I want to buy a pitbull this year. Advice?



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Oooohhh don't get one!!!! They're mean and will kill you!!!


Here is our pound puppy, Kitana, and she's a pure-bred red-nose, and about 80 pounds. And that's our 2 year old son(back when he was just a few months old!!)with her. She has a wicked good personality, is stupid as **** when it comes to common sense, scary as hell if you don't know her and she comes at ya (a few people have screamed and ran, LOL), chews on shoes and toys, but is very playful and takes abuse well from our little boy.

HOWEVER.......At one time the ole lady brought a kitten home, and more than once a stray dog as come too close, and this dirty ***** just could not be controlled, no matter how severe a beating was delivered to her. The cat was in a kennel so was alright, but the two dogs both needed stitches on their nose/snout, so beware of that "natural instinct". And she's a puss in the winter and has to hog the bed, under the covers.

But all in all, I think they make VERY good pets. Depending on owners, of course.



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Oooohhh don't get one!!!! They're mean and will kill you!!!


Here is our pound puppy, Kitana, and she's a pure-bred red-nose, and about 80 pounds. And that's our 2 year old son(back when he was just a few months old!!)with her. She has a wicked good personality, is stupid as **** when it comes to common sense, scary as hell if you don't know her and she comes at ya (a few people have screamed and ran, LOL), chews on shoes and toys, but is very playful and takes abuse well from our little boy.

HOWEVER.......At one time the ole lady brought a kitten home, and more than once a stray dog as come too close, and this dirty ***** just could not be controlled, no matter how severe a beating was delivered to her. The cat was in a kennel so was alright, but the two dogs both needed stitches on their nose/snout, so beware of that "natural instinct". And she's a puss in the winter and has to hog the bed, under the covers.

But all in all, I think they make VERY good pets. Depending on owners, of course.

bro, there both are really,really gorgeous!:jaw:


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The cat was in a kennel so was alright, but the two dogs both needed stitches on their nose/snout, so beware of that "natural instinct". And she's a puss in the winter and has to hog the bed, under the covers.

But all in all, I think they make VERY good pets. Depending on owners, of course.

Good looking pup!

Prey drive/instinct is tough to overcome. No amount of training will get rid of it. Worst part is, you have to see it once to know what 'triggers' it in your dog.


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Some newer ones of the two "kids". Oh, and she does get alnog good with boy dogs, so long as they don't "run up" on her.....



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I've got videos on my phone of our son screaming and yelling at her and bonking her with a plastic bat on the head and she just lays there and chews on his toys, paying no attention. The guys at work can't believe she's so well-tempered.


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I've got videos on my phone of our son screaming and yelling at her and bonking her with a plastic bat on the head and she just lays there and chews on his toys, paying no attention. The guys at work can't believe she's so well-tempered.
yup!..gotta' love'em because they take a licking and keeps on ticking!:whip::frustrate:rofl:


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I've got 2 chows and I know they have a bad rap around kids, i ahve 3 kids and never a problem. that includes 2 young boys pulling and poking etc..... for the last 8 (almost 9 years) they have been wonderful companions and protectors. my Male fought off 2 neighborhood pits that came running through my yard when my wife and 2 yr old were in outside (i was inside taking a dump and heard my wife scream and dogs going bizerko..ran outside with terd-butt).

Irish Cannon

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As much as I don't agree with the stereotypes, the fact that those dogs are so powerfull and do in fact have the ability to rip a kid apart, I couldn't ever have one around an infant or small child. I would just be too scared. As small of a chance as it may be with a well tempered and trained dog, the chance is still there.


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Wow! Lot of replies. Sucks a little seems like most are negative about

pits. I live in a good neighborhood and I still got robbed by some fyking

gangbangers. Four guys jumped me. So to the guy who said move. Why?

All roads connect in some way. Some of you said they are not very loyal and will take to anyone who feeds them or gives them attention. This might be a problem. Pits are popular where I live as is dog fighting and stealing dogs. I also own guns so the protection I meant was for the wife and the home when no one is there. Protection is not the only
aspect I am thinking of also companionship and another "family
member". I hear lots of stories from people who own pits about how
much they love their dogs, how loyal they are..... If I do have a baby soon and get a pit I will obviously keep the pit outside and never leave
them alone together. To tell you the truth my wife might not even let the baby around the dog. I have always wanted a pitbull.


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Oooohhh don't get one!!!! They're mean and will kill you!!!


Here is our pound puppy, Kitana, and she's a pure-bred red-nose, and about 80 pounds. And that's our 2 year old son(back when he was just a few months old!!)with her. She has a wicked good personality, is stupid as **** when it comes to common sense, scary as hell if you don't know her and she comes at ya (a few people have screamed and ran, LOL), chews on shoes and toys, but is very playful and takes abuse well from our little boy.

HOWEVER.......At one time the ole lady brought a kitten home, and more than once a stray dog as come too close, and this dirty ***** just could not be controlled, no matter how severe a beating was delivered to her. The cat was in a kennel so was alright, but the two dogs both needed stitches on their nose/snout, so beware of that "natural instinct". And she's a puss in the winter and has to hog the bed, under the covers.

But all in all, I think they make VERY good pets. Depending on owners, of course.

Nice pup you got there. I was wondering that maybe a female might be a better choice. What do you think?


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Nice pup you got there. I was wondering that maybe a female might be a better choice. What do you think?

I dunno to be honest.....Maybe the female's have a "motherly" instinct, too? The first two weeks or so the newborn was home the dog got a new toy and would carry it around and constantly lick it. All her other toys she would immediately chew to hell as soon as she got them, so it was kind of interesting.

Also, with all the aunts and friends from work coming over when the baby was "new", the dog was always (annoyingly) very close to whoever was holding the baby, and keeping a darn close eye as to what was going on.

Within 2.5 years, the worst that's ever happened is our son used to like to take the dog's dish away from her and dump it out while she was eating, so naturally she'd growl, but a swat on the ass and a good stern "NO" cured that after 3-4 times.

But when our son was younger the only fear was of him being licked to death.


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As much as I don't agree with the stereotypes, the fact that those dogs are so powerfull and do in fact have the ability to rip a kid apart, I couldn't ever have one around an infant or small child. I would just be too scared. As small of a chance as it may be with a well tempered and trained dog, the chance is still there.
i agree.

the thing is people always praise their dog and say it wouldnt hurt a fly etc but one day it flips and then they are shocked. instinct is so embedded in a dog training can only do so much. you have to have alot of control over the dog and have to keep reminding it at times or you may get slip ups where its instinct comes out in a negative way. im not saying any breed is bad because thats not the case but when you have a powerful dog you have to think of the things that can happen should you/it lose control.


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For home security I'd just buy a mossberg. Cheaper to feed and you dont have to pick up its ****. Not as friendly though


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For home security I'd just buy a mossberg. Cheaper to feed and you dont have to pick up its ****. Not as friendly though
a mossberg or a well armed squirrel I'm sure...though your probably picking up tiny squirrel poop all day.


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As someone who used to breed pits, look for a different breed. Pits are not bred to protect. In fact most of my pits would have let you kill me and as long as you fed them they would have went with you.

By nature of the pit fighting and the fact that 2 handlers were present in the ring, they put down the dogs that had human aggression. So it was mainly culled out of the breed minus the dumbass's that abuse them and TRY to make them mean. There are many other breeds better suited to protection. However a dog trained for protection is much harder to trust around a baby.

Now if you want a pit just to love then you will be rewared greatly.
Great post Crader.


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i agree.

the thing is people always praise their dog and say it wouldnt hurt a fly etc but one day it flips and then they are shocked. instinct is so embedded in a dog training can only do so much. you have to have alot of control over the dog and have to keep reminding it at times or you may get slip ups where its instinct comes out in a negative way. im not saying any breed is bad because thats not the case but when you have a powerful dog you have to think of the things that can happen should you/it lose control.
Youre ignorant on this topic plain and simple. You realize a Lab could easily rip a small child apart as well dont you? And Labs (amongst many other breeds) cause far more bites per year than pitbulls. More people are killed by lightning yearly than by pitbulls. The pitbull has become fodder for the media fear machine. They have become wrongly demonized and it really is very tragic because they're an awesome breed.


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Youre ignorant on this topic plain and simple. You realize a Lab could easily rip a small child apart as well dont you? And Labs (amongst many other breeds) cause far more bites per year than pitbulls. More people are killed by lightning yearly than by pitbulls. The pitbull has become fodder for the media fear machine. They have become wrongly demonized and it really is very tragic because they're an awesome breed.
im sorry i dont remember mentioning a pitbull in my post that you quoted. i said powerful dog. read again dickweed. i was talking about dogs in general.


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im sorry i dont remember mentioning a pitbull in my post that you quoted. i said powerful dog. read again dickweed. i was talking about dogs in general.
Is this how you go about representing Musclepharm, by calling potential customers names? Good job man, well done.


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Hey man i hear ya check out the shelters had 2 pits loved em both to death great dogs not prone to be vicious unless treated that way, for protection a pit, rottweiler, or doberman will do you good, they are alot of money and cost alot for insurance check to make sure your home allows you to own pits, good luck finding one man their great dogs and alot of em need homes


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Is this how you go about representing Musclepharm, by calling potential customers names? Good job man, well done.
im my own person as well, away from musclepharm repping so if some one is going to say something or call me ignorant well im gonna say what i will. Just because im a rep doesnt mean im not allowed to state an opinion of my own. Would you like me to put a disclaimer in my sig? I see you finally took your paperbag off your head.
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I want to buy a pitbull this year. Advice? I want it for mainly for protection. I am also trying to have a baby. What kind do you like and why?

Wrong breed if you want one for protection and no i'm not a pitbull hater i'm a pitbull owner. But the breed itself was just not bred as protection or human agressive breed. If you want a dog that looks like a pitbull but is better at protection look into the American Bulldog. Pits are great dogs my son grew up with ours and my 2 year old is perfectly comfortable around our dog is 100lbs plus. But i don't consider them a guard dog per se.


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The most friendly, obedient and smart dog ive ever had is my staffordshire terrier. 75-80 pounds ripped, fast, loveable and very nice looking. Similar color to waynaferds dog, no white markings tho and orange eyes too.


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The most friendly, obedient and smart dog ive ever had is my staffordshire terrier. 75-80 pounds ripped, fast, loveable and very nice looking. Similar color to waynaferds dog, no white markings tho and orange eyes too.
i owned a fawn colored one!beautiful beast,she was more ripped then alot of bodybuilders i seen!..my best friend ever!:drunk:


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I want to buy a pitbull this year. Advice? I want it for mainly for protection. I am also trying to have a baby. What kind do you like and why?
Bully breeds are some of the most loyal dogs on the planet- but it is a BIG responsibility, and you really have to be up to it. They are high-energy dogs that require exercise (think: room to run) and a lot of attention, but they are a lot of fun and IMHO are probably the most loyal group of breeds out there (even for dogs).

You will have to watch it around other dogs and smaller type pets, and unsupervised children- just trust me on this one- they have very high prey drives and once it gets turned on, it is hard to turn off. Case in point- my wife and I brought our two ABs down to my parents last weekend- they have a kitten. They almost ended up not having a kitten- both dogs cornered it under a table, and, no matter what I did, would not stop going after her. I had to physically drag the male away (he is about 95 lbs. of solid muscle), and my wife and my dad had to literally drag the female away (she is about 60 lbs. but stronger lb. for lb. than any creature I have ever seen).

Your homeowners may not cover it- so check around- they are great dogs- but you have to manage them carefully.....


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I see you finally took your paperbag off your head.
Paperbag? Like Im blind or something?

You are at all times a representative of the company, it reflects badly on them when you conduct yourself in such a manner.


In my opinion pits are generally friendly and playful dogs. For home protection I'd go with a smarter breed though. Look for a doberman, a shepard, or even a wolf mix if your good with training. I've got a white shepard / wolf. I couldn't ask for a better dog, and I can tell you any intruder would think twice before breaking in when he's staring through the window at them. He has free run of the house the whole time I'm gone for work (sometimes 12 hours or more). He doesn't get into anything, and he doesn't make any messes. The only thing about him is he considers any kind of small animal other than a dog food.


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Paperbag? Like Im blind or something?

You are at all times a representative of the company, it reflects badly on them when you conduct yourself in such a manner.
mmmhhmmmmm... act like you dont know. :rolleyes:

thats your opinion. my actions dont effect the quality or effectiveness of Musclepharm products, period. It doesnt really matter either way there is always gonna be someone that doesnt like me.... Maybe if you would like to talk about this over pm?
when i posted i was pertaining to the subject at hand while you just posted to point out my actions, now its starting to hijack and go off topic so good job to you


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Pistonpump I dont get what your hinting at, but that was probably the ppoint, some kind of joke at my expense. Regardless, your behavior speaks volumes. Fini


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Pistonpump I dont get what your hinting at, but that was probably the ppoint, some kind of joke at my expense. Regardless, your behavior speaks volumes. Fini
waaah waaaah

btw it wasnt a joke. i was referring to you saying something to me without a paperbag over your head....as in the anonymous section, act like you know.


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Bully breeds are some of the most loyal dogs on the planet- but it is a BIG responsibility, and you really have to be up to it. They are high-energy dogs that require exercise (think: room to run) and a lot of attention, but they are a lot of fun and IMHO are probably the most loyal group of breeds out there (even for dogs).

You will have to watch it around other dogs and smaller type pets, and unsupervised children- just trust me on this one- they have very high prey drives and once it gets turned on, it is hard to turn off. Case in point- my wife and I brought our two ABs down to my parents last weekend- they have a kitten. They almost ended up not having a kitten- both dogs cornered it under a table, and, no matter what I did, would not stop going after her. I had to physically drag the male away (he is about 95 lbs. of solid muscle), and my wife and my dad had to literally drag the female away (she is about 60 lbs. but stronger lb. for lb. than any creature I have ever seen).

Your homeowners may not cover it- so check around- they are great dogs- but you have to manage them carefully.....
With my higher energy pit I had a dog treadmill. He loved to jump up on it and run. Then after he blew through a little energy I would walk him.

I had ferrets and cats at the same time and they all got along. In fact he loved my himalayin cat so much that when I had to re-home her he grieved for her. He was bred off fighting stock, I had him at 4.5 weeks old as the mom would not nurse the pups unless muzzeled. Now he was high strung and none of the rest of my pits were, but he was also the sweetest dog.


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I love husky/shepard/hybrids, but one dog is enough....

When I was driving over-the-road, I would take my dog on short runs, like down to boston, and while getting fuel, or after getting unloaded and having the reciever bring out my paperwork, if anyone came within 10-15 feet of my truck the dog would be snarlin and barking and jumping from seat to seat, or right in the window carrying on, and there was no way in hell someone was gonna open the door and give her some food and get into my truck.

Same with riding in my pick-up, or if the Fed-ex or oil man comes to the door. There is just no way anyone that the dog doesn't know is gonna get past her and into the house or vehicle.

And the last story, we took her for a walk up town and some one I knew came walking over kinda fast, paying no attention to the dog out in front, and almost got bit.

So I disagree with the ones that say pitbulls aren't protective. When we go away for a few days only my girlfriends father or our good friend can let her out and back in. My dad tried once and couldn't get into the house, even though the dog has been around him a good number of times.

If you need more proof I'll give you my address and you can come visit :D


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Well I had a female pit that I bought after she was a year old. The people who raised her made her vicious, they thought it would be cool to have an attack dog. But you see it then was to the point people could not come over. She was the only dog I had that could not be trusted. And I hated it.

Just as I don't enjoy having 2 gigantic Mastiffs that will bite. As soon as I can afford it the boys wil be neutered and get some hardcore re-hab training.


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My family has a Doberman/Malamute/Rotweiller mix and he is an amazing guard dog. He is very friendly with the family as well. Six kids live in the house now, and there is always noise and some form of annoyance towards him, but he hasn't ever full on bit anyone. Just playful nips.


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The dog that I actually had that was the worst offender for attitude was my 150# Akita. As much as I loved him I will NEVER own another one. I also find it slightly cruel to own an arctic dog in a hot climate. I've had huskies before and even with a baby pool for them they were miseable.


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i was referring to you saying something to me without a paperbag over your head....as in the anonymous section, act like you know.
Ok well that makes sense, you should have just said that to begin with. You got me, I spent the time to start a thread about you anonymously, but now Im outing myself, thereby totally negating the point of even making an anonymous thread too begin with, makes perfect sense.:ntome:


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Ok well that makes sense, you should have just said that to begin with. You got me, I spent the time to start a thread about you anonymously, but now Im outing myself, thereby totally negating the point of even making an anonymous thread too begin with, makes perfect sense.:ntome:
cry me a river. like i said if you care to continue with your bullsh1t shoot me a pm we can go at it all day. being a rep everyone expects you to be all customer service like and they like to give alot of reps sh1t or they just kiss ass. i say **** that you wanna attack me im gonna say something regardless.


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For home security I'd just buy a mossberg. Cheaper to feed and you dont have to pick up its ****. Not as friendly though
That's an awesome way to get killed if you a have professional robber.

That barrel will announce your presence before you can aim it and it makes noise to chamber a round.....unless you have a huge house with no narrow corners/rooms which if the case, a lighter rifle would work..... on the higher end a full auto MP5 in a .9 or .45 will work, a semi auto AR-15 "Pistol" is next along with the sig .556 pistol or just a SIG P226 with a 20 round magazine full of GoldDot 147G HP or Federal Hydrashoks.


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I would suggest getting a German Shepherd for protection. Pit Bulls don't protect, they fight.


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yeah, german shepard is a good dog for protection.
no..doubt!..back in the day..my friends grandmother had one,that was really protective of her,this dog look like a pony! it was huge, and scarey!..they say the german sherperds are the smartest dog's'and a full grown dog has the intelligence that rivals a thirteen year old human!..minus the amped out k.9 senses!


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brah ive seen some big full grown german shepards and the bark was nasty brah, the thing was intimidating!


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Thinking about three different dogs pitbull, bull dog or bull mastiff.


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Well I had a female pit that I bought after she was a year old. The people who raised her made her vicious, they thought it would be cool to have an attack dog. But you see it then was to the point people could not come over. She was the only dog I had that could not be trusted. And I hated it.

Just as I don't enjoy having 2 gigantic Mastiffs that will bite. As soon as I can afford it the boys wil be neutered and get some hardcore re-hab training.
One reason I really want a puppy and am a little hesitant to go the shelter route. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to my wife or my future kids.


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Thinking about three different dogs pitbull, bull dog or bull mastiff.
If you live near Ohio my sister needs to rehome her female American bulldog. She is a super sweet dog. Great with kids and animals. She is a pretty red brindle. I would take her myself if I did not have so many already.


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Well I have an interesting story...
I went to the shelter i got my Sadie (pitbull/amstaff mix) to look at this new mastiff they had named Brutus. As my family was getting out the car, A man asked us were we going to get a dog from the Shelter. I am like yeah, he then tells me he has a stray he found, my wife looks at the dog, then pulls the little critter out to hold, she looks at me, and my daughter looks at me and...

you guessed it, that little girl came home with us for gratis. Just a promise to the man that we would provide a good home for her.

My pit is treating her like a good sister letting her play with her, and get his the lil one ( her name is Resse Cup and she is German Shepherd) actually fights back, barks, and tries to bite when pawed by my pit who is almost 4 years old, and Reese has to be about 8-10 weeks old. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow, I think we have a great guard dog to train already, as I know she will be a biggen she has big boots for feet :lol:


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Well I have an interesting story...
I went to the shelter i got my Sadie (pitbull/amstaff mix) to look at this new mastiff they had named Brutus. As my family was getting out the car, A man asked us were we going to get a dog from the Shelter. I am like yeah, he then tells me he has a stray he found, my wife looks at the dog, then pulls the little critter out to hold, she looks at me, and my daughter looks at me and...

you guessed it, that little girl came home with us for gratis. Just a promise to the man that we would provide a good home for her.

My pit is treating her like a good sister letting her play with her, and get his the lil one ( her name is Resse Cup and she is German Shepherd) actually fights back, barks, and tries to bite when pawed by my pit who is almost 4 years old, and Reese has to be about 8-10 weeks old. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow, I think we have a great guard dog to train already, as I know she will be a biggen she has big boots for feet :lol:
better watch out bro, i can hear your little girl saying'daddy,you do know that reese's always comes in pairs'..lol..!

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