Cuttin it up with Primordial Performance Dermatherm/Sustain/CLA



Hey guys,
Thanks to Mr. Eric I am able to run this long-term log for Dermatherm/Sustain Alpha/ EndoAmp/Toco-8/and CLA PP products for approximately the next 80 days. I might be considering adding in some 1-t/Tren after I post cycle with Sustain for 40 days or so.

A little background on what I am doing and where I have been so you can see where I am going. I have been currently cutting for 29 days now after going on a 4-month long bulk and gaining 50 lbs. I started my bulk on November 3rd weighing in at 201lbs and ended my bulk on March 1st weighing in at 250lbs. I started cutting on March the 2nd. I ran 1-T for the last 21 days of my bulk and for the first 28 days of my cut hoping to ease the transition into cutting and sparing as much muscle as possible. I feel like I gained a little too much fat around my midsection which is cause for concern since I am most likely going to be competing in a fitness modeling show on June 18th in Miami.
I have been very happy with the 1-T and would like to say that I have enjoyed the strength and size gains that the 1-T gave me and the help it has given me for this first month of my cut. If you have any questions about my 1-T cycle you can feel free to ask, but on this thread I am going to concentrate on the cut.

Now I will go over my nutrition so you guys can know how I am eating. My nutrition does not waiver or vary from week to week. It stays fairly consistent and that makes it easier for me being that I am a college student and also juggle three jobs.....yes three.

Monday-Saturday Nutrition:
At least 3 whey protein shakes providing 38-50 grams of protein per shake, sometimes this is stretched to 4 shakes if I am having a really busy day. I will have 2-3 other whole protein meals throughout the day. The other protein sources are; 6oz cooked chicken breast, 8oz sliced turkey, 8oz 96/4 ground beef, or one packet of tuna. 3 meals will have 15 grams of dietary fat added to them in the form of almonds, natural peanut butter, or a liquid fish oil supplement.

Sunday Nutrition:
Every Sunday will be a carb-up day for my thyroid (and my sanity). I will have 300-400 grams of carbs in the form of whole grain pasta, brown rice, and sometimes rice cakes (I know they are not the greatest, but it helps curb some cravings.) I will still try to get around 200 grams of protein in on this day also.

Here is EVERYTHING that I am currently taking; Orange Triad Multi by Controlled Labs, VPX's Meltdown @ 3 caps per day, B12 3 times a day, Fish Oil, every morning I get my gallon of water and add 5 servings of Amino Acids and 5 servings of Glutamine and drink throughout the day, PP's Toco-8, CLA @ 6 caps a day. Starting tomorrow March 30th I will be adding in the Dermatherm, EndoAmp, and Sustain Alpha to start my first day of PCT.

I will be on a 6-day split using a high intensity workout that I used on a previous cut. M-F will be a 5 day bodypart split and Saturday will be a day I work on a lagging part and I can pretty much guarantee it will always be chest because that's a weak point for me. M-F I will be normally doing 4 sets per exercise and usually around 15 reps with one minute of rest in between sets. I will typically do between 16-20 sets per bodypart. I haven't started doing cardio yet because I am seeing good results with the change in nutrition and the higher intensity workouts with shortened rest periods. I plan on starting cardio in the next week or two to add some extra calorie burn. When I start the cardio I will describe what kind of cardio I did and so on and so forth.

I hope to have measurements, and pics by the end of the week. As of friday I am weighing in at 232lbs which puts me at around an 18lb loss for the first 4 weeks. When I started the cut I was topping out at around 18% bodyfat using SKF method. It's a race to get back down to 6% and we are all going to see how fast I can get there. I feel 1-T definitely did help me start out my cut and transition into the nutrition and workout change more smoothly than if I had not been taking it. I have all my workouts written down for the last 3 years so I will be posting my workout #'s and exercises every few days for this current cut.

I hope that's a good start to what I am doing and I will be posting up my Monday leg workout sometime tonight. If you guys have any other questions let me know.
Success will be the best revenge.....


Monday March 30th- Legs

Today I am sad to say that I am in PCT and have finished my two bottles of 1-T. It was a great ride and I want to try 1-T/Tren as soon as possible.

I applied Sustain and Dermatherm after I worked out today. I applied the Sustain to my legs, balls, near my lats, serratus, and chest. I applied Dermatherm to my abs, shoulders, upper arms, and forearms. I didn't really notice anything with the Sustain but noticed it has a nice citrus scent. The Dermatherm was a different story, it turned my skin red and my skin was hot for an hour or so. Some might say that is bad but to me that's working. I also took my other supplements today with no missed dosages.

I had a fairly good leg workout today, and I think my bodyfat is getting low enough to start doing a lot of ab work. I started with some abs today. I am just going to use my blackberry and take some pics tomorrow or wednesday.

All exercises were performed with a stopwatch attached to my shorts. At or before the stopwatch read 1:00oo I started my next set.

Leg Press: 450/15 470/15 490/15 490/15

Linear Hack Squat: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15

Seated Leg Curl: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15

Seated Leg Extension: 130/15 130/15 130/15 140/15

1-leg Prone Leg Curl: 50/13 50/13 50/13 50/13

Standing Glute Push: 90/15 90/15 90/15 90/15

Adductor: 110/15 110/15 110/15 110/15

Abductor: 90/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

Ab Coaster: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

Had a good 15 minute stretch afterward.

I am still feeling the 1-T in me which is an amazing feeling, great pumps and good strength. I can't wait to start to see the results from the Dermatherm, I feel like it will work just from the first application and look forward to the results.


Day 2 PCT- March 31st- Arms

Well I just got done with my workout and learned some very disheartening news from Jim. Apparently the level of hormones in the Dermatherm is high enough so that I can't use it during my PCT from the 1-T. This creates quite the issue for me as I am going to have to PCT for the next 30 days and was planning on running the Dermatherm for the entire time. This is quite upsetting and means I might have to consider finding and purchasing another topical product that can deliver results without using the hormones so I can utilize it during the PCT process. The other problem is that I have four bottles of Dermatherm now.....that I am going to have to try and sell. But I can't let that get me too upset, I have goals and deadlines so the show MUST go on. I weighed in at 226lbs today. I'm cutting fast.

Once again had my stopwatch attached to my shorts and did one minute of rest or less between sets. But every set was a superset today, first a bicep then immediately a tricep then one minute of rest and repeat. Great for an arm workout and a ridiculous pump.

Close grip z-bar curl: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

1-arm cable curl: 25/15 25/15 25/15 25/15
Rope Pressdown: 75/15 85/15 85/15 85/15

BB Curl: 65/15 65/15 65/15 65/15
Seated overhead DB: 70/15 75/15 75/15 75/15

Straight bar cable curl: 75/15 75/15 75/15 75/15
Reverse grip press: 75/15 85/15 95/15 95/15

High Arm Cable Curl: 20/15 30/15 30/15 30/15
1-arm cable pressdown: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15

Decelerating Back Xtension: 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5
(Decelerating spinal extension on the back extension, using abdominals as the decelerator.)

Still aggravated about this bump in the to the library to study.


BTW.....Thanks Jim! I didn't know I could use the new DermaTherm Target and that it's non-hormonal. This means I will run the Dermatherm Target for about 35 days, then start 1-t/Tren stacked with hormonal Dermatherm first week of May. That means I will be getting even more shredded and harder and leaner into the first two weeks of June. Which will put me right on target. Thanks a bunch for the offer and for helping me out with this stuff. Which also means this log will probably run into June. In it for the long haul


Well-known member
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Good luck hittin' those goals bud. With the help of PP, your goals will be much more easily obtained I'm sure:)


  • Established
I had good success with dermatherm, hopefully the new one will be just as good... I'm definitely interested in your feedback on that front!

I'm shortly going to be running a stack of formex, phyto-test and (the old) dermatherm since i got a couple of bottles on their stock clearing blow out, should be good!

Good luck!


  • RockStar
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I look forward to watching your progress. If you have any questions along the way, i'd be glad to help. :)


Day 3- Chest

I worked out SUPER early today. I couldn't go to sleep on tuesday night until like 3 in the morning and woke up two hours later at five to pee and decided I wanted to go get my workout done before school and work. I went to the gym at 5 am.....weird how I seem to do that randomly once every few months. For only being able to sleep for 2 hours I had a surprisingly decent chest workout. Im going to continue to use the original Dermatherm until I receive the Dermatherm target becuse I need the benefits now. So hopefully I can get that situation squared away ASAP.

As always, stopwatch attached to me and no more than a 1 minute rest between sets.

Incline DB Flye: 50/15 50/15 50/15 50/15

Decline BB: 165/15 165/15 165/15 165/15

High Cable Flye: 20/20 25/15 27.5/15 27.5/15

Pec Dec Flye: 150/15 165/15 165/15 165/15
Pec Dec: 100/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

Decline Hammer: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Wide Hammer: 180/12 140/15 140/15 140/15

Nautilus Ab Crunch: 80/20 125/250 140/18 155/15

Went in to the aerobics room to do some agility drills.

4 sets of Shuffle
4 sets of Karaoke
4 sets of High Knees
Taking less than a minute rest between and using that time for ankle touches really kept my heartrate up. All in all a great workout. The dermatherm still feels like it is working and I am buying a digital camera so I don't have to worry about using anyone else's. Like I said before I will continue to use the Dermatherm until I can get the Dermatherm Target.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Nice log... didnt even see it until now.



Day-4 Shoulders and Calves

I had a great shoulder workout today, I wasn't able to hit calves with my shoulder workout but fortunately I worked at the gym and so after I got off I hit up calves.

I had the stopwatch and took less that one minute between sets.

Smith Machine Overhead Press: 100/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

Pec Dec Rear Delt: 150/15 150/15 150/15 150/15
Freemotion Seated Cable Shoulder Press: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Hammer Shoulder Press: 140/15 140/15 140/15 140/15
Cable Between Leg Front Raise: 60/12 50/15 50/15 50/15

Nautilus Lat Shoulde Raise: 80/15 75/15 75/15 75/15

Freemotion Front Raise: 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15
Freemotion Lat Raise: 7.5/15 7.5/15 7.5/15 7.5/15


Cybex Cable Leg Press Calves: 290/20 290/20 350/18 390/12 430/15 490/12

Rotary Calf: 250/20 310/20 350/15 350/20 390/15 390/15

Seated Calf Raise: 90/20 135/18 180/8 90/20 90/20 90/20

I applied the Dermatherm and Sustain Today after my first workout. I should have the camera by monday so I will get some good pictures but I am getting a lot of comments from people who are telling me I am starting to look realy good.


About to head to the gym for my back workout. Just wanted to say thanks to Jim from Primordial Performance he sent me a new Dermatherm Target because I can't keep using the Dermatherm while on PCT. That my customer service.


Day 5- Back

I had a great back workout today....super high paced with a great pump. Today was my last day of using the regular Dermatherm because thanks a WHOLE bunch to Jim from PP I got a bottle of Dermatherm Target today in the mail. That was an amazing gesture and I am excited to start using the product on Monday.

1 Minute Rests again today, some of the rest periods were 30 seconds.

T-bar row: 90/15 90/15 90/15 90/15

Hammer pullover: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Hammer high row pulldown: 180/15 200/15 230/15 230/15

Cybex rear delt/row: 135/15 135/15 135/15 135/15

Seated row: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15

Smith pull-up: X/12 X/12 X/12 X/12
(Description below)

Lat pressdown: 45/15 45/15 45/15 45/15

Reverse grip lat pulldown: 90/15 95/15 95/15 95/15

Smith Pull-up description: Sit below smith maching to adjust bar in locked position so your arms are completely outstretched while sitting. Place a bench in front of smith machine to place legs on. Place legs on bench and grab smith bar and do pullups. It's a great back move, I really like this exercies.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is my extra lift day. I will do chest, lower back, and maybe a little bit of tricep. I am liking the Sustain Alpha a LOT, I think the resveratrol is helping me with my pump.


4/4 bonus day

Day 6- PCT Extra workout.

Today was my 6th day of my split and it's just an extra day for me to work on my chest, I hit up a little tricep too.

Decline DB: 85/12 95/10 100/9 105/8 110/6

Incline Hammer Chest: 180/12 200/10 230/6 180/8+4 rest pause negative's.

Iso Lateral Flat Hammer Chest: 90/12 90/12 90/12 90/12 I did 4 rest pause negative's on the end of every set.

Decline Hammer: 180/12 180/12 180/12 180/12

Nautilus Seated Dip: 140/20 155/18 170/15 185/15 200/14

Overhead DB: 90/12 90/12 70/15 70/15

Star Trac Overhead Tricep: 60/15 80/12 100/12 120/10

A good bonus workout day..... A little stressed so the workout was much needed.



Day-7 Not supposed to workout.....but did.

Today I wasn't supposed to go to the gym, it was my high carb day. I am super stressed and aggravated about a few things...girls, school, I decided to go break a sweat.

Back Extension: 190/20 210/20 230/18 250/16 270/12 290/10

Freemotion Cable Deadlift: 80/20 100/18 120/16 140/14 160/12 180/10
Swiss Ball Crunch: 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15
1-minutes Jump Rope: 6 sets.

High Arm Cable Curl: 30/20 40/16 50/12 60/8 70/7

Rope Curl: 70/15 80/12 90/10 100/9

1-Arm Hammer Curl: 20/15 20/15 35/8 25/12 25/12

I felt great after working out.......It got some anger and frustration out. Love that release.


Day-8 PCT Legs

Another start to a week, still trying to get my focus back after dealing with some drama. My workout was great. I love the Sustain and tomorrow I will start the Dermatherm Target. I can't wait to use this product, it's been burning a hole in my dresser. I was going to start it this last weekend but decided against it. I will start using it tomorrow 4/7

Plate-Loaded Squat Press 450/15 500/15 500/15 500/15 500/15 500/15

1-Leg Extension(toes out): 60/15 60/15 60/15 60/15 60/15 60/15

Hammy Xtension: X/15 X/15 X/15 X/15

Leg Extension: 110/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Seated Leg Curl: 130/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Abductor: 110/15 110/15 110/15 110/15

Adductor: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15

Hammy Xtension description: Sit backwards on a seated calf raise machine. With your knees where your butt would go and your heels where your knees would go and enough weight loaded to hold your bodyweight, lean outward to feel tension in your hamstrings, then pull yourself back up using hamstrings, great isolation exercise. Today's workout was awesome.....


Day 9 PCT- Arms

I applied Dermatherm Target for the first time and was very impressed. It's almost like you can actually feel it working and your skin gets hot and turns red! I think I will be impressed with this product and I hope the product lives up to my expectations.

One minute rest between each superset.

Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15
DB Curl(forearms canted out laterally): 25/15 25/15 25/15 25/15

BB Curl: 55/15 65/15 65/15 65/15
Decline Skull Crusher: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Incline Skull Crisher: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Z-Bar Close Grip Curl: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

V-Bar Pressdown: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15
V-Bar Curl: 90/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

Freemotion Cable Curl: 35/15 35/15 35/15 35/15
Freemotion One Arm Overhead Tricep: 45/15 45/15 45/15 45/15

Great arm workout....pumps from Mars!!!!!!


Day 10-PCT Chest

Here are some pictures that I took today with my Blackberry, I really am going to buy a camera I am just waiting for my tax return. Also I am trying to figure out how I am going to buy an extreme hardcore muscle stack so I can start taking 1-T/Tren in the 2nd week of May.

I woke went to be at around 3 am because I couldn't sleep and I woke up at 5 am because that is the only time I could go to the gym today so needless to say today has been a VERY long day.

One minute rests between sets again today.

Flat DB: 65/15 65/15 65/15 65/15

Pec Dec Flye: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15 240/10 240/10

Freemotion Cable High Flye: 25/15 25/15 25/15 25/15
Freemotion Cable Low Flye: 15/15 15/15 15/15 15/15

Freemotion Cable Medium Flye: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

Pec Dec: 100/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

Hammer Strenght Wide Bench: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Here is a picture of me before applying Dermatherm and two pictures after applying the Dermatherm, as you can see from the FEEL it working.



  • RockStar
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Very nice job on the log. I love it when you can feel something "working!" :D

I have yet to try our reformulation, but it will be part of this summers cut for certain. :)


Hey guys,

Really making an effort to get these damn pictures posted. I hope this works finally, I will post a weekend update hopefully tonight after I get home from the library. Today is my high carb day so I am trying to get around 500 grams of carbs today. I am struggling with it though because my body has become accustomed to not having carbs but to ensure proper thyroid functioning I will make sure I get my carbs in today. Please let me know if these pictures work. If any of you have followed my previous logs you are surely see the difference in my physique as far as the size I have gained but the consequential fat gain that occured also. I am going at a furious pace to get back to the bodyfat I was before!

The first picture is before the dermatherm target application and the second and third pictures are approximately 5 minutes after applying the dermatherm. So far I am very impressed with the new Dermatherm Target and I am pleased with the results I am having.



4/9 Day-11 PCT Shoulders
4/10 Day-12 Back
4/11 Day-13 Free Chest Day

Hey guys,
I have been crazy busy with school so here is an update on my workouts until today. PCT has been going great and I am still very impressed with the Dermatherm Target. I am still seeing great results with the supplements in combination with my proper training and diet routine.


Cybex Overhead Press: 90/15 90/15 90/15 90/15
Rear Delt Pec Dec: 150/15 150/15 150/15 15/015

Freemotion Cable Lat Raise: 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15
Freemotion Cable Front Raise: 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/15

Incline DB Rear Delt: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15
Nipple Press: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15

Between Leg Rope Front Raise: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15
Cable Rear Delt: 30/12 20/15 20/15 20/15

4/10 Day 12 PCT- Back

GREAT BACK DAY! I felt great after this workout and I am happy to be able to see my back separations again. I worked on really short rest periods but squeezing really hard at the top of each rep.

Hammer Low Row: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Hammer High Row: 200/15 200/15 200/15 200/15

T-Bar Row: 90/15 90/15 90/15 90/15

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown: 90/15 90/15 90/15 90/15

Close Grip Lat Pulldown: 112/15 112/15 112/15 112/15

1-Arm Freemotion Row: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

4/11 Day 13 PCT extra lifting day, chest and calves

Im focusing on doing heavier weight on this day and hopefully bringing my lower chest our more and laterally. Taking today and Sunday off of the Sustain Alpha.

Decline DB: 90/12 95/10 100/9 110/6

Incline DB: 70/12 75/10 80/8 80/8

Freemotion High Cable Flye: 22.5/20 30/12 35/10 40/8

Seated Calf 90/20 90/20 140/15 180/12 225/8 90/20
Decline MTS Cable Bench: 50/15 60/15 60/15 60/15


Day 15-PCT Legs

Had to wake up after only 5 hours of sleep to get to the gym because I had class, then work, then the library today. Needless to say......I'm pretty tired! But I still had a good leg workout today. Yesterday I had my high carb day and I got about 400 grams of carbs in.

As always on Monday-Friday it's less than a minute rest between sets.

DB Lunges: 40/12 40/12 40/12 40/12

Leg Extension: 130/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Seated Leg Curl: 130/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Leg Press: 360/15 360/15 360/15 360/15
(Felt like a pussy doing this much, but a hell of a burn after doing the above exercises!!)

1-leg Extension turned for outer sweet focus(vastus lateralis): 50/15 60/15 60/15 60/15

1-leg Prone Leg Curl: 35/15 45/15 45/15 45/15

Still liking the Dermatherm and people in the gym and saying I am looking better even on a day to day basis. I am on day 43 of my cut. I have about 75 days or so left before my shoots and possibly a show. It kind of worries me because I feel like I am getting so close already!


Day 16 of PCT- ARMS

Loving the Dermatherm Target.....I feel like it is working well and it is accelerating the thinning out of my midsection. Two pumps to the abs every day will continue to be the dose for the next two weeks. Then after that I would like to start a 1-t/tren stack with Dermatherm.

Smith Machine Drag Curl: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

Hammer Seated Bicep: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Overhead DB: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Bar Pressdown: 120/15 130/15 140/15 150/15
Bar Cable Curl: 100/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

BB 30's: 50/30 50/30 50/30 55/30
1-arm laying db extension with pronation: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15


  • RockStar
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Day 16 of PCT- ARMS

Loving the Dermatherm Target.....I feel like it is working well and it is accelerating the thinning out of my midsection. Two pumps to the abs every day will continue to be the dose for the next two weeks. Then after that I would like to start a 1-t/tren stack with Dermatherm.

Smith Machine Drag Curl: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

Hammer Seated Bicep: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Overhead DB: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Bar Pressdown: 120/15 130/15 140/15 150/15
Bar Cable Curl: 100/15 100/15 100/15 100/15

BB 30's: 50/30 50/30 50/30 55/30
1-arm laying db extension with pronation: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15
It's great to hear that you're enjoying it! I really can't wait to assess the differences myself. :D

Nice job on the log!


Day 17 of PCT- Chest

I had a great workout today! That's all........

Click Flye
Flat: 35/15 click up: 35/15 incline: 30/15

Incline: 35/15 click down: 35/15 flat: 30/15

Flat: 35/15 click up: 35/15 incline: 30/15

Incline: 35/15 click down: 35/15 flat: 30/15

Description: each line is one set. So one set is 45 reps. Start with the flat bench, then click up 2 clicks on adjustable bench, then click up to full incline.

Decline Hammer: 180/15 180/15 200/15 200/15

Wide Hammer: 180/15 200/15 200/15 200/15

Pec Dec: 115/15 115/15 115/15 115/15
Pec Fly: 135/15 150/15 150/15 150/15

Freemotion Low Flye: 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15

Freemotion High Flye: 22.5/15 22.5/15 22.5/15 22.5/15

Nautilus Vertical Chest: 125/15 140/15 140/15 140/15

Incline Lateral flexion(oblique focused): 15/15 15/15 15/15 15/15
Incline Decelerating Ab extension(Rectus Abdominus focused): x/12 x/12 x/12 x/12


Day 18 of PCT- Shoulders and Calves

Hammer Shoulder Press: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

DB Shoulder Row: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15
DB Lat Raise: 15/15 15/15 15/15 15/15

Pec Dec Rear Delt: 120/15 120/15 120/15 120/15
Cybex Overhead Press: 70/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

Freemotion X-cross: 15/15 15/15 15/15 15/15
Freemotion Front Raise: 10/15 12.5/15 12.5/15 12.5/15

Seated Calf Raise: 90/25 90/25 115/15 135/15 160/12

Cybex Cable Leg Press Calves: 290/25 330/22 390/20 430/20 490/20

Standing Calf Raise: 80/25 100/25


Day 19 PCT- Back

Hammer Wide Iso-Lat Pulldown: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Hammer Iso-Lat Row: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Lat Pulldown: 110/15 110/15 110/15 110/15
Behind Head Lat Pulldown: 50/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Cybex Cable Row: 110/15 110/15 110/15 110/15
Lat Bar Pressdown: 37.5/15 37.5/15 37.5/15 37.5/15

1-Arm Seated Row: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15

Day 20 PCT- Extra Chest Day

Decline DB: 95/10 100/9 110/6 110/6

Incline Hammer: 180/12 210/10 230/8 250/6

Freemotion High Flye: 22.5/18 25/18 27.5/16 30/15
Seated Dip: 140/20 170/18 170/18 170/18


Day 22 PCT- Legs

Leg Press: 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15

Leg Extension: 130/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Kneeling Leg Curl: 50/15 50/15 50/15 50/15

1-leg Extension(toes out): 60/15 60/15 60/15 60/15

Seated Leg Curl: 110/15 115/15 115/15 115/15

Supplement Notes: I am LOVING the Dermatherm Target and the Sustain. As far as PCT goes, I couldn't see it going better. I am most likely going to start 1-t/Tren in a few weeks to help cut more and harden up, I'm getting excited!!!!
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

Board Sponsor
  • Established
Day 22 PCT- Legs

Leg Press: 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15 450/15

Leg Extension: 130/15 130/15 130/15 130/15

Kneeling Leg Curl: 50/15 50/15 50/15 50/15

1-leg Extension(toes out): 60/15 60/15 60/15 60/15

Seated Leg Curl: 110/15 115/15 115/15 115/15

Supplement Notes: I am LOVING the Dermatherm Target and the Sustain. As far as PCT goes, I couldn't see it going better. I am most likely going to start 1-t/Tren in a few weeks to help cut more and harden up, I'm getting excited!!!!

The 1-T TREN will be nice...

We should have the new DermaTherm Target up on the website by tonight...



Day 23 PCT- Arms

Today I added some cardio in between super sets. I did one minute of jump rope after each super set. Great workout!

Incline Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15
Incline DB Curl: 25/15 25/15 25/15 25/15

BB Curl: 55/15 65/15 70/15 75/15
Skull Crusher: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

Overhead DB: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15
Close Grib Z-bar Curl: 80/15 80/15 80/15 80/15

Standing Freemotion Cable Curl: 30/15 30/15 30/15 30/15
Freemotion 1-arm Overhead Push: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15

Ordered two bottles of 1-t/Tren........ This will help me finish off my cut for sure. I will take good pictures before I start the 1-t Tren so you guys can see my progress. Oh yeah....I am down 35 lbs on day 51 of my cut!


Day 24 PCT- Chest

Today I went to the gym at 6 a.m. off of like 2 hours of sleep. I had class all day and I work for the Orlando Magic and we had a game tonight so I had to hit the gym super early. I still had a pretty good workout. I rave about how much I like the Dermatherm Target to people in the locker room because everyone asks as I am applying it.

Once again today I jumped rope for a minute between each set.

Decline DB Flye: 40/15 40/15 40/15 40/15
Low Post Cable Flye: 30/15 30/15 30/15 30/15

Incline Hammer: 140/15 150/15 160/15 180/15

Wide Grip Hammer: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Freemotion Medium Flye: 17.5/15 17.5/15 17.5/15 17.5/15
Freemotion High Flye: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

PP products are the BOMB....I am very impressed with everything and I am dying to start this 1-t/ Tren......


Day 25 PCT- Shoulders and Calves

Bought a digital camera today!!! I have some pics to show after this post.

Nipple Press: 45/15 45/15 45/15 45/15
Incline Rear Delt: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

DB X-Cross Front Raise: 25/12 20/15 20/15 20/15
Lateral DB Raise: 20/12 15/15 15/15 15/15

DB Upright Shoulder Row: 45/15 45/15 45/15 45/15
Bent Over Betweel Leg Cable Lat Raise: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

Freemotion Cable Shoulder Press: 70/15 70/15 70/15 70/15
Cable Rear Delt: 20/15 20/15 20/15 20/15

Leg Press Calves on Cybex Cable Leg Press: 250/18 310/18 390/16 390/16

Seated Calf: 90/1/ 100/18 115/16 135/15

Rotary Calf: 270/22 310/20 350/18 390/16


Decline Spinal Extension: 4 sets of 15

DB Between Leg Raise: 5/15 5/15 10/10 10/10

Med Ball Decline Twist: 4/20 4/20 6/15 6/15


Here is one before pic and one after pic, also an upper body shot.



Day 26 PCT- Back

Had a great back workout today. I switched it up with a few different things which is what I need to be doing now since my body needs a shock.

Hammer High Row: 200/15 220/15 220/15 220/15

Hammer Reverse High Pulldown: 140/15 140/15 140/15 140/15

Hammer Low Row: 180/15 180/15 180/15 180/15

Cybex Rear Delt/Row: 130/15 130/15 135/15 135/15

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown: 90/15 97.5/15 97.5/15 97.5/15

Smith Machine Pull-Up: X/14 X/14 X/14 X/14

T-Bar Row: 90/10 70/15 70/15 70/15


Day 27 PCT- Extra Chest Day

I felt a little weak today. I'm glad that PCT is almost over, I neet to start the 1-t/Tren ASAP because I have 49 days left until I need to be ready. I will probably start on Monday, two days early. Should I start a new log for the 1-t/Tren or continue it on here?

Incline DB: 80/12 85/10 90/9 95/6

Iso-Lat Hammer Bench: 110/15 140/12 160/10 190/8 210/6

Freemotion High Flye: 30/15 35/15 40/8 35/12

Decline Hammer: 180/15 230/8 230/9 230/10

Pec Dec Flye: 165/15 210/12 225/10 240/10 240/10

Hammer Seated Dip: 180/15 230/12 270/10

Startac Overhead Tricep: 70/20 100/15 120/12 140/10

Rope Pressdown: 70/15 90/15 110/12 130/10


Primordial Performance Rep
  • Established
Day 27 PCT- Extra Chest Day

I felt a little weak today. I'm glad that PCT is almost over, I neet to start the 1-t/Tren ASAP because I have 49 days left until I need to be ready. I will probably start on Monday, two days early. Should I start a new log for the 1-t/Tren or continue it on here?

Incline DB: 80/12 85/10 90/9 95/6

Iso-Lat Hammer Bench: 110/15 140/12 160/10 190/8 210/6

Freemotion High Flye: 30/15 35/15 40/8 35/12

Decline Hammer: 180/15 230/8 230/9 230/10

Pec Dec Flye: 165/15 210/12 225/10 240/10 240/10

Hammer Seated Dip: 180/15 230/12 270/10

Startac Overhead Tricep: 70/20 100/15 120/12 140/10

Rope Pressdown: 70/15 90/15 110/12 130/10

I would start another one and put a link to it in this one.


Hey guys,
Sorry I have been MIA this week, it was finals week. I am done with PCT and I am VERY happy with the way the Dermatherm Target has accelerated my fat loss. Here are some before and after pics. They are about 30 days apart.




Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
hey man, im also running a DRMATHRM log how is it working for you so farrr?? how are along into the bottle are you? are you spreading it thick or thin?


  • RockStar
  • Legend!
  • Established
Hey guys,
Sorry I have been MIA this week, it was finals week. I am done with PCT and I am VERY happy with the way the Dermatherm Target has accelerated my fat loss. Here are some before and after pics. They are about 30 days apart.


Bravo, sir - These are quite impressive results!


Hey guys,
Check out my 1-t/Tren thread on here, I will be posting some new updated pics on that thread guys are gonna be impressed!!


Primordial Performance Rep
  • Established
Primordial Thanksgiving Weekend Sale

All products are on sale.

New Sustain Alpha Liqua-Vade is only $39.96, 20% off.

Free shipping for all orders over $150.

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