CEL Alpha One - Natural Anabolic Recomposition Agent + Incredible Pumps


Board Sponsor
Lean Muscle & Strength
Fat Loss & Enhanced Body-Composition

Alpha One contains a potent natural anabolic and recomposition agent, a-Cedrene, that has been shown to support increases in muscle mass and strength, while simultaneously enhancing fat loss!

Alpha One is the first commercially available 95%+ a-Cedrene on the market.

Each softgel of Alpha One contains the dosage shown in studies to produce these powerful benefits!

Alpha One Highlights/Supports:
  • Incredible Pumps
  • Lean Muscle Gains
  • Hardcore Strength Gains
  • Enhanced Fat Loss
  • Improved Body-Composition
  • Ultra-Potent cAMP Activator
  • Increased Muscle Fullness & Vascularity
  • Potent Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic Properties
Ask Yourself a Couple of Questions:
  • Do you want to build muscle?
  • Do you want to increase strength?
  • Do you want to lose fat?
  • Do you want to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
  • Do you want to retain lean muscle and strength while dieting?
  • Do you want to increase pumps and muscle fullness?
^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Alpha One may be right for you.

A very exciting aspect of Alpha One is that it works differently than almost anything else, which makes it stackable with almost anything else to help you reach your individual goals.

Examining the Potential Benefits:

Lean Muscle & Strength:
Alpha One can help build lean muscle and strength through a variety of pathways, including some very unique and exciting ones that are unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.

(cAMP) Cyclic adenosine monophosphate:
cAMP is a very important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.

cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties

Olfactory Receptors:
Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.

mTOR/Akt & Improved Protein Synthesis:
When researchers studied the muscle cells from mice that had been given a-Cedrene, they saw that it had increased the activity of anabolic signaling molecules such as mTOR and Akt.

Research on mice has shown that a-Cedrene decreased Myostatin.

Myostatin is a myokine that limits muscle growth in humans and other animals, especially in skeletal muscles used for movement.

As one study concluded:
α-Cedrene is a promising agent that may be used to enhance the mass and strength of skeletal muscle.


Fat Loss & Enhanced Body-Composition:
One very exciting aspect of one of the rodent studies on a-Cedrene is that it is one of few ingredients that has been shown in a study to cause muscle gain and fat loss at the same time.

The study showed that supplementation with a-Cedrene did not make the mice heavier. However, it made them more muscular and stronger.

In laymen’s terms, this means that the mice maintained their body weight by building muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Let’s take a moment to really understand and fully appreciate the significance of that:
They were losing fat and building muscle at the same time!


Pumps & Muscle Fullness:
This is an aspect of Alpha One that we weren’t expecting to be nearly as pronounced as it was for a lot of people!

By the time we had let some testers try Alpha One, we already had labels printed. The feedback was so good for pumps that we actually tossed the original labels and had new ones printed to mention the pumps and muscle fullness aspects.

Here is some feedback from real people that tried them:

“Whatever is in those softgels is brutal for pumps. Did a high rep arm workout and I swear I thought my arms were going to split through the skin if I bent them.”

“Most of my workouts aren’t conducive to pumps, but I switched it up for the session today and I laid on the floor with my arms outstretched because I had to tell myself they wouldn’t tear if I bent them.”

“Whatever these softgels are, they’re awesome. They remind me of the pumps back when I could use X-Gels. They’re a different type of pump than a pump product, like a denser rock hard pump.”

Exciting & Novel Natural Anabolic Pathways:
Alpha One works via a multi-faceted approach towards building muscle and losing fat, including a new and novel pathway compared to other natural anabolic and recomposition ingredients.

a-Cedrene, the active ingredient in Alpha One works through several unique methods of action, with two very exciting ones being cAMP and the olfactory receptors.

Olfactory Receptors:
What are Olfactory Receptors?
The olfactory receptors are most commonly thought of as being connected to our sense of smell but are also found in many different areas of the body including skeletal muscle, the liver, heart, brain, and fat cells and performing some very unique and important functions.

Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.

a-Cedrene & the Olfactory Receptors:
One way that a-Cedrene exerts its powerful anabolic and recomposition effects is due to its ability to act as an agonist to the OR10J5 olfactory receptor, which leads to the activation of the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) pathway and leads to potent increases in cAMP in target tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat cells.

This same pathway also supports improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and enhanced fat lipolysis (breakdown).

cAMP (Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate):
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is an important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform many key functions in the body including playing an important role in fat loss, body-composition, and the regulation of skeletal muscle mass.

The term ‘second messenger’ was coined with the discovery of cAMP. The term is used to identify a small molecule generated intracellularly upon cell stimulation and capable of regulating downstream cellular events.

Muscle Building:
cAMP is a very important secondary messenger for signal transduction at the cellular level and has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.

cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties.

Fat Loss:
cAMP promotes the mobilization of glucose and fatty acid reserves, and increasing levels of cAMP can support increased levels of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat).

At least one study found a correlation between fat-cell size and cAMP concentration in obese non-diabetic patients.

Healthy Aging:
cAMP has been shown to mimic the healthy aging effects of calorie restriction by reducing adipose tissue size, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increasing SIRT1 and SIRT3 levels.

cAMP plays an important role in many biological processes as a second messenger, and cAMP has been shown in studies to improve aging related phenotypes by increasing levels of Sirtuins, which mimic the effects of calorie restriction. Experiments in vitro showed that cAMP binds to SIRT1 and SIRT3 and increased their activity. These findings suggest that cAMP may support healthy aging and is a good candidate to mimic calorie restriction.

A note about increasing cAMP:
Increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels may cause stomach discomfort in some individuals. This is rare, but possible with any cAMP increasing supplements.

If individuals experience stomach discomfort with any cAMP increasing supplements, it is suggested that they take the supplements with food as that resolves it in most people. It is also suggested that the individual stay with the minimum suggested dose and not increase the dosage until the stomach discomfort subsides.

Stacking & Synergy:
Alpha One can be taken with Anabolic Effect, M-Test, Cloma-Plex, Nattybolic, Super Swole, or a variety of other CEL products for even more hardcore results.


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Percentage, Purity, & Potency:

Alpha One is the first 95%+ a-Cedrene supplement on the market.

As with anything else, quality and purity is important, and there is nothing else comparable to it.

When the studies on a-Cedrene were done several years ago, quite a few brands looked into using this ingredient and passed on it because of the low % concentrations that were available.

The reason for that is that this is not an ingredient that you would want to go with a lower percentage purity and just take a higher dose of to give you the same active milligrams because it is derived from Cedarwood Oil, which is not meant to be taken internally in large doses because it may cause nausea, stomach upset, and digestive issues.

For example, if you took an a-Cedrene that is 75%, the worry isn’t the 75% a-Cedrene, it’s the makeup of the other 25% and the effect that the other 25% would have on the body.

Here’s a mathematical breakdown:
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 75%, that requires a 1,334 mg. input dose which provides 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene, but the 25% equates to approximately 334 mg.
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 95%, that requires a 1,053 input dose which provides 1,000 mg. of a-Cedrene, and the 5% equates to 53 mg. or less.
So basically, you could take 6,000 mg. (6 softgels) of Alpha One and consume less ‘other’ constituents than you would from 1 single dose of 1,000 mg. of 75%.

Also, the a-Cedrene in Alpha One is technically higher than 95%, but the testing margin for error has an allowable variance so it is labeled according to that where the 95% is the minimum, not the average, which is 97.5% - 98%.
Intro Sale:

This post has been updated for an intro sale to replace the Labor Day Sale that was going on at the time of the Alpha One launch.

Save 20% Off - For a Limited Time!

Code: alphaone20

This code will save you 20% off on Alpha One, including already discounted multi-packs.

Alpha One:

Alpha One - 3 Bottles:

Alpha One - 6 Bottles:

Alpha One - 12 Bottles:

As an added bonus, buy an Alpha One 12 bottle multi-pack, get a free SNS Ursa-Bolic!
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Very rarely do we ever have the chance to let people try something early enough to get a lot of feedback on it.

The reason for this is that all SNS and CEL products are made in cGMP manufacturing facilities and meet or exceed all cGMP quality testing guidelines, so that means that we don't release anything until its in finished product form and has been tested.

We will sometimes receive product in stock before we are ready to officially launch it and will allow people to buy it early, like we have done for some recently with Mood Support XT and with XPG Lipoderm Xtreme and Napalm Xtreme.

Alpha One is a unique situation because since it was softgels, the softgels were ran in a large production run and then tested and sent to the manufacturing facility to be bottled. We received a good amount of the bulk softgels and were able to have people try them in order to be able to get feedback on them.

One interesting part of this feedback was mentioned in the write up - that we didn't expect it to be nearly as good for pumps as it has turned out to be for a lot of people. The feedback on pumps was so good that we discarded the first run of labels to emphasize pumps more on the labels.

The feedback on them has been very good and from a very diverse group of people - ages 21 to 60's, men and women, natural athletes, people on TRT, and people on AAS.

This has been a really cool process because its allowed us to get such diverse feedback.

It was not a requirement that anyone that tried them post their feedback, there were no catches or incentives, we just wanted to see how this worked for people in the real world and get their feedback.

I hope that some of the people that have tried it will post their feedback in this thread.
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I can attest to a-cedrene induced pumps. literally as pumped as id want to be, which is alot. I can only image what we're talking about here with AlphaOne at nearly double what i took.
I was one of the lucky people to have gotten to try this product early. I’m about 3/4 the way through my first bottle. Started at 1 cap for the first five days and then jumped to 2 per the label recommendation.

Some background, I’ve had a lot of life stuff going on recently and **** has been hard. Training went away for 2 months essentially, I went from 225-212 ish. I was super lean but lost a lot of size and strength as I wasn’t eating much or training at all. I also cut my TRT dose to a 1/3rd to start to get towards a fertility protocol. I had been in the gym again for about 2 to 3 weeks before starting so I had already regained a lot for what strength and such so most of the rebound effect had been capitalized on.

I’ve really been enjoying it thus far. One of my favorite natural products. Reminds me a lot of high doses topical ursolic acid. I’ve been hammering food to get my size and weight back up. I’ve noticed I have definitely stayed leaner than I should be given my current diet. I always get good pumps in the gym so that’s tough to say but like ursolic acid, I feel like I have more of an all day fullness and my pumps last longer after my workouts. As a result of more food and this, I look noticeably bigger. I’m back to 225 but leaner than I had been. My wife noticed as well. Another great benefit is that it’s only two soft gels daily. With as many vitamins and other supps I take daily, sometimes 20+ caps morning and night, having something that’s only two is really refreshing. Full disclaimer, I am also stacking their turkestone and animal M-stack but I had been taking those for a month before and I’ve done that stack so much that I know what to expect. I think this is one of my favorite natural products. I am currently staying away from Ursolic Acid due to its effects on sperm with me trying to regain my fertility but I think that would be an incredible stack. As both this and ursolic acid allow me to get bigger while staying leaner and fullness. The issue always is there is only so much ursolic acid you can apply topically so the combination of the two should be money. Prime, the SNS AC product, or a natural anabolic thrown in on top and I think you’d have a stack that would be comparable to the dhea andro products. I think the major takeaway is that I’m doing all this going from
Around 300mg test weekly to 100mg (300mg is not my usual trt dose that I mentioned above but I raise it for a few months once a year instead of cycling other stuff but that is what I have been on for a few months and dropping down from.) Im amazed at how effective some natural stuff has become these days.

No side effects or anything weird other than burping up a slight weird taste hear and there. I think y’all are really going to enjoy it. Just received Anabolic XT to try for the first time and I can’t wait to stack them
I thought I was gonna make it through a sale without purchasing anything for a change....and then you go and drop this 🤣 In for a 6 pack and a restock on Joint Edge
I was lucky to test this over the summer. I enjoyed it enough testing I begged for more. 🙃

Tempted to post my photos too but I’m always camera shy 🫣

I noted the biggest changes with lifting below but honestly my cut was almost too easy and I didn’t really struggle much. I struggled so little that I almost felt like I didn’t work hard enough, I’m used to a bit more “suck” during an 8 week run.
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I got a chance to try this early. Let me tell you the pumps rival Xgels and I never even tried over one softgel before workouts ! If your like me and can’t take Xgels and miss those PH like pumps Xgels give you this is it for real !! Try it and see for yourself!! Would be scared to pop 2 of these bad boys and do arms 😳😳.
Nothing tops a tadalafil and beet root/l arginine pump for me…So I’m curious has anyone compared this to what I mentioned?
I tested this from 1-3 caps and was so hard to stay quiet lol

Stuff is awesome top notch .. ran it solo for a while then tried it with phosphatic acid and wow .. prime you are next
apparently i should have bought a 3 pack instead of just buying three

It would have saved you around 8.00 to 10.00.

I'll see if can throw something else in.
Xtremis Cartel Sicario V3….best non stim pump product by a landslide. I do love Tadalafil though

He was asking if anyone had compared Alpha One to the ingredients he mentioned in terms of pumps.

I'm not sure why a pre-workout from another company would be mentioned in the Alpha One introduction thread?

Alpha One is a natural anabolic muscle builder and recomp product that people report great pumps with.
Got lucky to try this early. Enjoyed it so much I restocked more. Went as high as 3 caps. I think 2 is plenty. I noticed everything everyone else did but the pumps are what stood out. If I did the treadmill in the morning, my legs were pumped most of the day. You just seem to stay fuller.
Whats the difference between this and those products olympus labs brough out a year or so ago? I think it was the same ingredient and the perfume burps were unbearable.
am i the only guy on this thread who hasnt tried this?

I haven't tried it yet.

I bought a 3-pack. I'll probably do 2 pre-workout in the morning, and 1 in the evening. But don't go by my dosing. I always tend to take more than suggested. I do 6 caps Urolithin-B a day amongst other things.
Whats the difference between this and those products olympus labs brough out a year or so ago? I think it was the same ingredient and the perfume burps were unbearable.
huge difference. this one is way more pure so less ingesting tree, way more value and thus it is now feasible to dose way higher.
Whats the difference between this and those products olympus labs brough out a year or so ago? I think it was the same ingredient and the perfume burps were unbearable.

They were not unbearable. Just annoying. Fish oil mitigated it.

I was going to ask Steve through text but maybe he can help everyone here and explain the difference. The other companies was a-credene 70% at 1500mg.
α-Cedrene 70%1500 mg
am i the only guy on this thread who hasnt tried this?

This has been a cool project and I think it speaks volumes that some of the people that were able to try it have been so anxious for us to release it.

There were a few people that were able to try it, but not a lot - I only had a certain amount of bulk softgels. But then we've had it in for awhile planning the release, so there are some people that have been able to buy the finished product early to try.
He was asking if anyone had compared Alpha One to the ingredients he mentioned in terms of pumps.

I'm not sure why a pre-workout from another company would be mentioned in the Alpha One introduction thread?

Alpha One is a natural anabolic muscle builder and recomp product that people report great pumps with.

He mentioned what he took pre workout for pumps. That’s all:
I got a chance to try this early. Let me tell you the pumps rival Xgels and I never even tried over one softgel before workouts ! If your like me and can’t take Xgels and miss those PH like pumps Xgels give you this is it for real !! Try it and see for yourself!! Would be scared to pop 2 of these bad boys and do arms 😳😳.

I never tried two caps at once or higher dosing but maybe I should. I’ve had zero stomach issues on this whether it was an empty stomach or meal or whatever. But once again only ever took one cap at once. Need to try 2.

Also, I said in my post that I usually have great pumps regardless so it’s hard to tell how much a product increases that, but thinking about it I had a few workouts last week where I noticed I was getting a lot of pumps warming up and was thinking I was just really focused on the muscle or hitting from a different angle or something. But after doing super light warm up sets on belt squats (like with no weight, then a 25 on each side, etc) I already had veins in my quads. Will be focusing more on that this week to see what I notice
He mentioned what he took pre workout for pumps. That’s all:
fyi it's considered a diss among company owners to mention competitors in a launch thread. a gentlemanly way to make the comparison would be to state the ingredients instead of the product
He mentioned what he took pre workout for pumps. That’s all:

The reason I was confused was his post didn't mention pre-workout. It was:
Nothing tops a tadalafil and beet root/l arginine pump for me…So I’m curious has anyone compared this to what I mentioned?

Alpha One is different in that it is a functional daily use muscle builder and recomposition product that the increase in pumps is just a nice additional benefit. It can be taken pre-workout, but it doesn't have to be.

One of our female customers who is an athlete tried it - she's 22 and she tried Alpha One at 1 softgel per day and she loves Super Swole capsules for her pre-workout. She tried them together after using Alpha one for a week. She did weights and then went to her practice session and this is what she wrote:

"Nope. Today was stand around and look cute and buff day bc my arms are so pumped I would be done dropped someone on their head bc there's no way I could move my arms to catch them. This stuff is great haha."
I haven't tried it yet.

I bought a 3-pack. I'll probably do 2 pre-workout in the morning, and 1 in the evening. But don't go by my dosing. I always tend to take more than suggested. I do 6 caps Urolithin-B a day amongst other things.

Start off with 1 softgel per day for at least the first few days.

There were a couple of funny stories from people that jumped into high doses and the pumps were more than they bargained for - including a funny text I got from someone who tried it and his arms were so pumped he had to wait before leaving the gym. He posts on here so I'll let him share that story if he wants to haha.

I do know that you like to dose things higher and I am looking forward to your feedback on this.
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Whats the difference between this and those products olympus labs brough out a year or so ago? I think it was the same ingredient and the perfume burps were unbearable.

Ahhh I forgot that product had this I was wondering why the taste of the burp was familiar. I will say that I liked that product but this is significantly better effect wise so far. Also, on that one I’d be burping 20 times after taking it. This one I maybe have one burp within few hours of taking maybe 1 out of 3 times
Whats the difference between this and those products brought out a year or so ago? I think it was the same ingredient and the perfume burps were unbearable.

I'm not going to speak on theirs, or anyone else's product, just the ingredient itself.

Zero comparison because a completely different percentage of active ingredient.

There was a lot of time, money, patience, and money spent in testing in order to release the first 95% a-Cedrene supplement.

There are already people posting feedback in this thread that have bought this early to try it, and there will be more post later when they see the thread.

I detailed this is post #2.

Percentage, Purity, & Potency:

Alpha One is the first 95%+ a-Cedrene supplement on the market.

As with anything else, quality and purity is important, and there is nothing else comparable to it.

When the studies on a-Cedrene were done several years ago, quite a few brands looked into using this ingredient and passed on it because of the low % concentrations that were available.

The reason for that is that this is not an ingredient that you would want to go with a lower percentage purity and just take a higher dose of to give you the same active milligrams because it is derived from Cedarwood Oil, which is not meant to be taken internally in large doses because it may cause nausea, stomach upset, and digestive issues.

For example, if you took an a-Cedrene that is 75%, the worry isn’t the 75% a-Cedrene, it’s the makeup of the other 25% and the effect that the other 25% would have on the body.

Here’s a mathematical breakdown:
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 75%, that requires a 1,334 mg. input dose which provides 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene, but the 25% equates to approximately 334 mg.
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 95%, that requires a 1,053 input dose which provides 1,000 mg. of a-Cedrene, and the 5% equates to 53 mg. or less.
So basically, you could take 6,000 mg. (6 softgels) of Alpha One and consume less ‘other’ constituents than you would from 1 single dose of 1,000 mg. of 75%.

Also, the a-Cedrene in Alpha One is technically higher than 95%, but the testing margin for error has an allowable variance so it is labeled according to that where the 95% is the minimum, not the average, which is 97.5% - 98%.
The reason I was confused was his post didn't mention pre-workout. It was:
Nothing tops a tadalafil and beet root/l arginine pump for me…So I’m curious has anyone compared this to what I mentioned?

Alpha One is different in that it is a functional daily use muscle builder and recomposition product that the increase in pumps is just a nice additional benefit. It can be taken pre-workout, but it doesn't have to be.

One of our female customers who is an athlete tried it - she's 22 and she tried Alpha One at 1 softgel per day and she loves Super Swole capsules for her pre-workout. She tried them together after using Alpha one for a week. She did weights and then went to her practice session and this is what she wrote:

"Nope. Today was stand around and look cute and buff day bc my arms are so pumped I would be done dropped someone on their head bc there's no way I could move my arms to catch them. This stuff is great haha."

Everything in my cabinet is sns or cel minus the pre workout…wasn’t meant to be negative towards you at all.
They were not unbearable. Just annoying. Fish oil mitigated it.

I was going to ask Steve through text but maybe he can help everyone here and explain the difference. The other companies was a-credene 70% at 1500mg.
α-Cedrene 70%1500 mg

Post #2 is the best explanation I can give as to the importance of percentages, but if there are any specific questions, I'm glad to answer them.

In post #2, I used in my example a 75% just for example purposes, but the same concept would apply to a 70% raw material.

I'm not going to promise that no one is ever going to have a taste from it - because that's just part of a softgel being a softgel. You're going to get the occasional taste from fish oil, flax oil, borage oil, algal oil, or most anything else. But its nothing like the taste and burps from a lesser % would be.

We looked into this ingredient back in 2019 and weren't willing to release it with the % materials available at the time.

Percentage, Purity, & Potency:

Alpha One is the first 95%+ a-Cedrene supplement on the market.

As with anything else, quality and purity is important, and there is nothing else comparable to it.

When the studies on a-Cedrene were done several years ago, quite a few brands looked into using this ingredient and passed on it because of the low % concentrations that were available.

The reason for that is that this is not an ingredient that you would want to go with a lower percentage purity and just take a higher dose of to give you the same active milligrams because it is derived from Cedarwood Oil, which is not meant to be taken internally in large doses because it may cause nausea, stomach upset, and digestive issues.

For example, if you took an a-Cedrene that is 75%, the worry isn’t the 75% a-Cedrene, it’s the makeup of the other 25% and the effect that the other 25% would have on the body.

Here’s a mathematical breakdown:
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 75%, that requires a 1,334 mg. input dose which provides 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene, but the 25% equates to approximately 334 mg.
  • To provide 1,000 mg. a-Cedrene from a 95%, that requires a 1,053 input dose which provides 1,000 mg. of a-Cedrene, and the 5% equates to 53 mg. or less.
So basically, you could take 6,000 mg. (6 softgels) of Alpha One and consume less ‘other’ constituents than you would from 1 single dose of 1,000 mg. of 75%.

Also, the a-Cedrene in Alpha One is technically higher than 95%, but the testing margin for error has an allowable variance so it is labeled according to that where the 95% is the minimum, not the average, which is 97.5% - 98%.
Everything in my cabinet is sns or cel minus the pre workout…wasn’t meant to be negative towards you at all.

I didn't take it negative at all.

I was legit confused and thought I'd missed a question or that something may have been edited that I didn't see.

I more wanted to make it clear that the pumps were different than a pre-workout type pump and wanted to make sure that no one was misunderstanding and thinking that it was a pre-workout.

I wasn't thinking that you mentioned that product to be negative - I was thinking that something got edited or a post may have gotten zapped by the Admin or something and I didn't want there to be any confusion and me miss clarifying something.

A lot of times, when people are reading a thread and see a post, they don't read back up to know if a posts get deleted. So I didn't want someone to be reading and something have maybe got deleted and anyone think I was ignoring a question if it were something that had gotten deleted before I saw it.

That's all. I hope that makes sense.
Jesus Christ man sorry …I’m just gonna stop posting anything on theses forums it’s ridiculous.

I don't think he meant anything bad by it. I think he was just unsure of the situation too. I can't speak for him, but he's usually very nice and helpful, so I don't think that he meant anything negative.

The Admin has gotten more strict about some of the rules on here lately because there have been a lot of trolls and trouble makers in the last couple months, and there is a rule against mentioning companies in other companies intro threads, so I think he was really just trying to be helpful and not wanting you to get in trouble.
Jesus Christ man sorry …I’m just gonna stop posting anything on theses forums it’s ridiculous.
i wouldnt fret it. ive been mauled quite a few times around here for breaching the isosteric etiquette. in my opinion, eating crow is part of interacting/learning from people who know more than i do
I was lucky to test this over the summer. I enjoyed it enough testing I begged for more. 🙃

Tempted to post my photos too but I’m always camera shy 🫣

I noted the biggest changes with lifting below but honestly my cut was almost too easy and I didn’t really struggle much. I struggled so little that I almost felt like I didn’t work hard enough, I’m used to a bit more “suck” during an 8 week run.
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How do you compare it to other CEL/SNS natty anabolics like AE and AXT?
It's a shame that other product was so lame it turned me off to this ingredient. I'm sure this one is legit as SNS/CEL are some of the only companies I trust due to the transparency of the owner on here. I'll be excited to see some more logs of this and maybe the before and after write ups will make me jump the gun.
I ate these for a good 6 weeks, first a cap daily per recommendations, then 2 for a while, finished with 3 daily. Never had any GI issues and many of the morning doses were totally fasted otherwise on off-days from training.

Wife would take one every morning and one after her last meal close to bed, and she seemed to be getting upsets in the morning, so she reduced to just the morning dose and was all good.

I distinctly remember it seemed like I could eat more food than usual on this - as soon as I stopped the run, it seemed like I couldn’t get away with as many calories.
It's a shame that other product was so lame it turned me off to this ingredient. I'm sure this one is legit as SNS/CEL are some of the only companies I trust due to the transparency of the owner on here. I'll be excited to see some more logs of this and maybe the before and after write ups will make me jump the gun.

Thank you for the positivity portion of that and the kind words.

My post here isn't to try to talk you into anything, but I do want to explain it for people reading.

It's a shame to see the negativity from another company's product at a purity level that we would have never done to begin with influence some people's opinion of this one because they are really completely different products.

Couple of examples:
  • Milk Thistle herb wrecks many people's stomachs; Milk Thistle std. to 80%+ Silymarin doesn't.
  • Coleus wrecks many people's stomachs; Forslean 95% doesn't for 99% of people and the few that it does fall into the cAMP sensitive category and acclimate within a couple weeks; and its not the Forslean that is bothering their stomachs, its their body's own cAMP levels going up - which means its working.
  • Whey protein concentrate tears up a lot of people's stomachs (mine included), but I can use WPI fine.
^^^ just giving a few examples that relate back to post #2 - purity and percentages matter.

I had stated back at that time when people started asking us to do one that I would never be comfortable doing one at the potency percentages that were available at that time.

We could have capitalized on the hype and brought one out then that would have been super cheap at that percent purity, but instead spent dozens of hours and thousands of dollars in development and testing to be able to introduce a 95%+ version.

And even then, with thousands of dollars invested already, before having it bottled, we allowed a diverse group of people to try it - and I want to point out that not a single one knew what it was nor what to expect - in order for us to get the most real and unbiased feedback possible.

No one was/is required to post feedback or anything.
No one is incentivized for posting feedback.

We didn't go the easy route - the people I let try it didn't know what to expect and they reported back their real experiences. There was a diverse group picked - 21 to 60's, natural, TRT, and experienced AAS, and some people specifically because they do have sensitive stomachs.

I have a sensitive stomach and so does @Hyde, and we both have tried it fasting and at up to 3x per day.

One person, who will likely post when he sees the thread, he was using 3 per day with 150 mg. per day of Forskolin XT and didn't have any stomach issues.

Most did not find out until the last couple days what it was, and some didn't find out until this thread was posted, and you'll likely see more feedback posted from it as others see the thread that tried it.

The feedback exceeded my expectations in a big way, which is why I mentioned in the write up that we had the labels redone to include some of the feedback that was better than expected - like the pumps.

As stated, its not the a-Cedrene that would bother someone's stomach, its the other constituents from Cedarwood Oil that would and that was the reason for me not being willing to do a lower percentage product back at the time of the original hype.

I've done all that I could do - refused to do a low percent version during the initial hype, put in a lot of time and money into having a 95%+ version made, had people try it before anyone else knew it was even in the pipeline to give real world feedback, sold more bottles early over the last couple months for even more real world feedback, and made it available at double the amount of existing products for a lesser price.

And this situation, it being held against us what other companies have done, that we wouldn't have done anyway, is the reason I almost never did this project to begin with.
How do you compare it to other CEL/SNS natty anabolics like AE and AXT?

I hope that he will answer tomorrow with his thoughts and how he would compare them.

From a method of action standpoint, it would go perfect with either of those because it works through a completely different pathway.
Tell me how alpha one affects hormones, and how is it beneficial for muscle building and does it increase potency?It will also be interesting to hear how it fits with рекомп20 ,Do they have different paths of influence?
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Not sure it’s been answered in all of the feedback; how long did it take for the pumps (1st session?) & how long until you saw positive recomp effects.

I’m looking forward to a L-Cartinine+PrimeXT+ Alpha One stack for sure