1: If you are looking to recapture that "feeling" regular clomid is unlikely to achieve it, most people DO NOT like the way they feel on clomid.
2. Its highly unlikely that the little extra test it MAY produce would move the needle feeling wise anyways.
3. If insistent on trying this get your labs, start clomid, get another set 60 days later. Make sure your shots are the EXACT same amount of time prior to pulling both sets of labs. ex. If you take your shot 3 days prior to lab set one you need to make sure its the same time prior to set of labs #2.
4. Your at that time period where being on TRT MAY HAVE lowered your DHEA/Pregnenolone production. Both of these are easy to supplement OR you could add a little HCG 3 times a week.
At the end of the day being on TRUE TRT, ie within normal ranges, is not going to make you feel amazing, it's going to make you feel normal. If you want to feel "enhanced" you have to be actually enhanced.