Workouts for People Who Just Cannot Gain Weight?


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Some of my friends are tall, skinny, and just cannot gain weight no matter how much they eat.

I know they need to eat more calories, especially from protein, day-in and day-out.

But, what workouts to do?

1. I see people have made gains on Anthony Ellis's Mass Gain Program (

2. What other programs?

a. Should they be 3 day a week, or four day a week splits?

b. Are high rep squats better than low weight squats?


They are simply not eating enough. Also, quality of food matters. There is a reason bodybuilders eat chicken and rice as a staple for their meals.
As far as working out, they need to train with intensity; if they are working out beyond one hour, they are not training hard enough. I recommend they back off on days they workout per week. Twice per week is sufficient until they begin to gain. This also helps them focus on their diet.


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Gaining weight/loosing weight has to do with how many calories you consume on a daily basis. Every individual is essentially different, as the metabolism of each person is different. Some people can burn 1000 calories a day, simply sitting on a couch. Some are the exact opposite. Plus you throw in gym time, which at the end of the day will burn calories.

How you train, when you train, and how often you train all comes into play as well.

You often hear people tell you to train heavy, and eat big. Others say eat big, and train with repetition.

I, personally believe in both. Both have a constant, eat big. This is assuming we are speaking of someone who has an extremely high metabolism. Eating high caloric meals from a “clean” source every three hours is difficult. But it’s necessary to put on weight. Most people think they eat enough to gain weight, but are not eating close enough. It’s not a couple days a week, it’s every day. The consistency of your nutrition and training will pack on size. It doesn’t happen over night.

Same goes with AAS, ASS are not magical. If your diet, nutrition, and training, as well as basic supplementation and SLEEP are not in order ; the steroids will have minimal effect.

The question is not “what workout” it’s “how much and what should they eat?”

As far as how often should one train in the gym.. I train every day. I train one body part a day with 2 accessory muscles thrown in. People can tell me all day I train too much and to take a day off, **** that. It would be different if I was a power lifter and focused only on heavy compound lifts. Some weeks I go heavy throughout the week, some weeks I go a bit lighter. Start your meals throughout the day, get a sick pump in the gym, have your post workout supplementation and meals; stay hydrated with your water. Repeat.

Everyone will have a different opinion.. listen to your body.


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They are simply not eating enough. Also, quality of food matters. There is a reason bodybuilders eat chicken and rice as a staple for their meals.
As far as working out, they need to train with intensity; if they are working out beyond one hour, they are not training hard enough. I recommend they back off on days they workout per week. Twice per week is sufficient until they begin to gain. This also helps them focus on their diet.
Gotta disagree with this one boss. Sure, it’s a good standard for newbs, but I’ve seen several NPC and one IFBB pro workout well beyond an hour with crazy intensity. Sure, they were on gear and have everything dialed in, but your generalization is just that: a generalization.


Gotta disagree with this one boss. Sure, it’s a good standard for newbs, but I’ve seen several NPC and one IFBB pro workout well beyond an hour with crazy intensity. Sure, they were on gear and have everything dialed in, but your generalization is just that: a generalization.
My statement was not meant for IFBB pros. Based on his question, it sounds like noobies trying to make gains. I agree people on gear can absolutely workout longer and more frequently.


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Some of my friends are tall, skinny, and just cannot gain weight no matter how much they eat.

I know they need to eat more calories, especially from protein, day-in and day-out.

But, what workouts to do?

1. I see people have made gains on Anthony Ellis's Mass Gain Program (

2. What other programs?

a. Should they be 3 day a week, or four day a week splits?

b. Are high rep squats better than low weight squats?
It's 100% dictated by food. More food more often and consistently day after day. There not eating nearly as much as they think they are


I agree with the above.

Tracking macros might help. If the nutrition is correct, with consistent progressive resistance, then progress will occur unless there is an underlying problem.


I agree with the above.

Tracking macros might help. If the nutrition is correct, with consistent progressive resistance, then progress will occur unless there is an underlying problem.
You make a good point. If they are doing everything on point and still not gaining, there would be an underlying problem. Low hormones ie Thyroid, Testosterone, etc. Or, digestion issues like Malabsorption syndrome, Leaky gut, H. Pylori, etc.


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You make a good point. If they are doing everything on point and still not gaining, there would be an underlying problem. Low hormones ie Thyroid, Testosterone, etc. Or, digestion issues like Malabsorption syndrome, Leaky gut, H. Pylori, etc.
Those are all a possibility, but I'd bet not eating enough is the culprit


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Absolutely agree with tracking food intake and the need to eat more is by far the most likely reason....

However in answer to the question as to what workout to do, my answer would be ‘any program based around compound lifts with progressive overload’ - imo the program is largely irrelevant in many cases, the ability to follow it consistently and push hard every session is key.

Over time you find the type of training your responds best to and things can be refined, but certainly the first few years simply following any basic program consistently will provide results.


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I’ve been where you are and I stayed there for a long time. I’m a “hard gainer”. I’ve always been very skinny and when I do gain weight it’s usually not fat. I stay lean without trying. Which is a good and bad thing. Early 2016 I found myself at a crossroad. I was either going to give up on the whole “get swole and be fit” lifestyle or I am going to go all in and dedicate my life to proper dieting. Notice how I didn’t say proper training? Because diet will get you the results as long as training is there. Usually, people train enough (quality of training, frequency) to yield growth. It’s other factors, mainly diet, that are lacking.

Now don’t expect to be perfect day one. It’s a total lifestyle change that you will need to get accustomed to. Just ask yourself for small victories every day and you will see yourself grow.


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Anthony Ellis? I remember his ebook circulating a decade ago. He got his arms to 14" or so in 12 or 16 weeks. That's beginner gains for you. BTW the reason his program works for beginners is he provides a daily diet plan to be followed throughout. It's about eating enough consistently. It doesn't help if you hoe down 5000 calories one day and 1500 the next. Don't guesstimate calories, count them every day OR stick to a set diet plan you put together in advance and follow it. I also think the training program you use as a beginner is less important. Almost any of the free routines floating about will illicit beginner gains which should bring you to the level Anthony Ellis is at in his pictures in a matter of months. 5X5 is a pretty popular one to get you started.

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