natty t's trying to get back into football.



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Ya he's nutz...i gotta spread rep around before giving to natty t again...
natty texan

natty texan

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haha yea it's all good.

every once in awhile i just go search the board and look for something smart someone said and rep em
natty texan

natty texan

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well guys.
i just got my muscle pharm samples, including bullet proof, so i'm gonna go upstairs and try it now, incase it doesn't work and i'll have time to grab something else before it's too late.

i'll let ya'll know how it comes out in the morning.


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uh thing we'll hear from natty:

natty mad...natty SMASH!!!!

(where's the damn incredible hulk emoticon when ya f***in' need one???):rippedhand:


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i'm interested to get some feedback on musclepharm products. definitely keep us updated. oh, and subbed - sorry for being so frikken late.


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i wonder if they farm muscle over there?


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uh thing we'll hear from natty:

natty mad...natty SMASH!!!!

(where's the damn incredible hulk emoticon when ya f***in' need one???):rippedhand:
Here you go...



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YEAH! hulkamania (oh wait that's a different hulk) I mean hulkerrific rages coming soon to a theater near you!


  • Established
ohhh, it's almost too much to ask for!

now I can dream nice dreams....zzzzz


too bad he and ozzy never should have had a reality tv show; totally ruined both of them for me.
natty texan

natty texan

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alright muscle pharm feedback.

bulletproof made me tired and fast. every night when i head up stairs i take a hot shower and turn on that 70's show and take my stuff while it's on.

I kid you not kids...I took one packet of it and 15 minutes later i was half way crawling to get to my bed. I almost fell alseep in the chair...

it was so powerful i'd almost be worried....

however, this was all at 11. I woke up at 12, I'm not sure why, but i was pretty wide awake, and instead of testing that stuff like i should have i just wanted sleep so i took some gaba and that was all she wrote.

I'll use my other sample pack tonight and let ya'll know how it feels tonight....

in other news i have my tests today....


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Good luck on the test big man! you lifting today too?
natty texan

natty texan

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Good luck on the test big man! you lifting today too?
no today's an off day.

i have to fast which freakin sucks i'm so hungry right now....

that's funny ya'll put the hulk up i'm wearing my hulk shirt today lol....


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I just checked out Glycobol, it's already pre-sold out, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try in the future.


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i got a couple coming in.... just in case i need to hook some friends up ;)
natty texan

natty texan

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basically it means i'm now a full time body builder.

just the thought of this makes them want to make me a lab monkey because of my age...


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what what?!?!?!?!?!? your a full time body builder meaning they said you cant go back to football or wtf? what do you mean by that?
natty texan

natty texan

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means the options up to me.

if i choose to play football again i could be dead when i'm 45.

as it stands theres a terrific chance i'll have Alzheimers when i'm 60
natty texan

natty texan

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omg bro. im so sorry to hear that
it's alright.

i half way expected it.

however, this means i'm now putting all my focus into bodybuilding.

i'm giong to be ambitious and hope i'll be able to do a show by next summer.

vol got any workout suggestions?

i'll post up some pics for criticism/critique soon as i get a cmaera


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Damn, dude, that's some heavy ish! Sorry to hear that, bro. In regards to potential Alzheimer's, studies are being published about how physical activity can push back the activation of Alzheimer, something about the neuralplasticity associated with physical exercise. It won't reverse Alzheimer's once it's kicked in, but it can push it back. That said, by the time YOUR 60, we could be realistically close to having a cure for it. Technology and medicine moves exponentially per generation, as in the progression isn't in "additions" but multiplications.

Either way, I'm sorry to hear about that.
natty texan

natty texan

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Damn, dude, that's some heavy ish! Sorry to hear that, bro. In regards to potential Alzheimer's, studies are being published about how physical activity can push back the activation of Alzheimer, something about the neuralplasticity associated with physical exercise. It won't reverse Alzheimer's once it's kicked in, but it can push it back. That said, by the time YOUR 60, we could be realistically close to having a cure for it. Technology and medicine moves exponentially per generation, as in the progression isn't in "additions" but multiplications.

Either way, I'm sorry to hear about that.
thanks vol.

i'm also probably gonna continue supplementing with gingko biloba and ginseng.

i'm hoping their cures to alzheimer's aren't linked directly to embryonic stem cells...i don't really want to start an argument, i'll just say i'm against using an embryo and leave it at that. ( everyone please respect my opinions and don't try to force an argument) adult stem cells (from the spinal cord) maybe...


  • Established
thanks vol.

i'm also probably gonna continue supplementing with gingko biloba and ginseng.

i'm hoping their cures to alzheimer's aren't linked directly to embryonic stem cells...i don't really want to start an argument, i'll just say i'm against using an embryo and leave it at that. ( everyone please respect my opinions and don't try to force an argument) adult stem cells (from the spinal cord) maybe...
hey man, it's not too far off (they can do it for dogs already). sorry to hear about getting your dreams for football's hard to take at 19. hopefully you'll look back when you're my age at your decision (whatever that ultimately ends up being) and be happy with it. you're also young enough that if you attack your preventive medicine seriously you'll likely be fine in the end; these conditions are better and better understood each day.

also, about the lab rat thing; if they want to offer you any research study free medicine you might want to seriously consider it, just do your own research on the risks involved. I have certain cranial conditions myself that I am waiting for stem cell research to tackle so I can offer myself up for studies.

just look at it this way: you're young, you've got an able body, you're going to school and getting your degree and a lot of options are at your feet. honestly I would kill to be back where you are now.
natty texan

natty texan

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hey man, it's not too far off (they can do it for dogs already). sorry to hear about getting your dreams for football's hard to take at 19. hopefully you'll look back when you're my age at your decision (whatever that ultimately ends up being) and be happy with it. you're also young enough that if you attack your preventive medicine seriously you'll likely be fine in the end; these conditions are better and better understood each day.

also, about the lab rat thing; if they want to offer you any research study free medicine you might want to seriously consider it, just do your own research on the risks involved. I have certain cranial conditions myself that I am waiting for stem cell research to tackle so I can offer myself up for studies.

just look at it this way: you're young, you've got an able body, you're going to school and getting your degree and a lot of options are at your feet. honestly I would kill to be back where you are now.

i'm looking at this as an opportunity. I've never been able to close the door on football, and this really takes the option out of my hands. I've been genetically gifted with a very big, wide frame. I can do some serious damage when i pack the muscle on.

Hopefully by this time next year, i'll be preparing to go prance around on stage in a nanner hammock.


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Man, that sucks, bro. Sorry to hear it. But, you know, bodybuilding's not so bad either.


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Jesus natty, ive only known you a couple of days and still I really cant say how sorry I am to hear about your condition, Your guts and the way youve taken this though are beyond the point of admirable and you have my utter most respect for that. Whatever you decide to do best of luck with it!. As for a new program for you though, why dont you consider joining me on DC training? it would be a laugh having some friendly progress competition:bandit: you certainly seem crazy/determined/knowledgable enough for the program:laugh:


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^^^ Do eeeeeeeet!!! I'm on the DC train now too, and it's fun! :D
natty texan

natty texan

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Jesus natty, ive only known you a couple of days and still I really cant say how sorry I am to hear about your condition, Your guts and the way youve taken this though are beyond the point of admirable and you have my utter most respect for that. Whatever you decide to do best of luck with it!. As for a new program for you though, why dont you consider joining me on DC training? it would be a laugh having some friendly progress competition:bandit: you certainly seem crazy/determined/knowledgable enough for the program:laugh:
thank you for the kind words.

i'm still extremely skeptical on d.c.....

but i'll give it a shot.
guess i'll start monday? that should give me all weekend to learn about it and design a plan...

unless one of you nice fellers wanna just give me some quick pointers and a fast plan...


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thank you for the kind words.

i'm still extremely skeptical on d.c.....

but i'll give it a shot.
guess i'll start monday? that should give me all weekend to learn about it and design a plan...

unless one of you nice fellers wanna just give me some quick pointers and a fast plan...
I was pretty damn skeptical too, but finally caved in and decided to try it. So far I really like it! It's a completely different beast than the ridiculous volume I'm used to, but it's still a helluva brutal workout! Those rest-pauses are no joke! I've seen a lot of different DC routines, and you can custom tailor it to meet your needs. I posted mine up in my log, have a look if you want. Then check some others out, and pick the exercises you like best and rock with it! :head:
natty texan

natty texan

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i did rest pauses on chest the other day...

i felt like i was cheating...

although i probably wasn't using enough weight...
natty texan

natty texan

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alright guys, i'm going out with a friend tonight to play some pool.

gotta two more dates next week ahaha (tonight's not a date)


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i did rest pauses on chest the other day...

i felt like i was cheating...

although i probably wasn't using enough weight...
Yeah man, that's the whole point. You have to do them HEAVY. That's like the biggest point in the DC philosophy...
natty texan

natty texan

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Yeah man, that's the whole point. You have to do them HEAVY. That's like the biggest point in the DC philosophy...
i was using 225.

i think this week i'll experiment with 275...(just hammer preses)


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thank you for the kind words.

i'm still extremely skeptical on d.c.....

but i'll give it a shot.
guess i'll start monday? that should give me all weekend to learn about it and design a plan...

unless one of you nice fellers wanna just give me some quick pointers and a fast plan...
when you have your template, shoot it by one of the DC'ers for approval. there's some weird quirks - barbell bench is a big no-no, etc. the biggest thing about DC is you have to learn how to push yourself, as you only have one working set to make progress. if you can do that, DC is a great way to train.


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^^^ Do eeeeeeeet!!! I'm on the DC train now too, and it's fun! :D
Yep :D the stretches are painful as hell but its fun :bandit: feel free to look across at my template if you want for DC natty. I am not an expert on it but ill try and fill you in quickly on it here:

This is a split that dante said is a good starting point:

monday=chest, shoulders, triceps, back width, back thickness
wednesday=biceps, forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads
friday-repeat of mondays bodyparts
monday-repeat of wenesdays bodyparts

Here are some example exercises and rep ranges he points out in an interview with him, (also includes notes)

incline smythe press (11-15rp)
hammer strength press (11-15rp)
decline barbell press (11-15rp)

front rack chins (11-20rp)
close grip pulldowns (11-15rp)
front pulldowns (11-15rp)

Backthickness: (back thickness exercises and quad exercises arent rest paused due to safety reasons of fatigue and loss of form)
deadlifts straight sets (6-9reps) + (9-12reps)
T-bar rows straight set (10-12 reps)
rack deadlifts (6-9reps) + (9-12reps)

military presses (11-20rp)
hammer strength presses (11-15rp)
upright rows (11-20rp)

Quads: (quads are done again with no rest pause because of safety reasons, but after progressive warmups there is a heavy set and then what I call a "widowmaker set" for 20 reps with a still heavy, but lighter weight)

free squats (6-10 rep straight set) 3-5 minute rest and then (20 rep widowmaker)
hack squats (as above)
leg press (as above)

lying leg curls (15-30rp)
seated leg curls (15-30rp)
sumo press leg press (pressing with heels only- straight set of 15-25 reps)

preacher curls (11-20rp)
barbell drag curls (11-20rp)
dumbell curls (11-20rp)

pinwheel curls (straight set 10-20 reps)
hammer curls (straight set 10-20 reps)
reverse grip one arm cable curls (straight set 10-20 reps)

reverse grip bench presses (11-20rp)
close grip bench presses (11-20rp)
EZ bar tricep extentions (15-30rp) (elbow safety)

Calves: (all calves are done with an enhanced negative, meaning up on big toe, 5 seconds lowering down to full stretch and then a brutal 10-15 seconds in the stretched position and then back up on the big toe again. It really separates the mice and the men--this is an all straight set)
leg press toe press (10-12 reps)
hack squat toe press/sled (10-12 reps)
seated calf raises (10-12 reps)

That was all taken from intensemuscle is the official DC site. The basic ideas are to use compount moves and working to total failure, then resting and going to total failure again, then repeat again, to do the bodyparts you simply use as many sets as you need to warmup for one intense working set, then commence the extreme stretch for that bodypart. Extreme stretches can be found here, good luck!


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alright guys, i'm going out with a friend tonight to play some pool.

gotta two more dates next week ahaha (tonight's not a date)
hhhhhmmmmmmmm sure tonight's not a date Natty...LOL j/k man have fun. 2 dates next week sweet....:laugh:


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ohhh, it's almost too much to ask for!

now I can dream nice dreams....zzzzz


too bad he and ozzy never should have had a reality tv show; totally ruined both of them for me.
Ah I'll still like them both...I don't think of their shows weh i see or hear either of them they are both legends in my book...


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hey natty T have you gained any weight, added any inches to arms, ect. lately? Are you able to post some recent pics to compare with old ones?


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Yeah man, that's the whole point. You have to do them HEAVY. That's like the biggest point in the DC philosophy...
I'm not the biggest fan of DC, but I may have some helpful suggestions to maximize your DC experience, by merging a second principle from HIT. I found a modified DC program was more effect then a legalistic DC or legalistic HIT.

DC of course is about loading the muscle to all hell with heavy @$$ weight, to force through strength barriers and also to consistently adapt by circulating certain exercises once you've plateaued in strength on that particular exercise. Also, stretching the muscle fascia is one of DC's root principles.

HIT as originally proposed by Mike Mentzer was derived from a principle rooted in Psychology, based on Dr. Hans Selye's GAS principle. General Adaption Syndrome, which says, only when a certain stress threshold is exceeded, does one adapt by self strengthening, in order to cope with the stress. Dr. Selye of course was speaking about a psychological/emotional strengthening, and Mike Mentzer brought that application of GAS to bodybuilding. He's not the first or last to derive psychological principles and applied to to human physiology.

Mentzer hypothesized that "muscle failure" was the only sure fire way to deem that threshold exceeded.

Here's the logic. Muscle adapts for defensive purposes. If you bench press heavy, the pectorals grow in size and strength in order to protect your thoracic cavity, (heart & lungs) from the dangers of the stress of that weight. You can run with that principle and apply it.

Muscle Failure:

Muscle has three type of strengths, concentric, isometric and eccentric. We all know this. Concentric movements are the positive portion of the lift, a curl, or what physiologists call, muscle shortening. The isometric, is holding a weight in an unmoving position (gymnast strength) and the eccentric, the negative portion or muscle lengthening.

In bodybuilding, we only push the concentric portion of the lift to failure. Ironically, concentric contractions require the least amount of applied force by the muscle of the three strengths. Eccentric requires the most force, then isometric. Failure of the concentric element of your muscle does not correlate to failure of isometric strength and/or eccentric. If you curled a 40lbs Db for 12 reps until you cannot rep anymore, you can still hold that last rep at a 90 degree angle for up to 10 or more seconds, furthermore, as the isometric contraction starts to fail, you can resist the negative portion for up to 10 seconds. The absence of a free-fall drop of the weight implicates the presence of eccentric strength.

Now, to mesh DC and HIT principles.

The strength aspect:

Strength as a concept have physiological changes that occur which are exclusive to strength, but not directly correlated with hypertrophy.

1. With the increasing load, your motor units adapt by exciting more innervating muscle fibers in synchronicity.

2. With heavy, heavy loads, your motor units will coordinate to fire in synchronicity.

Those two adaptions are the first adaptions to take place before new muscle is ever added.


Perform your DC reps, rest-pause your way up to your 15 reps with the extremely heavy weight. At the end of that 15 reps, hold that weight in an isometric contraction until isometric failure. The weight will slowly and unwillingly begin to drop, which will signify isometric failure, as the weight is dropping down, resist that drop as long as you can until you've reached eccentric failure.

This way, you push the concentric muscle strength to failure with DC, then you push the isometric and eccentric strengths with the HIT principles.

Lastly, Mentzer also theorized that when you reach this "muscle failure" hormones will signify to your brain that growth is necessary to facilitate this dangerous level of stress, as COMPLETE muscle failure had been reached.
natty texan

natty texan

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I'm not the biggest fan of DC, but I may have some helpful suggestions to maximize your DC experience, by merging a second principle from HIT. I found a modified DC program was more effect then a legalistic DC or legalistic HIT.

DC of course is about loading the muscle to all hell with heavy @$$ weight, to force through strength barriers and also to consistently adapt by circulating certain exercises once you've plateaued in strength on that particular exercise. Also, stretching the muscle fascia is one of DC's root principles.

HIT as originally proposed by Mike Mentzer was derived from a principle rooted in Psychology, based on Dr. Hans Selye's GAS principle. General Adaption Syndrome, which says, only when a certain stress threshold is exceeded, does one adapt by self strengthening, in order to cope with the stress. Dr. Selye of course was speaking about a psychological/emotional strengthening, and Mike Mentzer brought that application of GAS to bodybuilding. He's not the first or last to derive psychological principles and applied to to human physiology.

Mentzer hypothesized that "muscle failure" was the only sure fire way to deem that threshold exceeded.

Here's the logic. Muscle adapts for defensive purposes. If you bench press heavy, the pectorals grow in size and strength in order to protect your thoracic cavity, (heart & lungs) from the dangers of the stress of that weight. You can run with that principle and apply it.

Muscle Failure:

Muscle has three type of strengths, concentric, isometric and eccentric. We all know this. Concentric movements are the positive portion of the lift, a curl, or what physiologists call, muscle shortening. The isometric, is holding a weight in an unmoving position (gymnast strength) and the eccentric, the negative portion or muscle lengthening.

In bodybuilding, we only push the concentric portion of the lift to failure. Ironically, concentric contractions require the least amount of applied force by the muscle of the three strengths. Eccentric requires the most force, then isometric. Failure of the concentric element of your muscle does not correlate to failure of isometric strength and/or eccentric. If you curled a 40lbs Db for 12 reps until you cannot rep anymore, you can still hold that last rep at a 90 degree angle for up to 10 or more seconds, furthermore, as the isometric contraction starts to fail, you can resist the negative portion for up to 10 seconds. The absence of a free-fall drop of the weight implicates the presence of eccentric strength.

Now, to mesh DC and HIT principles.

The strength aspect:

Strength as a concept have physiological changes that occur which are exclusive to strength, but not directly correlated with hypertrophy.

1. With the increasing load, your motor units adapt by exciting more innervating muscle fibers in synchronicity.

2. With heavy, heavy loads, your motor units will coordinate to fire in synchronicity.

Those two adaptions are the first adaptions to take place before new muscle is ever added.


Perform your DC reps, rest-pause your way up to your 15 reps with the extremely heavy weight. At the end of that 15 reps, hold that weight in an isometric contraction until isometric failure. The weight will slowly and unwillingly begin to drop, which will signify isometric failure, as the weight is dropping down, resist that drop as long as you can until you've reached eccentric failure.

This way, you push the concentric muscle strength to failure with DC, then you push the isometric and eccentric strengths with the HIT principles.

Lastly, Mentzer also theorized that when you reach this "muscle failure" hormones will signify to your brain that growth is necessary to facilitate this dangerous level of stress, as COMPLETE muscle failure had been reached.
this is very much what I already do, just with shorter sets...
this is why I use my routine that i have yet to give a name to...

I try to start off with the heaviest weight possible that i can only push out, at the most, 6 hard reps. I then drop down to a few pounds to be able to do it again, then drop down again, then again. My theory is, that by constantly overloading the muscle, I'm utilizing and activating as many muscle fibers as I can.

This is also the reason I do negatives and hold the weight at the middle of the rep. I'm trying to nail all of it. I'm trying to hit my concentric with the overloading, the isometric with the holding, and the eccentric with the very slow negatives.

The biggest thing about this whole d.c. program for me is this: I love being in the gym. I love lifting weights. That's the reason I'm in this. I really don't want to sacrifice my time with the weights just to get bigger a little faster.
natty texan

natty texan

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hey natty T have you gained any weight, added any inches to arms, ect. lately? Are you able to post some recent pics to compare with old ones?
I think my A.M. reported weight is 247, I'm now at 262.

I don't have a camera...just in case i forgot to mention it, those old picture are from when I was 16. After my year and half hiatus with dunkin donuts and butter, I really don't feel like i'm even in that soft shape again in just a month back in this.

As soon as i get some pic's though I'll post them up

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