u seem to be keeping that fcker at bay haha...let me know if the problem keeps up, i could refer you to my source for nolva...its kicked gyno 2 the curb before for me plenty of times

keep on truckin big guy


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i wasnt talking about you, i was just saying people in general freak with alittle bit of puffyness


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yes. Some suspect it's the forksolin in HX2 that bothers my stomach. Note that I just checked the NP site and the sticky on the AX and the ingredient list isn't really there. Not sure what that means? Maybe more people were having the same stomach issues as I was :think:

Not a fan of a prop blend like resversitol. I've ran most of the ingredients seperately and like to be in control being able to adjust dosages. Plus I've seen bloodwork on other sites where the guys felt fantastic on it, but bloodwork showed really poor test recovery.

thanks brotha. I have an arsenal on hand so it'll eventually get taken care of.... I hope :laugh:

I see where you're coming from and understand what you were trying to say. At the same time, I don't "freak" about anything as my gyno situation has been calmly disuscussed in great detail throughout this log.

Irish Cannon

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Thanks for the advice on the Form. I'll probably toss it in at Week 3 of PCT or something rather than the beginning; it sounds as though Form has an effect on already present T-levels.


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So that leaves bromo. I thought Hyperdrol was the shiit the one time I used it. Unfortunately, it wrecked my stomach the 2 times I've tried it since then. So that leaves me at aPCT, which is my AI of choice for this cycle.


If you are a fan of 6-bromo, I have a feeling that something will be coming very soon that may excite you :D


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So that leaves bromo. I thought Hyperdrol was the shiit the one time I used it. Unfortunately, it wrecked my stomach the 2 times I've tried it since then. So that leaves me at aPCT, which is my AI of choice for this cycle.


If you are a fan of 6-bromo, I have a feeling that something will be coming very soon that may excite you :D
Soon enough to be used in my pct? Hopefully, WITHOUT the histidine that's in aPCT and without forksolin and all that other bs in hyperdrol too :think:


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will you be using Hypertest in your PCT ?


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Day 15

sweet deal! No arachnic acid or whatever that inflammatory supp is and no yohimbe either please :D LOL, not that I have a say in it anyway :run:

You know, I'd really like to try hypertest. But I think I just want to steer clear of test boosters because of all this nipple sensation bs that I've been through in the past. Hypertest sounds cool and I do feel like I'm missing out. I WOULD like to try Axis Slingshot, Axis creatine, and Axis NO product though just to keep it simple. I need to email the boss and see what is reasonable to ask for cause I'm not really in it for free supps :shrug:

Day 15

Friday, May 1, 2009

3 caps PMag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Let me start off by saying what a relief it is to be on a "feel good" cycle again. You get the pumps, the alpha male confidence, the vascularity, and strength without the lethargy of epithio, without the mental fogginess of phera, and without the limp willy from super (in my experience anyway).

I started out today with a 5.3 mph 20 minute jog on the treadmill. Some warm ups and 3 working sets of squats, romanian deads, extensions, curls, and calf presses. Something like 90 or 100 minutes before I ran out of juice.

My thighs feel like they are so swole that my skin might tear a little from how pumped my hams and quads are :head: He he, that's a bit dramatic but I do have a nice pump :laugh:

I'm a bit weird when it comes to my favorite exercises. Traps and calves are my strong points. Today I hit 9 plates per side for 3 sets of 10 on the calf presses. I think my PR is 3 sets of 7 or 8 with 10 plates. So IMO, I think I can hit that next week and maybe shoot for something like 3 sets of 12 or 15 with 10 plates for the cycle. I'll make that a goal for week 5 or 6.

No sides, libido is rockin, no nut shrinkage, no cramps, and to my surprise sleep patterns have actually been normal this week. I have nothing bad to say about Pmag yet... sorry to those who enjoy when I get cranky and rant when a supp doesn't deliver :dunno: ............... :D

Irish Cannon

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Let me start off by saying what a relief it is to be on a "feel good" cycle again. You get the pumps, the alpha male confidence, the vascularity, and strength without the lethargy of epithio, without the mental fogginess of phera, and without the limp willy from super (in my experience anyway).
That sounds amazing. I'm just coming off of 60mg/day dose of epithio myself. :( - Crazy good pumps, but mood and lethargy are horrible. - P-Mag doesn't give you lethargy like H-drol?...or do you not experience that on H-drol?


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That sounds amazing. I'm just coming off of 60mg/day dose of epithio myself. :( - Crazy good pumps, but mood and lethargy are horrible. - P-Mag doesn't give you lethargy like H-drol?...or do you not experience that on H-drol?
Feeling letharfic is not common on H-Drol


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Feeling letharfic is not common on H-Drol
most logs I have read indicate that lethargy is not an issue with Hdrol. :dunno: this is the 1st I have heard of this as well

Celc5 log is looking good man . sounds like you are happy with the products


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That sounds amazing. I'm just coming off of 60mg/day dose of epithio myself. :( - Crazy good pumps, but mood and lethargy are horrible. - P-Mag doesn't give you lethargy like H-drol?...or do you not experience that on H-drol?
I had enhanced mood with Hdrol for about 3 weeks and then got a little more aggressive and cranky for the 4th and 5th week. But I didn't really have any lethargy on that cycle at all.

you are correct. So far, I'm enjoying this stack a lot :D Mild enough to keep me happy and feeling healthy. But potent enough that I'm seeing positive changes in the mirror almost daily now, even while eating like horse!


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Mild enough to keep me happy and feeling healthy. But potent enough that I'm seeing positive changes in the mirror almost daily now, even while eating like horse!
thats why i liked it when i ran it. i ate soooo much with promag-25 and it just blew me up, barely no fat gain at all and my muscle grew daily (you can actually see in the mirror YOURSELF every morning, not just other people telling you your getting big)

keep it goin son!


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If you are a fan of 6-bromo, I have a feeling that something will be coming very soon that may excite you :D
CEL rocks AGAIN!
I would be interested in just straight up 6-bromo.
I was looking to order some at that "capped" website at 50mg/cap.;)


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CEL rocks AGAIN!
I would be interested in just straight up 6-bromo.
I was looking to order some at that "capped" website at 50mg/cap.;)
lol I will hold off on that if I were you ;)


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Day 17

just in time for it to kick in brotha! This is a nice mild one for a "fun" cycle and I sure bet it would stack real nicely in many different scenarios.

Right on bro! I think I ate about 4000 cals on Friday after that brutal leg workout. I even woke up and had a pretty hearty chicken sandwhich at like 3am cause I starvin!

Agreed. Plain bromo without the bs :cheers:

I'm getting anxious. I'd certainly like to see more bromo options.

Day 17

Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1pump x 3 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Add another 5 to the 5rm BB bench. Just like I said last week, my bench doesn't budge unless I'm hitting HST very strictly or when I'm ON cycle. That's up 15 pounds in 17 days! I had a few more good lifts today. For example, some weights that I moved for 5,4,3 reps last week went up to like 6,5,5 today. Did that sentence make sense? :think:

Recomp is occuring. Stats will be updated on page 1 in 5 minutes :D


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OO nice nice making headway!!


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just in time for it to kick in brotha! This is a nice mild one for a "fun" cycle and I sure bet it would stack real nicely in many different scenarios.

Right on bro! I think I ate about 4000 cals on Friday after that brutal leg workout. I even woke up and had a pretty hearty chicken sandwhich at like 3am cause I starvin!

Agreed. Plain bromo without the bs :cheers:

I'm getting anxious. I'd certainly like to see more bromo options.

Day 17

Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1pump x 3 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Add another 5 to the 5rm BB bench. Just like I said last week, my bench doesn't budge unless I'm hitting HST very strictly or when I'm ON cycle. That's up 15 pounds in 17 days! I had a few more good lifts today. For example, some weights that I moved for 5,4,3 reps last week went up to like 6,5,5 today. Did that sentence make sense? :think:

Recomp is occuring. Stats will be updated on page 1 in 5 minutes :D

yes i think so ;)


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So that leaves bromo. I thought Hyperdrol was the shiit the one time I used it. Unfortunately, it wrecked my stomach the 2 times I've tried it since then. So that leaves me at aPCT, which is my AI of choice for this cycle.


If you are a fan of 6-bromo, I have a feeling that something will be coming very soon that may excite you :D
About the best thing i've heard today!!!:kiss: (no homo)


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Great log Celc could'nt ask for better detail/info
Well I've been planning on running p25 ever since SD convinced me to keep the cycles fun LOL So I guess EVERYBODY wins in the deal :fest30: Hopefully, somebody can learn from the log instead of asking you the same first cycle questions 9 billion times... I'm sure this is gonna be a hot seller, no hype needed.

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