Xtreme Performance Gels DHEA-50 Gel - Now Available!



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DHEA Skin Gel
50 mg. Per ML/100 Day Supply

XPG-DHEA-F resized.png

50 mg. Per ML
100 ml Per Bottle
100 Day Supply

DHEA-50 Gel is a topical DHEA product that contains 50 mg. per ml (5 grams per bottle).

What is DHEA commonly used for?
DHEA is commonly used to support lean muscle, strength, performance, libido, vitality, positive mood, improved sense of well-being, energy, and more.


DHEA-50 Gel is a convenient, extremely cost effective way to use DHEA, as each bottle will last for over 3 months at the average dosing!


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DHEA-50 Gel is now available at several retailers and is available to any retailers that would like to order.

Right now, you can find it for as low as 36.99 for a 100 day supply or a twinpack for 67.99!


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I wanted to tag @Dustin07 as I'd let him get a bottle of this early, so he can share his thoughts on it.

(I want to clarify, its not sponsored in any way, I just let him buy it early).


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I wanted to tag @Dustin07 as I'd let him get a bottle of this early, so he can share his thoughts on it.

(I want to clarify, its not sponsored in any way, I just let him buy it early).
My only prior experience with DHEA was Dermacrine, which led to the itchy misshaped nips for a while. Dermacrine has a great delivery system but......................... XPG DHEA is absolutely on par with. One pump that dries very fast, does not irritate my skin, DOES NOT STAIN MY CLOTHES lol. Not that Iconic did either, but I have had TD's that stain the clothes and XPG has been absolutely awesome.

a month+ ago I tried Dermacrine again breifly for a few days and after only like 2-4 days I was getting the itchy nips again. so I pretty much gave it up.

Tried the XPG DHEA because it lacks the Pregnenolone.
I've been stacking this with XPG EpiAndro gel and XPG Alpha Gel as well.

Zero itchy nips
strength is great and growing
metabolism seems fantastic because even in what was a substantial caloric surplus before, my weight is holding tight
dries fast, goes on easy, only 1 pump per dose


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My only prior experience with DHEA was Dermacrine, which led to the itchy misshaped nips for a while. Dermacrine has a great delivery system but......................... XPG DHEA is absolutely on par with. One pump that dries very fast, does not irritate my skin, DOES NOT STAIN MY CLOTHES lol. Not that Iconic did either, but I have had TD's that stain the clothes and XPG has been absolutely awesome.

a month+ ago I tried Dermacrine again breifly for a few days and after only like 2-4 days I was getting the itchy nips again. so I pretty much gave it up.

Tried the XPG DHEA because it lacks the Pregnenolone.
I've been stacking this with XPG EpiAndro gel and XPG Alpha Gel as well.

Zero itchy nips
strength is great and growing
metabolism seems fantastic because even in what was a substantial caloric surplus before, my weight is holding tight
dries fast, goes on easy, only 1 pump per dose
I'm really glad that you're liking it. That sounds like a great stack.

I think DHEA is so basic that some people just overlook it, but its a great supplement for most any male over 30 years of age because just as testosterone levels decline with age, so do DHEA levels.

DHEA-50 Gel is a very easy cost effective way to use it daily and most people will see a difference in libido and daily energy levels.


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Thinking of buying some of this and reading DIM may be required to balance estrogen?

I’m an early 40s male


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Thinking of buying some of this and reading DIM may be required to balance estrogen?

I’m an early 40s male
I haven't had any signs of increased estrogen while using the xpg dhea product.
I did when using dermacrine, but it has the pregnenolone added which was probably the actual issue for me.


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Thinking of buying some of this and reading DIM may be required to balance estrogen?

I’m an early 40s male
Definitely don't think you need DIM with it.

The primary reason for using DHEA in a topical form is to avoid some of the potential side effects that some people can experience from DHEA via oral use; that's why topical is pretty much better than oral DHEA in every way.

If you wanted to add anything to it for estrogen, I would suggest Inhibit-E over DIM because Inhibit-E helps modulate estrogen and helps improve proper testosterone to estrogen ratio, so it would go very well with DHEA-50 Gel for other reasons.


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I have a bottle on it’s to AUS. I have a young toddler daughter in the house.
What’s the best way to apply this and how long should I wait before getting close to my daughter?
In addition, I assume wash hands thoroughly after applying as well and cover the applied areas.

In a side note, I’m running Mtest, epi plex, have 3 bottles of Pepti-Plex on its way and now XPG DHEA along with a bottle of Inhibit E.


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What’s the best way to apply this and how long should I wait before getting close to my daughter?
I can't answer that question however I tended to put it on the tops of my feet/ankles where there is no hair, wash my hands thoroughly, and within 5 minutes it was dry enough to put socks on.


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I have a bottle on it’s to AUS. I have a young toddler daughter in the house.
What’s the best way to apply this and how long should I wait before getting close to my daughter?
In addition, I assume wash hands thoroughly after applying as well and cover the applied areas.

In a side note, I’m running Mtest, epi plex, have 3 bottles of Pepti-Plex on its way and now XPG DHEA along with a bottle of Inhibit E.
That sounds like a great stack. I think you'll love Pepti-Plex.

For DHEA-50 Gel, it dries quickly. I would apply it to areas you could keep covered in your case - tops of feet, inside of biceps, inside of thighs. It dries within 2 to 5 minutes.


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Someone I know wants to run a cycle of Var but doesn't want to pin Test. They think they could get away with either Dhea-50 or possibly Alpha-gel as a base :rolleyes:. I assume these products wouldn't be recommended for this purpose..


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Someone I know wants to run a cycle of Var but doesn't want to pin Test. They think they could get away with either Dhea-50 or possibly Alpha-gel as a base :rolleyes:. I assume these products wouldn't be recommended for this purpose..
There are actually quite a few people doing this - using DHEA-50 Gel and Alpha Gel as a 'test base' for people that don't want to use actual testosterone.

In your post, you said the word 'recommend' and we can never recommend anyone do anything related to any drugs for legality reasons, but I can say that we have a lot of feedback from people doing it that are very happy with it.


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DHEA-50 Gel is a convenient, extremely cost effective way to use DHEA, as each bottle will last for over 3 months at the average dosing!
How long would you recommend using this for before taking a break?


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I'm really glad that you're liking it. That sounds like a great stack.

I think DHEA is so basic that some people just overlook it, but its a great supplement for most any male over 30 years of age because just as testosterone levels decline with age, so do DHEA levels.

DHEA-50 Gel is a very easy cost effective way to use it daily and most people will see a difference in libido and daily energy levels.
I'll add to this, if one has been on TRT for any length of time, 15+ years here, then they MAY have low levels of DHEA. My most current set of labs had low DHEA(I have not been using any) and I can ABSOLUTELY tell a difference. Going to be adding in some DHEA gel from XPG.

I also have an older gentlemen, 70+, who will be trying DHEA for the first time as well. I will keep you all posted.


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How long would you recommend using this for before taking a break?
DHEA isn't something that you really need to take a break from if you're doing 1 ml per day. It's something that would be more like an overall health product to help get your DHEA levels up where you would want them to be.

The only time I would ever say that someone would need to take a break is if they had bloodwork and it showed their DHEA levels being too high, which would be a rarity on any male over 30+.


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The only time I would ever say that someone would need to take a break is if they had bloodwork and it showed their DHEA levels being too high, which would be a rarity on any male over 30+.
Thanks for the quick response. Since I'm well past the 30 year old mark I'm guessing that my DHEA levels being too high probably isn't something that I need to be too worried about.


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The only time I would ever say that someone would need to take a break is if they had bloodwork and it showed their DHEA levels being too high, which would be a rarity on any male over 30+.
I'm sorta excited to be bringing this back in, I got the bottle from you last week and started dosing this weekend. I feel like last winter despite all my wife's medical issues etc I maintained more even keel mood during the darkest/wettest/coldest time of year when I'm usually insanely miserable in the PNW. Could be I was distracted by my wife's greater needs at the time, but I honestly think the DHEA made a positive contribution so it's back in the daily cycle.


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Could this be used as a natty test booster? So no suppression or shut down issues?


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Could this be used as a natty test booster? So no suppression or shut down issues?
Yes, it can be used to help increase natural testosterone levels.

There's no suppression or shutdown.


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I know that as this is a hormone related supplement this could vary quite a lot, but how long will it take to start noticing the effects (well being, libido, energy etc) from this?


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I know that as this is a hormone related supplement this could vary quite a lot, but how long will it take to start noticing the effects (well being, libido, energy etc) from this?
You're correct, it could vary quite a bit for some people, but most people can start to notice a difference within 2 to 3 weeks, some sooner.


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You're correct, it could vary quite a bit for some people, but most people can start to notice a difference within 2 to 3 weeks, some sooner.
I'm 14 days in as of from today, so was wondering when(ish) I could expect to start feeling the benefits before just jumping ahead and increasing the dosage.


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I'm 14 days in as of from today, so was wondering when(ish) I could expect to start feeling the benefits before just jumping ahead and increasing the dosage.
I'd give it at least another week.

Very few people will need more than 1 ml of this per day.

You probably already know this, but I wanted to explain this to anyone reading that may not:

DHEA is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body and the body's natural levels decline as we age. When they decline, it can have a negative effect on many things - from our libido to daily energy levels.

The purpose of DHEA-50 Gel is to increase your body's natural DHEA levels and by doing so, to help improve our libido and daily energy levels and as some would explain it, help us feel better vitality or more invigorated.


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I'd give it at least another week.

Very few people will need more than 1 ml of this per day.

You probably already know this, but I wanted to explain this to anyone reading that may not:

DHEA is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body and the body's natural levels decline as we age. When they decline, it can have a negative effect on many things - from our libido to daily energy levels.

The purpose of DHEA-50 Gel is to increase your body's natural DHEA levels and by doing so, to help improve our libido and daily energy levels and as some would explain it, help us feel better vitality or more invigorated.
To my understanding, the body uses DHEA to make other hormones, mainly testosterone and estrogen, almost like an unsuppressing precursor.


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To my understanding, the body uses DHEA to make other hormones, mainly testosterone and estrogen, almost like an unsuppressing precursor.
That is correct - the body uses DHEA to make other hormones. Some people consider it a parent hormone.

And using a topical (td) is thought to make it help it go towards testosterone and not have the estrogenic conversion that many people experience with the capsules.

That's why its better off to let it take its time rather than up the dose too quickly.

There may be some people that need to use more than 1 ml, but 1 ml is the most that most people will need.
