Urolthin-B XT / Anafuse Unsponsored Log

So looks like after another week of daily weigh-ins my weight is still dropping. I am now down to 195.5 pounds. Last week my weight average was 196.9 and at the start of the log my weight was 199.3 .

My calories have not changed since the beginning of this log. I have lost almost 4 pounds in just under 3 weeks. One thing I’ve just recently noticed is how much more vascular I look . I didn’t notice this for a long time because everyday I’m always wearing a sweater during the day (Canada Eh) but last week at work there was a warmer day and I took it off to help someone at work and the guy I’m helping says “Holy Crap”! Referring to my arms and just looks at me and asks what I was taking . It’s pretty clear at this point that the stack is having a leaning effect. One other thing I notice is that I have a lot of drive during my workouts . I go in there and just try to Kill It!
Next week I will try and get some updated progress photos up. I will try and get the wife to help me take proper ones . I couldn’t get her to help me at the beginning of the log because she was super sick and I didn’t want to bug her. But at the 4 week and 8 week log mark I will try and have consistent progress photos.
Day 22

Boring But Strong Shoulder Press Day

Warm up:

Working Sets:

I have no idea how I pulled this off. This is a pretty big deal as my shoulder press is really weak and I did not see myself beating a PR I set when I was 20 pounds heavier.

BBS Shoulder press sets

105x5 for 10 sets super setted with:

1 set Chins
1 set Pull ups
1 set Pull ups Palms facing each other
All sets near failure

4 sets of hack squats
250x25 reps

Dips to push down combo, both to near failure for 3 sets


Hanging leg raises x2sets
Hammer curls x3 sets
1 sets of dips to failure at the very end .
Day 24

Deload Squat Day

Warm up

Deload work sets

Weighted Chinups
Nice and Slow 4 sets of 5 reps with 45 pounds around waist

Super-setted with

4 sets of 10 dips with 45 pounds around waist

Hanging leg raises
4 sets stopping about 3 reps from failure .

Very easy nice recovery day. For cardio for the rest of the deload, I am going to enjoy the outdoors and go for some 30-40 minute walks and enjoy how nice the recent weather has been.
I am going to enjoy the outdoors and go for some 30-40 minute walks and enjoy how nice the recent weather has been.

I will be doing the same this weekend! Love doing the outdoor walks for some needed cardio!
Day 26

Bench Press Deload work out

Warm up

Deload working sets

I stopped there . Maybe I could have got more but that felt heavy.

Close grip bench press
135x a good pumping for 4 sets

4 sets of close grip pull ups stopping a few sets away from failure .

3 sets of hanging leg raises few short from failure .
2 sets of standing calf raises with 250 pounds nice and slow sets stopping a few short from failure z
So as you can see I am continuing to lose weight. I lost just over a pound in the last week. Since the beginning of the log I have lost a total of about 5 pounds
I will be doing the last Deload workout tomorrow . To finish up the deload week I’m going to combine the shoulder press/ deadlift day. On Thursday I will begin another cycle of Boring But Strong . I am going to do the version from the Beyond 531 book and do 20 sets a day for each of the main lifts .
Here is an example of how the layout will work:

Boring but Strong Working sets/ warmup
1) 5 reps as 10 percent training max
2) 5 reps at 20 percent training max
3) 5 reps at 30 percent training max
4) 5 reps at 40 percent training max
5) 5 reps at 50 percent training max
6) 5 reps at 60 percent training max
7)3 reps at 70 percent training max
8) 3 reps at 80 percent training max
9) 1 rep at 90 percent training max
10) 1 rep at 100 percent training max

BBS sets
Block 1)10 sets of 5 reps at 65 percent training max
Block 2) 10 sets of 5 reps at 70 percent training max
Block3) 10 sets of 5 reps at 75 percent training max

I will not be going for any PRs in block one and two . On the third block, on the final set I will try and see if I can hit PRS to wrap the log up. I will also do a retest of the chin ups / dips and we will be able to see if I made progress in total reps on those exercises .
Boring But Strong Next Cycle Training Maxes
Squat:335 Pounds
Deadlift:405 Pounds
Bench Press:260 Pounds
Shoulder press:142.5 Pounds
Looks like a lot of work !!
Boring But Strong Next Cycle Training Maxes
Squat:335 Pounds
Deadlift:405 Pounds
Bench Press:260 Pounds
Shoulder press:142.5 Pounds

Impressive stats! Good work!
Deload day Shoulder Press/ Deadlift

Shoulder press


Barbell row
135x repped out for good pump for 4 sets

super setted with
4 sets of dips repped out for a good pump

Standing calf raises
225x repped out for a pump

Hanging leg raises for 2 sets stopping a few short of failure .

I miss doing Barbell rows , I cut them out with the boring but strong because I only have one barbell in my gym and if I don’t super set in the accessory work I’d be there all night .
Impressive stats! Good work!

I started doing 531 plans when they shut down the gyms at the beginning of the pandemic . I haven’t gone back to the gym yet and I don’t plan to now. 531 is great because you don’t need a lot of equipment . I do miss all the choices the gym offered however without it I have been made to focus on the big compounds and getting stronger .
Looks like a lot of work !!

it looks like more work then it will be because a lot of the sets will be light sets . I am planning on trying to do a lot of super sets in between the working sets focusing on trying to bring up my arms a bit .
it looks like more work then it will be because a lot of the sets will be light sets . I am planning on trying to do a lot of super sets in between the working sets focusing on trying to bring up my arms a bit .

That should do it. Whenever I'm trying to bring up a body part I'll hit it twice or three times a week and that works for me.
Beyond Boring But Strong Squat Day

Beyond Squat sets

Boring But Strong Squat Sets
225x5 for 5 sets

For the beyond sets, I ended up just going straight through up to the 275x3 sets. The only rest I took was to add the weight. I then rested before the 315x1 and 340x1. The 340 set moved like butter, It felt light.

I really tried to push the supersets , tripling down a lot of the time between the Boring But Strong Squat sets.

My accessory exercises were
Ez Barbell curls 75x repped out for a pump for 4 sets

Tricep Pushdowns 80 pounds repped out for 3 sets

Dips going to near failure for 3 sets

close grip chin ups for 3 sets to near failure

calf raises 250 going super slow on the way down for 3 sets

I finished up the workout going all out on hanging leg raises really trying to get a good stretch and flexing at the top.

I normally wait at least a day between workouts but yesterday was a light deload day and I’m busy tomorrow and didn’t want to miss a workout so I decided to get it done early
On a side note, I finished the first bottle of SNS Uro-B and Anafuse today . We are halfway through the log and going strong! The uptick in metabolism makes me wonder what my weight is going to be at the end of the log.

I have been losing weight ( almost six pounds) but so far I haven’t lost any strength and have actually have hit some PRs . I feel like this combo gives you a bit of an edge. It won’t fix a bad diet or lack of sleep but if you have everything on point , it will help you make progress. I’m excited to see what the next 30 days hold .
On a side note, I finished the first bottle of SNS Uro-B and Anafuse today . We are halfway through the log and going strong! The uptick in metabolism makes me wonder what my weight is going to be at the end of the log.

I have been losing weight ( almost six pounds) but so far I haven’t lost any strength and have actually have hit some PRs . I feel like this combo gives you a bit of an edge. It won’t fix a bad diet or lack of sleep but if you have everything on point , it will help you make progress. I’m excited to see what the next 30 days hold .
Sounds very positive!!
Beyond Boring But Strong Bench day

Boring But Strong Sets

So my original plan was to superset these sets on the way up but again I found myself just going through the sets straight and getting a good pump. The only rest I took was the time it took to change the plates for all the sets.

Boring But strong assistant sets
185x5 for 10 sets . I took these nice and slow pausing for a second or two on my chest before pressing up again . I also went slow on the way down to emphasize the light weight .

All sets were triple super setted with two of the following:
3x sets close grip chins to near failure
3 sets standing EZ bar curls x75 pounds
3 sets of concentration curls 27.5 pounds an arm getting a good pump
3 sets of Tricep Pushdowns 80 pound pump sets
3 sets of dips to near failure
3 sets of standing calf raises 250 pounds , 10 seconds on the way down
3 sets of cable aB crunches really squeezing at the bottom.

This was a nice workout . It was easy on the CNS and left me feeling good . The deload week did me good and I am flying through these workouts .

265 by 1 is pretty good. My barbell bench has gone down hill cause I've started using machines more recently versus barbell to mitigate any injury risk. I need to start alternating between barbell and machine more often or just do lighter weight on barbell to failure.
265 by 1 is pretty good. My barbell bench has gone down hill cause I've started using machines more recently versus barbell to mitigate any injury risk. I need to start alternating between barbell and machine more often or just do lighter weight on barbell to failure.

Next training cycle I'm thinking of running Smolov Jr 531. Try and bring up the bench a bit. The most I’ve benched was 325 but when I did this I weighed around 220. It would be nice to be able to hit 3 plates again at a much lower body weight .
So it looks like I again lost a pound last week. This puts total weight loss so far at exactly 6 pounds since the beginning of the log. I am on day 34 of taking the Sns Urolithin-B-XT/ Anafuse combo. I can definitely say that the combo accelerates your metabolism and helps you burn extra calories . Other things of note are vascularity and extra go in the gym. I have been leaning out so far and am excited to see the final results at the end of the log. My only regret is that the initial progress photos I posted were kind of crappy. I will take the final progress photos the exact same way as the week 4 progress photos so we will be able to see how things turned out .
Beyond Boring But Strong Bench day

Boring But Strong Sets

So my original plan was to superset these sets on the way up but again I found myself just going through the sets straight and getting a good pump. The only rest I took was the time it took to change the plates for all the sets.

Boring But strong assistant sets
185x5 for 10 sets . I took these nice and slow pausing for a second or two on my chest before pressing up again . I also went slow on the way down to emphasize the light weight .

All sets were triple super setted with two of the following:
3x sets close grip chins to near failure
3 sets standing EZ bar curls x75 pounds
3 sets of concentration curls 27.5 pounds an arm getting a good pump
3 sets of Tricep Pushdowns 80 pound pump sets
3 sets of dips to near failure
3 sets of standing calf raises 250 pounds , 10 seconds on the way down
3 sets of cable aB crunches really squeezing at the bottom.

This was a nice workout . It was easy on the CNS and left me feeling good . The deload week did me good and I am flying through these workouts .
This workout really looks like it would be/was a lot of fun !! I am so ready to get back to giving 100% in the gym !! 💪
This workout really looks like it would be/was a lot of fun !! I am so ready to get back to giving 100% in the gym !! 💪

I hope you can get back at it soon Rocket! These have been fun workouts so far . I think only working out 3 days a week has been very helpful for me. When I go to the gym I give it my all and then I have the time to recover before hitting it again . I’m also liking the break from PR sets as they can be daunting and take a lot of mental energy to complete. Doing sets that I know I can complete without a problem and putting more energy into the assistance work leads to some awesome pumps and fun workouts .
I hope you can get back at it soon Rocket! These have been fun workouts so far . I think only working out 3 days a week has been very helpful for me. When I go to the gym I give it my all and then I have the time to recover before hitting it again . I’m also liking the break from PR sets as they can be daunting and take a lot of mental energy to complete. Doing sets that I know I can complete without a problem and putting more energy into the assistance work leads to some awesome pumps and fun workouts .

And you will be stronger in the long run !!
Beyond Boring But Strong Dead Lift Day

Working sets

Boring But Strong Sets
265x5 for 10 sets triple super setted with the following

Lunges to a good pump 35 pounds per arm for 4 sets

Hammer curls 27.5 pounds pumped out 3 sets

Hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

Close grip Chin ups for 4 sets

4 sets of Dips to near failure for sets

70 pound Tricep Pushdowns for 3 sets to near failure

80 pound EZ curl bar for 3 sets

Concentration Curls 2 sets per arm 27.5 pounds pumped out

Another great workout. It’s really nice not going for PRS right now , I leave the workouts without too much fatigue.
Boring But Strong Sets

For sure! I love doing deads with high volume of sets with low reps. Definitely gives you that alpha feeling when you pull 4+ plates.
Beyond Boring But Strong Dead Lift Day

Working sets

Boring But Strong Sets
265x5 for 10 sets triple super setted with the following

Lunges to a good pump 35 pounds per arm for 4 sets

Hammer curls 27.5 pounds pumped out 3 sets

Hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

Close grip Chin ups for 4 sets

4 sets of Dips to near failure for sets

70 pound Tricep Pushdowns for 3 sets to near failure

80 pound EZ curl bar for 3 sets

Concentration Curls 2 sets per arm 27.5 pounds pumped out

Another great workout. It’s really nice not going for PRS right now , I leave the workouts without too much fatigue.

Impressive !!
Boring But Strong Shoulder Press Day

Beyond Boring But Strong Sets
95x5 for 10 sets supersetted/ triple super setted with the following

EZ curl bar 85x repped out for 3 sets

3 sets of concentration curls 27.5 pounds repped out

Hack Squats 250 pounds x 25 reps for 3 sets

Dips 3 sets to near failure

Close grip chin ups 3 sets to near failure

rear lateral raises 15 pounds for 15-20 reps 2 sets

hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

3 sets repped put push down with 80 pounds .

Another good workout .
Boring But Strong Shoulder Press Day

Beyond Boring But Strong Sets
95x5 for 10 sets supersetted/ triple super setted with the following

EZ curl bar 85x repped out for 3 sets

3 sets of concentration curls 27.5 pounds repped out

Hack Squats 250 pounds x 25 reps for 3 sets

Dips 3 sets to near failure

Close grip chin ups 3 sets to near failure

rear lateral raises 15 pounds for 15-20 reps 2 sets

hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

3 sets repped put push down with 80 pounds .

Another good workout .

How long did this workout take? and what are your rest periods between sets ?
How long did this workout take? and what are your rest periods between sets ?

This workout took around an hour to complete . If I was doing PR sets for the working sets I would rest for 3 minutes in between sets . With this current Beyond Boring But Strong Plan , I have only been resting as long as it takes to load the plates and then for the singles depending on the day I will take the three minutes before hand to get myself ready for the set .

For the 10 sets of 5 reps I’m completing the super set and then I’m resting between 1 and a half to two minutes . I think the rule of thumb from the book if I’m not mistaken was to get all the 10 sets done in less than 20 minutes .

The Deadlift day/ Squat day take a bit longer, around an hour and 15 minutes because it takes me longer to get through the 10 sets of 5/ Working sets .

This is definitely one of the longer 531 plans to run . A lot of the other ones I can get through in 40-50 minutes . I really like the simplest strength template and I have also enjoyed the 5 and Dime plan . I like the 531 plans because they revolve around getting stronger on the 4 main lifts but offer a lot of variety depending on your goals. They are also great if you work out at home and don’t have access to the fancy gym machines .
This workout took around an hour to complete . If I was doing PR sets for the working sets I would rest for 3 minutes in between sets . With this current Beyond Boring But Strong Plan , I have only been resting as long as it takes to load the plates and then for the singles depending on the day I will take the three minutes before hand to get myself ready for the set .

For the 10 sets of 5 reps I’m completing the super set and then I’m resting between 1 and a half to two minutes . I think the rule of thumb from the book if I’m not mistaken was to get all the 10 sets done in less than 20 minutes .

The Deadlift day/ Squat day take a bit longer, around an hour and 15 minutes because it takes me longer to get through the 10 sets of 5/ Working sets .

This is definitely one of the longer 531 plans to run . A lot of the other ones I can get through in 40-50 minutes . I really like the simplest strength template and I have also enjoyed the 5 and Dime plan . I like the 531 plans because they revolve around getting stronger on the 4 main lifts but offer a lot of variety depending on your goals. They are also great if you work out at home and don’t have access to the fancy gym machines .

Once I get back to really working out. like with both arms, I will be looking it a new routine
Once I get back to really working out. like with both arms, I will be looking it a new routine

You should check out the books if you have some down time . You can get the e-books pretty cheap . They are 10 dollars Canadian , So around 7 dollars American. I use the KEYLIFTS App because it has all the templates already loaded in. Forever 531 is the latest book but I would recommend reading the other books first as the forever 531 would be a bit confusing as everything is explained in the other books and Forever is more just a giant book of workout plans .
Boring But Strong Squat Day

Working sets

Boring But Strong Sets
240x5 for 10 sets super setted/triple setted with

Close grip Chins up 4 sets to near failure

4 sets of dips to bear failure

3 sets of EZ curl bars 75 pounds chasing a pump

2 sets of concentration curls chasing a pump 27.5 an arm

4 sets of standing calf raises slow on the way down , squeezing at the top

2 sets of hanging leg raises

4 sets of Tricep Pushdowns 70 pounds 15-20 reps

After the 5th set of 245 squats I was pretty toast. If I wasn’t following a workout plan I would have called the workout there. I couldn’t leave the gym while knowing I cut myself short so I pushed through and got them all done. Workout took around an hour and 20 minutes to complete .
Thank you for your suggestion, I just got this book to read to occupy my time during my next hospital. 600+ pages, it may take awhile!!
View attachment 230801

Jim Stoppani's a cool guy and very knowledgeable. I've been listening to Andrew Huberman's podcast recently and it's pretty interesting if you need to kill some time.
Jim Stoppani's a cool guy and very knowledgeable. I've been listening to Andrew Huberman's podcast recently and it's pretty interesting if you need to kill some time.
I’m going to have to check this out . I have a 30-40 minute drive to and from work.
Thank you for your suggestion, I just got this book to read to occupy my time during my next hospital. 600+ pages, it may take awhile!!
View attachment 230801
I’m not sure what it’s like in the States but here I have access to something called Overdrive , which connects me to the local libraries through my Kobo e-book. It’s great, the library always gets the newest releases. I like to read Michael Connelly or the latest Stephen King and the new releases always get purchased through the library. Robert Galbraith has a detective series which is fantastic and I highly recommend checking out. Those books are my favourite.Recently I’ve been working my way through all the Jack Reacher books. I really liked the Harry Bosch series and later the Renee Ballard series by Michael Connelly.I’ve read every single one and was pleasantly surprised when I saw how many Jack Reacher books there are . There are 26 and I’m only on the fourth. I read a lot as I find it very relaxing and always finish my night with a book before sleep.
I wish I like to read, my attention span is just to short. My mother was a librarian for 40 years, she read a book almost every day!
Weekly weigh in results .

My weight continues to drop. The veins in my lower abdomen have made an appearance and my arms are looking much more vascular . So far I haven’t lost much strength and as we saw on the last cycle still hit some PRS while dropping some serious lbs.

I have lost 6 and 1/2 pounds since the beginning of taking SNS Urolithin-B XT and Anafuse while holding strength . We still have a few weeks to go on this log and I will be sure to post progress photos at the very end of the log .