An OUTSTANDING Log: The Anabolic Chronicles...


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rachael welch and ann margaret in their day.......nuff said.

btw-i would gladly do a tag team match with them today-have you seen rachael lately.....

google rachael and tell me what you think.


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rachael welch and ann margaret in their day.......nuff said.

btw-i would gladly do a tag team match with them today-have you seen rachael lately.....

google rachael and tell me what you think.
She looks like she was quite the bomb shell! I'm not sure what megaton rating I'd give her, but she's definitely a finely tuned warhead.


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another fine choice up for consideration would have to be the young linda evans when she was on the big valley. i put some serious callous on my hand's watching her.


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After giving into my primal urges to train twice-a-day this past week, I was left sore and fulfilled.

There is something about the constant forward motion that is the basal bedrock from which all benefit is borne in this lifestyle that gives me the peace of mind potentiating awareness that I have widened the divide between being engulfed and en-swarmed by the poisonous influence of the unlearned unaware uncouth unmotivated unacceptable masses, the asinine assemblage, the un-useful idiots.

I am entirely and thoroughly sickened by the pervasive soul blackening collective revolving around me, writhing willingly in their own filth, that I sometimes feel infected by their idiocy and ethic devoid existence by mere osmosis. Sadly, the largely large (read: obese) and ever-present cadre and hoard of these maggots slithering from their freshly cracked shells, cannot be disinfected from my life or hand sanitized down the proverbial drain.

This is not a vent, but rather a declaration. Sadly this manifesto of sorts has to pertain to my disgust with every utterly useless human being coasting through their directionless and dispassionate life of permanent perpetual purgatory.

A random writing retorting the belief that... steroids are bad!
Any enduring deleterious side effect wrought by AAS implementation can usually be accredited writ large to sheer unlearned ignorance and the refusal to engage in any prudent and calculated mitigatory countermeasures.

We often subscribe to, and thus foster, the ideal that negative effects realized intra/post AAS administration are both indicative of wide-spread anticipated and predictable effects and also irreversible. In the often clouded and obviously biased sphere of advantage-denial and vilifying that exists surrounding steroid usage, hyperbole and skewing is a common practice, but we can never overlook the far more common place underlying root cause where idiocy is concerned.

Anadrol, Halotestin, and Methandrostenolone taken concomitantly without cessation, cycling, post therapy, or organ support can and WILL reap harmful undeniable medical ramifications - whereas the aware and discerning mature athlete who endeavors to manifest quality muscle without sacrificing self, will maintain a life of health and muscle bolstering fulfillment.

It's not neurosurgery. Don't be an unlearned tool engaging in ingesting multiple compound you can't pronounce, yet alone properly introduce into your training toils. Many athletes of yesteryear certainly didn't have the amassed body of science and empirical evidence with such availability at their fingertips, as we enjoy and many times neglect today. Thus, eventuating a slightly more prevalent side effect pool.


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great writing here I find myself annoyed by the same thing but sadly I doubt it will ever change.


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NOTE: I don't know when the TRUE dates for 2011 are for any of these Shows

For 2011, I am planning (tentatively) on doing one of the following Contests:
1. Kentucky State, Aug 7th 2010 in Frankfurt KY
2. Tennessee State, Aug 14 2010 in Chattanooga TN
3. SW Michigan BB Championships, Sep 11th 2010 in Kalamazoo MI
Hey Outstanding if you ever do a contest in Dallas, or somewhere around there, I would totally drive couple of hours to support you :bigok:


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Hey Outstanding if you ever do a contest in Dallas, or somewhere around there, I would totally drive couple of hours to support you :bigok:
What's up. I am over on the East Coast, so the only time I've ever been to Texas was when I drove through on my way out West for a Summer :) Thanks though.


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What's up. I am over on the East Coast, so the only time I've ever been to Texas was when I drove through on my way out West for a Summer :) Thanks though.
Trying to keep up with your posts :D I figured looking at the places you picked :lol: trust me you don't want to be in Texas.


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Trying to keep up with your posts :D
Thanks a lot, I appreciate you staying current and coming by Leu. It nice to have a group of fellas here who stay active, and take a moment to read through my thoughts and philosophies regarding life and training.

On that note...


I ran across a few products on Nutra's website that piqued my interest (not as a potential purchase, but rather as something that demonstrated a particularly interesting blend, new ingredient, or just engaged my attention). I saw that iForce Nutrition is coming out with both a Fadogia PE product (along with 25-R, Spirostan-5A-Diol-6-one-3-one) at 500mg/dosage, as well as their Bulbine product. The Bulbine is going to use the correct Prolensis sourced variety that NTBM uses. I'm not sure what I'm allowed to comment on, as I'm not interested in downplaying any company or brand, but the proposed blends look very solid, but of course still being 'Coming Soon,' were far from first to market. Bulbine, or Prolensis rather, must be a pricey active to source, as their product is also very expensive, hopefully drawing people's attention toward the fact that when a quality product is manufactured, costs will not plummet toward attracting price-point focused athletes. Much of NTBM's notoriety, both positive and negative, has been borne of dis/satisfaction concerning their product pricing. I for one, applaud them for their efforts in overall design and concept, I am sure it is hard committing to a mission and never veering from it no matter how enticing it may be to increase the rate of company expansion by offering more 'wallet friendly' SKUs.

Next, ThermoLIFE's PumpBOL looks very interesting. The packaging is attractive and at first glance I thought it was a Muscle Tech offering (not an insult by any means... it's very well designed). I like to see so-called Nitric products being released that don't revolve around the old-trick worn out and debunked Arginine base that has been xeroxed so many times over the last decade it can make your head spin. The formula looks surprisingly effective and profound, something I would truly like to give a honest run. I shouldn't portray my surprise-level incorrectly however, as I believe ThermoLIFE is a solid company with a selection of worthy items, but I was surprised in stead at the fact a new NOS-based product was released that was able to not only break free of the chains of redundancy, but also actually inch toward the direction of efficacious at the same time. Well done.

Lastly, I was intrigued by the methyl b-12 PerformaStrips, which come in the Listerine type breath freshening delivery method. A smart move in my mind, since b-vitamin dosing is so minimal and has also suffered some bruises in light of it's inability to truly create a physiologically active absorption rate to impart the desired results. This product has been out a while, although I have not personally come across any logs detailing its effectiveness. I would enjoy giving these a college try perhaps before cardio. I'm just unsure of how much these breath-strips increase the total bio-availability of the b-12, although that coupled with the methylated b, might combined to cause an enhanced enough effect to eventuate a measurable increase in overall effect.

Well, that's all for now... I am keeping with my 2-a-Day training style (on days I'm actually able to train).

I woke up this morning at 6:18am, and after preparing and eating my breakfast, realized it would not give me nearly enough time to stay on schedule and be to work on-time. So, from here on out, looks like it will have to be a 5:30am sharp wake up call.



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i am surprised you neglected to mention creatine nitrate.


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i am surprised you neglected to mention creatine nitrate.
At this point in time... it's something I've already decided upon trying in the future, and didn't warrant inclusion in my post.

I think creatine nitrate poses a very expansive stronghold of possibility and anabolic advantage, although I am slightly hesitant regarding it's inability to be paired with other nitrate compounds such as BCAA-nitrates etc, without causing nausea or heart-rate/pain issues.


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At this point in time... it's something I've already decided upon trying in the future, and didn't warrant inclusion in my post.

I think creatine nitrate poses a very expansive stronghold of possibility and anabolic advantage, although I am slightly hesitant regarding it's inability to be paired with other nitrate compounds such as BCAA-nitrates etc, without causing nausea or heart-rate/pain issues.
i was really curious about combining creatine nitrate/powershock?


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great posts there a few of those products sound very interesting


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i was really curious about combining creatine nitrate/powershock?
I have done this, twice. Can't really comment though... as I did feel some nausea and increased heart rate - but also took another product that could have contributed to this effect. I will dose these two solely in unison at some point, but don't hold your breath. The misgivings I have about stacking multi-nitrate products come from some reading I've done around the forum, although I can't recall the thread(s) now.

great posts there a few of those products sound very interesting
Thank you, and indeed :)


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Been listening to Louis C.K. on You Tube for a couple hours... what a character! You can listen to/watch some of his hilarity in action here: [nomedia=""]YouTube - Louis C.K.-Chewed Up part 1[/nomedia]

Now, you might be asking yourself: What does that have to do with bodybuilding, Outstanding?

Well, first, let me answer your question with another question: Why are you using my bodybuilding moniker from an online forum, in your rhetorical nonexistent question?

Secondly... it has nothing to do with bodybuilding - at all.

To be honest, I'm kind of out of bodybuilding subjects for the time being (in here), so I'm not sure how much I'll be posting in here. Not that I'm not still training like a beast (I just used 'not' twice in the same sentence, man I resent myself for that), because believe you me I be bossin' hard on those weights.

I am still heavily vested AND active on a moment to moment basis in the ever vigilant lifestyle that is bodybuilding, and forum contribution; it's just that until I start my cycle, I don't feel as though I need to come in here and reach for proverbial straws as to what to write about.

Don't you fret though friends and subscribers... I'll be around, in your hearts and in your memories (oh, and also in here from time to time). But until my mega ultra mammoth super cycle kicks off the 2nd week of January, I'm going to be spending time elsewhere. It's not you... it's just that I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. Yeah, it's not you, it's me. I love you, I'm just not IN love with you.

For for now fellow gentleman and anabolic chasers... I bid you adieu.

-Out :)


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Been listening to Louis C.K. on You Tube for a couple hours... what a character! You can listen to/watch some of his hilarity in action here: YouTube - Louis C.K.-Chewed Up part 1

Now, you might be asking yourself: What does that have to do with bodybuilding, Outstanding?

Well, first, let me answer your question with another question: Why are you using my bodybuilding moniker from an online forum, in your rhetorical nonexistent question?

Secondly... it has nothing to do with bodybuilding - at all.

To be honest, I'm kind of out of bodybuilding subjects for the time being (in here), so I'm not sure how much I'll be posting in here. Not that I'm not still training like a beast (I just used 'not' twice in the same sentence, man I resent myself for that), because believe you me I be bossin' hard on those weights.

I am still heavily vested AND active on a moment to moment basis in the ever vigilant lifestyle that is bodybuilding, and forum contribution; it's just that until I start my cycle, I don't feel as though I need to come in here and reach for proverbial straws as to what to write about.

Don't you fret though friends and subscribers... I'll be around, in your hearts and in your memories (oh, and also in here from time to time). But until my mega ultra mammoth super cycle kicks off the 2nd week of January, I'm going to be spending time elsewhere. It's not you... it's just that I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. Yeah, it's not you, it's me. I love you, I'm just not IN love with you.

For for now fellow gentleman and anabolic chasers... I bid you adieu.

-Out :)
2 things!

1) Louis C.K. is going to become a legend and his stuff is AMAZING! I mean how many people talk about raping Hitler...exactly!

2) Because of you I'm going to have to buy a nook cause you use words that nobody ever uses, which is a good thing, cause I'm tired of looking up vocabs up all the time. Just from reading your posts I learn more English vocabs than about bodybuilding.


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2 things!

1) Louis C.K. is going to become a legend and his stuff is AMAZING! I mean how many people talk about raping Hitler...exactly!

2) Because of you I'm going to have to buy a nook cause you use words that nobody ever uses, which is a good thing, cause I'm tired of looking up vocabs up all the time. Just from reading your posts I learn more English vocabs than about bodybuilding.
Thank you very much - it's always refreshing to hear such positive feedback on my writing. I'm very glad you are able to enjoy it, and extract something of value from it. :)


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Thank you very much - it's always refreshing to hear such positive feedback on my writing. I'm very glad you are able to enjoy it, and extract something of value from it. :)
Yes...I agree that your choices in words are unique, rare, and respected. I salute your attention to detail and the story not unlike a good book that your posts create. cheers bro:cheers:


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You guys need me eh? It's getting drab in here... look at those cobwebs forming. Sheesh, I don't know, maybe I should make my triumphant return (rolls eyes) :)

Actually, you guys are awesome, but I wanted to come back to MAKE SURE to clear something up: I am not, and never said that I was leaving AM! I can't believe the PMs I got that had this impression from members here, NO WAY FELLAS! I said I was simply stepping away from THIS specific journal, because I ran a little dry on the reservoir of ideas to write about for a fleeting moment earlier this week.

First of all, I can't and would never entertain the prospect of leaving the forum altogether, because I am treated to the rare duality of being able to both teach and learn here. Secondly, I am in constant motion to spread the good word regarding NTBM's products, and don't want to ever miss an opportunity to help a member out when their needs call for a product NTBM makes.

So - are we clear now ;)

PS: I actually do have something I need to return to write about, more of a virtual notepad. See you soon.


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It only took me getting called gay to bring ya back?


Some people have no sense of humor


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It only took me getting called gay to bring ya back?


Some people have no sense of humor
lol. don't know about that-i got a good laugh about it.


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You guys need me eh? It's getting drab in here... look at those cobwebs forming. Sheesh, I don't know, maybe I should make my triumphant return (rolls eyes) :)

Actually, you guys are awesome, but I wanted to come back to MAKE SURE to clear something up: I am not, and never said that I was leaving AM! I can't believe the PMs I got that had this impression from members here, NO WAY FELLAS! I said I was simply stepping away from THIS specific journal, because I ran a little dry on the reservoir of ideas to write about for a fleeting moment earlier this week.

First of all, I can't and would never entertain the prospect of leaving the forum altogether, because I am treated to the rare duality of being able to both teach and learn here. Secondly, I am in constant motion to spread the good word regarding NTBM's products, and don't want to ever miss an opportunity to help a member out when their needs call for a product NTBM makes.

So - are we clear now ;)

PS: I actually do have something I need to return to write about, more of a virtual notepad. See you soon.
Please make sure to read above everyone! :)

I am going to be laying down my cycle construct (again, in a sense) here soon, so be on the lookout. My OVERWHELMING goal, is to start in January 2011, preferably by the 15th, a Saturday.


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so-you are fully recovered from the last cycle? that's awfully fast to jump back in the water.


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Please make sure to read above everyone! :)

I am going to be laying down my cycle construct (again, in a sense) here soon, so be on the lookout. My OVERWHELMING goal, is to start in January 2011, preferably by the 15th, a Saturday.
Looking forward! I'll have my note pad ready.


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Well over 3 months off! Where have you been? ;)
geezus-it's been that long?

btw-do you think this year went by really fast? i was just getting used to writing 2010, now i have to start all over again,lol. i swear the older i get it seems like time goes faster.


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geezus-it's been that long?

btw-do you think this year went by really fast? i was just getting used to writing 2010, now i have to start all over again,lol. i swear the older i get it seems like time goes faster.
I know - it flew by! I for one, HATE it... I would love to freeze frame time, or at least have absolute control over it. That's all I ask ;)


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I know - it flew by! I for one, HATE it... I would love to freeze frame time, or at least have absolute control over it. That's all I ask ;)
it's like natures way of telling you that life is short.


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Alright, FOUND IT! :)

"I had to slit a few throats, but I got it! Ah ah ahhhhh, deh treasure?" -Aladdin 1992 (Gazeem the Humble Thief, during initial Cave of Wonders scene)

As the Beastie Boys would say: Che-che-che--Ah Check it out!

Dec 2 - Dec 31st = Bridge to Cycle w/ DAA (Total Normalization/Homeostasis)
-DAA @ 5-10g/day to assess tolerance and discover optimal personal dosing scheme
-NTBM Bridge @ 5 caps/day

Jan 1 - March 31 = Winter Bulk Cycle
-M1T @ 20mg/day (Week 1-4)
-Superdrol @ 30mg/day (Week 2-End)

-EQ @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)
-Trenbolone-Acetate @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)
-Testosterone-Propionate (Week 1-4)
-Testosterone-Enanthate (Week 2-End)

April 1 - May 31st = PCT

June 1 - June 30th = Bridge to Cycle (Total Normalization/Homeostasis)
-DAA @ ??g/day (whatever is decided upon above in December 2-31 Bridge)
-NTBM Bridge @ 5 caps/day

July 1 - Contest(s) or Mr. Olympia = 2011 Pre Contest Protocol
-Undecided (VERY similar to above Winter Bulking Cycle, except Epistane (EpiSTRONG by NTBM) will be added in, and the T-Propionate will be reintroduced two weeks out from each contest)
Just realized my initial plan was to start... TOMORROW! That isn't happening, as I don't have ALL of the necessary supplies for conversion. Going to get it in gear!


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daa-5 to 10 gms daily? what did you end up at? i had good results at 3gms, but i think my estrogen/prolactin levels went high even at that dose. i think the test cyp contributed to it, lol.


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have you ever done injections? Or just oral PH?


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daa-5 to 10 gms daily? what did you end up at? i had good results at 3gms, but i think my estrogen/prolactin levels went high even at that dose. i think the test cyp contributed to it, lol.
Well, I only started the DAA (TestForce2) a month ago, and ended up maxing out at 6-7g per day (just 2 'heaping' scoops am and pm, so that 'heaping' amount probably equated to .25g per scoop, meaning 1g per day due to overflow = Grand Total of 7g). I loved it.

Also, some notes... I recently received a large shipment of Phera Plex and MAX LMG, but know I shouldn't use LMG with real Tren-A injections, however I'm curious if Phera would have any functional utility in the cycle anywhere?


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Well, I only started the DAA (TestForce2) a month ago, and ended up maxing out at 6-7g per day (just 2 'heaping' scoops am and pm, so that 'heaping' amount probably equated to .25g per scoop, meaning 1g per day due to overflow = Grand Total of 7g). I loved it.

Also, some notes... I recently received a large shipment of Phera Plex and MAX LMG, but know I shouldn't use LMG with real Tren-A injections, however I'm curious if Phera would have any functional utility in the cycle anywhere?
you should not do the phera

you should send it to me for careful 'disposal'.


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Jan 1 - March 31 = Winter Bulk Cycle
-M1T @ 20mg/day (Week 1-4)
-Superdrol @ 30mg/day (Week 2-End)
IM Preparations:
-Testosterone-Propionate (Week 1-6)
-Testosterone-Enanthate (Through Duration)
-EQ @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)
-Trenbolone-Acetate @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)

Questions: Phera, LCLT, Saw Palmetto, FREE REIGN, HCGenerate, BRIDGE, GEAR (while on cycle)?

Plan Nutrition
Plan Support Supplementation
Plan Additional OTC regiment (pre/intra/post etc)
*PURCHASE additional conversation supplies


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Jan 1 - March 31 = Winter Bulk Cycle
-M1T @ 20mg/day (Week 1-4)
-Superdrol @ 30mg/day (Week 2-End)
IM Preparations:
-Testosterone-Propionate (Week 1-6)
-Testosterone-Enanthate (Through Duration)
-EQ @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)
-Trenbolone-Acetate @ 600mg/week (Through Duration)

Questions: Phera, LCLT, Saw Palmetto, FREE REIGN, HCGenerate, BRIDGE, GEAR (while on cycle)?

Plan Nutrition
Plan Support Supplementation
Plan Additional OTC regiment (pre/intra/post etc)
*PURCHASE additional conversation supplies

I been waiting on this one ;)


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I been waiting on this one ;)

Every time I think on my upcoming cycle... this song enters my head:
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Wagner - RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES - Furtwangler[/nomedia]


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I like the Apocalypse Now version better. Big O,I just picked up some Bridge and was wondering about your dosing preference. Is it an everyday protocol or just on w/o days and do I remember something about double dose servings?


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I like the Apocalypse Now version better. Big O,I just picked up some Bridge and was wondering about your dosing preference. Is it an everyday protocol or just on w/o days and do I remember something about double dose servings?
You're going to REALLY like it!

Double dosing is done to replace HCGenerate's effects when it goes out of stock... but, I double dose it anyway just because I love me some BRIDGE.

Also, I wanted to let you know I do 3 caps in the morning and 3 caps prior to working out, because as I have said with lust-soaked fervor many a' time before, BRIDGE in my estimation is the perfect pre-workout adjunct! :)



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Sounds like a plan!! I will double dose on w/o days and single on non-w/o. I can't wait to see how it rolls with my Creatine Nitrate??

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