

Registered User
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2500? Wow. If I'm remembering correctly ... you're a pretty big dude, aren't you? How far below maintenance is that jweave?

Starting weight was 260, at 248 now, although I think I may have added about 5 lbs or so of LBM on this was planned well, I lost significant amounts of fat while adding a little bit of lean. I am really starting to think I am lucky in the fact that I do not need as many calories as others to gain or maintain.

Maintenance for me is about 3500 calories, so this was a hell of a drop I admit, but with androgens, high protein, and proper cutting agents I have been very successful and had my best cycle yet. A little planning and listening to your body goes a long just took me some time to find out what diet worked perfectly for me. :)


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Baselines taken 4/9/04 TSH 1.43; T3 142.86; T4 6.9; Free T4 1.30

Today (9 days off) TSH 1.52; T3 131.58; T4 4.8; Free T4 2.14

This is with no added Tyrosine, FL7, ect.
13 Days Off now: TSH 1.27; T3 70.60; T4 3.6; Free T4 1.98



great work on the blood tests bro. makes it much easier to tell how effective and what kind of effects the sups have on human, as opposed to rats.

any idea why the values are bouncing around like that except for free t4?



She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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Some fluctuation is normal, but that is a lot. I'm not really sure, I haven't changed my diet, training, or supps since last time. I stopped M1T today but it shouldn't have even cleared my system yet. I'll get some more testing done next week.


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13 Days Off now: TSH 1.27; T3 70.60; T4 3.6; Free T4 1.98
interesting, although I thought one T3 study had levels spiking right after, then returning to baseline...which it look like yours may be doing, no?


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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interesting, although I thought one T3 study had levels spiking right after, then returning to baseline...which it look like yours may be doing, no?
Yeah it looks like it. Everything is still in the normal range, just kinda low. LH and testosterone do the same thing during HPTA recovery for me.



have you done a m4ohn cycle yet? kinda curious on what the blood work is like for it.



She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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have you done a m4ohn cycle yet? kinda curious on what the blood work is like for it.

Yes I'm kinda curious on what the, uh, blood work ;) , is like for it too. If anybody wants to donate... :cool: Purely for scientific purposes, not for me to run another Tri-Max cycle I swear :p


you did one with the tri-max and max it out. what a nut! brave though.

i'm thinking of doing that as soon as sledge gets some m4ohn in and i can order some. Not maxing out the trimax, just stacking it with m4ohn.

Sir Foxx

Sir Foxx

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This was posted over at AnabolicSupport in a debate going on whether Tiratricol is safe and useful. I think it is, both due to my and many others experience along with SuperSoldiers blood work. Everyone reacts differently so that could be the case here but my searches on PubMed haven't really produced anything that I can use to refute this. Any thoughts?

"Tiratricol side effects, hypothyroidism, fat-loss supplement, Triax, Tri-Cuts, Tricana

Tiratricol side effects: regular tiratricol ingestion may be associated with some serious, negative, health consequences, including hypothyroidism

A fat-loss supplement popular with athletes is linked with hypothyroidism
Tiratricol (3, 5, 3-triodothyroacetic acid) is a popular 'nutritional supplement' among bodybuilders and weightlifters, many of whom believe that the compound increases metabolism, spurs fat burning, upgrades body composition, and helps produce a 'cut' look. Such beliefs are not completely illogical, since tiratricol is a close chemical relative of triiodothyronine, a key hormone produced by the thyroid gland which in fact does boost metabolic rate. Tiratricol is widely available at health-food stores, is sold over the internet, and is particularly popular in Europe. It is marketed under the brand names Triax, Tri-Cuts, and Tricana.

Unfortunately, a new report ('A Report of Hypothyroidism Induced by an Over-the-Counter Fat Loss Supplement (Tiratricol)', International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, Vol. 13(1), pp. 112-116, 2003) indicates that regular tiratricol ingestion may be associated with some serious, negative, health consequences. The report documents the cases of two physically fit adults, a 39-year-old male athlete and a 40-year-old female weightlifter, who used tiratricol supplements and ultimately developed hypothyroidism (extreme inactivity of their thyroid glands). The male took 3000 to 4000 mcg of tiratricol per day for about one month and developed extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, sweats, chills, lethargy, and an inability to conduct his usual workouts.

The female ingested 6000 mcg of tiratricol per day for 56 days while training four to five times a week and consuming a low-fat diet which was sufficient in protein and moderate in complex carbohydrate as part of an effort to lose weight and improve body composition. She was completely healthy prior to embarking on the tiratricol programme (and her thyroid function was totally normal) but developed decreased appetite and severe lethargy and began to gain weight, in spite of her relatively stringent diet and strenuous exercise programme.

When the two athletes consulted with doctors to determine the cause of their symptoms, blood tests revealed that their levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone were incredibly low ú less than .01 mU/litre (normal is .4 to 5.5 mU/litre). Thyroid-stimulating hormone is a key compound which 'gears up' the thyroid gland, causing it to release increased amounts of thyroid hormones, which ultimately heighten metabolism. When thyroid-stimulating-hormone levels are extremely low, the thyroid gland becomes relatively inactive, and weight gain and extreme fatigue are common consequences.

What happened next?

When the two athletes discontinued their tiratricol supplementation, it took five months for thyroid function to return to normal in the male athlete (!) and about 40 days for the female's thyroid action to come up to par. The new report, published by researchers at the Texas Health and Wellness Clinic in Houston, Texas, indicates that such adverse effects of tiratricol supplementation are all too common. Apparently, because of its close chemical similarity to triiodothyronine, tiratricol is a very potent inhibitor of thyroid-stimulating hormone. In the normal person, high levels of triiodothyronine would tend to decrease activity of the thyroid gland by inhibiting thyroid-stimulating hormone (as part of a 'negative-feedback' mechanism); otherwise, the thyroid gland might over-produce thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine.

When an athlete supplements with tiratricol, he/she does not have high levels of triiodothyronine, but the very similar tiratricol 'pinch-hits' for triiodothyronine and shuts the thyroid gland down. Making matters worse, although tiratricol is chemically similar to triiodothyronine, it does not have the latter's positive effects on metabolism, and its suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone leads to decreased oxygen consumption, lowered heat production, and a reduced metabolic rate. As if that were not enough, tiratricol can actually increase laboratory readings (taken from blood tests) for triiodothyronine because it is cross-reactive with the triiodothyronine antibody. This can cause some doctors to believe that a patient has an overactive ('toxic') thyroid, even though in fact the thyroid has been shut down by tiratricol; improper therapeutic modalities may be employed as a result.

The bottom line?

Tiratricol is not a metabolic accelerator nor a fat-loss aid. Rather, it is a potent drug which is capable of inducing severe thyroid abnormalities in athletes who use it. There is a tremendous amount of hype surrounding tiratricol, with ads for the compound suggesting that the product burns incredible amounts of fat and produces dramatic improvements in muscle definition. However, the reality is that tiratricol supplementation should be avoided by all athletes.

In addition, these tiratricol problems serve as a reminder that when an athlete consults his/her doctor about a health problem, he/she should always mention and completely and accurately describe their supplement use (of course, doctors should make every effort to elicit such information, too). Had the two athletes in this study not mentioned their tiratricol consumption, their doctors would probably have misdiagnosed their problems and may have come to believe that the subjects were suffering from fundamental thyroid problems, rather than experiencing a reaction to a dangerous supplement.

Unfortunately, research suggests that about 70% of individuals fail to completely report their supplement use during medical office visits or during pre-surgery screenings ('Herbal Medications: Current Trends in Anesthesiology Practice ú A Hospital Survey', Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology, Vol. 12, pp. 468-471, 2000). The dangers of this failure to communicate are obvious, especially since many supplements contain compounds which act as potent drugs which may interact in a negative way with drugs prescribed by health professionals."


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this is the report I was thinking of earlier. Notice in this one the female subject took the higher dose (6000mg) for a longer period (56 days) and recovered in 40 days.

The male took a lower dose (3000-4000mg) for a shorter time (1 month) and took 5 motnhs to recover. I think this can help show that apparently there is some degree of personal tolerance or unacconted for varience, as he took almost half the amount of her and yet took nearly 5 times as long to recover!

I think this shows us that triacana is nothing to play with, which we knew going into it, and it should be noted. It does however lack credible refernces to any studies done, yet uses their conclusions to recommend that this substance is harmful and should be avoided "by all athletes". I suppose I am a skeptic, but it seems like this report is a paranoid article thrown together and is not exactly a careful study of the compound, rather an unpleasant reaction by two users.

I do consider triacana to be on par with T3 in regards that temporary thyroid shutdown ("hypothyroidism" as said in the article, notice the use of a seemingly permanent condition when in fact it was not) should be expected! We do not use androgens and not expect to have natural test levels shutdown, so I keep that in mind. Personally I think this report was a scare tactic, something like the UA reports of people needing liver transplants because of one compound.


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
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well i took my first cap last night (when i got home and saw it't resisit)..didn't feel much. Took another today and already thinking about upping it to 2 caps.

When did you all up the dose?

Also taking M5AA and lipoderm. I want to get some pics of myself to see the actual results but having a hard time getting the girlfriends digital camera.



She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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well i took my first cap last night (when i got home and saw it't resisit)..didn't feel much. Took another today and already thinking about upping it to 2 caps.

When did you all up the dose?

Also taking M5AA and lipoderm. I want to get some pics of myself to see the actual results but having a hard time getting the girlfriends digital camera.

I started at 2 caps/day and ramped up to 3 half way through my 19 day cycle. If I did it over I wouldn't have gone to 3 caps at all, I lost too much strength even on Pro-sust and M-Dien.


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I agree I don't think 3 caps is really needed, and expect some lean loss with that much unless you're on some serious androgens. My GF went with 3 caps for 2 weeks, then ramped down and had great results, but she will probably only be doing 2 caps next cycle.

I went with 2 caps for 3 weeks then ramped down and loved it. I didn't have any muscle loss, I was on test cyp/winny (ending that now actually).

You may not "feel" much, in that this is certainly no CNS stimulant like ephedrine, yohimbine/clen, so that would not be a good way to judge it at all. The sides would be similar to T3, so some sweating and the like are expected. :)
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

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Think of it this way, these are the same types of reports that are used to for steroids and PH's. So its a bit overhyped yet there is always reason to be cautious. Also you should follow the same precautions as you would post T3 cycle. That is increase calories, keep the diet clean and reduce total volume of exrecise. Cardio should be first thing in morning as a pretty high intensity to increase metabolism throughout the day. If you continue to diet like you have when on Triac, of course your thyroid will decrease in function. Supplements like Tyrosine and/or 7 keto are meant to normalize thyroid function, not revers hypothyroidism. Eventually you should stabilize fairly quickly when those steps are followed (just like t3)


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Think of it this way, these are the same types of reports that are used to for steroids and PH's. So its a bit overhyped yet there is always reason to be cautious. Also you should follow the same precautions as you would post T3 cycle. That is increase calories, keep the diet clean and reduce total volume of exrecise. Cardio should be first thing in morning as a pretty high intensity to increase metabolism throughout the day. If you continue to diet like you have when on Triac, of course your thyroid will decrease in function. Supplements like Tyrosine and/or 7 keto are meant to normalize thyroid function, not revers hypothyroidism. Eventually you should stabilize fairly quickly when those steps are followed (just like t3)
Bobo... why would one want to increase calories when off the Triac (T3)?

If the thyroid isn't normalized because you were using synthetics to spike its' activity then excess calories will lead to great potential for rebound wouldn't it?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
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well i took my first cap last night (when i got home and saw it't resisit)..didn't feel much. Took another today and already thinking about upping it to 2 caps.

After 2 days?!?!?!?


Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
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Bobo... why would one want to increase calories when off the Triac (T3)?

If the thyroid isn't normalized because you were using synthetics to spike its' activity then excess calories will lead to great potential for rebound wouldn't it?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

Decreasing calories downregulates the thyroid, increasing them after peroids of dieting raises thyroid output, leptin and a host of other functions.

Rebound is an always an issue, thats why you keep youn diet EXTREMELY clean. These are standard practices used with T3 that people should know before they start tinkering which their thyroid.


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
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After 2 days?!?!?!?


I am only going to stay on it for 3 weeks, the last few days of week 3 i only want 1 cap. JWeave was saying he did 2caps/day for 3 weeks, so I am assuiming he started on 2 caps.

I know you don't feel anything related to cns stimulation, but I thought someone had mentioned feeling warmer or something.

Maybe I will wait until day 4 to up to 2 caps..i wanted at least 14 days @ 2 caps....but also still need time to cut it down to 1 for a few days.


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BTW I'm using Ab-Solved for post cycle (post AS and tri-max), I'm intersted in any discernable difference bwteeen this and FL7 (still not utterly convinced there is no systemic uptake of 7-keto with it, call me a skeptic) :D


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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23 Days Off

Baselines taken 4/9/04 TSH 1.43; T3 142.86; T4 6.9; Free T4 1.30

Today (9 days off) TSH 1.52; T3 131.58; T4 4.8; Free T4 2.14

This is with no added Tyrosine, FL7, ect.

13 Days Off now: TSH 1.27; T3 70.60; T4 3.6; Free T4 1.98

23 Days Off now: TSH 1.34; t3 69.75; T4 4.2; Free T4 1.65 (Free T3 3.48)

:eek: My T3 is half that of my baseline, and T4 is 2/3, WTF :confused: :( TSH is almost the same, so maybe it would be a good idea to use something like FL7, guggle, tyrosine, ect. post cycle. Other "supps" I'm on now: Pro-Sust, NYCA, HCG, Nolva, Multi-Vitamin, R-ALA, NAC, Creatine. Nothing that should lower thyroid output (maybe NYCA???), and I'm at or slightly above maintenance calories.


Baselines taken 4/9/04 TSH 1.43; T3 142.86; T4 6.9; Free T4 1.30

Today (9 days off) TSH 1.52; T3 131.58; T4 4.8; Free T4 2.14

This is with no added Tyrosine, FL7, ect.

13 Days Off now: TSH 1.27; T3 70.60; T4 3.6; Free T4 1.98

23 Days Off now: TSH 1.34; t3 69.75; T4 4.2; Free T4 1.65 (Free T3 3.48)

:eek: My T3 is half that of my baseline, and T4 is 2/3, WTF :confused: :( TSH is almost the same, so maybe it would be a good idea to use something like FL7, guggle, tyrosine, ect. post cycle. Other "supps" I'm on now: Pro-Sust, NYCA, HCG, Nolva, Multi-Vitamin, R-ALA, NAC, Creatine. Nothing that should lower thyroid output (maybe NYCA???), and I'm at or slightly above maintenance calories.
This is a little concerning to me. I would think they would have been higher by now.


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Not sure what type of diet you are doing. (ie 40,40,20 etc.) but a refeed of sorts might be in order. See if that with l-tyro and 7-keto might help. Bulknutrition just got the new fl-7 product in.


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
  • Established
Not sure what type of diet you are doing. (ie 40,40,20 etc.) but a refeed of sorts might be in order. See if that with l-tyro and 7-keto might help. Bulknutrition just got the new fl-7 product in.

says its out of stock

also how much L-tyrosine do people take?

BAC has good prices on that and N-acetyl version


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Check again. But look under Dermabolics 7-cort. Same product but now made by dermabolics.

l-tyrosine anywhere from 500mg to 2grams 2 to 3 times daily is pretty average. And the l-ty is better then the n-acetyl


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
  • Established
Check again. But look under Dermabolics 7-cort. Same product but now made by dermabolics.

l-tyrosine anywhere from 500mg to 2grams 2 to 3 times daily is pretty average. And the l-ty is better then the n-acetyl

are you sure the n-acetyl isn't better?


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It is not uncommon to find N-acetyl-L-tyrosine supplements on the market claiming increased bioavailaibility and utilization, but this is contrary to the clinical data. A study of four forms of tyrosine (including L-tyrosine) found N-acetyl-L-tyrosine to be the least bioavailable (12), and a piglet study found that 65% was excreted, "confirming its low bioavailability" (13).
-From David Tolson's article at Bulk Nutrition.


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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It is not uncommon to find N-acetyl-L-tyrosine supplements on the market claiming increased bioavailaibility and utilization, but this is contrary to the clinical data. A study of four forms of tyrosine (including L-tyrosine) found N-acetyl-L-tyrosine to be the least bioavailable (12), and a piglet study found that 65% was excreted, "confirming its low bioavailability" (13).
-From David Tolson's article at Bulk Nutrition.
I always thought the N-acetyl-L-tyrosine was better too, good info. :)


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Didn't Dan Duchine (sp?) suggest to like two weeks on/two weeks of or something similar? I remember using Triax in '99 and burned like 4 inches from waist in like two months using a similar. Anyone remember?


New member
Wow, so much more information now about Tri-Max than when I first researched it and got some several months ago. I planned to use it once my cutting results tapered off, and they have as of late.

I was going to start a 2 week cycle of Tri-Max tomorrow at 1 cap/day and maybe go up to 2 caps/day if needed at some point, and then back down to 1 cap/day for the last few days. I decided to see if I could find any new information first. I was not planning on using any androgens, since I tend to get some sides I don't like such as bad acne. Any idea how much LBM I will lose without taking androgens, and are there any supplements besides androgens that can help me prevent LBM loss while using Tri-Max?

Also, how important is taking L-Tyrosine/Fl7 to aid in rebound? I don't happen to have any of these things laying around the house (except for quite a few androgens before I decided I didn't care for them), so I may postpone my cycle of Tri-Max until I get them.


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what do people feel about triac stacked with clen?

anybody tried that?


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what do people feel about triac stacked with clen?

anybody tried that?
Not sure if it would be much different than stacked with an ECY, which I have. I am stacking it with clen though for my next run in 2 weeks. :)


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
  • Established
I was going to alternate between the trimax and clen or ecy

3 weeks triac/3 weeks clen/2 weeks triac/2weeks clen or something like that..

I am picking up some L-tyrosine, that was good info about the n-acetyl thanks for that.

I also just got the bulknutrition updates email....seeing the dermabolics 7-cort...20 beans sounds good

Last edited:


New member
what do people feel about triac stacked with clen?

anybody tried that?
I'm now stacking with clen - in the middle of my 3rd week of TriMax (going 3 on 3 off 4 on ... done - end of bottle). Changes in body comp are quite noticable. I'll weigh myself tomorrow. I used TriMax alone for the first two weeks and lost 7.5 pounds. Not sure how much I've lost on the 3rd week running it with clen, yet. Of course, you can 'feel' the clen - whereas with the TriMax, the only thing I really feel is sweat.

This is what I'm in the middle of

Weeks 1-3: TriMax (111222333333322211111)
Weeks 1-3: Mdien (2mg/d) M5aa (40mg PWO)
Weeks 3-4: Clen (started @40 and worked up to 100mcg's)
Weeks 5-6: Lipo-6
Weeks 7-10: TriMax (1 week @1; 2 weeks at 2; 1 week @ 1)
Weeks 7-8: M1t (10mg/d)
(was going to run another two weeks of clen with the m1t, but I'm thinking bp would be an issue)
Weeks 9-10: M5aa
Weeks 9-10: Clen
Weeks 11-12: ECA

So far all my lifts have held steady.


New member
What do people think about something like this for a cutter with trimax with a long enough "off" period (from triac) to get thyroid back to baseline

3 weeks: Tri-Max
3 weeks: Clen
3 weeks: ECYA

You think a 1:2 on:eek:ff period is sufficient for thyroid to go back to normal without the use of l-tyrosine or other thyroid stimulants?


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fieyaa, i don't want to get into all the boring pharmacology of it (i will if you ask), but mixing Yohimbine and Ephedrine is dangerous.

I am assuming the "Y" in ECYA is Yohimbine


New member
fieyaa, i don't want to get into all the boring pharmacology of it (i will if you ask), but mixing Yohimbine and Ephedrine is dangerous.

I am assuming the "Y" in ECYA is Yohimbine
Just a normal ECA stack then ?


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well, yes. OR an YNC stack or something.

but don't mix ephedrine with yohimbine, or at least be very sure of what you are doing, and very careful if you do so.


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Maddcapp Have you notice a decrease in your waist at all? And how is the clen comparing to Trimax?


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Why is mixing the two so dangerous? I never heard of this and would like to hear about it.


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Maddcapp Have you notice a decrease in your waist at all? And how is the clen comparing to Trimax?
Definitely. Appears that most of the weight is coming off of my abs/midsection, which happens to be the last place holding on to the bf. My wife was saying this afternoon how incredibly different I look just from a few weeks ago. My diet has been fairly clean - not immaculate (Fridays are cheat days) 500 cals under maintenance, and I'm doing cardio 5-6 days a week.

I can't really compare the clen to the trimax, because I've only run them together. I've never run clen by itself.


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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fieyaa, i don't want to get into all the boring pharmacology of it (i will if you ask), but mixing Yohimbine and Ephedrine is dangerous.

I am assuming the "Y" in ECYA is Yohimbine
Yeah explain this one to me too, and everybody else that's used MD-6, Lipo-6, ect. Maybe, just maybe there might be a problem with adding Yohimbe bark, not a standardized amount of yohimbine HCL with ephedrine, but there's no problem with 20mg ephedrine and up to 10mg Yohimbine HCL.


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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And how is the clen comparing to Trimax?
Clen is thought to be mildly anti-catabolic and is very good to lose a lot of fat in a short period of time. It's also a stimulant, so you'll feel it. By itself, for me anyway, it serves to lose a lot of fat and also harden up, not really having a negative effect on my muscles or visual muscle tone.

Tri-Max is A LOT stronger for losing fat IMO, but also has downsides. It shuts down the thyroid, and is also catabolic (if you ask me, it's VERY catabolic), just as T3 is. You will shed mass amounts of fat, assuming diet and training are in check, but the chance of losing muscle is great, and losing strength is almost certain. For this reason I would NEVER use Tri-Max or T3 without a potent androgen. And even so, don't expect to gain strength while on. Also your muscles will look flat while on.

Really it's a tradeoff. I like Clen better overall as a substance that I'll cycle on and off of for a while, but Tri-Max definitely has it's place.


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ok, for those that asked - here is why mixing ephedrine with yohimbine is dangerous. (i am not saying i don't know people that have done this, btw).

and supersoldier, i am not aware of any OTC supp that combines Y and E. i am aware of some that used Yohimbe with NORephedrine. but not with ephedrine. totally different thang. NYC (Norephedrine/yohimbe/caffeine) is a GREAT stack

here is some info from Elzi Volk on why you shouldnot combine Y and E.

i have more info, but she explains it pretty well

Below written by Elzi Volk
beta-Adrenoceptors downregulate relatively quickly (depends on
dosage/time/administration). Consider that the density of skeletal muscle
beta-ARs decreases by 50% within 18 days in rats treated with clenbuterol (a
beta2-agonist) and by 40% as early as 3 days in rats treated with cimaterol
(again, in skeletal muscle). Rats infused (IV minipumps) with
isoproterenol, a beta-agonist, for 3 days reduced beta-AR density (~80%) in
adipocytes. Granted, these are animal models and not human, but human
studies of this type are scarce (given the compounds, dosages and tissue
samples required). We do know that beta-AR downregulation occurs in human
tissue as well with beta-agonists (there is lots of data with asthma meds).

The major side effect of beta-agonists is in the nervous system and cardiac
muscle. These beta-ARs downregulate as well, whcih reduces the "feel" that
you refer to. That is, you can tolerate a given dose more.

But remember that these agonists have an indirect effect as well. They
increase levels of catecholamines. These hormones also interact with the
alpha-ARs in addition to the beta-ARs. So there will be two regulatory
mechanisms acting on tissues: beta-ARs and alpha-ARs. Therefore, keep in
mind that ephedrine directly acts on the beta-ARs, but also indirectly acts
on the alpha-ARs (stimulates) via increased catacholamine concentrations.
Now remember that the effects of all these (both beta-AR-mediated and
alpha-AR mediated) are highly tissue specific. This pertains to cardiac,
blood vessels, skeletal, adipose, pancreatic, hepatic, etc. Getting
complicated, isn't it? :)

What I am trying to point out is that we need to look at the big picture
here (which is why I am so shitty at physics :). Effects of any AR agonist
or antagonist is going to depend on: density of specific ARs (both beta
subtypes and alpha subtypes) in a specific tissue, blood supply (which the
aforementioned will affect as both beta-ARs and alpha-ARs affect blood
supply), dosage and route of administration of compound, and duration of
administration of compound.

One (I won't discuss all of them here) of my hypotheses regarding the
continued fat loss seen with chronic ephedrine administration is that there
is increased tissue compartmentalization of the compound and its metabolites
with chronic dosing. In many of the studies with animal models, they use
very high dosages and they are infused IV. Oral administration has different
kinetics. And humans don't typically take the high dosages that they use in
animal models. So compartmentalization may take longer in humans.

Although I am not very knowledgble of pharmacokinetics (and Bill can
interject at any point here), microdialysis has shown that ephedrine (and
other compounds) does not appear in the extracellular space in adipose
tissue with acute administration. What induces lipolysis in these tissues
are the catecholamines, whose concentrations increase due to the
beta-agonists (and alpha2-antagonists). Although no studies specifically
support my contention, with chronic dosing these compounds may appear in the
adipose tissue and therefore have direct interaction with the adipocyte
beta-ARs. Some studies have shown the same with other adrenergic compounds.
For instance, yohimbine and its metabolites may take quite awhile to
compartmentalize in other tissues, as much of the research demonstrates
(which explains why it takes up to 4 weeks for any apparent effects of Y
treatment and penile erectile dysfunction).

Back to your question (yes, this is a bit of mental masturbation, but I've
been wanting to put this forth anyway). Is it safe to add Y when the side
effects of ephedrine wear off (which is an indicator that beta-ARs in
cardiac muscle are downregulated to an extent)? Just remember that Y has
it's own set of regulatory mechanisms. It blocks activity of the alpha2-ARs,
most notably on the neural terminals and on walls of blood vessels. This
results in increased concentrations of norepinephrine and vasodilation. So
its going to increase heart rate and BP. How this affects cardiac muscle
whose beta-ARs (at least, a good percentage of them) are downregulated, I'm
not sure (I avoid cardiac and kidney physiology). The vasodilation
properties would help maintain increased blood flow (stimulation of beta-ARs
induce vasodilation) in skeletal and adipose tissues, which in itself, would
help maintain lipolysis and increase clearance of NEFAs.

It would be logical from the standpoint of blood flow (you won't get any
direct effects of Y on fat cell alpha-ARs unless you chronically dose it)
that it would be helpful, but I question what it would do to cardiac tissue.
THAT alone is enough to make me hesitate. I've dosed yohimbine after
ephedrine (5 hours later) and thought I was going to have to call 911. I
like my ticker too much to take any chances. (and I already have a
pre-existing heart problem)


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
  • Established
Nutrex Lipo-6

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 2 caps
Servings Per: 60
Ephedra Sinica: 335mg
Caffeine: 200mg
Citrus Aurantium: 100mg
Yohimbine HCL: 3mg
Coleus Forskohlii: 50mg
Bioperine: 5mg

Biotest MD-6

Serving Size - 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container - 60

Ephedra sinica Extract - 335mg
(standardized for 20mg ephedra alkaloids) †
L-Tyrosine - 200mg †
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 200mg †
Caffeine - 100mg †
5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan - 25mg †
Yohimbine HCl - 6mg †

Ingredients: gelatin, cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Both work great :)


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  • Established
fascinating. i'll bring this up with elzi.

and in regards to the dosing #'s etc. and see what she says.

i have heard from her, and from several others the same thing about Y and E. but apparently, it (was) produced in an OTC product, with effective results and i am not aware of spiked Adverse Event Reports from them.

i'll see what she says, but thanks for the correction. you edumacated me.

Sir Foxx

Sir Foxx

Active member
  • Established
Bill Phillips was warning against ephedrine/yohimbine stacks all the way back in 1997. People were passing out in the gym on this combo. I've tried it a few times and became a little light-headed, especially during heavy back movements or legs. I think the risks far outweigh any benefits. Stick with an NYC combo if you can get it.
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