Ursa-Gel / Ab-Solved / Alpha Gel Stacked or other


looking to try your alpha gel after my sustain alpha run what would stack well with it for lean mass / slow recomp is the goal as I am always trying to "man gain" that lean mass while losing a bit of fat.

Alpha gel and Ab-Solved

Alpha gel and Ursa Gel

I tend to hold more fat around love handles and stomach area unfortunately. I take enclo 12.5 a day , Cialis 5mg a day and 5g creatine day.

Just looking for best options to stack with your alpha gel and doses
How long have you been taking 12.5mgs of enclo? I feel like I've been seeing more and more people running SERMS year round now. Not sure where this came from.
6 months plus soon to stop then try it again … def mood and symptoms relief not crazy composition slight strength it’s noticeable
If recomp is your goal, can't really beat Ursa. 2-3mL/day and you should be all set.

IMO save the Ab Solved until you go on a true cut.
Ursa gel works alot better for me IME. Personally I'd throw CEL anabolic effect and evomuse bmp in there if funds are available.
11keto got some running 2ml a day have 3 bottles 45 days run little over 6 weeks should be e ought I see if it works or should I grab anouther bottle
Ursa gel works alot better for me IME. Personally I'd throw CEL anabolic effect and evomuse bmp in there if funds are available.
I agree with this as well. Both would be great additions. Can't go wrong with CEL Anabolic Effect.
looking to try your alpha gel after my sustain alpha run what would stack well with it for lean mass / slow recomp is the goal as I am always trying to "man gain" that lean mass while losing a bit of fat.

Alpha gel and Ab-Solved

Alpha gel and Ursa Gel

I tend to hold more fat around love handles and stomach area unfortunately. I take enclo 12.5 a day , Cialis 5mg a day and 5g creatine day.

Just looking for best options to stack with your alpha gel and doses

I am the same as you - I tend to hold most of my fat around my stomach and love handles.

Ab-Solved is great for targeting visceral fat, which is the fat around the internal organs. This is the type of fat that can make the stomach not be flat even at lower body-fat; it is also the most unhealthy type of fat.

Lipoderm Xtreme is for subcutaneous fat - the fat right under the skin.

Ursa-Gel is great for recomp. (Ursa-Bolic is a great option for people that prefer a non-td form)

Here are the things that come to mind right off that I think would be great additions to your stack and with Alpha Gel. I'm not saying to do all, these are just the ones that I think would be the best options to choose from.
I hope this helps.