Urolthin-B XT / Anafuse Unsponsored Log


Well-known member
Decided to give this a go,

This will be an 8 week log, I started this yesterday.

Current stats:

Weight: around 200 pounds

Height 6’2”

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Workout plan: 531 Boring But Strong , 3 workouts a week 4 day training split

Cardio 3 days a week

= 6 total training days, 1 rest dat

I’m running BBS at a training max of 85%. There will be one set each workout day where I have a chance to set a new PR so we will be able to see if this combo helps me make strength gains .

Diet: High protein, around 2500 calories a day .

Macros are around 50 p 30 f 20 c

I will try to get some before pictures up this week .

I started taking the supplements yesterday.

Other supplements I’m taking :

Orange triad multi vitamin
Omega 3 fish oils

I will be doing weekly updates on my weight. At the end of the log I will upload after pictures .
So every workout day . I am first doing either a deadlift / squat / bench / shoulder press and working up to a PR set . After that I am doing 10 sets of 5 reps at a much lighter weight for the same exercise and super setting that with another exercise. On the app I am using it says 10 reps for each exercise but really I am just repping it out and leaving 1 or two in the tank . For the PR sets I am also leaving a few in the tank . I am not going to complete failure but close , I am working to about 2 reps from failure .
In on this log for sure!
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Day 3 workout . Had trouble sleeping last night . Woke up with a bit of a head ache which is unusual for me . Nothing else to report so far
Start of log out progress photos


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Following along.. good luck
Day 5

Woke up again with a head ache . Couldn’t shake it off so around 11 had an early lunch and took some Advil . Went away for a bit but was still lingering when I started my workout . Pushed through . Hit a PR today on squats even though I felt like garbage . Best squat rep to weight I’ve hit since I had surgery last year on my right leg which has only started to feel good again in the last 3 months . Decided to rest before my first set of dips/ chin ups . Did both sets clean to set a baseline to compare to at end of log . Here is the workout

Working sets :
295x13 PR > I had a few more in the tank but stopped at PR

BBS sets
230x 5 reps for 10 sets

Push accessory : Dips
Rested first to do a test
Set one :35 reps
Set 2: 25 reps this was SS with squats
Set 3: 22 reps SS with squats

Pull accessory: pull ups
Set one rested first for test :
17 reps
Set two SS with BBS squats 12 reps
Set Three SS with BBS Squats 8 reps

Legs accessory : Standing Calf Raises
3 sets of 205 nice and slow for 15 reps .

Hammer curls 2 sets repped out 27.5 pound per arm

Hanging leg raises to failure 2 sets .
So I’ll try to post weekly weight updates on Sundays . I weigh myself at the same time everyday in the morning right after waking up.
I hope that you'll enjoy them and have great progress.
So I’ll try to post weekly weight updates on Sundays . I weigh myself at the same time everyday in the morning right after waking up.

Nice will be interesting to see how weight changes in a few weeks on this set up!
Nice will be interesting to see how weight changes in a few weeks on this set up!

My weight was holding steady for a few weeks at the set calories before starting the log. I think the best thing to do would be to hold calories steady and see what happens. I have been feeling hungry today/ yesterday . I’m not going to give into it though!
Before I started this log I was running a very similar 531 template . For reference it was SST 531 Anchor cycle . Which was similar in volume and cardio was the same. (Simplest Strength Template)
My weight was holding steady for a few weeks at the set calories before starting the log. I think the best thing to do would be to hold calories steady and see what happens. I have been feeling hungry today/ yesterday . I’m not going to give into it though!
you are stronger then me .. lol jk know the temptaions and how hard it can be
My weight was holding steady for a few weeks at the set calories before starting the log. I think the best thing to do would be to hold calories steady and see what happens. I have been feeling hungry today/ yesterday . I’m not going to give into it though!

I agree. I would try and hold steady and see how the supplement treats you verse upping cals and not knowing if it was the calorie increase or the supplement.
Day 8 workout

Bench press

Working Sets
230x 10> probably could have got 1 or 2 more but stopped short .

BBS sets super settled with all other exercises
185 x5 for 10 sets

Dumbbell Hammer curls
27.5 per side 3 sets to near failure

Hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

Tricep push downs
60 pounds for 3 sets to near failure .

face pulls light weight 2 sets x 20-30
Felt pretty good today . Really had to rush through the workout as my buddy was having car issue and I needed to give him a drive home . I was Super setting like crazy to get this done on time. Finished this workout in like 30 minutes . Usually would take me around 50 minutes.
Day 10


Man I had jets on today.

Deadlift day

Warm up

Working sets
365x12>>>>>>PR most weight to reps lifted since surgery.

BBS sets
280x5 reps for 10 sets super setted with

EZ curl bar 80x3 sets to hear failure

35 per arm dumbbell lunges to near failure 3 sets per leg

Chest dips 3 hard sets

2 sets hammer curls 27.5 pounds per side
2 sets light weight rep up face pulls
3 sets of leg raises to near failure .

Idk what it was I just had extra drive today, even though it’s Thursday and work has been a grind all week!
Idk what it was I just had extra drive today,

Always a great feeling when you just have extra in the tank. Most people can't say unfortunately.
Day 12 Workout

BBS Standing Shoulder Press Day

Warm up

Working sets

BBS Standing Shoulder Press
100x5 for 10 sets super-with

Hack Squats
250x25 reps for 3 sets

3 sets to near failure

Chin ups
3 sets to near failure

Hanging leg raises for 3 sets to near failure
Ez Bar Curls 80 pounds 3 sets to near failure
Rear laterals light weight 15 pounds per arm repped out for 2 sets

My endurance seems to be increasing a bit . Feeling less beat between sets and more revved up and ready to go.
Always a great feeling when you just have extra in the tank. Most people can't say unfortunately.

Yeah I remember when I was younger I could always kill it . Getting older and trying to get back in shape after life has hit you with some hurdles is a humbling experience . I really want to get back to where I was in the past.
Weekly weight update .


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So last week after daily weigh ins my average weight was 198.6. This week after daily weigh ins my weight average was 196.9. So it looks like my weight on the overall dropped 1.7 pounds on the week. Before I started the log my weight average was 199.3.

For 3 weeks before the log started at the same calories my weekly weigh ins were as follows. 199.3,199.7,199.3 .

Since starting the Urolthin B-XT/ Anafuse stack I have lost a total of 2.4 pounds . During this same time I have hit 2 PR’s so far . One on Squats and One on Deadlifts .
Calories will be remaining the same for the entire log regardless of weight . It’s the only way to give a fair assessment.
Day 14

Squat Day BBS

Warm up

Working sets
250x 5
315x10> 1 more rep would have been a PR. I probably could have got it but I was pretty gassed and didn’t want my form to be iffy.

BBS Sets
These got pretty taxing around set 7
250x5 reps for 10 sets super-setted with

Standing Calf Raises
3 sets of 225 for 15-20 reps

3 sets to near failure

Pull ups
3 sets to near failure

Hammer curls x 2 sets 27.5 pounds

Hanging leg raises 3 sets to near failure

face pulls light weight 30-50 reps x2 sets
315x10> 1 more rep would have been a PR. I probably could have got it but I was pretty gassed and didn’t want my form to be iffy.

Dang 315 x 10 is pretty impressive. This make me want to go train legs now :LOL:
Day 16

Boring But Strong Bench Day

Warm up

Working Sets

I would have needed 10 for PR , I could have gotten 9 but I don’t think I would have hit 10. I set that PR when I was about 20 pounds heavier so I’ll take it as a win that I’ve held this much strength .

BBS Bench Sets
195x5 reps for 10 sets super-setted with

3 sets
60 pounds repped out to near failure

3 sets
Chin ups repped out to near failure

3 sets
Hanging leg raises repped out to near failure

Ez bar curls 85 pounds x3 sets repped out
Facepulls 2 sets light weight repped out
Dips two sets to failure

My endurance seems to be way up and the chin ups have gotten a lot easier. My body weight seems to be trending downwards still but we will set how the week turned out on Sunday .
Day 19
Boring But Strong Deadlift Day

Warm up

Working sets
385x10>>>>> PR!

Boring But Strong sets
10 sets of 300x5 reps

these got pretty tough around set 7 but I still managed to superset it with the following

Ez Barbell curl
85x 3 sets to near failure

Pushdowns 75 pounds x 3 sets to near failure

Lunges 35 pounds per arm really repped these out til I was gassed . 3 sets per legs

2 sets
2 sets of dips
2 sets of hanging leg raises
2 sets of hammer curls

This last of workouts have been great , I’ve just felt like I had extra go, I was tackling every workout with focus and wasn’t feeling burnt out at all!
This last of workouts have been great , I’ve just felt like I had extra go, I was tackling every workout with focus and wasn’t feeling burnt out at all!

Glad to hear! Nice workout for sure!
Just saw this log, In for sure !