vikinginc's Xtremely[!] Stoked[!] about his Epi[©] Journey from ~T7 to D4~



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:toofunny: Mullet's fiance disposed of Vikings package...

Damn, I wish I wasn't so immature. :frustrate
Timber is Sigmund Freud's greatest testament to his theories, Sex & Aggression, Sex & Aggression.


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Timber is Sigmund Freud's greatest testament to his theories, Sex & Aggression, Sex & Aggression.
That is T-Lake to a "T". I wouldn't want him to be any other way! :lol: Man, I skip out on 1 afternoon of posting, and viking's log is 3 pages larger. WTF??!! :eek: And chocked full o' info at that. Love it. Props to snagency, Mullet, and Viking for the interesting dialogue. It's good to learn new things. I need to learn a lot more about diet. I honestly lucked up on my current diet by personal trial and error. But I'd love to know much better ways to to lean out and maintain muscle mass. I feel that I lost too much mass with my last cut. Good stuff up in here gentlemen!! :thumbsup:


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That is T-Lake to a "T". I wouldn't want him to be any other way! :lol: Man, I skip out on 1 afternoon of posting, and viking's log is 3 pages larger. WTF??!! :eek: And chocked full o' info at that. Love it. Props to snagency, Mullet, and Viking for the interesting dialogue. It's good to learn new things. I need to learn a lot more about diet. I honestly lucked up on my current diet by personal trial and error. But I'd love to know much better ways to to lean out and maintain muscle mass. I feel that I lost too much mass with my last cut. Good stuff up in here gentlemen!! :thumbsup:
Yes, it is, my friend ! Lots of information, lots to convey, lots to pick up. I'm hoping this log will be an inspiration to many, as well as allow people to learn various methods of training, cardio, dieting, supplementation, etc .. I'm personally very much looking forward to following the diet advice of Snagency and Mulletsoldier. I've got lots to learn as well, as got a feeling there's a lot to come in this log !

Anyway, it's nearly 8AM. I got up at 7.30AM, took my D4/T7/LR with 10 oz water. I've had some digestion issues this morning, so I ended up e-mailing my 8AM prof and let him know I wouldn't be there. Now I won't be doing breakfast, but instead, I'll be 'clearing the tunnel' (sick) and begin sipping on a SuperPump250 drink (final 3 scoops!) and wanting to get to the gym by 8.45AM.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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:toofunny: Mullet's fiance disposed of Vikings package...

Damn, I wish I wasn't so immature. :frustrate
Try as she may, she can never dispose of my package because it's far too large to fit in the box!



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Digestion issues huh? C'mon V, we know the real deal - you just wanted to check out some fasted training didn't you? Aha, j/k.. works much better with AP imo, but still suitable for you with your current stack/goals. Now GO GET IT!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Digestion issues huh? C'mon V, we know the real deal - you just wanted to check out some fasted training didn't you? Aha, j/k.. works much better with AP imo, but still suitable for you with your current stack/goals. Now GO GET IT!
Definitely! I believe you tried a similar fasted resistance-training protocol with AP, right S?


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Yessir, inspired by that very same protocol for B5150 you posted. Tweaked it a bit, but the strategy's the same.. and absolutely LOVED it!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Yessir, inspired by that very same protocol for B5150 you posted. Tweaked it a bit, but the strategy's the same.. and absolutely LOVED it!
Awesome! Very great to know! Simply put, by modulating your lipid metabolism in this respect, you essentially prevent the accumulation, synthesis, and hypertrophy of adipocytes for an elongated period post-training; this is an additive effect of both the Berberine-mediated AMPk increase from Anabolic Pump, but also due to the inhibitory effect of acute-resistance training on LDL and triglyceride formation!

Essentially, in layman's terms, by utilizing a fasted training protocol in conjunction with AP, one is altering lipid metabolism in the following manners:

a) Increasing the mitochondrial B-Oxidation of Fatty Acids, released into the bloodstream vis-a-vis the natural process of nocturnal lipolysis; thereby, utilizing energy which would have been redeposited.
b) Preventing the re-accumulation, synthesis and hypertrophy of adipocytes for an elongated period post-training.
c) Modulating oxidative manners of energy exchange pre-training, and thereby providing incredibly abundant energy!

However, in order to properly utilize this protocol, pre-bed carbohydrates must be kept to a bare minimum. Nocturnal glucose metabolism greatly attenuates fasting lipolysis, and thereby mitigates waking FFA levels, necessary for the proper utilization of this protocol.


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Awesome! Very great to know! Simply put, by modulating your lipid metabolism in this respect, you essentially prevent the accumulation, synthesis, and hypertrophy of adipocytes for an elongated period post-training; this is an additive effect of both the Berberine-mediated AMPk increase from Anabolic Pump, but also due to the inhibitory effect of acute-resistance training on LDL and triglyceride formation!

Essentially, in layman's terms, by utilizing a fasted training protocol in conjunction with AP, one is altering lipid metabolism in the following manners:

a) Increasing the mitochondrial B-Oxidation of Fatty Acids, released into the bloodstream vis-a-vis the natural process of nocturnal lipolysis; thereby, utilizing energy which would have been redeposited.
b) Preventing the re-accumulation, synthesis and hypertrophy of adipocytes for an elongated period post-training.
c) Modulating oxidative manners of energy exchange pre-training, and thereby providing incredibly abundant energy!

However, in order to properly utilize this protocol, pre-bed carbohydrates must be kept to a bare minimum. Nocturnal glucose metabolism greatly attenuates fasting lipolysis, and thereby mitigates waking FFA levels, necessary for the proper utilization of this protocol.
im going to give a shot tmrw morning. it will be with a crossfit routine that i will need plenty of energy for, and i think this method would be a perfect way to muster up some energy without putting any fuel in the tank. what are your thoughts on this mullet?


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Sounds great. Simply dose your Anabolic Pump 15 minutes prior to the beginning of training; be sure to hydrate well and utilize BCAAs if you have them!


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Day #6:

07.00AM: 2 caps D4, 1 cap T7, 2 caps LR
08.00AM: 3.5 scoops SuperPump250
09.00AM: GYM


Seated DB Press (50 * 12, 50 * 12), 70 * 12, 80 * 8, 80 * 8, 80 * 10
Seated Side Laterals - 40 * 12, 50 * 8, 50 * 8, 50 * 8
Rear Laterals DB Raises - 60 * 12, 60 * 12, 60 * 12

Machine Front Press - (70 * 12) 110 * 12, 130 * 10, 150 * 8

Barbell Shrugs - 245 * 20, 335 * 30, 455 * 12, 455 * 12, 455 * 15

Weight - ?

Rating and YouTube clip to come.


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Damn. 455# shrugs. ****, man! You're killin' it!


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However, in order to properly utilize this protocol, pre-bed carbohydrates must be kept to a bare minimum. Nocturnal glucose metabolism greatly attenuates fasting lipolysis, and thereby mitigates waking FFA levels, necessary for the proper utilization of this protocol.
This is standard OP, for me, anyways - unless I happen to be utilizing a short-term keto protocol with the large carb load as last meal before bed.

And as for utilzation of BCAA's with this method - here is where part of my tweaking came into play. I'd hit a large amount 15 minutes following AP dose, just before training (10 minutes typically), @ 12-15g. Intra-workout I'd consume Xtend (or ABC or PurpleWraath, whatever I felt like that particular day) with some Poseidon mixed in, then following very last set I'd hit another 15g BCAA's. 15 minutes later I'd pop a Pslin, and 15 minutes after that I'd consume my PWO shake/meal with 60-80g carbs.

With this format I was able to take advantage of several processes, and the BCAA consumption provided me insane recovery/growth, simulating a steroid-like effect if you will. Concurrently, the protocol also allowed to keep the blood out of the gut (no digestion process going on) to maximize bloodflow nutrient delivery straight to muscle cells.

I found this to be an incredible protocol, one I will continue with on a consistently varied basis.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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This is standard OP, for me, anyways - unless I happen to be utilizing a short-term keto protocol with the large carb load as last meal before bed.

And as for utilzation of BCAA's with this method - here is where part of my tweaking came into play. I'd hit a large amount 15 minutes following AP dose, just before training (10 minutes typically), @ 12-15g. Intra-workout I'd consume Xtend (or ABC or PurpleWraath, whatever I felt like that particular day) with some Poseidon mixed in, then following very last set I'd hit another 15g BCAA's. 15 minutes later I'd pop a Pslin, and 15 minutes after that I'd consume my PWO shake/meal with 60-80g carbs.

With this format I was able to take advantage of several processes, and the BCAA consumption provided me insane recovery/growth, simulating a steroid-like effect if you will. Concurrently, the protocol also allowed to keep the blood out of the gut (no digestion process going on) to maximize bloodflow nutrient delivery straight to muscle cells.

I found this to be an incredible protocol, one I will continue with on a consistently varied basis.
Nice additions, Steve! I appreciate the compliments in terms of the protocol, especially as I discovered it entirely by accident!


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Damn. 455# shrugs. ****, man! You're killin' it!
:aargh: :aargh: Yeah I am !!! :aargh: :aargh:

lol.. Started off withe the 100s on each side, then a 45 lbs each side, then another 55 lbs plate (the two latter were 'power-lifting' plates - rubber plates.)

Got class for an hour, then I'll begin the editing work. YouTube clip will be up in an hour or two.


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Snagency & Mullet; I'll have time to absorb the great info you guys provided once I get back. As for BCAA's I've only got Xtend - no bulk powder .. So, you got a suggestion (dosing) as far as the Xtend goes ? (New, un-open jug, coming in tomorrow..)


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Snagency & Mullet; I'll have time to absorb the great info you guys provided once I get back. As for BCAA's I've only got Xtend - no bulk powder .. So, you got a suggestion (dosing) as far as the Xtend goes ? (New, un-open jug, coming in tomorrow..)
If using fasted protocol, I would recommend at least 6 scoops of Xtend, and preferably 8 due to your size. Start sipping 10 minutes prior to training.

If not utilizing fasted-training, considering what else you are taking, you'd be fine with the 3 scoop dosage imo.


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Nice additions, Steve! I appreciate the compliments in terms of the protocol, especially as I discovered it entirely by accident!
Some of the greatest inventions of all time were discovered by accident man!

Newton's Law was put in motion cuz the dude accidentally fell asleep under an apple tree and got nailed in the melon by a falling fruit!

While putting your discovery up there with Sir Isaac is a bit of a stretch, it's still a SOLID find bro!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Definitely! It came about in Vegas, for the GNC Expo: I had taken my AP, ReCreate, and PowerFULL, under the assumption we were going to eat breakfast; as it turned out, we were not eating for another forty-five minutes! Deciding to use my time wisely, I had an INTENSE plyometric workout in the hotel-room. At this point, I realized anecdotally something was fantastic, but wanted to verify physiologically why - as it happens, some fantastic lipolytic/anti-lipogenic processes are being affected with this protocol, and the results are very rapid adipose loss without adjacent muscle-wasting!

The P-Slin PWO is the icing on the cake me thinks!


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Day #6:

07.00AM: 2 caps D4, 1 cap T7, 2 caps LR
08.00AM: 3.5 scoops SuperPump250
09.00AM: GYM


Seated DB Press (50 * 12, 50 * 12), 70 * 12, 80 * 8, 80 * 8, 80 * 10
Seated Side Laterals - 40 * 12, 50 * 8, 50 * 8, 50 * 8
Rear Laterals DB Raises - 60 * 12, 60 * 12, 60 * 12

Machine Front Press - (70 * 12) 110 * 12, 130 * 10, 150 * 8

Barbell Shrugs - 245 * 20, 335 * 30, 455 * 12, 455 * 12, 455 * 15

Weight - ?

Rating and YouTube clip to come.
Hel to the fukkin' yeah!! :aargh: Way to kill it my viking warrior friend!! :clap2: Very good weights being tossed around there. I'd love to get in a shrug-fest with you!! That was sweet on those 455 shrugs for 15 reps!! I did 505 X 8 a few months back, so you may have me on this one. But I didn't have any competition then either. LOL You have awesome and fearful intensity in the gym bro. It's a pleasure to watch your video clips. They motivate my workouts like you wouldn't believe my friend. Thanks for the fuel. I'm anxiously awaiting the YouTube clip. What are your clips listed under over at YouTube? I've looked under everything I could think of. They're a blast to watch. Keep 'em coming animal!! I just finished a glorious battle myself. Swing by the Thunder-hood when you get a chance. :twisted:


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Definitely! It came about in Vegas, for the GNC Expo: I had taken my AP, ReCreate, and PowerFULL, under the assumption we were going to eat breakfast; as it turned out, we were not eating for another forty-five minutes! Deciding to use my time wisely, I had an INTENSE plyometric workout in the hotel-room. At this point, I realized anecdotally something was fantastic, but wanted to verify physiologically why - as it happens, some fantastic lipolytic/anti-lipogenic processes are being affected with this protocol, and the results are very rapid adipose loss without adjacent muscle-wasting!

The P-Slin PWO is the icing on the cake me thinks!
Nice to know the story behind the science. Great sharing.

Yes, no question the Pslin is a critical component to driving the muscular growth here. I love utilizing it following training!


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If using fasted protocol, I would recommend at least 6 scoops of Xtend, and preferably 8 due to your size. Start sipping 10 minutes prior to training.

If not utilizing fasted-training, considering what else you are taking, you'd be fine with the 3 scoop dosage imo.
6 scoops Xtend it is ! Man, prepare for some naaaaaasty veins coming to life next week ! Seriously .. especially alongside the Xtend ! I was getting freaky veins off of 3-4 scoops before (OK, I was @ 5.5% at that time, but still). Six scoops - - - I'm stoked !

YouTube clip is going up - I'm having some editing issues at the moment - and I think you'll be able to tell that I've lost a considerable amount of water, and veins are much more apparent !

Thunder, damn, man, thanks so much for the support ! Thyne words fuels a fire within myne gut ! .. for the lack of a better sentence .. lol. Awesome to hear that I am in part motivating you through my training and logging, but we all know Thunder Sr. has been around for a while, so I don't think you had much of an issue with 'fueling your fire' initially, anyway !


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Nice to know the story behind the science. Great sharing.

Yes, no question the Pslin is a critical component to driving the muscular growth here. I love utilizing it following training!
I heard there was a buy two Pslin - get one free . . ? On PureSupplements' website ? .. I couldn't find it. Anyway, doesn't really help my economy that ya'll are making me drool all over that Pslin ! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh:


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I heard there was a buy two Pslin - get one free . . ? On PureSupplements' website ? .. I couldn't find it. Anyway, doesn't really help my economy that ya'll are making me drool all over that Pslin ! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
I've gone through 6 or 8 consecutive bottles of AP, maybe it's time to give Pslin another try.


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duuuuude I LOVE p-slin...

Im taking 2 slin and 1 AP a day right now :twisted: alongside my Prime dosing of 6ed and 1-carboxy EON @ about 800-1200mg... got some more cissus on the way soon too.

Needless to say its a sick stack. No anabolics and Ive gained 4.5lbs in 2 weeks dropping fat and setting PR's....

But ive played with tons of diff AP and Pslin dosings and the stuff is just so versatile if you use your noggin.

Love seeing what mullet comes up with though given his grasp on what its exactly doin.


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btw sorry for the side track....

Mullet many of my remaining p-slin caps have the powder hardened on the inside into a smaller cap shape, this happened during shipping through the hot summer but Ive still been just crackin open the cap breakint the hardened capsule shape (now tab) into a few pieces to speed breakdown and taking it that way and just wanted to make sure that this is still good.... would this melting together have caused any decrease in efficacy??? havnt gone without a meal outside of 20min to see if I go hypo as its not my idea of fun, but just wondering if you knew?


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I can answer that one, not to step on Mullet's toes. That compound does have a tendency to harden, but this does not decrease the efficacy of the product.

It does suck tho, because another way I like to utilize the Slin (for different purposes - you're right P, stuff is incredibly versatile) is uncapped poured right into a creatine/dextrose/EAA/Poseidon mix to drink pre/intra workout. When it's hardened like that, doesn't get absorbed into the liquid like I like, you get it all in chunks; I'm sure it works the same but psychologically it bugs me..


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- 20 minute higher-than-normal intensity run, followed by a 25 minute walk outdoors.

- the D4 and T7 is KILLING my appetite ! .. Had 8 oz. chicken w/one bagel @ 2pm, 10 oz. chicken @ 4.30PM, D4/T7 @ 5PM, run @ 5.30PM, whey shake @ 7PM .. it's now 8.30PM, and I'm not hungry .. i don't want anything ! haha

Uploading youtube clip now. Pardon the AWEFUL editing - or lack thereof. For some reason the program didn't respond to me today .. I'll get it straightened out tomorrow, I hope !


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Day #6L

Gym Assault III: Shoulder/Trap Day

Seated DB Press - (50 * 12, 50 * 12), 70 * 12, 80 * 8, 80 * 8, 80 * 10 (accidentally deleted the final set of these on cam, didn't record the others, DAMNIT!)
Seated Side Laterals - 30 * 15, 40 * 12, 50 * 8, 50 * 8, 50 * 8
Bent-over Rear Laterals - 60 * 12, 60 * 10, 60 * 10

Seated Machine Front Press ('Close-grip') - 110 * 12, 130 * 10, 150 * 8 (I'd never touched 150 on this machine before. It's an 'awkward' angle your pressing at with the grip I'm using - watch clip - and I normally don't handle more than 90 for 15 reps. Today, I was pumping them out like they were featherweight.

Barbell Shrugs- 245 * 20, 335 * 20, 445 * 12, 445 * 12, 445 * 15

Weight - ?!?!

Starting off with DB presses is a NO-NO for me ! My shoulders ached when I did then - I didn't warm up thorougly, Idiot I am. . It actually hurt/stung like a bit$h when i did my DB presses, and I thought i had tweaked them ,.. but the final set it felt a little better, hence I got two moore reps. Sitting with a straight back, and doing slow reps. Not even that helped the joint pain, but I kept pushing through - I didn't want to have to drop DB presses in yet another workout....

Seated Side laterals were nuts today. I got a hellacious delt/trap pump. I felt full and volumized. Vascular. Pretty Kick ass.

Gym Assault III: Delts/Traps

YouTube - An Epi(c) Gym Assault III


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Today was my final day of SuperPump250, meaning, tomorrow will be my first day of Cellucor's M5 as a pre-workout drink. I'll be doing 2 packets/day prior to working out, alongside 5 caps Incarnate (I've got about 5-6 days left). Looking forward to trying out a Kre-Alkalyn product. I never really gave it a shot before.

Anyway, I'm drying up, and feeling good. Belt has loosened up a lot, and as have my pants. My waist has trimmed down considerably, and I've lost a lot of excess water in my gut. I'm harder and look denser overall, and vascularity has increased. I had some insane fullness going in my shoulders when I did 50 lbs laterals today, and some deltoid veins I had never seen before. Also notice my traps have grown, and appear much broader than I expected when I did my bent-over rear laterals. I didn't like my form on the rear laterals, but I didn't feel like switching out the weight. Normally, I use a wider arch, and elbows point up. I got a pump, but more in the lower trap/rhomboid area. Still, my rear delts were already swelled up from the side laterls. I didn't weigh in today either, and probably won't until a week or two down the line here. I want to solidify by the time I step on that scale, and feel like I've EARNED to weight 235lbs or so. haha.


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Nice workout! By the end of all this, you might really have enough footage for a Viking DVD.


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Nice workout! By the end of all this, you might really have enough footage for a Viking DVD.
For sure ! .. I just gotta sit my a$$ down and learn this program inside/out. Oh, and I've got to get my speakers in order, so I can add audio.


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Anyway, I'm drying up, and feeling good. Belt has loosened up a lot, and as have my pants. My waist has trimmed down considerably, and I've lost a lot of excess water in my gut. I'm harder and look denser overall, and vascularity has increased. I had some insane fullness going in my shoulders when I did 50 lbs laterals today, and some deltoid veins I had never seen before. Also notice my traps have grown, and appear much broader than I expected when I did my bent-over rear laterals. I didn't like my form on the rear laterals, but I didn't feel like switching out the weight. Normally, I use a wider arch, and elbows point up. I got a pump, but more in the lower trap/rhomboid area. Still, my rear delts were already swelled up from the side laterls. I didn't weigh in today either, and probably won't until a week or two down the line here. I want to solidify by the time I step on that scale, and feel like I've EARNED to weight 235lbs or so. haha.
Well, first of all, that was a great video. You wear the name viking honorably. Some have monikers they don't deserve, but you are every bit a true viking warrior. And I see what you were saying about those rear-laterals. I bet you didn't think they looked that bad until you recorded them. I think a lot of people would profit themselves from video-taping their workouts. You can really check your form out then. It's different than just looking in the mirror and lifting. I love your tenacity and fighting spirit bro. You're like me. You lift so heavy it looks like after 3 or 4 reps it's gonna be all, but you rest a few seconds and get some more, rest a few seconds and get even more. I love it!! Most people give up when they lose momentum. LOL You got to fight that sh!t out if you want to get bigger and stronger! :twisted: Keep fighting brother!! :head:


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Great video, and great progress, your doing really well bro, keep it up, so your liking epi? its great stuff, really enjoying following this thread, keep it coming bro.


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Wow I'm late. Great log, glad to see you finally have one up again!


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I started watching that video - and I was gonna be like: "Vike, you gotta wear a beater or something so we can see your shoulders in action..."

Then you rolled your sleeves up for the 2nd set.

Wow, I'd say (no homo)... but this is my gayest post ever.


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Quick question for you... Is that machine you use with the palms in grip a side grip military? Or a side grip incline? It looks a bit more incline to me - but the angle is off. Do you typically do inclide exercises on shoulder day? Or with your chest routine?

Beastly video by the way. You're going to hit your goals 3 weeks early.


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I started watching that video - and I was gonna be like: "Vike, you gotta wear a beater or something so we can see your shoulders in action..."

Then you rolled your sleeves up for the 2nd set.

Wow, I'd say (no homo)... but this is my gayest post ever.
Hahaha, and the gayest ('no homo') response I've ever had ! .. but is aaaallll goooood ! :afro:


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Quick question for you... Is that machine you use with the palms in grip a side grip military? Or a side grip incline? It looks a bit more incline to me - but the angle is off. Do you typically do inclide exercises on shoulder day? Or with your chest routine?

Beastly video by the way. You're going to hit your goals 3 weeks early.
It's actually a military machine shoulder presses (almost military press angle) but due to my pushing my chest up in the air as high as I can, i slightly alter the angle.. I feel these in my entire shoulder complex, though, I love them. Normally, I don't utiize incline exercises, but, fx., if I do Smith Front Presses, I may use the pin JUST underneath the bench setting @ 90 degrees, and be @ 75-85 degrees on my shoulder presses.. I don't vary the angle much more than that. And it tends to be the only one in which i do change up.


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Wow I'm late. Great log, glad to see you finally have one up again!
Identification issues [who am I, vikinginc?] .. I respect that .. Welcome ! :afro:


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Starting off with DB presses is a NO-NO for me ! My shoulders ached when I did then - I didn't warm up thorougly
Get those warm ups in, bro! Def. don't wanna take yourself out of the game with an injury. Way to hammer through everything though! Very inspirational, my friend!


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Get those warm ups in, bro! Def. don't wanna take yourself out of the game with an injury. Way to hammer through everything though! Very inspirational, my friend!
Great advice shaddow! Take it from someone with a torn right pec (see avi photo), a torn right calf, and a tweaked left rotator cuff. Get those warm-ups in. A lot of 'em. The better I warm-up the better I perform. Too bad I usually learn sh!t the hard way. I have an extremely hard head. It's part of being German!! LMAO. I've got a shirt that says, "You can always tell a just can't tell him much"!! :toofunny: But seriously, take time to warm-up and stretch really well before hitting the heavy sh!t. I know I'm just preaching to the choir here viking. You know dis shizz mayne!! :afro:


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Great advice! I usually begin with 4 warmup sets, and then 2 'weight acclimation sets' - that is, 4 sets with higher reps to warm tendons, and then 2 sets of 1-2 reps of my 'target' weight, to acclimate my body to the weight; in this respect, you are not only preventing injury, but also helping to attenuate the inter-neuronal shock associated with higher load.

A very large part of load adaptation is CNS-related, and not necessarily related to fiber density in-and-of-itself. If one attempts to immediately increase the load on their skeletal-muscular system by 200%, your body will resist as a protection mechanism! By slowly acclimating your CNS to the weight, essentially, it states, 'Fuck this ****, it's old hat".


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Get those warm ups in, bro! Def. don't wanna take yourself out of the game with an injury. Way to hammer through everything though! Very inspirational, my friend!
Man, I know, I know ! . . and I was an idiot for not warming up thoroughly on shoulder-day. I've mentioned on and off since July/August that I've dealt with some shoulder pain/issues .. I began Incarnate 3 weeks ago, and within a week or so, it significantly helped the pain/wear/tear.

I'll be careful from here on .. I actually prefer not to start off shoulders with a pressing exercise - they're too taxing on me, it seems. Seated Side laterals or upright rows - that's what i'll be doing next delt session around .. if not, then probably start off with TWO consecutive trap-exercises, see if I can' get them blown outta proportion once and for all ! :aargh:

I appreciate all the good advice, fellas ! I'm counting on not getting too cocky, and accidentally having to cut my cycle short due to an idiot injury.. :aargh:


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Man, I know, I know ! . . and I was an idiot for not warming up thoroughly on shoulder-day. I've mentioned on and off since July/August that I've dealt with some shoulder pain/issues .. I began Incarnate 3 weeks ago, and within a week or so, it significantly helped the pain/wear/tear.

I'll be careful from here on .. I actually prefer not to start off shoulders with a pressing exercise - they're too taxing on me, it seems. Seated Side laterals or upright rows - that's what i'll be doing next delt session around .. if not, then probably start off with TWO consecutive trap-exercises, see if I can' get them blown outta proportion once and for all ! :aargh:

I appreciate all the good advice, fellas ! I'm counting on not getting too cocky, and accidentally having to cut my cycle short due to an idiot injury.. :aargh:
You know I'm a fan of those shoulder workouts with traps as the openers!
