So today was a new one
so busted ass this morning got my gym session in like usual no cardio because I didn’t have the time this am.
Picked up my Sr. Engineer at the office and headed out to go do are very last bridge inspection. It’s a 600’ long bridge 5 spans and from top of deck to water edge 60’ at the high point. So in order to do this bridge inspection like a few others we hire a snooper truck. Truck sits on the bridge and we get in the basket and you run the controls and you boom under the bridge to inspect the girders/welds/gussets/ bearings etc.
So it was nice this morning about 46 degrees we get geared up harnesses hoodies all are tools and get loaded, under we go. We get half way across one lane and at the highest point above water… yeah the damn hydraulic pump takes a
*. So we are stuck because we are boomed under the bridge and we are just stuck for those that know how large (small) the baskets are. For 5 mother trucking hrs we sit… and sit… sit some more. Finally service shows up and gets it up and running but man what a * show. My ass was hungry and thirsty and cramped
I contemplated hooking my safety lanyards to the girder and see if I could scale out of there, but decided against it. Best of all didn’t even have my phone (I’ve lost many from heights so it stays in the truck.