Zoom's recomping with Anabolic Innovations Glycobol (sponsored)



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Anabolic Innovations Glycobol

Product Benefits:

* Promotes muscle mass, strength and endurance.
* Encourages fat loss and prevents fat accumulation.
* Improves recovery time by rapid glycogen resynthesis.
* Provides lasting “pump”, hardness and vascularity.
* Drives amino acid and creatine uptake in muscle.
* Increases muscle protein synthesis and inhibits breakdown.
* Controls blood sugar and maximizes nutrient utilization.
* Potent synergism with endogenous endocrine hormones.
* Strong anti-oxidant protects liver, lipid and cardio health.

I have been lifting for about 5 years solid. I started when i graduated high school and havent looked back. I graduted high school at a incredable 5'10" at 135lbs. I blame that mostly do to track and basketball. I always had a desire to get big, but never knew how exaclty. The past 5 years i have put on 45lbs and managed to gain a little more bodyfat than i would like, so which is why i chose to run Glycobol. I am not 100% what my body fat is but if i had to guess it would be somewhere around 14% range.

5' 10"

My main goal is to drop a little bf and keep most of my muscle. I have a visable 4pack right now and i and definatley looking to have a solid 6pack when i am finished with this product. I am going to be eating higher protien and lower fat and carb diet.

For cutting: I am going to start off with 2 pills a day 30 min. before eating 25-50grams of carbs in the AM and PM.

I will be training 5 days a week. Most of my training is going to consist of a 4 sets of 10 reps program. Wednesday's i will be doing a 45min cardio session along with lots of abs.

Monday: Chest/Tri's/Abs
Tuesday: Back/Bi's
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Shoulders/Abs


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Day 1

So today i took my first dose of glycobol. I took 2 pills 25-30 min before my pwo meal, and ate 50-60g of carbs. i decided to do shoulders today, didnt feel anything outta the ordinary yet but it was only my first dose. I did see a couple viens that i only see on NO products. Im sure ill feel it tomorrow during my leg day.


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periodically checking in. got a bottle of this somewhere.


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Day 2

So today was my leg day. I decided to start with leg press since there was some old guys doing shrugs on the squat rack. After my 3 set of leg press i started to feel a little pump. Started my squats and after the 2 set i started to feel my knee pain thats ive had for about 2 years. needless to say i was pretty furious.....

After the last couple sets of abs and calf raises i really started to feel a pump.
My 4 pack was showing pretty good...haha. Ive tried anabolic pump in the past and never felt this kinda pump before... definatley liking this product and its only the second day on it.


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Day 6

Lifted chest today and felt pretty weak. I drank a little bit last night b/c of the superbowl and i could feel it today. Woke up and ate a pretty good breakfast but missed out on a good lunch, which is another reason i didnt lift what i usually do. But on a positive note i did feel a good pump and definitley had some good looking veins! Hoping for a good back workout tomorrow...


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Day 7

Today was my back day, and i have to say it was pretty good. I started off by by doing 3 sets of pull-ups and after the second set i could feel the blood starting to pump..... I moved on to some reverse grip bent over rows, that went so-so. When i really started to feel the pump was when i did some rack pulls. I felt like i was on a cycle of something, my lower back was so pumped up it almost started to hurt!! I then finished off with a couple sets or dumbbell shrugs. And of course some abs.....

Week 1 Review:

So ive offically been on glycobol for a week now and i can definetley feel the effects...Ive havent been taking any NO product, just the regualr staples creatine, beta alanine, and some detxrose.... Ive been eating pretty clean lately, mostly chicken, brown rice, lots of veggies, and the occasional cheat food. Im hoping to start to see myself leaning up in the nex following weeks.


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Day 9

Today was going to be my leg day but i skipped it because of my knee pains... Im going to the doctor tomorrow to get it check.. Other then that i did shoulders and seemed to get a decent pump. There is this one vein that u can usually see, but today it looked like a damn garden hose. So other then that it seemed to be a little above average day..

Side note: I did look in the mirror today and did notice myself leaning up just a bit... My shoulders seem to be rounding out more and i seem to be losing a little bit of my belly.... im looking foward to the next couple weeks!


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nice. i can't wait to try this. one more month....


AI Sports Nutrition
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Day 9

Today was going to be my leg day but i skipped it because of my knee pains... Im going to the doctor tomorrow to get it check.. Other then that i did shoulders and seemed to get a decent pump. There is this one vein that u can usually see, but today it looked like a damn garden hose. So other then that it seemed to be a little above average day..

Side note: I did look in the mirror today and did notice myself leaning up just a bit... My shoulders seem to be rounding out more and i seem to be losing a little bit of my belly.... im looking foward to the next couple weeks!
Yes this should lean you up. It has been one of the top things people say about it in reviews.


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Day 14:

Chest: Started off with BB bench press. havent been getting enough sleep so i thought my lifts would be down a little, but i noticed that they didnt. I then work DB incline and that was pretty good. I got to more reps with the 105's then i usually do to finish the exercise!! Then moved onto dip and flys... both exercises were ok..

Day 15:

Legs: Since the doctor told me it was ok to work legs i decided to start lifting them twice a week. I started with squats and watched my form perfectly, felt strong but didnt want to go to high. Something i started to do recently was lunges. I did them from one side of the gym to the other.... and ya...i can feel it still...


AI Sports Nutrition
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Day 14:

Chest: Started off with BB bench press. havent been getting enough sleep so i thought my lifts would be down a little, but i noticed that they didnt. I then work DB incline and that was pretty good. I got to more reps with the 105's then i usually do to finish the exercise!! Then moved onto dip and flys... both exercises were ok..

Day 15:

Legs: Since the doctor told me it was ok to work legs i decided to start lifting them twice a week. I started with squats and watched my form perfectly, felt strong but didnt want to go to high. Something i started to do recently was lunges. I did them from one side of the gym to the other.... and ya...i can feel it still...
One of my least favorite the dreaded lunge.

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