Promagnon Is Back!!! Introducing CEL PMag



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Well I've been planning on running p25 ever since SD convinced me to keep the cycles fun LOL So I guess EVERYBODY wins in the deal :fest30: Hopefully, somebody can learn from the log instead of asking you the same first cycle questions 9 billion times... I'm sure this is gonna be a hot seller, no hype needed.
were you talking about me ;) ?


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any reason why you think the irritability has gone down? maybe nattural test is starting to suppress?


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Good question. On one hand, I suspect it's a bit psychological. There is an aggression enhancing aspect, especially with the TD form. But I'm so aware of it that I've been choosing to not let it interfere with my personality.

On the other hand, I've been sleeping at night (like 5 out of the last 7 nights which is INCREDIBLE for me). So I think the initial irritability might have been from sleep deprivation.

And as you said, sure it's possible that there's some suppression. But from the studies I've seen haven't shown much in terms of Pmag being suppressive. And I have a reliable source (who does not have a hand in the supp industry for bodybuilding purposes) that helped me to confirm and further explain how mild Pmag is on the Hpta.

Either way, I'm full of BS :doh:


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so would you say that pmag is less suppressive than hdrol?


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so would you say that pmag is less suppressive than hdrol?
At this point subjectively, it's tough to tell because I'm only 1/2 way through the cycle. It has a milder "feel" than hdrol, but that doesn't tell us anything really LOL Pheraplex "felt" super duper mild even at 40mg but it was a tougher recovery than halo IMO (just to illustrate the point).

According to the studies, yes P-Mag is less suppressive than halo. But from my experience, don't chalk that up as a negative to halo because it's a very "friendly" compound too.

Day 18

Monday, May 4, 2009

3 Cap P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

I had limited time for a shoulders workout today. Motivation was low and I was feeling a little burned out from a long work day. So, I decided to man up, and slam out a shoulder routine in 40 minutes that took me a good 70 minutes last week. No stims either since it was too late.

Even with the time crunch, I still added 5 pounds each side to hammer shoulder presses. And I went from 3 sets of 10 with 120's for shrugs to 3 sets of 15. After the shoulder routine, I did a 1 hour powerball class which is a fun alternative to running on a wheel like a rat for cardio :D

Gyno lump has NOT returned. No spontaneous sensations have returned either. But sensitivity if I bump it is there occasionally. All in all, CEL's TD form is holding it's own even when I thought for sure the lump was going to win the battle.

Irish Cannon

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I hope that lump stays away for you even after you drop the Form! I'll be keeping an eye on the log for any changes. I'll be running my own TD-Form mix in a couple weeks. I'll be purchasing some CEL Form when it's available.


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I hope that lump stays away for you even after you drop the Form! I'll be keeping an eye on the log for any changes. I'll be running my own TD-Form mix in a couple weeks. I'll be purchasing some CEL Form when it's available.
My best advice to you is to stay away from test boosters and from other AI's. I have a sneaky suspician that Novedex and 6oxo actually aggrevated the symptoms in the past. Same goes for fenugreek, yohimbe,and all the bs prop blends that I've tried. So if I were in your shoes, I'd run the form solo, which I get the impression is what you're doing already anyway.

I've tried a laundry list of "dopamenergic" supps too. The one that I think helped the most was PowerFull, but only if I dosed it throughout the day. The night time only dosing, doesn't cut it.

IMO B6, tyrosine, and Sam-E may have dopamenergic potential. But in my experience, none had any effect on reducing sensations like PowerFull did.

Irish Cannon

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My best advice to you is to stay away from test boosters and from other AI's. I have a sneaky suspician that Novedex and 6oxo actually aggrevated the symptoms in the past. Same goes for fenugreek, yohimbe,and all the bs prop blends that I've tried. So if I were in your shoes, I'd run the form solo, which I get the impression is what you're doing already anyway.

I've tried a laundry list of "dopamenergic" supps too. The one that I think helped the most was PowerFull, but only if I dosed it throughout the day. The night time only dosing, doesn't cut it.

IMO B6, tyrosine, and Sam-E may have dopamenergic potential. But none in my experience, none had any effect on reducing sensations like PowerFull did.
I'm currently in PCT with...

Blue Up

I'll be adding the Form in Week 3 @ 4 pumps ~ 160mg.


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I'm currently in PCT with...

Blue Up

I'll be adding the Form in Week 3 @ 4 pumps ~ 160mg.
Plan looks solid. How's your symptoms now? IMO drop the Blue Up just to be safe. I get the impression that you're sensitive to everything just like me in this realm.

My logic is this... if you're using the stim free Blue Up, it's not doing anything anyway. IMO it's not a productive product. The stimmed version is real nice though, but there's a bazillion other stims without yohimbe and other test boosters. See my logic?

Irish Cannon

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Things are going well. I have high hopes.

I've actually used Blue Up in the past and really enjoyed it. It did more for me than DTH ever did. - Just how it worked.

And no, I'm not sensitive to everything, just hormones. I've ran plenty of NHA stacks without issues even after I used Epidrol to rid my gyno last year. It stayed away the entire time until I used another hormone a month or so ago...I'm always sure to run AI's in conjunction with T-boosters. It's just always how I've done it.

So far things are going good. I'll keep you updated on it and definitely appreciate your advice on everything.


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Good deal Irish! The way it sounds now, the form should finish it off :head:

Do you still deadlift in your "homeade" gym?


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thanks brotha!

weren't u the one who used to have some crazy DL vids in a basement gym? Maybe I have you confused with someone else :think:

I have Torem, but only cause I made big purchase a while back. I don't like Torem and won't ever buy it again. It's a libido killer for me and the proposed positive effects on HDL were not there both times I got my bloodwork done. If I had to choose, I'd run Nolva if addressing gyno was my priority. I'd choose Clomid if addressing HPTA was my priority.

Funny thing happened this morning fellas. My gf saw me putting Taurine in my protein shake and she said "that must be SEXY powder. It's about time you took a supplement that actually worked." She pretty much grinded on my leg the rest of the morning while getting ready for work :afro: I tell her when I'm ON, but for whatever reason she doesn't believe me LOL :shrug:


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Funny thing happened this morning fellas. My gf saw me putting Taurine in my protein shake and she said "that must be SEXY powder. It's about time you took a supplement that actually worked." She pretty much grinded on my leg the rest of the morning while getting ready for work :afro: I tell her when I'm ON, but for whatever reason she doesn't believe me LOL :shrug:
Thats good stuff right there lol :D


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thanks brotha!

weren't u the one who used to have some crazy DL vids in a basement gym? Maybe I have you confused with someone else :think:

I have Torem, but only cause I made big purchase a while back. I don't like Torem and won't ever buy it again. It's a libido killer for me and the proposed positive effects on HDL were not there both times I got my bloodwork done. If I had to choose, I'd run Nolva if addressing gyno was my priority. I'd choose Clomid if addressing HPTA was my priority.

Funny thing happened this morning fellas. My gf saw me putting Taurine in my protein shake and she said "that must be SEXY powder. It's about time you took a supplement that actually worked." She pretty much grinded on my leg the rest of the morning while getting ready for work :afro: I tell her when I'm ON, but for whatever reason she doesn't believe me LOL :shrug:
NP Man

lol must be nice to have the GF supporting ya

gotta a Q : Celc5

I am torn Between Hdrol and Pmag

your having so much fun with this not sure which to choose ;)

going to be stacking mine with Furazadrol :D

with how you feel so far which would you say would be a better stack Hdrol and Furazadrol or PMag and Furazadrol? I know both will be lean .


dam sorry bout the jack :(


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lol your girlfriend sounds funny!!!! she doesn't believe you that your ON cycle?


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if it's a cut, I'd go with Hdrol. If it's a recomp either PMag or HDrol would work. If it's a lean bulk, then I'd choose Pmag.

I tell her I'm on cycle even when I'm not though. She just thinks that I waste too much money on supps and she's probably right. But ya, either way she's funny and keeps me on my toes. I'm never bored :D


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learn, that avi is just wrong man...the devil tempted me:dunno: to watch it and it was yummy lmao
and celc i bet everyone here waste too much money on supps lol


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Day 20

agreed. That's why we need honest logs so we stop wasting money on unproductive supplements. The boards are riddled with BS hype for supps that have little to no effect.

Day 20

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1 pump x 3 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Back is getting a bit stronger. I've been adding 5 pounds every week to dumbell rows. Now that sounds great, but it's not as impressive to me as adding 5 pounds to my weekly bench based on my own strengths and weaknesses.

Biceps pump was rediculous. The main Biceps vein was popping out 1/2 way through my first WARM UP set of biceps. It usually doesn't make an appearance at least until the end of my first heavy working set. So yes, vascularity is nicely enhanced.

I've been waking up hungry the past few nights. So I take in an extra 40g pro and 40g carbs at like 2 or 3am for the past few nights. Hopefully, that will continue to have a positive effect on body comp.

And to finish off the gf comment from this morning, she can't stand the smell of TD formestane. Whatev... she can get out if she wants to complain :nono:

And first side effect was noted over the past 2-3 days. I have a zit on my forehead and chin. Actually, I'm sort of amused by the zits ince I rarely ever have any on my face. Maybe a bit of bacne, but no zits.

...Go Pens :head:


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what do you take the taurine for? back pumps?


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if it's a cut, I'd go with Hdrol. If it's a recomp either PMag or HDrol would work. If it's a lean bulk, then I'd choose Pmag.

I tell her I'm on cycle even when I'm not though. She just thinks that I waste too much money on supps and she's probably right. But ya, either way she's funny and keeps me on my toes. I'm never bored :D
thanks bud


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learn, that avi is just wrong man...the devil tempted me:dunno: to watch it and it was yummy lmao
and celc i bet everyone here waste too much money on supps lol
utt oh

now your going str8 to HELL :angryfire: :saevil: :sgrin: :smileeek:


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learn, that avi is just wrong man...the devil tempted me:dunno: to watch it and it was yummy lmao
and celc i bet everyone here waste too much money on supps lol
if you call forking over a little pocket change to get gigantic! than yes, i love wasting money on supps


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if you call forking over a little pocket change to get gigantic! than yes, i love wasting money on supps
My girls can always tell when I'm ON. They say I'm even meaner than usual...which is true, I do tend to snap easier. This is why I try to stay away from people. They say I walk around with a scowl on my face, and I stare down people when I catch them looking at me. Sometimes I'll even growl, "What the FCUK are you looking at?" But like I tell her, when you live in the "hood," I don't know if someone's admiring my size or sizing me up to rob me. It doesn't help that I wear a chain with a gaudy pendant (my uniform number) around my neck. Gotta stay on my toes. Watch the people watching you, I always say.


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My girls can always tell when I'm ON. They say I'm even meaner than usual...which is true, I do tend to snap easier. This is why I try to stay away from people. They say I walk around with a scowl on my face, and I stare down people when I catch them looking at me. Sometimes I'll even growl, "What the FCUK are you looking at?" But like I tell her, when you live in the "hood," I don't know if someone's admiring my size or sizing me up to rob me. It doesn't help that I wear a chain with a gaudy pendant (my uniform number) around my neck. Gotta stay on my toes. Watch the people watching you, I always say.
thats funny as heck bro. In a sense, I just became that much more grateful that I live in Orange County! LOL. Everyone is so friendly and in the mood to party down here! I hate watching my back!

Irish Cannon

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My girls can always tell when I'm ON. They say I'm even meaner than usual...which is true, I do tend to snap easier. This is why I try to stay away from people. They say I walk around with a scowl on my face, and I stare down people when I catch them looking at me. Sometimes I'll even growl, "What the FCUK are you looking at?" But like I tell her, when you live in the "hood," I don't know if someone's admiring my size or sizing me up to rob me. It doesn't help that I wear a chain with a gaudy pendant (my uniform number) around my neck. Gotta stay on my toes. Watch the people watching you, I always say.
I'm somewhat the same way. I've always been nice, just don't look at me wrong. :lol: - Grew up in Southside Chicago. All kinds of people out there looking to start something.


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the only ds ive been meaner on was SD lmao...that shizzle is baaad for my mood and my insides
and speakin of the "hood" i was in it yesterday with my gf getting some free KFC and i held the door for this whole family of "well off/rich" african americans...and not aone even looked at me or said thank you...o buddy i was about to go off, then this thug comes up behind me and hes going in and says "damn man if they aint gonna thank you i will(as he was shaking his head in disbelief as i was)" that made the situation 100 percent better because atleast some people have respect even though they dont look like it.
end rant


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"Steroid implications in different environments." That would an interesting thread :think:

yes. I use the taurine for kidney health and to prevent back pumps. Those who say taurine isn't necessary are the minority of lucky ones who don't get back pumps. Backpump pain is tolerable but it can still ruin workouts. Taurine is super cheap and tasteless powder. So there's no excuse for price or convenience.

Irish Cannon

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the only ds ive been meaner on was SD lmao...that shizzle is baaad for my mood and my insides
and speakin of the "hood" i was in it yesterday with my gf getting some free KFC and i held the door for this whole family of "well off/rich" african americans...and not aone even looked at me or said thank you...o buddy i was about to go off, then this thug comes up behind me and hes going in and says "damn man if they aint gonna thank you i will(as he was shaking his head in disbelief as i was)" that made the situation 100 percent better because atleast some people have respect even though they dont look like it.
end rant
That family was oppressed, T. The money they had is simply what you and the rest of us owed to them. They don't have to say thank you for anything. :rolleyes:

Sarcasm is a beautiful language.


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and yea i i went to KFC and cheated....but i had free 2 pc meal coupons! there were so many people there haha


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That family was oppressed, T. The money they had is simply what you and the rest of us owed to them. They don't have to say thank you for anything. :rolleyes:

Sarcasm is a beautiful language.
sry bro

ok, ANYWAYS i just wanted to say that im on day 4 of H-roid and i can already feel it in the gym. ive ben on trenadrol for over 2 weeks and it hasnt impressed me(str gains are there but barely any noticable muscle gain/weight gain. i have shed alittle bodyfat though, i guess trenadrol isnt my kinda DS. i could care less how much i lift, i just wanna look like i can lift a house haha)...but the painful pumps i had in my forearms today brings back memories of my promagnon run. hit HUGE PR's today too. everything felt awesome


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Those who say taurine isn't necessary are the minority of lucky ones who don't get back pumps. Backpump pain is tolerable but it can still ruin workouts. Taurine is super cheap and tasteless powder. So there's no excuse for price or convenience.
I agree here


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learn, dawg, why did you change your avi to an ugly asain instead of that video! lol
it was a nice GIF that just didn't work :( but will add new per your request ;)

back to topic ;)


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is h-roid same as hdrol?
Both products are quite effective in their own way but they will cause substantially different types of effects. The PMag product is more androgenic than the Hdrol product. The Hdrol product is has a higher A:A ratio. Neither will aromatize to estrogen due to the 4-halogen. Both probably have intrinsic active properties before conversion to the "active hormone" being 3,17b-diols (despite not having the requisite 3-ketone to bind to the AR optimally).

Pmag and H-Roid are clones of promag-25


celc5- Out scoutting info on Pmag and ran into your thread. Good work showing your progression. I'm Subbed!


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quick question celc5, how you gonna dose your apct? 3/3/2/1? or whats your dosing scheme for that?


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Sounds like things are going well for you so far celc! Great stuff! How long you got left roughly till the end of the cycle?


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Day 22

Learn pretty much cleared it up. PMag and Hroid are Promagnon25 clones. Hdrol is a Halodrol50 clone.

The only thing that I noticed is "substantially" different results. I'd say results are gonna be real close with both compounds. At the end of my log, I'll be sure to note my opinion on subjective differences between Hdrol and Pmag. At this point, you can't go wrong with either one and they're both good for first cycles and those with strong cycle histories IMO.

I plan to dose my aPCT 4/3/2/1 since I plan on NOT using a serm this time. I would choose Hyperdrol over aPCT but for some reason it irritates my stomach something fierce.

I should have more progression notes up tomorrow. I do my empty stomach weigh in and skinfolds on Saturday mornings.

3-5 more weeks :run: ...not a typo ;)

Day 22

Friday, May 8, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1pump x 3 CEL Formestane
Cycle Assist

I had the day off so I finally got to dig into my stim stash for a morning workout. I used a few caps of BCL EPH which I personally think is an aggressive but smooth stim. Most others think it's a dud, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I don't stim for evening workouts because I suck at sleeping.

Anyway, the workout was chest and tris. I didn't see the strength jump this week that I've been having but there was an increase in productivity. For example, last week on DB Incline Bench I used 70's x 6,8,7. This week I did 10,8,9 with the 70's. I use real slow strict form since the poundages aren't a priority for me whatsoever. Some minor shoulder discomfort did hold me back from getting 10 all 3 sets but it was no big deal. I'm just overly cautious since I've been down the injury plagued road before.

I shot some basketball for 20 minutes of sprints pre-workout. Man it took a long time to loosen up, like 10 minutes before I could jump without my knees feeling rusty. That's probably because I only do that like once per week and/or because I should be stretching more often. Needless to say, the joints are just a little more creaky than usual.

Otherwise, pump is good, vascularity is good, mood is good, sleep is actually better than normal, and libido is normal. At this moment, gyno lump is non-existant and there's no sensitivity.

I haven't said so, but the nuts are normal size with no atrophy that I can tell at this point. Also, I showed my girl the Pmag bottle yesterday and she still doesn't believe that I'm taking steroids LMFAO No joke, she said "your nuts are too big to be on steroids." Gotdammit :rant:


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well pmag is so mild compared to people injecting crazy amounts of test or deca. most people think of the barry bonds looking guys with no balls when they think of steroids.


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You got a really chilled out girlfriend sounds like Celc lol. You Jammy Sod! haha! Wish all girls would be supportive like that.

Irish Cannon

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Knowing women, all you have to do is rip off the P-Mag label and take a Sharpie to the bottle and write, "STEROIDS" - Then she'll believe you. :p


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Knowing women, all you have to do is rip off the P-Mag label and take a Sharpie to the bottle and write, "STEROIDS" - Then she'll believe you. :p
lmao...thats prob really girl supports me though. she wants me happy and doesnt care if i do them shes knows im smart about just gonna take a LONG time to convince her to let me inject which i would love to do atleast once in my lifetime hahaha

and just a side not for me...promagnon and clones have pretty different effectrs on my body. i put on ALOT more weight and gain ALOT more str with promag, and i get super rediculous pumps. ive already mentioned i was on day 4 and i could feel it. i like to play guitar hero...and o buddy does that get my forearms pumped like a mad man lmao(playing on expert). hdrol leans me out alot more, but pmag and clones bulk me up alot more

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