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Hey guys I am about to get Diesel starting Monday! Can I still take ZMA before bed or overkill??? Cuz I do not want crush my libido! Afraid that stacking all this: 3 DTH/2 Sunami/low dose 6 oxo/ZMA might be to much free test. Sorry I took the novedex xt back you guys had me very to scared to try it lol! My only reasoning at all of including an AI was to decrease any possible negative feedback on the LH. I might be wrong I read so much it all seems to contradict each other, plus I know very little about all this compared to you guys anyways. So do you think I should still include the ZMA??? I am thinking of ditching the DREN and getting R4W but again afraid too much test lol!


  • Established
Hey guys I am about to get Diesel starting Monday! Can I still take ZMA before bed or overkill??? Cuz I do not want crush my libido! Afraid that stacking all this: 3 DTH/2 Sunami/low dose 6 oxo/ZMA might be to much free test. Sorry I took the novedex xt back you guys had me very to scared to try it lol! My only reasoning at all of including an AI was to decrease any possible negative feedback on the LH. I might be wrong I read so much it all seems to contradict each other, plus I know very little about all this compared to you guys anyways. So do you think I should still include the ZMA??? I am thinking of ditching the DREN and getting R4W but again afraid too much test lol!

You probably can, but I honestly dont think you need it. There is no need to just keep piling on supplements. You are using effective supplements, let them go to work for you. When you are finished with them add the ZMA into your next stacking plan to keep your hormone level favorable.


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Hey guys I am about to get Diesel starting Monday! Can I still take ZMA before bed or overkill??? Cuz I do not want crush my libido! Afraid that stacking all this: 3 DTH/2 Sunami/low dose 6 oxo/ZMA might be to much free test. Sorry I took the novedex xt back you guys had me very to scared to try it lol! My only reasoning at all of including an AI was to decrease any possible negative feedback on the LH. I might be wrong I read so much it all seems to contradict each other, plus I know very little about all this compared to you guys anyways. So do you think I should still include the ZMA??? I am thinking of ditching the DREN and getting R4W but again afraid too much test lol!
What was said to scare you? how old are you?
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29 years old. I just read that too much free test suppresses libido that scares me lol!
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i see no reason for zma since chuck put magnesium, zinc and copper in most of his formulas.


  • Legend!
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Hey guys I am about to get Diesel starting Monday! Can I still take ZMA before bed or overkill??? Cuz I do not want crush my libido! Afraid that stacking all this: 3 DTH/2 Sunami/low dose 6 oxo/ZMA might be to much free test. Sorry I took the novedex xt back you guys had me very to scared to try it lol! My only reasoning at all of including an AI was to decrease any possible negative feedback on the LH. I might be wrong I read so much it all seems to contradict each other, plus I know very little about all this compared to you guys anyways. So do you think I should still include the ZMA??? I am thinking of ditching the DREN and getting R4W but again afraid too much test lol!
ZMA before bed is always a good idea, it wont hurt anything only help. Free test will not be an issue with those doses, the 6 oxo will help prevent neg feedback from too much estro in the system....this is a good thing. That stack is imo a GREAT way to go about things bro.

R4W will not effect free test at all, only add to total test, thats also a good thing. R4W is years ahead of dren bro, once you try it you will see what i'm talking about.

You should see some good things from this suplement stack, good luck and train hard bro!!!!


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Second the no need for ZMA, since you'll already be getting most of the zinc from other means, like the DTH, and also if you take a vitamin(s) with it in as well, as well as the normal food, and any other supps that have it in. Too much zinc will block some copper uptake, could cause some lethargy, or even some mild stomach cramps, but that's somewhere above 50-60 miligrams every day from the studies I've read. DTH is a most excellent product, come to think of it, the whole Get Diesel line-up is excellent. I agree with Trip, ditch the Dren.


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How long should you wait after taking a protein drink /meal before you take ZMA -an hour , two?



  • Legend!
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How long should you wait after taking a protein drink /meal before you take ZMA -an hour , two?

At least an hour is fine


  • Legend!
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Second the no need for ZMA, since you'll already be getting most of the zinc from other means, like the DTH, and also if you take a vitamin(s) with it in as well, as well as the normal food, and any other supps that have it in. Too much zinc will block some copper uptake, could cause some lethargy, or even some mild stomach cramps, but that's somewhere above 50-60 miligrams every day from the studies I've read. DTH is a most excellent product, come to think of it, the whole Get Diesel line-up is excellent. I agree with Trip, ditch the Dren.
Generally agree. Although zinc is a very important metabolic activator, yet one should be careful not to overdose it. I try to stay below 30mg daily. Get Diesel testosterone boosters usually contain sufficient ZMA to produce a synergistic effect with the rest of the matrix, and additional Zinc/ZMA dosing in the face of the usual multivitamins may not be value-adding. I am currently on DT2010 (still waiting for the delivery of the DTH I ordered), and like to take one tablet pre-bed. This has made me watch out for Zinc/ZMA in other products I take to avoid over-dosing.


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Generally agree. Although zinc is a very important metabolic activator, yet one should be careful not to overdose it. I try to stay below 30mg daily. Get Diesel testosterone boosters usually contain sufficient ZMA to produce a synergistic effect with the rest of the matrix, and additional Zinc/ZMA dosing in the face of the usual multivitamins may not be value-adding. I am currently on DT2010 (still waiting for the delivery of the DTH I ordered), and like to take one tablet pre-bed. This has made me watch out for Zinc/ZMA in other products I take to avoid over-dosing.
Just curious to know at what level you consider overdosing.
Dr Shippen in his book TESTOSTERONE SYNDROME recommends taking 50 mg x 2 daily to reduce high estrogen levels, then reduce to 50 mg per day once there is imporovement
Some reports suggest toxicity can occur above 100 mg but whats not clear is how long it would take before signs of toxicity occur
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
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Just curious to know at what level you consider overdosing.
Dr Shippen in his book TESTOSTERONE SYNDROME recommends taking 50 mg x 2 daily to reduce high estrogen levels, then reduce to 50 mg per day once there is imporovement
Some reports suggest toxicity can occur above 100 mg but whats not clear is how long it would take before signs of toxicity occur
if your taking a good zinc source as zinc monomethione, then u dont need over about 30mg a day. Zinc Gluconate, maybe 50mg max, zinc oxide is garbage and is absorbed 10x LESS than zinc monomethione (companies just use it because its cheap).

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