Unanswered CEL Anabolic Effect - Natural Anabolic

I haven't seen it stacked much with Laxogenin or ecdysterones, probably mainly because both aren't too well liked by most people on here. If you're going to go with a Laxogenin, I do think Iconogenin would probably be the most popular one on AM.

Ep-Plex and Anabolic Effect is a great stack, and a lot of people like to add M-Test to that stack. There are a couple of different logs and reviews going on currently with that stack with great results.

I don't like to throw out numbers as far as increases to expect, so I'll let other people answer that for themselves based on their feedback. It varies by so many factors as to diet, training, experience level, what goals going for at the time (bulking, recomp, etc.) that its just hard to give concrete numbers. But one thing you generally consistently see is that people start to notice a difference in the first couple of weeks and then it really kicks in good for most people on weeks 3 to 4 and gets better as it goes. That's why so many people run it for 12 to 16 weeks like you're thinking of doing. I plan on starting a 16 week run soon myself.
Yea I guess to be specific I meant what could be a reasonable range of weight increase on a bulk/lean mass phase. Hopefully some people can give their own experience at least to give an idea, although I understand all of the potential differences and factors at play. I have seen 5lb increases and 7lb increases after 3-4 month cycles but they were both people that were advanced trainees going into it, so I’ll be interested to see how other people compare.
Can anyone link their logs? I for some reason can only find like 3 logs for AE 😭
Yea I guess to be specific I meant what could be a reasonable range of weight increase on a bulk/lean mass phase. Hopefully some people can give their own experience at least to give an idea, although I understand all of the potential differences and factors at play. I have seen 5lb increases and 7lb increases after 3-4 month cycles but they were both people that were advanced trainees going into it, so I’ll be interested to see how other people compare.
Can anyone link their logs? I for some reason can only find like 3 logs for AE 😭

You can find the review of my first run here CEL Anabolic Effect Review - AnabolicMinds.com
Pretty comprehensive about my epxerience.

Im also just finishing up my second run and my log is here Invalid Link Removed
Has anyone tried stacking AE with iconogenin and/or other ecdysterones? I think I’m going to do a stack of iconogenin, epi-plex, and AE for about 3-4 months and see how that goes. Also what would u say the average total bodyweight/muscle mass increase is on a 3-4 month cycle of just AE? I understand its person dependent, but just a ballpark estimate would be nice :)
I havent seen anyone (at least not in any detail) mention running that combo but it sounds like a real winner that covers a ton of bases.

For the weight/muscle unfortunately theres way too many variables to sell a number... diet, training, stress, where youre at in your lifting life, etc etc. It would have to be based on your own personal history and comparison to other similar type natty anabolics
Yeah i dont think you can go wrong with epi-plex + AE stack .. and if you react well to laxogenin then that would make a nice stack
Yea I guess to be specific I meant what could be a reasonable range of weight increase on a bulk/lean mass phase. Hopefully some people can give their own experience at least to give an idea, although I understand all of the potential differences and factors at play. I have seen 5lb increases and 7lb increases after 3-4 month cycles but they were both people that were advanced trainees going into it, so I’ll be interested to see how other people compare.
Can anyone link their logs? I for some reason can only find like 3 logs for AE 😭

I've seen like you said from 5lb to 7lb increases in people that were advanced trainees; and some people see those numbers and don't realize how impressive that is - but you take someone like Mr. Muscle whose trained all his life and is so consistent - to make the gains off something he has is super impressive. As for feedback we receive, it hasn't been uncommon to hear of 10 to 12+ gains over 16 week cycles. I've had emails from people talking about bigger increases than that, but you never know if its lean or what.

You see a lot of feedback and reviews on Anabolic Effect but not as many logs. And two big reasons for that are that people don't tend to like to log things for long cycles like AE and also because we don't send out free product for sponsored logs. We used to but we had so many people that didn't fulfill their logging obligations that we stopped. But a lot of people were less likely to believe sponsored logs to begin with.

I'm getting ready to start a 16 week cycle of it soon. My layout will be:
- M-Test - I use as a daily supplement
- Inhibit-P - I use as a daily supplement
- Anabolic Effect - 16 weeks
- Epi-Plex - 16 weeks
- Lean Edge - 16 weeks
- SNS natural anabolic - added in as soon as its released.

I've let myself go over the course of the past year bc of a combination of health issues and working so much. My first and foremost goal is just to be consistent and stick with it (if I can be consistent - I have an autoimmune condition that when it flares up, one cannot train thru it). If I can be consistent for 16 weeks, my goal is pretty optimistic but its not a lbs. on the scale goal - I want to body composition wise drop around 20 lbs. of fat while gaining back around 15 lbs. of muscle.
I am about 7 days in and hunger is noticeably up, better pump because of the S7, how long until it kick on full force?
update about 2 week in:
Libido went down and weight increase about 3 pounds a week ago, added 1 cap of sns inhibit-E and libido came back and I am down 3 pounds. The shilajit did increase my test and I started converting to estrogen to much. Increase endurance on my run, was running at 6 mile per hours, now I run at 6,5 mile per hour. Increase endurance for sure. I am slowly cutting and training at home so not much of strength gain to report. So far so good!
update about 2 week in:
Libido went down and weight increase about 3 pounds a week ago, added 1 cap of sns inhibit-E and libido came back and I am down 3 pounds. The shilajit did increase my test and I started converting to estrogen to much. Increase endurance on my run, was running at 6 mile per hours, now I run at 6,5 mile per hour. Increase endurance for sure. I am slowly cutting and training at home so not much of strength gain to report. So far so good!

Finish my first bottle, weight continue to drop 1 pound a week, pump is better, strength seem the same, even do I train only at home. Endurance is crazy! it blow away peak 02 or any cordyceps product I try before that. For somebody doing full body work out that will be a great product. I will keep updating here, I am impress so far
Finish my first bottle, weight continue to drop 1 pound a week, pump is better, strength seem the same, even do I train only at home. Endurance is crazy! it blow away peak 02 or any cordyceps product I try before that. For somebody doing full body work out that will be a great product. I will keep updating here, I am impress so far

That's great to hear. Thank you for the updates. I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
How soon can we expect the new natural anabolic release? @sns8778

I'm hoping in around a month of so. It will be in by then, its just a matter of spacing out a few of the upcoming releases a little bit. We have so many big releases coming up that I don't want one thing to overshadow another.

We've been discussing a few different things lately in this thread. Was there as specific one that you were looking for an update on when bumping it? I'm glad to try and answer any questions that I can.
I was actually looking into getting AE. Made a thread about it earlier today in the natural bodybuilding section, however now that I’m reading a new better natural anabolic is going to be released soon I might just wait for that
I was actually looking into getting AE. Made a thread about it earlier today in the natural bodybuilding section, however now that I’m reading a new better natural anabolic is going to be released soon I might just wait for that

I think i responded to you in that thread.

New one VS anabolic effect - both are great options, it gives people chances to stack or come off one and jump onto the other one

for example if you were to do anabolic effect for 8-12 weeks and wants to jump on a different natural builder then you can jump on this new one or vice versa
I was actually looking into getting AE. Made a thread about it earlier today in the natural bodybuilding section, however now that I’m reading a new better natural anabolic is going to be released soon I might just wait for that

Thanks. I didn't see the other thread so I replied there now as well.

I would actually encourage you to go with Anabolic Effect over the new natural anabolic for now. Anabolic Effect has a tremendous amount of positive feedback on it and I'm getting ready to start a 12 to 16 week run myself this week.

Plus, the exact release date for Anabolic XT is still an unknown; we are hoping 4 weeks or so but there can always be unforeseen delays in production in this industry.

You mentioned that a 'better' natural anabolic is going to be released soon - the new natural anabolic, Anabolic XT, will be a great product but it works completely differently than Anabolic Effect. It's not that one is necessarily going to be different from the other because they will work differently. They will be able to be stacked together or someone can cycle off of one unto another.
Thanks. I didn't see the other thread so I replied there now as well.

I would actually encourage you to go with Anabolic Effect over the new natural anabolic for now. Anabolic Effect has a tremendous amount of positive feedback on it and I'm getting ready to start a 12 to 16 week run myself this week.

Plus, the exact release date for Anabolic XT is still an unknown; we are hoping 4 weeks or so but there can always be unforeseen delays in production in this industry.

You mentioned that a 'better' natural anabolic is going to be released soon - the new natural anabolic, Anabolic XT, will be a great product but it works completely differently than Anabolic Effect. It's not that one is necessarily going to be different from the other because they will work differently. They will be able to be stacked together or someone can cycle off of one unto another.

Every new week is 4 weeks away
Every new week is 4 weeks away

I'm sorry. I do the absolute best that I can do.

The problem with release dates is all I can ever do is give my best guess at the time. And every time I do that, I feel like it disappoints people when its wrong and makes me feel bad and I never want to do that. Which is why I normally don't discuss products before they come out.

A lot of people want us to hype up products and that is what's best from a business perspective, and I do enjoy discussing them with people, but in this industry when you do things the right way and follow all of the GMP processes, delays are inevitable. They always have been but especially now with the way Covid has affected the supply chain.

We aren't a company that is going to rush through or bypass a proper GMP protocol or process to release a product quicker. And we only use contract manufacturers that are GMP compliant and follow all GMP processes and procedures.

In this industry, there are a lot of companies that don't follow GMP processes and some that don't even try to. For example, you hear sometimes a company will say something like they just received an ingredient in and the finished product will be ready in 3 days. What many customers hear is 'awesome, we can buy it in 3 days'; but what people hear that are familiar with the processes is 'wow, no GMP compliant manufacturer can run a product that quick because it hasn't had time to go thru QC and have microbial and heavy metals testing done'.

Unforeseen delays don't always happen because of a particular product or raw material itself; sometimes it happens because labels come in with wrong color, bottle size may not be available at the time, or other existing products sell out unexpectedly and have to be pushed into production ahead of something new we want to release.

In the case of Anabolic XT, the formula had been finalized since October/November, the raw materials have been in since November, but we did not want to release it during the 12 Week of New Releases because we didn't want anything else to get overshadowed by it. Then we tried something different with the label look and didn't like the way the first ones turned out bc of a color gradient so that added a few weeks. Now, its looking like it and Optimize-T will be in around the same time so its just a matter of how to space the releases out because they're both incredible releases and I don't want one to overshadow the other.
Hype it and release the supplement fact come on!! In this pandemic time I bit of hype is welcome!!;)

Every time I almost get talked into doing it, I worry about the problems that delays will cause if doing so.

It's ironic that there's a please hype it post and then immediately a post about how it isn't out in time back to back. That exemplifies the dilemma I'm in as to whether to do it or not.

If we did hype it, we wouldn't release the full panel right away anyway. That's something we would save for within 2 weeks of the definite release. Think maybe I should do a discussion thread on it to where we can all discuss a little bit about it and I answer what I can?
Release one ingredient per week until release, to hype the product, to start discussion and have people search the ingredient on their own, slow hype !
Release one ingredient per week until release, to hype the product, to start discussion and have people search the ingredient on their own, slow hype !

I like that idea. I was considering something like that. We did something similar with Anabolic Effect when we first released it.
I like that idea. I was considering something like that. We did something similar with Anabolic Effect when we first released it.
I remember that... the old "guess the ingredient and amount" threads were very fun for hyping but also drawing out the lead-up
@sns8778 any plans for a discounted natural anabolic stack cycle when the new one comes out.

I would hope that some retailers may would do something like that. It would be something I would try to get them to do, but sometimes its hard for me to get retailers to do stacks or specials. There are things I pitch to retailers that I think they should be excited about that sometimes they won't do for whatever reason.

From our end, we couldn't do it direct bc even though people on AM view SNS and CEL are related, they are two completely separate companies and the websites are completely separate so there's no way to offer a stack direct bc of the websites being separate.
Used lots of Vector... AE is much much much better...

Yo how come you posted this a year later??
AE has higher doses of the ingredients and more ingredients but I personally prefer Vector. I just feel better and get better results. It seems cleaner / really agrees me. But you can’t go wrong with either. I suggest getting the one that is on sale.
Yo how come you posted this a year later??
AE has higher doses of the ingredients and more ingredients but I personally prefer Vector. I just feel better and get better results. It seems cleaner / really agrees me. But you can’t go wrong with either. I suggest getting the one that is on sale.

I'm not sure if you saw the date of his post, but you quoted a 2 year old post to ask him why he waited a year to post something haha.

The post you quoted was from 2019 and the member you posted it from has been banned for at least 8 months.
The interesting part about him, if you don't remember him was that he was a very big BLR fan, yet the post you're quoting is him saying himself that Anabolic Effect is better (which I remember even at the time was shocking for him to admit).

So I'm not sure why you quoted a 2 year old post of a BLR fan that admitted he liked Anabolic Effect in the Anabolic Effect product thread in order to say you prefer Vector. You're of course entitled to your own opinion; I'm just a bit thrown off at how this has been gone about. I figured you may have overlooked that his post was 2 years old and/or not known he's banned.

You can generally find both products for around the same price depending on where you look.

But even if you go off of SSS pricing, they have Vector at 6.00 less. But I don't think saving 6.00 on a month supply (literally .20 cents per day) is worth losing 1 full gram of Korean Mistletoe and then 4 clinically researched licensed branded ingredients - PrimaVie, ActiGin, AstraGin, & S7.

These two products share 3 common ingredients - Korean Mistletoe, Eriobotrya Japonica, and Rehmannaie Raddix.
Anabolic Effect has double the dose of Korean Mistletoe + PrimaVie, ActiGin, AstraGin, & S7.
I've noticed lately a couple times that after lunch I have gotten incredibly tired. I'm about 2 weeks in to using AE. Not sure if it is supposed to have any effect on blood sugar, but I typically haven't gotten this problem with the various other products I've tried.
I've noticed lately a couple times that after lunch I have gotten incredibly tired. I'm about 2 weeks in to using AE. Not sure if it is supposed to have any effect on blood sugar, but I typically haven't gotten this problem with the various other products I've tried.

That's not something I've ever seen reported or experienced myself with it and my blood sugar seems fairly sensitive.
I'm not sure if you saw the date of his post, but you quoted a 2 year old post to ask him why he waited a year to post something haha.

The post you quoted was from 2019 and the member you posted it from has been banned for at least 8 months.
The interesting part about him, if you don't remember him was that he was a very big BLR fan, yet the post you're quoting is him saying himself that Anabolic Effect is better (which I remember even at the time was shocking for him to admit).

So I'm not sure why you quoted a 2 year old post of a BLR fan that admitted he liked Anabolic Effect in the Anabolic Effect product thread in order to say you prefer Vector. You're of course entitled to your own opinion; I'm just a bit thrown off at how this has been gone about. I figured you may have overlooked that his post was 2 years old and/or not known he's banned.

You can generally find both products for around the same price depending on where you look.

But even if you go off of SSS pricing, they have Vector at 6.00 less. But I don't think saving 6.00 on a month supply (literally .20 cents per day) is worth losing 1 full gram of Korean Mistletoe and then 4 clinically researched licensed branded ingredients - PrimaVie, ActiGin, AstraGin, & S7.

These two products share 3 common ingredients - Korean Mistletoe, Eriobotrya Japonica, and Rehmannaie Raddix.
Anabolic Effect has double the dose of Korean Mistletoe + PrimaVie, ActiGin, AstraGin, & S7.

So basically I ordered another bottle of AE instead of Vector just to go for another run for my cut right now. So thats why I went through this thread from the beginning just to see people's experiences. Yes I know they were old posts; and I did look up threads where people compared Vector to AE; for some reason alot of people saying they liked one product better and then switched up on their stances like what this guy that posted. I just wanted to give this product a second try since the first time the circumstances were a little diff(I'm dialed in my diet right now and have been off most supps) I'm really trying to gauge what this product by itself can do. My b for bringing up this old post lol didnt know he got banned; him and a few members on here had some flip floppy posts pertaining to AE and Vector so I just wanted to question them.
So basically I ordered another bottle of AE instead of Vector just to go for another run for my cut right now. So thats why I went through this thread from the beginning just to see people's experiences. Yes I know they were old posts; and I did look up threads where people compared Vector to AE; for some reason alot of people saying they liked one product better and then switched up on their stances like what this guy that posted. I just wanted to give this product a second try since the first time the circumstances were a little diff(I'm dialed in my diet right now and have been off most supps) I'm really trying to gauge what this product by itself can do. My b for bringing up this old post lol didnt know he got banned; him and a few members on here had some flip floppy posts pertaining to AE and Vector so I just wanted to question them.

That makes sense. Thank you for explaining.

Long story short - he either was or may as well almost have been a BLR rep so it was super shocking for him to say he liked Anabolic Effect better. He originally earlier in the thread was talking a lot of junk and giving us a hard time even before it was released so it was really significant to see him say after he tried it that he really did like it better.

What made it even more ironic is that even after that he continued to openly bash CEL and SNS right up until the time he was banned.

So totally see your side, thank you for explaining. I hope you see where I was coming from with mine more now as well in context :)

And that's cool that you went through the thread from the beginning. I'm glad that you're trying Anabolic Effect again and I hope you'll enjoy it. The normal cycle length for it is 8 to 16 weeks and some people see results from the first couple of weeks but the average feedback from people is really starting to see the results kick in around week 3.

I'm not sure if you've seen @TheMrMuscle log but its one of the most detailed logs I've ever seen and he's ran Anabolic Effect twice during it. Here's a couple links:
- His detailed log - Invalid Link Removed
- His mini review - https://anabolicminds.com/community/threads/cel-anabolic-effect-review.320682/
Any updates on the new natural anabolic? Anabolic XT?

Not yet. I may put up a discussion thread this coming weekend or next week. ETA is likely around 4 weeks. The raws and labels are in; just a matter of production time and spacing things out a bit.
I haven't had any other issues from what I can tell, it must have been something else.

That's great to hear. Thank you for letting me know.
@sns8778 ETA on the new natural anabolic?

We have just released Optimize-T within the last 2 weeks.

I would have originally said we would be trying to space them out around 4 weeks apart, but Optimize-T has been so popular that we've had to bump a production run of it ahead of the natural anabolic so its pushed it back by a few. My best guess would be 4 weeks from now but I'm in no way saying that's exact, its just an estimate based on right now and that can change based on us having to put other PO's in front of it to keep existing things in stock. I hope that makes sense.

Here's the intro thread for Optimize-T for anyone that missed it or wants to see the feedback so far:

I have, love the stuff. That’s why I’m excited For the next one

Anabolic XT will be a great product.

It won't be directly comparable to Anabolic Effect.
People will be able to stack them together or cycle back and forth between them however they'd like :)
Should this be dosed prior to eating, with food, or no difference? Sometimes the recommendation of "with food" would ideally be taken before.
Should this be dosed prior to eating, with food, or no difference? Sometimes the recommendation of "with food" would ideally be taken before.

No difference for me .. all depends on a person

I always try without food , if any discomfort then eat it with food

But I’ve tested AE almost every possibility and have had no issues without food
Should this be dosed prior to eating, with food, or no difference? Sometimes the recommendation of "with food" would ideally be taken before.

In terms of results and absorption, it really doesn't make a difference.

If it were to by some chance bother your stomach, you can take it with food (that goes for pretty much any product), but i think in the whole time its been out, I've only heard of one person saying it bothered their stomach and then later on, he said he thought it wasn't even AE that was doing it and that it was the brand of protein he changed to.

I hope you enjoy your Anabolic Effect run. If you have any questions, I'm glad to help in any way that I can.
In terms of results and absorption, it really doesn't make a difference.

If it were to by some chance bother your stomach, you can take it with food (that goes for pretty much any product), but i think in the whole time its been out, I've only heard of one person saying it bothered their stomach and then later on, he said he thought it wasn't even AE that was doing it and that it was the brand of protein he changed to.

I hope you enjoy your Anabolic Effect run. If you have any questions, I'm glad to help in any way that I can.
If no stomach discomfort is noticed are there any advantages to taking in a semi-fasted state Preworkout? I work out in the morning before work.