USPlabs "Patented Anabolic" R&D -- Alpha Testing Q/A --



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I have another question, does this affect hormones? IE as in a natty test booster. or is it just anabolic without any hormonal properties?


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Isnt aegeline in the new version of oxyelite pro , guess I do not understand the big deal of this product .. Yet the alpha testers seemed to really like it..

I did find this*****23

Aegle marmelos (alkaloidal-amide, Aegeline 2) lowered blood glucose levels by 12.9% and 16.9% at 5 and 24h, respectively, in sucrose challenged streptozotocin induced diabetic rats model at the dose of 100mg/kg body weight. Aegeline 2 has also significantly decreased the plasma triglyceride (Tg) level by 55% (P<0.001), total cholesterol (TC) by 24% (P<0.05) and free fatty acids (FFA) by 24%, accompanied with increase in HDL-C by 28% and HDL-C/TC ratio by 66% in dyslipidemic hamster model at the dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. The compound 2 might be a beta(3)-AR agonist[SUP]13[/SUP].
The compound'seffects are dose/concentration dependent in terms of which molecular target itengages. As described in the USPlabs' patent, at a specified lower dose, thecompound possesses a thermogenic and cognitive effect, while at a much higher dose, thecompound possesses an anabolic effect.

The anabolic amount makes subjects extremely hungry. You obviously don't want that in a Fat burner/appetite suppressant.



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The compound'seffects are dose/concentration dependent in terms of which molecular target itengages. As described in the USPlabs' patent, at a specified lower dose, thecompound possesses a thermogenic and cognitive effect, while at a much higher dose, thecompound possesses an anabolic effect.

The anabolic amount makes subjects extremely hungry. You obviously don't want that in a Fat burner/appetite suppressant.

I've seen this exact phrase word for word on another board, that you? or is every usp rep been told to say that in regards to the questions regarding the ingredients?


Is this data human data? Because its octopamine metabolites are very weak b-3 agonists on human adipocytes.
I didn't even see the structure of the compound until recently. Do you have full text access to the rat data?

If the primary metabolite is octopamine or an analogue, I will be very disappointed. Anecdotally, I got great pumps from the product, which I'm not even sure is a possible endpoint even if aegeline is metabolically active. I will never rule out placebo though, as I was not blinded.


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I've seen this exact phrase word for word on another board, that you? or is every usp rep been told to say that in regards to the questions regarding the ingredients?
Correct, if asked the difference between OEP and VERSA-1 that is the companies answer..

Darce is one of my favorite chokes.


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According to High Tower Pharmacology , aegeline MAY be inherently anabolic, however will probably not affect humans. Great.


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I didn't even see the structure of the compound until recently. Do you have full text access to the rat data?

If the primary metabolite is octopamine or an analogue, I will be very disappointed. Anecdotally, I got great pumps from the product, which I'm not even sure is a possible endpoint even if aegeline is metabolically active. I will never rule out placebo though, as I was not blinded.
200 or so placebo guys raving about it all month just like you did.
100 percent money back.....although you will get more on eBay with this deal then if returned at the super low purchase price.


200 or so placebo guys raving about it all month just like you did.
100 percent money back.....although you will get more on eBay with this deal then if returned at the super low purchase price.
I know you're confident in the product (otherwise why patent it?). Any strings attached with the guarantee? I'd like to try 3 caps/day


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I know you're confident in the product (otherwise why patent it?). Any strings attached with the guarantee? I'd like to try 3 caps/day
I will first say three caps is overkill. You are basing off data on glucose. We are not claiming that.

With that said, all you have to do is return bottles with proof of purchase and your card will be instantly refunded without question.


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We'll see. I hope it works, I couldn't pass on the deal . Figured if I dont like it I can always sell the 2nd bottle on ebay for about 50 anyway.
You also receive a bottle of a month supply of agmatine500


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With all the hype, why is everyone suddenly dubious now that Coop chimes in with a few doubts? Don't get me wrong, scepticism is a good thing in the supplement industry but no need to try make it out like USP is facilitating a huge scam, after all, a tonne of money would have been put into research/ development and patenting the product; none of which would be worthwhile if the product is too be doomed.

I can't wait for it to drop on the planet; considering I cannot get the IC release here in NZ :(

Edit: Not a shot at Coop, so don't hate on me :D


With all the hype, why is everyone suddenly dubious now that Coop chimes in with a few doubts? Don't get me wrong, scepticism is a good thing in the supplement industry but no need to try make it out like USP is facilitating a huge scam, after all, a tonne of money would have been put into research/ development and patenting the product; none of which would be worthwhile if the product is too be doomed.

I can't wait for it to drop on the planet; considering I cannot get the IC release here in NZ :(

Edit: Not a shot at Coop, so don't hate on me :D
I actually agree with this post 100%. I don't know enough about the product as there simply isn't a whole lot of data on aegeline. I think people should make their own educated decisions here.


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I will vouch for this.. USPlabs ain't like other companies who depend on ads and other rubbish to push their products out just to get an upper hand.. We were given chances to test these products before release.. It was based on our feedback


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With all the hype, why is everyone suddenly dubious now that Coop chimes in with a few doubts? Don't get me wrong, scepticism is a good thing in the supplement industry but no need to try make it out like USP is facilitating a huge scam, after all, a tonne of money would have been put into research/ development and patenting the product; none of which would be worthwhile if the product is too be doomed.

I can't wait for it to drop on the planet; considering I cannot get the IC release here in NZ :(

Edit: Not a shot at Coop, so don't hate on me :D
We will publish the animal studies (90 day study in Rats and Rabbits is not cheap) and in the middle of recruiting subjects for a study at Memphis. before release, we conducted a pilot study on safety markers (as discussed in the write up).

Companies search available (as we do) to develop a product, but in this case, we are creating the research. There are pros and cons to it.

Pro- we are the first and with the patent, we can liscense it out..
Cons- Innovation doesn't come without attacks from the's the nature of the industry.


On my grind
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I used the product and loved it, so i bought the IC release.

While the anabolic in adipose tissue confuses me i know i was cutting and never saw signs of impaired fatloss.


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I used the product and loved it, so i bought the IC release.

While the anabolic in adipose tissue confuses me i know i was cutting and never saw signs of impaired fatloss.
The competition will manipulate data to serve there purposes...


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Same here, hit the link seconds after recieving and nothing and nothing since. This is quite disapointing since its been hyped in our heads for months. Its like waking up christmas morning to only find out that your house was robbed and all the presents stolen
Lulz, wowzers... I wasn't that hurt, just thought the logical thing to do is extend the timeframe considering the down time... uspl will make sure everyone gets a chance to take advantage of it, I'm sure.

I was dying to read that write up more then anything... still need to go in depth now and check the referenced studies. I just like to know how things work, there is one thing I already know though, it DOES work.

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After all the evidence shown in beta-testers.....

I doubt that you can guess what the dose per cap really is, look at minimal human data and then come to an absolute conclusion on how much versa-1 needs to be taken. The largest example of what it can actually do ever needed, real world detailed use, is available to us in abundance.

I would like to see myself what a double dose on workout days would bring(morning w/cardio, evening w/ weight dosing) , but even without doing that I know I'll get good results from taking it as suggested...

The one thing I REALLY would like to know is what mechanism is behind the ravenous hunger that was created by taking versa-1. It was insane, and considerably more so impressive about it was I was taking copious amounts of stimulants/fat burners each day alongside which normally destroy my appetite.

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I didn't even see the structure of the compound until recently. Do you have full text access to the rat data?

If the primary metabolite is octopamine or an analogue, I will be very disappointed. Anecdotally, I got great pumps from the product, which I'm not even sure is a possible endpoint even if aegeline is metabolically active. I will never rule out placebo though, as I was not blinded.
wonder if there was some shake-n-bake agmatine in the beta testers supplements (ironic the IC release includes it given the pump people are saying they get)


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Not really. The placebo effect can dupe anyone, especially if it is trumped up with exceptional marketing.
I think if it was placebo one of the many guys that are incredibly in tune with what their body can do and how it reacts to most supplementation would have called farce. And there was absolutely no marketing to be had or tip offs to testers of what possible effects may be, the effects came with great proof and were individually reported.

I've personally been lifting and extensively supplementing for over 11 years now and know what's working for me and what's not. I offered an honest 30 day detailed log of my experience and the results achieved and considering all the variables(namely that I was cutting) the results are quite impressive. I didn't even view a single fellow testers log for 2 weeks as a personal way of avoiding any suggested effects turning into placebo... going back and reading my experience was identical to theirs... Just no way placebo effected my weight and body composition like this in 30 days and didn't get a single bad review of over 60 testers... placebo isn't so powerful as to effect that many testers physiologically during simultaneous testing.

There are plenty of other guys even more so at their peak then myself that still saw noticeable results as well....

Bottom line is, the stuff works right now, as is, at the dose suggested, and all that is left is to prove HOW it works... you can wait around for that data to present itself if you like before taking this, no skin off my back. Just don't call me and 59 others liars in the meantime, thank you.

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You are very confused. The placebo effect is not malingering or "lying," it is completely unintentional. Anyone is susceptible to its effects.
Someone here is confused, Sir, and it is not I.

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Anyone is susceptible to its effects.
Anyone and everyone are two completely different things.

I'm telling you what I personally experience and giving detailed quantifiable data based off my experience, progress and feelings across a 30 day period, the first half of which I had zero outside influence on my observations.

Placebo cannot create these type of effects to this extent, it has its limits. It also will not effect outright so many individuals simultaneously.

If you are saying the results of my experience are placebo and I'm telling you they aren't, then you sir, are calling me a liar.

Quit turning this into a debate over the meaning of placebo.

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You seem quite hostile.
Tone and emphasis are completely lost through conversing via text my friend.

Defensive I may be of my stance, but hostility there is none.

You seem to be quite good at deflecting yourself though, as you seen unable to provide any sort of defense to your own stance when mine is the opinion of many.

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I'm curious, what is your secondary gain for defending a bottle full of pills? Surely they can defend themselves in efficacy, or through USP labs marketing bombardment?
Your stating that testers are the victim of a placebo run. I was one of the testers. I'm stating my effects were not that of a placebo run. Bottom line.

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Do you have to train like a beast for this product to work or training like a human being would suffice ?


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Do you have to train like a beast for this product to work or training like a human being would suffice ?
Why would you ever want to train like a human?


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I wrote a science based article and you have subjective history littered with broscience ("deeerp it wasn't placebo cuz i said it wasn't").
I'd love to read it.

Internet credentials don't make you the absolute answer to all discussions either.

At least I've spent some time on these boards sharing my knowledge and anecdotal feedback. It's down to my word versus yours until all the studies are accumulated and made available.

BTW.... Hostility has now been introduced to the conversation with your condescending insults. Congratulate yourself.

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You can't determine your own susceptibility to the placebo effect.

Holy ****, it feels like I'm trying to teach a poptart quantum physics.

Bottom line.
Susceptibility to a neurological placebo effect and definitive quantifiable physiological responses beyond that which placebo(sugar/water usually) can provide are 2 different things.

It is impossible for sugar water in combination with resistance weight training and cardio to provide me with as dramatic results as which I achieved. I've been weight training naturally and supplemented for over 11 years and understand what my body is capable of doing under which circumstances.

Therefore I can determine whether or not my end physiological results were or were not that of a placebo run.

Susceptibility to being mind facked and bodies defying natural science are 2 different things.

the pop tart comment was hilarious.

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Susceptibility to a neurological placebo effect and definitive quantifiable physiological responses beyond that which placebo(sugar/water usually) can provide are 2 different things.

It is impossible for sugar water in combination with resistance weight training and cardio to provide me with as dramatic results as which I achieved. I've been weight training naturally and supplemented for over 11 years and understand what my body is capable of doing under which circumstances.

Therefore I can determine whether or not my end physiological results were or were not that of a placebo run.

Susceptibility to being mind facked and bodies defying natural science are 2 different things.

the pop tart comment was hilarious.

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Mind facked? Hahahahahahaha
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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USPlabs "Patented Anabolic" R&amp;D -- Alpha Testing Q/A --

We will publish the animal studies (90 day study in Rats and Rabbits is not cheap) and in the middle of recruiting subjects for a study at Memphis. before release, we conducted a pilot study on safety markers (as discussed in the write up).

Companies search available (as we do) to develop a product, but in this case, we are creating the research. There are pros and cons to it.

Pro- we are the first and with the patent, we can liscense it out..
Cons- Innovation doesn't come without attacks from the's the nature of the industry.
Is the patent complete? Or just filed?

Also nobody wants the license to sell it.


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Susceptibility to a neurological placebo effect and definitive quantifiable physiological responses beyond that which placebo(sugar/water usually) can provide are 2 different things.

It is impossible for sugar water in combination with resistance weight training and cardio to provide me with as dramatic results as which I achieved. I've been weight training naturally and supplemented for over 11 years and understand what my body is capable of doing under which circumstances.

Therefore I can determine whether or not my end physiological results were or were not that of a placebo run.

Susceptibility to being mind facked and bodies defying natural science are 2 different things.

the pop tart comment was hilarious.

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if you believe enough that something is going to happen you can trick your body. Placebo. And its very real.

For example if you believe youre taking a fat burner that HAS to work because it has awesome reviews, and you truly believe in it but someone you ended up with sugar pill. You would probably still lose fat because you believe it so much and visualize yourself losing fat. Pretty crazy


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if you believe enough that something is going to happen you can trick your body. Placebo. And its very real.

For example if you believe youre taking a fat burner that HAS to work because it has awesome reviews, and you truly believe in it but someone you ended up with sugar pill. You would probably still lose fat because you believe it so much and visualize yourself losing fat. Pretty crazy
They didn't know what to expect. We didn't make claims. We just handed it out and said take it...


Where did iron fists posts go? Objective discussion and a disagreement of viewpoints should not be grounds for deletion. I just got here and am reading a broken convo lol.

Anecdotally, I did notice transient bouts of almost unbearable sweating when combined with caffeine in a fasted state. That, and nitrate-esque vascularity, were the two most prominent effects for me (the citocholine may explain the erections). I'd like to get iron fists take on these effects and possible causes. Vascularity observations could be placebo or subject's bias, but the intense rise in body heat (with sweating and even some nausea) was only present when I took this product fasted, and it occurred without fail when doing so.


Where did iron fists posts go? Objective discussion and a disagreement of viewpoints should not be grounds for deletion. I just got here and am reading a broken convo lol.

Anecdotally, I did notice transient bouts of almost unbearable sweating when combined with caffeine in a fasted state. That, and nitrate-esque vascularity, were the two most prominent effects for me (the citocholine may explain the erections). I'd like to get iron fists take on these effects and possible causes. Vascularity observations could be placebo or subject's bias, but the intense rise in body heat (with sweating and even some nausea) was only present when I took this product fasted, and it occurred without fail when doing so.
Intense rise in body heat and Nausea ? Ill pass.

Sucks they deleted dudes post tho shows the politics sides of the game


Intense rise in body heat and Nausea ? Ill pass.

Sucks they deleted dudes post tho shows the politics sides of the game
Some may view those as positives (thermogenesis and appetite suppression). It wasn't unpleasant because the effect lasted only a matter of minutes before I could proceed with my workout.


Some may view those as positives (thermogenesis and appetite suppression). It wasn't unpleasant because the effect lasted only a matter of minutes before I could proceed with my workout.
Sounds like a fever to me man hahaha

Real talk tho I don't like to take fairly new mystery ingredients main reason why I'm not buying it has nothing to do with your comment I was just joking


Sounds like a fever to me man hahaha
Lol! I'm just after the "why?" as usual so I hope usplabs or iron fist can chime in because my ability to dissect aegeline is limited by the present data.


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Sounds like a fever to me man hahaha

Real talk tho I don't like to take fairly new mystery ingredients main reason why I'm not buying it has nothing to do with your comment I was just joking
completely understand.


Trace Amine Associated Receptor (TAAR)

so, I googled that and read some big long thing that said that specifcally the taar1 receptor was involved with effects of lots of PEA type drugs and is affected by octopamine. I'm not knowledable to draw too much more of a conclusion than that but I feel like that entire side of this conversation is missing here.

Edit: here iss the source I read.

htt p://m.molpharm.aspetjournals .org/content/76/2/229.full


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How do I use?

What supplements can't I use with the Patented anabolic?
Do not use any other ergogenic supplements like Compound 20, Test Powder, PRIME, or any supplements in the ergogenic category.

What supplements can I use?
We URGE you to stack with your pre-workout or thermogenic of choice. If you're using both a pre-workout and a thermogenic; ON workout days stack with pre-workout and on off days stack with thermogenic.
Was this for beta testers only?

Edit: didn't mean to post in this thread but I guess it could get answered here too


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This is my first time running an anabolic should I stick to one pill a day with my thermo or maybe two?
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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This is my first time running an anabolic should I stick to one pill a day with my thermo or maybe two?
1cap of versa-1 per day will deliver awesome results! I do not recommend doing any more than that.

Take it with your thermo in the morning or pre-workout on training days.

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