What's the best training program you've done?


Well-known member
I'm curious what the most effective you've tried?

I've basically done a bro split my whole life.

Im 101kgs, and reasonable lean.

I am curious about upper, lower, push, pull and different 4-6 day programs.

I have time to train more, so I don't really need 3 days recovery. My legs can take 3+ days to recover tho.

Lots of variables, for high intensity programs I like DC and for volume look at anything Mike isratel puts out. I would say every workout routine i've ever done is probably worked the same as long as I stuck with it and followed some form of progressive overload. I usually just manipulate the programs to make them five days a week and I try to hit most body parts twice. I wish I could say x y z is the best program, But I don't think such a thing exists. I think the amount of effort you put into a program is a thousand times more important than the program itself.

I am partial to DC training tho. But if you are a little beat up or have problems with your joints or nagging injuries DC is ruff, in that case I'd lean twords volume training.
Also I've noticed that If someone has been training high intensity for years and they switch over to volume training they make big improvements and the same vice versa.
@Smont - Thank you for replying.

Yeah, I am trying to see if it's worth me doing upper, lower or push pull. I am worried about recovery, as doing what I have always done I am 100kgs and reasonable lean with little effort. I guess I don't need more injuries for little reward and I do tend to do weight + volume it would be hard to tone it down even tho you're hitting groups twice a week+
Monday - Max Effort Upper Body
Tuesday - Max Effort Lower Body
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - Chest And Arms Hypertrophy
Friday - Legs Hypertrophy
Saturday - Back And Shoulders Hypertrophy
Sunday - OFF

This works really well for me, I do Squats and Deadlifts on the Max Effort Lower day
I've been doing 5/3/1 boring but big forever now... 4 years?

Started doing it right after 2 years off from a back injury.
I've been doing 5/3/1 boring but big forever now... 4 years?

Started doing it right after 2 years off from a back injury.
I came to say that 5/3/1 is a good/easy program to use, especially if you’re using the app, you can track all your lifts to make sure you getting stronger.
I came to say that 5/3/1 is a good/easy program to use, especially if you’re using the app, you can track all your lifts to make sure you getting stronger.
Yep, my favorite feature is the weight plate calculator hahaha. I don't like to think while I'm working out. Also the app has all the different templates o Android