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History: Nearly 35 now (months away). Took prohormones for about 6 months (on and off and did pct) when i was about 22-23. However, the last year or two I have been taking more naps, less energetic, etc. Was fine for years up until now.

Anyway, I had my test level tested and i'm at 150. my thyroid was a hair low so they did further tests and said T3 and T4 are in the "normal range", but T3 is barely in the normal range.

Tomorrow I go see a different doctor who deals with test more then my normal family doctor. My main question is this. Do they, or should they find the cause for low test? Do they do an MRI of your pituitary gland, testes, or? Or 99.9% of the time is it just low test w/o say cancer so they just treat the low test and move on? Also if I'm going to be treated for low test is it normal for them to check my estrogen/progesterone levels as well?

Just curious what to look for to ensure this guy really knows his stuff.


New member
I have been on TRT for about 5 weeks now and going for my updated blood tests next week. Typically you will only get your blood tests done and that is it. I do not know of anyone that does an MRI or anything like that. They will test your PSA to check for cancer risk. I am feeling a good bit better with regards to wellness feeling, libido, and aggression in the gym. I hope it works out for you.


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They won't automatically test for estrogen/prog etc. you may need to ask them to test for that.


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I got my first shot from the doc today. I didn't ask how much or what as I forgot. Nurse said "it's a low dose so if you don't feel much in a few weeks let us know and we'll raise it".

However, he said in Nov he wants blood work again and estrodial is on the paperwork so this guy seems pretty thorough. In this area several recommended this doc. I just want more energy and to feel better. I have such a lack of motivation/energy I would say i'm almost borderline depressed. Never been "depressed" so I can't say if I am, but I can say i'm the closest now, if i'm not. I don't know how badly 173 test will make you feel, but I just feel like a lazy sack of **** basically and that's not me at all. Also been more emotional during sad tv shows/movies....very weird for me.


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I'm on my 5th week of TRT (AndroGel). Using two pumps daily and feeling much better than usual (better energy and libido). I'm going to have my bloods done either later this week or next. I usually get my total test, E2 and PSA. I don't worry about progesterone, I take it daily. From what I have read I expect my total test to be around 300. If so I will go to 4 pumps daily.


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I told the doc injections only as I work in a warehouse and sweat a lot. Also more consistent I believe. I forgot to ask the dosage I'm on, but next time I go next week I'm going to ask.


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Actually gel is more consistent as it is applied daily and can eliminate the more extreme peaks and troughs that can be found with injections, depending on your injection schedule. Some people do not absorb the gel well though so they injections are definitely better for some.

How often will you be getting an injections. If it is more than every 7 days your doc is not doing you much good.


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It's every 7 days. I just found out i'm getting 100mg injections. Is this a pretty low dose or?


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100mg is a pretty standard HRT dose. Personally I think it would be best to divide it up to two 50mg subQ injections 2x per week over one 100mg IM injection but the 100mg IM 1/weeks is very typical.


100mg is a pretty standard HRT dose. Personally I think it would be best to divide it up to two 50mg subQ injections 2x per week over one 100mg IM injection but the 100mg IM 1/weeks is very typical.
What are the advantages of subq over IM injections?


What are the advantages of subq over IM injections?
The main advantage is that it is easier to do and painless. For frequent injections sub q is easier. I did sub q for several months at every three days and at every other day. I didn't feel like it was doing me any good. I switched back to weekly injections IM and I like it better. I also do 250IU HCG on each of the two days before my test injection. I am currently injecting 200mg test cyp per week. This is the best I have felt since starting TRT over three years ago. I did two years of compounded cream. That was a waste of time. Besides being a hassle, it never got my test level up beyond my pre TRT level. It did raise my DHT to way above the range, and it elevated my estradiol as well.

I think it is marketing that has gotten doctors to prescribe gels. Most men are wimps when it comes to shots so its easy to market something you just rub on the skin but I think most men would be better off with injections, and they are much cheaper as well.


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What are the advantages of subq over IM injections?
IMO the main advantage has nothing to do with pain or convenience, although they may be nice ancillarly benefits.

More frequent injections means more stable blood levels and less of a trough before your next injection. For most this will make them feel better.
More frequent, smaller injections, means less T getting converted to E, and therefore you get more for your money, so to speal, with your T and also may negate the need to use an AnitE.

I think moving forward we will continue to see a trend of many HRT docs switching to more frequent SubQ administration of testosterone.


IMO the main advantage has nothing to do with pain or convenience, although they may be nice ancillarly benefits.

More frequent injections means more stable blood levels and less of a trough before your next injection. For most this will make them feel better.
More frequent, smaller injections, means less T getting converted to E, and therefore you get more for your money, so to speal, with your T and also may negate the need to use an AnitE.

I think moving forward we will continue to see a trend of many HRT docs switching to more frequent SubQ administration of testosterone.
What size pin do you use and how often are you injecting?


IMO the main advantage has nothing to do with pain or convenience, although they may be nice ancillarly benefits.

More frequent injections means more stable blood levels and less of a trough before your next injection. For most this will make them feel better.
More frequent, smaller injections, means less T getting converted to E, and therefore you get more for your money, so to speal, with your T and also may negate the need to use an AnitE.

I think moving forward we will continue to see a trend of many HRT docs switching to more frequent SubQ administration of testosterone.
You can do small frequent injections IM as well, so the main advantage of sub q is ease of injection and painlessness.


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You can do small frequent injections IM as well, so the main advantage of sub q is ease of injection and painlessness.
True. I had a brainfart. When I typed that reply my mindset was more about frequenty than type of administration.


When I was doing sub q I used a 5/16" 31g insulin syringe and injected either every other day or every three days.
Is the test absorbed at the same rate? Is it just as effective as IM injection as far as my overall test levels are concerned?


  • RockStar
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I inject 60mg e3.5d sub q and average mid 600s the day of next injection. When I was doing IM, it was the exact same number. No need to dig into the muscle for no reason. I draw with an 18g and inject with 25g.


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I inject 60mg e3.5d sub q and average mid 600s the day of next injection. When I was doing IM, it was the exact same number. No need to dig into the muscle for no reason. I draw with an 18g and inject with 25g.
You do a subQ with a 25g. Just curious, do you find it a more noticable/painful than subQ with say a 29g? I know there is some theory that suggest an oil should not be injected subQ with a 29g.


You do a subQ with a 25g. Just curious, do you find it a more noticable/painful than subQ with say a 29g? I know there is some theory that suggest an oil should not be injected subQ with a 29g.
I am guessing you don't draw the test up with the 29g but how difficult is it to inject with the 29g?


  • RockStar
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You do a subQ with a 25g. Just curious, do you find it a more noticable/painful than subQ with say a 29g? I know there is some theory that suggest an oil should not be injected subQ with a 29g.
I can't say because I have never used anything other than a 25g. To me a 25g is nothing and pretty painless. Plus, test oil is thick and it takes a minute to even inject a tiny amount like 60mg with a 25g. It is next to impossible to draw it unless you feel like waiting 10 minutes. I don't know about any theories, I just know it would be inconvenient to use something that small.


Like I said, when I have done sub q I have used 5/16" 31g insulin syringes. I have never had any issues drawing or injecting. Drawing may take a few minutes, but I just left the vial and syringe upside down in my underwear drawer and came back in a few minutes and it was ready. Injecting didn't take more than a few seconds. The small amount you inject several times a week is not an issue to inject.

Doing weekly 200mg IM injections I use a 1" 25g for both drawing and injecting. Again drawing and injecting do not take long and are not issues.

I did frequent sub q for about eight months and I have to say I feel much better on once a week IM.


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Like I said, when I have done sub q I have used 5/16" 31g insulin syringes. I have never had any issues drawing or injecting. Drawing may take a few minutes, but I just left the vial and syringe upside down in my underwear drawer and came back in a few minutes and it was ready. Injecting didn't take more than a few seconds. The small amount you inject several times a week is not an issue to inject.

Doing weekly 200mg IM injections I use a 1" 25g for both drawing and injecting. Again drawing and injecting do not take long and are not issues.

I did frequent sub q for about eight months and I have to say I feel much better on once a week IM.
you feel better because you are geting a nice spike with the once a week inject at 200mg.
For the original poster they should do an MRI and check your gonads. This will also determine if you can use HCG or clomid if need it in the future.
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