Unanswered CEL Anabolic Effect - Natural Anabolic


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Updated: For full Anabolic Effect write up, renders, and details, you can go to page 12 and start at post 580:
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Anabolic Effect will be available Tuesday, July 9th, 2019.

Anabolic Effect
The Ultimate Natural Anabolic Powerhouse

We've always been a company that is more over science than marketing and tended in the past to just release new products without much buildup or hype or teasing their releases. You'll still see that happen sometimes but on special occasions like with Anabolic Effect, we want to let people in on some details and get them excited because this is going to be a truly extraordinary product and worth getting very very excited about.

  • 7 High End Active Ingredients
  • 4 Licensed Branded Ingredients
  • Clinically Researched Key Ingredients
Anabolic Effect won't just raise the bar for natural anabolics, it's going to take the bar and and beat all existing preconceived notions upside the head with it and then completely redefine the category itself.
Anabolic Effect will contain 7 high end natural anabolic ingredients including 4 licensed branded ingredients and clinically researched key ingredients and bring them together to create the ultimate natural anabolic powerhouse.

Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning =
The Gold Standard of Natural Anabolics

This will be the official discussion and update thread for Anabolic Effect.

We will post launch updates when we can and answer any questions that we can based on information we are allowed to release at the time.

And while we won't be able to officially reveal the ingredients before the product launch, we would love some discussion as to what you hope will be included or what else you would like to see from Competitive Edge Labs. This particular formula is finalized but this is going to be a busy year for CEL so we would love to hear ideas from you as to what you'd like to see.


  • Anabolic Effect Teaser 1.png
    Anabolic Effect Teaser 1.png
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Absolutely can’t wait for this. Stacking with M test is going to make PCT a breeze.
Got excited. Scrolled down to find ingredients. Didn’t see any. Got sad. Scrolled back up to read the whole thing haha

I’m excited as most SNS/CEL products that seem to be well dosed and no nonsense.
This I would like to try
Excited about this .. gonna blow out all these overpriced products :)
Would seem hard to believe this product wouldn’t contain Epi but then CEL already sells that as a stand-alone so maybe not.
Stoked for this
You guys are talking about spending more money on pct than I spend on an entire cycle. Cray.

Excited to see what’s in this when it hits.
I'm interested in seeing what is in this. Hopefully no 5-alpha hydroxy laxogenin. I feel it would add to the cost and do nothing. Just an expensive filler to me.
Now this might be just what im looking for.

I hope it turns out better than Ultra Test.

Cant wait to see whats in it.
time frame for release?

ETA is hopefully a couple weeks. I don't like to ever give exacts because in this industry delays are the norm rather than the exception haha.

Excited about this .. gonna blow out all these overpriced products :)

This product will sell for around the same price as other natural anabolics but will have a lot more in it in terms of ingredients.

Would seem hard to believe this product wouldn’t contain Epi but then CEL already sells that as a stand-alone so maybe not.

Anabolic Effect will not have Epicatechin in it but would make a great stack with Epi-Plex.

Also: Peak02 for sure.

PeakO2 is a great ingredient for endurance but it won't be in Anabolic Effect as it doesn't fit the goal of the product and also because the daily dosage is so high that it add 3 extra caps per day the formula just to include it.

I’m thinking ElevATP as well

Not in this one. I like ElevATP for certain types of formulas but I don't think it would add anything to this particular formulation.

Anabolic effect/x gels stack

I hadn't even thought about that but yes, that would make for a great stack for people that like X-Gels.

i will stack this with reduce xt :p

It would make for a great stack with Reduce XT.

I hope not. A lot of folks cannot do ARA. Would be disappointed

I think he meant that people that did like ARA could stack it with X-Gels. It won't have ARA in it.

I want this yesterday. What's the ETA on the release?

It shouldn't be long; hopefully in the next couple of weeks :)

Probably a given this has 5-alpha hydroxy laxogenin

Nope. I'm not sold on that ingredient. There is definitely consumer demand for that ingredient but I feel like adding it to this formula would really being doing the formula a disservice, a very expensive disservice.

I'm interested in seeing what is in this. Hopefully no 5-alpha hydroxy laxogenin. I feel it would add to the cost and do nothing. Just an expensive filler to me.

^^^^ :)

Now this might be just what im looking for.

I hope it turns out better than Ultra Test.

Cant wait to see whats in it.

There are a couple of different products on the market named Ultra Test so I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but if you're looking for a strong test booster I would suggest looking into M-Test if you haven't.

Hopefully you'll be pleased with the formula on this. I think you'll find that in terms of being a properly dosed strong formulation, there won't be anything else in the category like it.
ETA is hopefully a couple weeks. I don't like to ever give exacts because in this industry delays are the norm rather than the exception haha.

This product will sell for around the same price as other natural anabolics but will have a lot more in it in terms of ingredients.

Anabolic Effect will not have Epicatechin in it but would make a great stack with Epi-Plex.

PeakO2 is a great ingredient for endurance but it won't be in Anabolic Effect as it doesn't fit the goal of the product and also because the daily dosage is so high that it add 3 extra caps per day the formula just to include it.

Not in this one. I like ElevATP for certain types of formulas but I don't think it would add anything to this particular formulation.

I hadn't even thought about that but yes, that would make for a great stack for people that like X-Gels.

It would make for a great stack with Reduce XT.

I think he meant that people that did like ARA could stack it with X-Gels. It won't have ARA in it.

It shouldn't be long; hopefully in the next couple of weeks :)

Nope. I'm not sold on that ingredient. There is definitely consumer demand for that ingredient but I feel like adding it to this formula would really being doing the formula a disservice, a very expensive disservice.

^^^^ :)

There are a couple of different products on the market named Ultra Test so I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but if you're looking for a strong test booster I would suggest looking into M-Test if you haven't.

Hopefully you'll be pleased with the formula on this. I think you'll find that in terms of being a properly dosed strong formulation, there won't be anything else in the category like it.

I didn’t want to say anything but this response confirmed how I felt so far and glad to see the direction this is going ...
So this product will be more of a natural anabolic as opposed to something like a test booster that is more androgenic?
Well that long response is great since it eliminated some of the industry's overused ingredients! KME? PA? Ursolic Acid? Ecdy? We shall see!
So this product will be more of a natural anabolic as opposed to something like a test booster that is more androgenic?

Anabolic Effect will be a natural anabolic formula but will have some ingredients that also have clinical data showing that they support increases in testosterone as well.

Well that long response is great since it eliminated some of the industry's overused ingredients! KME? PA? Ursolic Acid? Ecdy? We shall see!

We cannot confirm any of the ingredients quite yet but I will say that there will not be Phosphatidic Acid in it. To go with the branded version, the expense is so high that it doesn't really allow you to build out a well-rounded formula around it.

We had considered doing a PA supplement under the SNS line as a single ingredient product but when we explored demand on it, not many people seemed too excited about it.

Might this have Anacyclus Pyrethrum ?

It does not. At one time we considered that as some people do like the ingredient, but there are a lot of people that don't seem to care for it. It is something we may be open to using in a different formula or offering under SNS as a single ingredient if it's something that people are really interested in.

Would this stack with M-Test??

Very very well. I plan to start that stack myself the day this arrives.
Anabolic Effect will be a natural anabolic formula but will have some ingredients that also have clinical data showing that they support increases in testosterone as well.

We cannot confirm any of the ingredients quite yet but I will say that there will not be Phosphatidic Acid in it. To go with the branded version, the expense is so high that it doesn't really allow you to build out a well-rounded formula around it.

We had considered doing a PA supplement under the SNS line as a single ingredient product but when we explored demand on it, not many people seemed too excited about it.

It does not. At one time we considered that as some people do like the ingredient, but there are a lot of people that don't seem to care for it. It is something we may be open to using in a different formula or offering under SNS as a single ingredient if it's something that people are really interested in.

Very very well. I plan to start that stack myself the day this arrives.
Now we're talking. Really looking forward to this release.
Anabolic Effect
The Ultimate Natural Anabolic Powerhouse

We've always been a company that is more over science than marketing and tended in the past to just release new products without much buildup or hype or teasing their releases. You'll still see that happen sometimes but on special occasions like with Anabolic Effect, we want to let people in on some details and get them excited because this is going to be a truly extraordinary product and worth getting very very excited about.

  • 7 High End Active Ingredients
  • 4 Licensed Branded Ingredients
  • Clinically Researched Key Ingredients
Anabolic Effect won't just raise the bar for natural anabolics, it's going to take the bar and and beat all existing preconceived notions upside the head with it and then completely redefine the category itself.
Anabolic Effect will contain 7 high end natural anabolic ingredients including 4 licensed branded ingredients and clinically researched key ingredients and bring them together to create the ultimate natural anabolic powerhouse.

Anabolic + Anti-Catabolic + Endurance Enhancing + Fat Burning =
The Gold Standard of Natural Anabolics

This will be the official discussion and update thread for Anabolic Effect.

We will post launch updates when we can and answer any questions that we can based on information we are allowed to release at the time.

And while we won't be able to officially reveal the ingredients before the product launch, we would love some discussion as to what you hope will be included or what else you would like to see from Competitive Edge Labs. This particular formula is finalized but this is going to be a busy year for CEL so we would love to hear ideas from you as to what you'd like to see.

Better Uk reseller with full stock
Better Uk reseller with full stock

We love and value our UK customers and always offer new products to our UK retailers. I hope that they will choose to bring this in quickly. Sometimes they do and sometimes they wait a month or so before bringing products in which I know can be frustrating to our and their customers in the UK. I love the UK retailers that we work with but I do wish we had more UK retailers so that even if some chose to wait to bring in new things that others would be more likely to right away.
Just order from strong

As it’s only a natty supp so you will have zero customs issues and there shipping to the UK is super fast

We aim to please. Can’t wait for this release. Cel/sns are top notch