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For my bench press I was able to get in 3 sets at 225 and still feel strong. 6 reps.
Incline I got in 155 2 sets 6 reps.
Hammer you saw I got 260lbs 2 sets 6 reps. 1st set at 250 6 reps.
Also did 1 set of cable flys at 30 each arm on the med ball. 6 reps. 1 set.
For abs I also did the ab machine at 100lbs 12 reps 2 sets. Leg lifts and cable crunches.
I felt very strong last night. Got tired as I had to do lots of waiting at the gym.
Drank and keeped hydrated. I am doing few more sets as increase in test levels do increase my recovery time so we will see how that goes.


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Lookin good so far man... How are you planning on dosing? I noticed that I got a headache shortly after dosing if my water intake wasn't in the 1.5gal range. So, keep an eye on your intake and adjust accordingly. You may not have the same effect, just thought i'd mention it...

And who was that guy doing 365 on incline? You can't really see what it says underneath during the video because the text is too small....


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He is one of my good friends and workout partner. He also is a client/patient of mine from the Doctors office by chance. It says " one of my close friends I have been working out with for few years". I have the runs but thats really about it. No headache. I only clipped what I could clip as we technically are not supposed to film. So between that and working out for a hour and you tube only letting you do 10 min loads I just got parts of my routine. I take 3 in the morning with food that contains some fat than 30 min before my work out in the evening. Red and Blue pill.


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Today was leg day. I did 2 sets of 230lbs with squats 6 reps.
I also did 2 sets of hack squat of 230lbs 6 reps.
Leg pressed 900lbs 1 set and second set 910lbs both at 6 reps. I went as fast as last week but I want to try to go further so what I have been doing more is stretching a lot so I can go further down.
I did 2 sets of leg extensions at the max but it started cutting in my ham string and I felt pain so I was not able to go all the way up. I think I need like a towel or something.
I did 1 set of leg curl at 120 and one set seated leg curl different machine at 120 all at 6 sets.

I did 100 with the calves isolation seated at 12 reps 3 sets.

I felt good today although my mouth felt funky in the morning. I got over it after 2 in the afternoon. My strength felt great and this was after teaching 4 hours martial arts. I am editing the video now.


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I want to see video of this 900 lbs leg press. That is a pretty big difference in strength from a 230 lbs squat.


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The video was no let down! Very entertaining keep up the goodwork bro and keep banging the steel my friend!


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It is rendering as we speak at home. I should have it up by 5. My squats suck because some times I use a different pad. Once my tax returns are in I will invest in a manta ray and use that every time. I am sure I could go a bit heavier but to stay constitant at 90 degress is hard for me.


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Good work, I'm doing the 1, 4 AD stack right now and I have seen definite improvements in strength, it's worth it if you stick with it.


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfY-Fvlgs8o"]YouTube - day 2 1 4 ads[/ame]


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Today was shoulders and forarms. I filed just a few things so I will combine it tomorrow with my back routine. I did 1 set of 75lbs 6 reps 1 set at 80lbs 6 reps of dumbells
barbell I did 145lbs 6 reps 2 sets.
Machine military press 150+25 pound plate 2 sets 6 reps.
Side laterals 3 at 10 another 3 at 20 than last 3 at 30 for a total of 9 reps. did 2 sets of that.

Back machine fly thinggy for the shoulders 2 sets. Felt awesome.

Today I did not have as much of a problem in the morning. I was pumped at the gym today. I got in got out. Strength felt solid.

I wake up now at 3 in the morning some times 4 but I get very hungry. So what I started to do was prepare a protein shake that night to store in my mini fridge that way if I do get hungry I have quick accesses to protein. It may be a sign that I am growing if I feel more hungry than ever.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I think you need greater range of motion on squats. Lower the weight and see how much you can do below parallel one day.

leg press you need to go lower about knees to chest. don't go down when your back rounds(I used to do that going too low three years ago) you feel your hamstrings tie -in butt when you go down low, and always stop immediate is something is stretched too hard down in the hamstring area never satisfy the ego , be smart. again one day try it out...

nice relaxing music. puts me in a relaxing mood. super strong train partners very nice video editing skills and tech savy.


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Thanks. I will lower the weight next week by 10-15 pounds an see if I can go deeper with squats. As for the leg press I am working on being more flexible so that I can do that. Thanks John for the motivation.


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As long as your giving me tips and having constructive criticism I am open for that.
John Smeton

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Thanks. I will lower the weight next week by 10-15 pounds an see if I can go deeper with squats. As for the leg press I am working on being more flexible so that I can do that. Thanks John for the motivation.
Ive seen a video of you ( not long ago 225 for reps)from a different angle and they looked parallel or close to it could have been the angel on the squats. I'm just saying one training cycle try going below parallel and even ass to ground and leg press knees touching chest or close to chest (without back rounding).

Ive used half squats as an exercise before to put extra mass on my upper legs.


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Yea... you can't leg press 900. Stop claiming, Stop trying to lift with your ego. All that weight was pointless because you used a 1/4 the range of motion that you should have.

You'd look a whole lot stronger (not to mention a lot less like a rookie) if you dropped the weight in half and actually did a leg press with a full ROM.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yea... you can't leg press 900. Stop claiming, Stop trying to lift with your ego. All that weight was pointless because you used a 1/4 the range of motion that you should have.

You'd look a whole lot stronger (not to mention a lot less like a rookie) if you dropped the weight in half and actually did a leg press with a full ROM.
its not 1/4th.. just not full range of motion. if he wants to do it like that fine. your legs will still get sore, just not to the extent of using a full range of motion, making sure the hams lower quads and butt are sore.(it also depends on foot placement, higher up = more hams, lower =lower quads, close,=outer sweep, wide=inner quads)Right before Usa's last year in pre-contest training Franco Detillo (the dc video guy, 280 offseason) had a video up with limited range of motion , at least from the angle I saw.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Yea... you can't leg press 900. Stop claiming, Stop trying to lift with your ego. All that weight was pointless because you used a 1/4 the range of motion that you should have.

You'd look a whole lot stronger (not to mention a lot less like a rookie) if you dropped the weight in half and actually did a leg press with a full ROM.
Let's see a FRoM 900lb leg press with NO spotter pulling.


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its not 1/4th.. just not full range of motion. if he wants to do it like that fine. your legs will still get sore, just not to the extent of using a full range of motion, making sure the hams lower quads and butt are sore.(it also depends on foot placement, higher up = more hams, lower =lower quads, close,=outer sweep, wide=inner quads)Right before Usa's last year in pre-contest training Franco Detillo (the dc video guy, 280 offseason) had a video up with limited range of motion , at least from the angle I saw.
I know he is your buddy and all, and I know YOU know how to work out. And if he wants to do it that way, then fine so be it. But don't call it a leg press because it just isn't. Its like me saying I can deadlift 550 just because I can rack pull that much. I can't pick 550 up off the ground, but because I can do less than half the range of motion, the easy part, I can say I am in the 500 club? I call bullsh*t.

You know as well as I do that was pure ego lifting, and he didn't get out of it half of what he could have with a full range of motion and lighter weights. And good for the pro-bodybuilder... he probably lifted with less than a full ROM for a reason in particular. Not because he wanted to leg press 400 lbs more than he should be. This kid isn't anywhere close to a pro, so don't compare the two.

DJ - suck your ego up and lift right.


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I know he is your buddy and all, and I know YOU know how to work out. And if he wants to do it that way, then fine so be it. But don't call it a leg press because it just isn't. Its like me saying I can deadlift 550 just because I can rack pull that much. I can't pick 550 up off the ground, but because I can do less than half the range of motion, the easy part, I can say I am in the 500 club? I call bullsh*t.

You know as well as I do that was pure ego lifting, and he didn't get out of it half of what he could have with a full range of motion and lighter weights. And good for the pro-bodybuilder... he probably lifted with less than a full ROM for a reason in particular. Not because he wanted to leg press 400 lbs more than he should be. This kid isn't anywhere close to a pro, so don't compare the two.

DJ - suck your ego up and lift right.


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Ive seen a video of you ( not long ago 225 for reps)from a different angle and they looked parallel or close to it could have been the angel on the squats. I'm just saying one training cycle try going below parallel and even ass to ground and leg press knees touching chest or close to chest (without back rounding).

Ive used half squats as an exercise before to put extra mass on my upper legs.
It could have been just the angle I Don't know. Some times depending on the pad they have I can go deeper or the shirt I am wearing. I will work on going further down with less weight.


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It could have been just the angle I Don't know. Some times depending on the pad they have I can go deeper or the shirt I am wearing. I will work on going further down with less weight.
The shirt you are wearing keeps you from completing a full range of motion...:bsflag:

Ok then, next time go in with a wifebeater, and do your exercises in chuck taylor's or barefoot.


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The shirt you are wearing keeps you from completing a full range of motion...:bsflag:

Ok then, next time go in with a wifebeater, and do your exercises in chuck taylor's or barefoot.
I am actually. Each week I have been able to go further any how at 900lbs.


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You are completely missing the point.


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I gotta agree with everyone else. Your squats arent good but they arent terrible either I dont think..... I just go A2G so theres not a doubt in my mind I ve went low enough. Then I saw your leg press. Im not going to lie, but that was prolly the worst ROM I have seen in any exercise. Just lighten the weight up and like GMG said quit ego lifting. I am more impressed when I see someone using strict form and a full ROM. Keep working hard.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I wasn't saying half reps were counted as full reps.I was saying Ive used half reps as an exercise on purpose to build super mass on my thighs. Guess where I got this exercise from... Arnold Schwarzenegger. and yes the best way to activate all the fibers is full range of motion.

when in doubt if your not going low enough on the squat your not,go lower!


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I wasn't saying half reps were counted as full reps.I was saying Ive used half reps as an exercise on purpose to build super mass on my thighs. Guess where I got this exercise from... Arnold Schwarzenegger. and yes the best way to activate all the fibers is full range of motion.

when in doubt if your not going low enough on the squat your not,go lower!
I never said you called them full range of motion, nor did I say that they were ineffective when used for a specific purpose.

That's cool that Arnold used them, he is my favorite too. But what Arnold used them for is not the same as what DJ is doing with the leg press... If DJ was 5'6" and 190-200 lbs and competing at a pro level, and he had a relatively complete physique and he needed more mass in a certain area, then yes, maybe partial reps are acceptable to boost a certain area. BUT HE IS NOT, AND THAT IS MY POINT.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I never said you called them full range of motion, nor did I say that they were ineffective when used for a specific purpose.

That's cool that Arnold used them, he is my favorite too. But what Arnold used them for is not the same as what DJ is doing with the leg press... If DJ was 5'6" and 190-200 lbs and competing at a pro level, and he had a relatively complete physique and he needed more mass in a certain area, then yes, maybe partial reps are acceptable to boost a certain area. BUT HE IS NOT, AND THAT IS MY POINT.
point taken


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Today I did back. I dead lifted 200lbs at 3 sets. Your thinking why only 200 what happend to the close to 3 plates on each side I have been lifting. Well I took a stand today and it gave me a stretch and I went deeper by 1 foot or so as the stand is about 2 feet off the ground. Also it was a lot harder as I could not bounce off the ground. I got in 6 reps clean.
I cable rowed 2 sets at 170 for 3 than 175 for 3 than 180 for 3 for a total of 9 reps 2 sets.
I did a wide grip pull up today with 27.5lbs 3 sets. I felt awesome. Not as heavy as a closer grip pull up but that was due to me going wide. I also did hammer pulls at 225/2 arms 1 set.

I felt great today. strength felt up I was able to pump out more sets and not seem tired. I was not able to film today as 2 managers where walking around the gym.
Today I did not have any problems at work. Felt normal. I may finally be getting used to the red and blue pills. My stomach was great bathroom felt great.
I also bent over rowed wide grip 155 3 sets 6 reps. Felt awesome. Energy was there but strength was there too and this was after me teaching 4 hours of martial arts.
I did though due to the rain ding my car which sucks. The corner of my bumper got poped in. My fault sorta.

Will tell you more tomorrow. Stay tuned.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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bee careful on them stands with heavy weight.I did barbell rows on a bench onetime and feel off and almost busted the whole row of mirror in front of me. while some guys came over and helped me after I fell down. I recommend to do deads normally


Interesting thread. Props to DJ putting himself out there and taking the critisim constructivly. Good stuff man, Im staying tuned in. Train hard and go full range bro.


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bee careful on them stands with heavy weight.I did barbell rows on a bench onetime and feel off and almost busted the whole row of mirror in front of me. while some guys came over and helped me after I fell down. I recommend to do deads normally
Yeah, I'm sure we've all had our close calls on stands and/or blocks. I know i've come close to letting the bar slip outta my hands a couple times doing heavy deads. Probably woulda been the last I saw of my big toesies... :laugh:

So, keep that in mind when you're doing deads on there DJ. Unless of course you use straps ALL the time.....which makes you go limp-wristed :greddy2:


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I was on one of these so I had great grip and great form. I did not go heavy like I said. 200lbs vs 300 I normally do. I can work my way up over time. I am even doing videos so people can tell me what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong. If I am going light and if I am going heavy. Id love to see more people film there logs so we can help them out.


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Did bicep and tricep forarm and traps today.

I got in 2 sets at 105 bar bell curl. 6 reps. Felt great today. 2 sets with ez curl 35 on each side. 6 reps. I did a seated bicep isolation with the cable row cable. 2 sets at 30 nice and slow but the angle sucks as you will see with my video. 1 dumbell curl at 30lbs as well 6 reps. Did cable curls both hands at 45 one set. I don't like them 100% but they are great because they work the peak. 2 sets at 6 reps.
Tricep push down with back to wall 110 2 sets 6 reps.
ez tricep crusher 2 sets 75 but I went past my head with better range of motion.
I shuged 115 but went slower 2 sets at 12 and went higher up this time.
I did upright rows at 90lbs 2 sets 12 reps.
I felt really great with that motion on the cable as I was constant with the weight.
formarm curls at 40lbs 12 reps slowly 3 sets.

I felt very strong today. I did not get tired like I normally do as you can see I was able to pump out more sets today and feel great. My video should be up this weekend.

This concludes my 1st week of 1-4 ad.

I feel great. I will see how well I do next week which is where I should see numbers go up. Now that I have a base line we will see what kind of magic 1-4 ad should do. I again last night felt super hungry. Ate 1000 calories at 3 in the morning from nuts etc. Then I went back to sleep.


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Looks like the night time munchies are all over you...Does eating that many calories during night ever mess with you digestion?


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good stack! you should try the decavol that they carry. It converts right into deca; which is pretty bad ass


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5COnA45dWY"]YouTube - 1 4 AD 3[/ame]


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Looks like the night time munchies are all over you...Does eating that many calories during night ever mess with you digestion?

No. Ether I am growing and my body needs more calories for the muscle I am packing on or something is very wrong because I am consuming on a low 3500 calories and on a good day 5000 calories. From 8 am till I go to bed 12.

I could add DECA but that is not part of the log/stack for this cycle. I would by sorry.


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I don't see why you even want to run this in the first place because your test levels are already on the low side. You say you want to get your levels to 800, but most prohormones will get your levels much higher than that. Why not take a natty test booster or something?

You cheat in almost all the exercises that you do in the above video. I feel embarrassed for you.


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just one thing, when you log for a company please use the right name or acronym. In this case it is AMS not ADS. Not the first time ive seen this from the infamous DJ.

You can barely squat 230lbs and you can leg press 900+? thats a bunch of sh1t.n You need to decide whether you want to be a powerlifter or a bodybuilder because all you want is to do as much weight as you can with inproper form. If you want to bodybuild then lower the weight and leave your ego at the door BEFORE you enter the gym. Stop making excuses why you arent doing full range of motion.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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I don't see why you even want to run this in the first place because your test levels are already on the low side. You say you want to get your levels to 800, but most prohormones will get your levels much higher than that. Why not take a natty test booster or something?

You cheat in almost all the exercises that you do in the above video. I feel embarrassed for you.
Agreed. Either do it correctly and list your numbers, or not. I could give 2 sh*ts to the wind what your numbers are - but if done with proper form, I can respect that.
just one thing, when you log for a company please use the right name or acronym. In this case it is AMS not ADS. Not the first time ive seen this from the infamous DJ.

You can barely squat 230lbs and you can leg press 900+? thats a bunch of sh1t.n You need to decide whether you want to be a powerlifter or a bodybuilder because all you want is to do as much weight as you can with inproper form. If you want to bodybuild then lower the weight and leave your ego at the door BEFORE you enter the gym. Stop making excuses why you arent doing full range of motion.
At least you have to give this guy credit for posting videos and pics of his workouts, or himself in general.
But I agree, stop making excuses.

I am following along in hopes that you will come out of this a better lifter; your progression on these hormonals is secondary.


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Agreed. Either do it correctly and list your numbers, or not. I could give 2 sh*ts to the wind what your numbers are - but if done with proper form, I can respect that.

At leats you have to give this guy credit for posting videos and pics of his workouts, or himself in general.
But I agree, stop making excuses.

I am following along in hopes that you will come out of this a better lifter; your progression on these hormonals is secondary.
Yeah, i give him alot of credit for his videos, he obviously has a passion for making videos and a big passion for bodybuilding which i respect. You have to realize what you are doing wrong and learn from it, if you dont you wont progress to the best of your ability. If you cheat, whether its with the weight, supplements, or diet and they are not done right then you are just cheating yourself out of time and money.

AMS looks very generous btw, damn!


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Yeah, i give him alot of credit for his videos, he obviously has a passion for making videos and a big passion for bodybuilding which i respect. You have to realize what you are doing wrong and learn from it, if you dont you wont progress to the best of your ability. If you cheat, whether its with the weight, supplements, or diet and they are not done right then you are just cheating yourself out of time and money.

AMS looks very generous btw, damn!
This is true, but I think a lot of his problem could be from the fact that he is a vegan. In a GHRP-6 threat in the growth factor forum he goes on about this. Maybe this is the reason why his test is on the low side in the first place? I don't see how any prohorme would be very effective on a vegan diet.


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Wait, you are a Vegan DJ? Oh hell, this thread just took another turn for the worse.

BTW, your shoulders are getting a better workout from the way you do your curls than your biceps.

Take the 35's off the bar, leave the 5's on it and bust some curls using ONLY your biceps. START LIGHT, LEARN YOUR MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION. Until you can make yourself do the exercise with ONLY the proper muscles intended to be worked out, you are going to be running around in circles.

I agree with everyone above. Leave your ego at the door.


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DJ I keep seeing videos of your friend actually more than you,is there a reason? Is he also running the AMS stack. Its kinds confusing some readers of log and wanted to clear it up.

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