To Infinity.... and Beyond!

Power cleans
5 x 95, 135, 155
3 x 175, 195, 215
1 x 225, 235

3 x 275, 325, 365, 390

3 x 10 x 225

Bb rows
3 x 10 x 135

Ez bar curls
3 x 10

Superset with
Hammer curls
3 x 10

Been feeling pretty run down all week with that trench digging so I had meant to actually go a little lower than this and cap myself at 315 just for practice but....

That was enough for today, thought I was gonna pass out or fall asleep a few times lol
I started getting that sorta "fevery hot" feeling behind the eyes. while the sore throat is gone and stomach issues mostly resolved, the fatigue is there so I'm admitting that I'm fighting something. staying on my vitamins and elderberry regiment, going to go golfing again, then resume trench digging Saturday and Upper gym day on Sunday. Should be better by then I'm sure. especially getting sunshine today.

weight is still slipping though... down to 190.6 this morning so I need to watch that a bit. I'd love to be leaner but I need to be healthy and keep my strength progress first.
Nothing like a day of hard trench digging tomorrow to ensure you don’t recover whatever you’re fighting off
Nothing like a day of hard trench digging tomorrow to ensure you don’t recover whatever you’re fighting off
The stubborness is strong with this one! That is some serious work!
Warm up
DB curls, laterals

DB bench
4 x 12 x 60s

5 x 135, 185, 225
3 x 265

Sling shot
1 x 285, 305, 315
15 x 225 (PR by reps with SS lol)

30 x 135

Tricep ext
3 x 20

Hammer strength dips
3 x 12

20 min with the boy

Gym day with my boy! He's doing great with liftoff and spot but didn't want to risk getting pinned under 330+ with him still learning. 315 felt clean and easy, just a tiny bit slow.

My boy did have a bench PR today tho!
Growing, his powers are.
One of the bigger dudes walked over and gave him a fist bump, he said was that a PR? He was pretty happy about that.

I said dude when the other guys recognize you, your weights and PRs you're a real lifter, this is your sport now

Which of course makes dad super happy cause he's tried baseball, wrestling, basketball, and golf but hasn't really taken to any of them like he's starting to with lifting.
One of the bigger dudes walked over and gave him a fist bump, he said was that a PR? He was pretty happy about that.

I said dude when the other guys recognize you, your weights and PRs you're a real lifter, this is your sport now

Which of course makes dad super happy cause he's tried baseball, wrestling, basketball, and golf but hasn't really taken to any of them like he's starting to with lifting.
Heck yeah that’s awesome congrats for your boy!
Nothing like a day of hard trench digging tomorrow to ensure you don’t recover whatever you’re fighting off
The stubborness is strong with this one! That is some serious work!

I truly believe nothing fixes the sniffles better than exercise in the fresh air with some natural sunlight. (along with me doubling down on my elderberry, electrolytes, C, etc)

Got some golf in on Friday and about half way through felt the sore through. had a diet coke and by the time it was all done didn't feel the least bit under the weather again all weekend. body is a little beat up from the ditch digging but I think I have most of the hard manual labor portion done, now all I need to do is cut 80yr old pipes and reterminate them. I'm a little apprehensive about how that's gonna go lol. fingers crossed...
Warm up... Waiting for platform...

Ez bar curls
DB rows
DB RDLs, shrugs

Thought I was gonna end up getting accessories done before I could get a barbell, lol

6 x 185
3 x 245, 305, 365, 395, 415

3 x 8 x 315

Pull ups
3 x 8-10

Ez bar curls
6 x 12+ tut for pump

Lat pull downs
3 x 12

Was dragging my ass until 395# when AC/DC came on the suddenly I came alive

Opted to finish with the 3x8 at 315 instead of RDLs cause I feel like my ROM needs improvement and I wanted full ROM deads for practice/etc.

That session took way longer than it should have. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed
Warm up... Waiting for platform...

Ez bar curls
DB rows
DB RDLs, shrugs

Thought I was gonna end up getting accessories done before I could get a barbell, lol

6 x 185
3 x 245, 305, 365, 395, 415

3 x 8 x 315

Pull ups
3 x 8-10

Ez bar curls
6 x 12+ tut for pump

Lat pull downs
3 x 12

Was dragging my ass until 395# when AC/DC came on the suddenly I came alive

Opted to finish with the 3x8 at 315 instead of RDLs cause I feel like my ROM needs improvement and I wanted full ROM deads for practice/etc.

That session took way longer than it should have. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed
Hard to not come alive when those come on! Nice work on the dead’s man you are putting out great numbers!!
Hard to not come alive when those come on! Nice work on the dead’s man you are putting out great numbers!!
Thanks homie I appreciate it!
It's becoming a bit of a mental challenge keeping myself pushing the envelope but it always feels good after I hit my numbers
On a side note this absolute monster of a man approached me on the other side of the gym a good 15 minutes after I had finished pulling to ask me how much I hit for my tops sets today etc. Which seemed like a monster of a compliment cause he had easily 60-70+lbs on me. Hell, I bet he's a 270lb+ dude. He seemed as big as my 6'7" buddy.

He asked if I do RDLs, I said yes but today I opted to rep out conventional because I wanted the extra stretch/rom. I said normally I'd likely run my RDL's around 315-335 after a day like today. He said... "really? so light? Normally people would run RDL's over their 1rm".

I had to really think about it. his justification was taking it from the rack so it's an easier first pull. OK I thought... soooo a really low rack? or actually unrack it and back up? He said he'd start with a rack pull, back up a step then slam his RDL's. His best being 480lbs. (so I assume if his best RDL was 480 and he says RDL's are heavier than conventional pulls, he has not pulled 480+ off the ground?)

I'm OK with walking around with 225lbs. I can if I have to, walk 315. But this method sounds like an injury waiting to happen. I have done an RDL of 395 x 3 and I got on the interwebz and did some digging and I don't really see anyone talking about running RDL's over their conventional 1rm. I've honestly never heard of that before. I also don't see a scenario where I'm rack pulling more than my 1rm and backing up out of the rack with it, even to put it down.

I love RDL's but unless I'm running at 110% energy level 335lbs for 5-8 reps requires a ton of mental acuity to hold great form and not let my body shift left or right. Seems like it's hard and dangerous enough as it is.
Just sharing in case anyone has thoughts and feedback. When a much larger dude throws ideas out that I've not heard of I try to at least give it a listen in case there is something I don't know. But lately when repping 405+ or benching 3 plates even with a sling shot it seems like every day someone wants to come give me advice and most of it is garbage and only serves to distract me during my go time.
Just sharing in case anyone has thoughts and feedback. When a much larger dude throws ideas out that I've not heard of I try to at least give it a listen in case there is something I don't know. But lately when repping 405+ or benching 3 plates even with a sling shot it seems like every day someone wants to come give me advice and most of it is garbage and only serves to distract me during my go time.

When a guy over 250lbs that has not deadlift 5 plates even gives you advice, you can bet it’s going to be subpar. Because unless he only has one leg or such, that’s a very subpar deadlift for that size, from a competitive standpoint.

Its called a deadlift because the weight is dead, no eccentric prior to store energy. That is how the lift is contested in powerlifting. If you want to overload the deadlift without abusing the equipment and your tendons, instead of slamming the weight on a negative you can do reverse band pulls in a rack. Or just do a rackpull with straps, even simpler.

I have never heard of any serious lifter ever (EVER) training that way. Stepping back for RDLs, sure, because it’s convenient to load on pins and it’s an eccentric-focused hypertrophy movement. But not to slam over 100% 1RM in the hopes of cheating it back up.
When a guy over 250lbs that has not deadlift 5 plates even gives you advice, you can bet it’s going to be subpar. Because unless he only has one leg or such, that’s a very subpar deadlift for that size, from a competitive standpoint.

in the moment, I had a very large dude who was not fat taking interest and so I gave him benefit of the doubt because I know I can be a douche so I was trying to be open minded but as I walked away, things didn't add up to me and I started questioning everything.

Its called a deadlift because the weight is dead, no eccentric prior to store energy. That is how the lift is contested in powerlifting. If you want to overload the deadlift without abusing the equipment and your tendons, instead of slamming the weight on a negative you can do reverse band pulls in a rack. Or just do a rackpull with straps, even simpler.

I have never ever done or thought of this. I've always done the opposite. it would be nice to overload from the ground for full ROM. I need to look at my racks and see if I can pull that off because inside the rack the platform is narrow and the plates would sit lower, creating a deficit (our platforms are t shaped). it would be sort of like using the slingshot for deads though if I could do it. probably absolute hell on the bands too stretched that much lol.

I have never heard of any serious lifter ever (EVER) training that way. Stepping back for RDLs, sure, because it’s convenient to load on pins and it’s an eccentric-focused hypertrophy movement. But not to slam over 100% 1RM in the hopes of cheating it back up.

I hadn't either. had me really second guessing thing. i started looking for any authority at all on the subject that could validate and everyone throws in RDLs at like 30-50 %+ of 1RM. Even at 315 I'm at 63% of my target 500.
I know some guys that do reverse band pulls during peaking cycles, but for the most part they’re unnecessary for a lifter who already has confidence in their ability/no mental barriers with a certain weight.

I don’t think I’ve done one in a decade.
Yeah, that is really an odd thing, and he told you most people do that? Maybe he is just really weak out of the hole and gets his rocks off on heavy RDL's instead. I have always thought of RDL's as hypertrophy work, and additional volume work. Not the main lift.
10 x 95, 95, 95, 135

+ Redbands
5 x 135, 155, 175
3 x 195, 215
1 x 230

1 x 250, 270, 290, 310

1 x 275
8 x 230
12 x 190
20 x 135

+ Redbands
10 x 3 x 165
EMOTM style
Half comp grip, half wide grip

5 x 185, 210, 230

3 x 10 x 30s

Superset with
Tricep push downs
3 x 15

310 felt so fast and easy but it was the highest I was comfortable going with out a spot today. Super heavy overcast that really kills my energy level but once I got going it all came together. Sweating like a pig again.

Weight was 193 this morning
Yeah, that is really an odd thing, and he told you most people do that? Maybe he is just really weak out of the hole and gets his rocks off on heavy RDL's instead. I have always thought of RDL's as hypertrophy work, and additional volume work. Not the main lift.

Yeah that's what he said he thought my style was interesting to him going lighter to rep out after... But I have noticed a trend among very large dudes at the gym who are able to throw around heavy weights. Its like they see me at 190lbs pulling 400-500 ground vs rack, and they see themselves doing the same thing and they think we are at the same level. I have a buddy like that who was always very proud to walk in the gym, grab 120lb db's and slam out a set of 8-10 on flat bench then go home.

But I'm like dude you're 280lbs (he was actually 300, but never admitted it). you're repping out at 85% of your bodyweight and I'm repping out at 120% of my bodyweight. God hit you with a lightening bolt like Zeus but you're pissing it away, I'm grinding my ass off.

That’s a lot of benching!

it took me a long time to get warmed up and firing on all cylinders to be honest. I had basically 2 goals today.

a. knock out my 10 x 3 banded work
b. get in at least one good heavy 300+ rep with sling shot

once I got warm though I wanted to keep going all day. probably would still be at the gym right now if I didn't have to go to work lol.
Well done Sir!!!!
That is a ton of work, great job. Hyde already mentioned about RDL but me personally never seen someone run RDL over their 1rm. I know for certain even slamming the weight on the floor using bumpers now way I could even get withing 80% of my 1rm doing it that way. Crazy talk.
Found myself running errands for my wife's bday tomorrow and just could not afford even a half hr to lift today so I'm going to accept it as a couple extra recovery days and be fresh to go hard Monday. We are boat camping Friday - Sunday so I'm not thinking getting home Sunday then ditching her to run to the gym would be the most husbandy thing I could do, lol

Monday it is!
Found myself running errands for my wife's bday tomorrow and just could not afford even a half hr to lift today so I'm going to accept it as a couple extra recovery days and be fresh to go hard Monday. We are boat camping Friday - Sunday so I'm not thinking getting home Sunday then ditching her to run to the gym would be the most husbandy thing I could do, lol

Monday it is!

This will be good. You will be fresh and excited to lift Monday, your recovery over the weekend will ultimately be poor relative to the amount of time that will be passed, and your relationship will be better for the time connecting.

And idk if you’re like me, but if I am upset about something with my wife, I can’t lift for crap. When I have a happy wife, I have a happy life! So maintaining my relationship is important to my training goals even, in a roundabout way.
This will be good. You will be fresh and excited to lift Monday, your recovery over the weekend will ultimately be poor relative to the amount of time that will be passed, and your relationship will be better for the time connecting.

And idk if you’re like me, but if I am upset about something with my wife, I can’t lift for crap. When I have a happy wife, I have a happy life! So maintaining my relationship is important to my training goals even, in a roundabout way.
Same here, some people like to go to the gym angry. I don't often find I get great workouts then. I think of the argument or whatever instead of being locked into the workout. So I would agree with you for sure about it affecting the quality of workouts. I know some get angry and put it into the session but it doesn't always work that way for me. However sometimes even though the workout is not as good, I go home ready to address the home situation in a better way due to having gotten out some aggressive energy at the gym.
Yeah my wife and I are both the same way actually. If we are tense, work and gym suck lol. But when we are in sync we are unbeatable.

Been making protein my biggest priority, just enjoying summer time, some BBQ and testing the dogs outside the safety of their home....

My wife hid/stored some great cuts from our last cow we had butchered so last night we grilled up some surf and turf with potatoes, today she whipped up eggs, hasbrowns and extra meat for me

Gonna throw on my dad shoes and walk down into the farmers market with her and the pups now

The Persied meteor shower is tonight and we have clear skies with very little light pollution here in south Puget sound, so fingers crossed!

Problem is my wife and I always fall asleep super early when boating Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed
Good looking pups and tasty food! I was thinking of going out to see the light show tonight but don’t want to mess up are little ones sleep 😂

So out of curiosity I was looking on Amazon at these sling shots, are they normally around 50 bucks? I guess I thought they would be more.
So out of curiosity I was looking on Amazon at these sling shots, are they normally around 50 bucks? I guess I thought they would be more.

roughly, you just want to get the right one for your current bench numbers:

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I believe mine is the reactive there, but say the Maddog for instance is recommended for loads of 405+
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Look at the size of those prawn baby!
roughly, you just want to get the right one for your current bench numbers:

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I believe mine is the reactive there, but say the Maddog for instance is recommended for loads of 405+
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I think I got a long ways to go before I will need one of those 😂 I was just curious.

what I really need to get is a new pair of shoes the ones I have now are a hot pile of garbage.
Warm up, waiting for platform

DB rows
Ez bar curls

Leg press
20 x +90
10 x +180, 270, 360
5 x + 450
15 x +270, +180

EZ bar curls
5 x 12 x 70
5 x 12 x 60

SS with chinups
5 x 10

DB rows (double DB)
5 x 10

Hammer curls
5 x 10

Seat DB curls
5 x 10

Lat pull downs
6 x 10-12
Half supinated half regular

Never did get a freed up platform for deads today so went full bb style.

My 20 set experiment on biceps seems effective but man it's a pain and time consuming.
I think I got a long ways to go before I will need one of those I was just curious.

what I really need to get is a new pair of shoes the ones I have now are a hot pile of garbage.
Idk, shoes are good. I have four pairs for the gym. But I have my boy using the sling shot to help train form and he's only benching like 135. He goes raw, then occasionally hits a couple heavies at 135 then drops to 95 to rep out raw
Dude they were like tiny lobsters
Haha, that is exactly what I said when I saw the pictures.
On a side note, when you broil up some crispy brussel sprouts just right they're like french fries
I LOVE crispy brussel sprouts, I need a solid recipe for them at home. Longhorn Steakhouse makes some that are fire!
I LOVE crispy brussel sprouts, I need a solid recipe for them at home. Longhorn Steakhouse makes some that are fire!
a couple years ago we had some fancy-ass ones that my wife loved and we later replicated with like... some sort of vinaigrette, dates, maybe some honey (?). But normally I just cook them in a little olive or avocado oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic. I tend to also throw in whole peeled garlic cloves, and maybe broccoli. toss in the oven around 400-425f for 20 minutes, stir, then finish for another 20 minutes or so.

my ingredients are consistent every time but my cooking temp and time tends to vary. Last night I ran them for 20 minutes at 425f, then pulled them out, added the garlic and some quartered mini potatoes (yukons?), then threw it back in the oven at 325 with a salmon for a half hour. worked out perfect!
a couple years ago we had some fancy-ass ones that my wife loved and we later replicated with like... some sort of vinaigrette, dates, maybe some honey (?). But normally I just cook them in a little olive or avocado oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic. I tend to also throw in whole peeled garlic cloves, and maybe broccoli. toss in the oven around 400-425f for 20 minutes, stir, then finish for another 20 minutes or so.

my ingredients are consistent every time but my cooking temp and time tends to vary. Last night I ran them for 20 minutes at 425f, then pulled them out, added the garlic and some quartered mini potatoes (yukons?), then threw it back in the oven at 325 with a salmon for a half hour. worked out perfect!
See those little nuances of how to do a mixed bake or roasting adding things at different times, that is the good stuff. I would have no idea how to have figured that one out and would have had to make the stuff separately and mix after. That meal sounds pretty damn good by the way.
See those little nuances of how to do a mixed bake or roasting adding things at different times, that is the good stuff. I would have no idea how to have figured that one out and would have had to make the stuff separately and mix after. That meal sounds pretty damn good by the way.
oh man it was good.
When I was xfit competing and on that paleo kick we all were on in the cult, I was baking a ton. I could bake about anything just by winging it, quit using recipes and just made stuff up. My wife though is an amazing cook and I enjoy her cooking far more than any restaurant we've ever ever been to. I'd rather her meals than a $250 5 star. I am learning a lot about real cooking from observing her. She won't learn any baking skills from me though cause I think I've baked once since we've been together, lol. Just no time for that anymore.
some real DOMS in the abs today lol.
I'm guessing from the bent over rows and standing ez bar curls. I never ever ever work abs, and this is why. they get worked when I do everything else 😅 sometimes I think it might be fun to throw in some targeted ab work though and see what happens.
Very interesting, I don't really see any movements in that session that require abs to be worked hard enough for DOMS. Oh wait, I take that back, those chin ups would do it. I am sure you were in a hollow position while doing them.
Very interesting, I don't really see any movements in that session that require abs to be worked hard enough for DOMS. Oh wait, I take that back, those chin ups would do it. I am sure you were in a hollow position while doing them.

yes the chins. I had to fight any kind of previous xfit style to keep myself as stiff and controlled as possible and fight the previous desire to swing a bit lol.

The db rows were double db bent over rows (rather than my usual db row which is one hand on the bench and one hand rowing a db) so that is me staying in a bent over position with the dbs, and the ez bar curls while not heavy, were high volume and I have a similar approach there with an extremely tight core to focus on my elbows in and getting as much squeeze out of the bicep and only the bicep as I possibly can. the only movement in this session that I allow some excessive swing/cheat is the db hammer curls.
Yeah, I guess bracing to avoid collapsing could cause someone to get DOMS in their abs, but it has never happened to me. Now chin ups there really isn't much of a way to keep the abs from working hard if you are in a hollow and locked position. You aren't bracing against collapsing there but actually bracing against the weight trying to expand or stretch the muscle which is a much harder and demanding contraction.
Yeah, I guess bracing to avoid collapsing could cause someone to get DOMS in their abs, but it has never happened to me. Now chin ups there really isn't much of a way to keep the abs from working hard if you are in a hollow and locked position. You aren't bracing against collapsing there but actually bracing against the weight trying to expand or stretch the muscle which is a much harder and demanding contraction.
I bet you're right, the only thing in that session that is outside my normal protocol is the chin-ups. I really had thought it was likely the rows or curls but the more I think about it, those chin-ups have to be the one outlier... either way, the feeling is sorta fun lol. been a while since I felt doms in my abs. I don't really believe in doing targeted ab work since I'm sort of a "you're either above 10% or below 10%" kinda guy, but it does make me want to throw them in again for shits and giggles and see what happens
I bet you're right, the only thing in that session that is outside my normal protocol is the chin-ups. I really had thought it was likely the rows or curls but the more I think about it, those chin-ups have to be the one outlier... either way, the feeling is sorta fun lol. been a while since I felt doms in my abs. I don't really believe in doing targeted ab work since I'm sort of a "you're either above 10% or below 10%" kinda guy, but it does make me want to throw them in again for shits and giggles and see what happens
If you are anything like me any sort of regularity of ab training drastically improves them so long as I am lean enough to notice it. If lean enough and I train my abs like 3-4 times over a week the change is noticeable almost immediately.

Honestly though, I tend to position myself for cable tricep work, and straight Arm Lat Pull so that I have to really fight the weight from trying to straighten me out and my abs I will get sore from that. So I tend to incorporate some work on them with those types of movements anyway.