To Infinity.... and Beyond!

Awesome job on the 305 bench brother…..looks like the Cube was a good choice.💪😎👍

for sure, I want to give it another go in Feb but maybe run the calculator based on a 1rm that is a slight bit higher than my current max... like set the formula based on 310 or 315 and see if I'm able to hang.
for sure, I want to give it another go in Feb but maybe run the calculator based on a 1rm that is a slight bit higher than my current max... like set the formula based on 310 or 315 and see if I'm able to hang.
That makes sense…..most good programs you generally do have to get a feel for it to see how you personally respond and adjust accordingly. But it’s always good when you work a new program and hit your goals, it makes the second go around feel much better when you start again, because you know it works. 👍
15 x 95
5 x 135, 155
2 x 185, 210, 235
1 x 260, 285, 305 (PR)

1 x 315, 325 (PR tie)

Board press (2)
8 x 250

15 x 185

Pec deck
3 sets

OHP (cleaned) for fun
10 x 95
5 x 115
1 x 135, 155

10 x 155

I let my wife know the good news.

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Hell ya congrats! I just ordered the original slingshot and also got the slingshot push-up for $15 on clearance so hoping I got the right size.
That makes sense…..most good programs you generally do have to get a feel for it to see how you personally respond and adjust accordingly. But it’s always good when you work a new program and hit your goals, it makes the second go around feel much better when you start again, because you know it works. 👍

so my buddy's PR was like 280 when I ran the calculator at 300lbs and he just used my numbers. I think I mentioned before some days when we had heavy triples, he couldn't hang so he'd do singles or a double if he had it, but last week on the 1rm testing day he hit a PR 290, then today when I hit my 305, he hit another PR clean at 295. Genetically we have some differences, he's at least 60lbs heavier than me, but overtraining on this program worked for him... I'm going to really have to fight for my life to keep this distance between he and I on bench, cause he has a 500lb squat. I have him on deadlift and bench, but not by enough to match him in total lol.

Hell ya congrats! I just ordered the original slingshot and also got the slingshot push-up for $15 on clearance so hoping I got the right size.

it's crazy addictive lol. I missed mine while I set it aside these past 6 weeks to focus on the cube program. It's crazy fun to throw an extra 10% on the bar and hit it.

Hell yeah way to crush it man!

thanks brother, happy new year man!

Congrats on the PR man!!

Thanks dude, appreciate it! happy new year!
so my buddy's PR was like 280 when I ran the calculator at 300lbs and he just used my numbers. I think I mentioned before some days when we had heavy triples, he couldn't hang so he'd do singles or a double if he had it, but last week on the 1rm testing day he hit a PR 290, then today when I hit my 305, he hit another PR clean at 295. Genetically we have some differences, he's at least 60lbs heavier than me, but overtraining on this program worked for him... I'm going to really have to fight for my life to keep this distance between he and I on bench, cause he has a 500lb squat. I have him on deadlift and bench, but not by enough to match him in total lol.

it's crazy addictive lol. I missed mine while I set it aside these past 6 weeks to focus on the cube program. It's crazy fun to throw an extra 10% on the bar and hit it.

thanks brother, happy new year man!

Thanks dude, appreciate it! happy new year!
Happy New Year….and if she doesn’t want to smash just tell her she doesn’t have a choice or you’ll have to handcuff her!
Somehow benching OVER 300 now, feels like much more BDE than hitting 300 😂

Thanks Brother! appreciate all the wisdom and advice you have shared over the years. Glad @MrKleen73 set the schedule idea up for me to time this just right, closing out 2024 with a PR. I'm feeling pretty stoked!!
I did the 405 at a New Year’s PR party on the 30th last year; it felt like something really special to do it right at the end of the year truthfully. Always great to end on a high note!
I did the 405 at a New Year’s PR party on the 30th last year; it felt like something really special to do it right at the end of the year truthfully. Always great to end on a high note!

I remember your accomplishment very very well, thats why 3 months ago I was doing the deep dive on your thread to remember which programming you went with! You laid the groundwork brother! Now, the one difference is while I did definitely have a decent short bulk, I remember vividly "You gotta eat like its a job". many times while I was eating I felt like I was letting down the ghost of 2023 Hyde LOL but I think +10 or more lbs in 6 weeks is just fine 😅 😅
I remember your accomplishment very very well, thats why 3 months ago I was doing the deep dive on your thread to remember which programming you went with! You laid the groundwork brother! Now, the one difference is while I did definitely have a decent short bulk, I remember vividly "You gotta eat like its a job". many times while I was eating I felt like I was letting down the ghost of 2023 Hyde LOL but I think +10 or more lbs in 6 weeks is just fine 😅 😅
Hey you made it, so you know it was enough food!
You inspired me today. I didn’t hit a bench PR as I had no spotter. 245 went up super fast but 275 felt heavy AF. I was going to go straight to 295 but no way with no spotter.

Then I squatted. Hit 345 which is a PR since I was in my 20’s and on PH’s. Honestly maybe could have got 365 which would tie an all time PR. I didn’t want to push the lower back as I started to lean forward a tad as I was coming up.

I was hoping to go for a DL all time PR today but that is not happening. After hitting a reps PR of 405x3 three weeks ago it has been downhill ever since. Barely got 385x1 last week. I haven’t hit my rep goals the last two weeks.
it's also made me rethink the quiet goal in the back of my head "315lbs at 190bw". Definitely a "is the juice worth the squeeze" situation...
So here’s a dirty little secret about ‘benched X at Y bodyweight’: these guys are small, built to bench, and have actually bulked up significantly to get to that strength level.

The young man doing 405 at 165 typically started at 135 soaking wet; he slowly built 30lbs+ of hard-earned lean mass to get where he is now.

When guys no longer want to get bigger, they often cut down to bench a better power:weight ratio, but they’re getting weaker from an absolute level. Say they bench 500 at 260lbs, but can get down to ~235 and cut to 220 to do 465. It’s now over 2x bodyweight & a better coefficient, but he still gave up 35lbs busting his hump to stay strong as possible as he lost weight.

So recognize that you would be falling into group B to do 315 at 190, which means you need to probably bench it at a higher bodyweight first, or it will take far longer to actually do 315 if not. 315 at under 200 might be more practical, as at least you aren’t losing weight to find that last 10lbs.
Well I see a bunch of y'all got in 1/1/25 lifts yesterday, and it never really occurred to me that the day was much different from any other. I did enjoy a fantastic day of rest of the wife though, she did a reverse sear on some tenderloin steaks we had from the cow we butchered this year and she found these HUGE prawns, like 8"+ (uncooked) for $10 so instead of going out to any parties or expensive dinners on NYE etc we had surf and turf for dinner last night. I tell you what, my wife can cook!! Her food is always better than the stuff we buy when we go out.

You inspired me today. I didn’t hit a bench PR as I had no spotter. 245 went up super fast but 275 felt heavy AF. I was going to go straight to 295 but no way with no spotter.

Then I squatted. Hit 345 which is a PR since I was in my 20’s and on PH’s. Honestly maybe could have got 365 which would tie an all time PR. I didn’t want to push the lower back as I started to lean forward a tad as I was coming up.

I was hoping to go for a DL all time PR today but that is not happening. After hitting a reps PR of 405x3 three weeks ago it has been downhill ever since. Barely got 385x1 last week. I haven’t hit my rep goals the last two weeks.

Man you and I have very very similar numbers. my best bench/squat/pull are 305/360 or 365 I can't remember/485

Congrats on the PR! 305 is awesome. Onwards and upwards brother! Inspiring work. About to go fuel up and hit a bench session...
thanks brother, happy new year!

Happy New Year 💪😎
same to you!!

So recognize that you would be falling into group B to do 315 at 190, which means you need to probably bench it at a higher bodyweight first, or it will take far longer to actually do 315 if not. 315 at under 200 might be more practical, as at least you aren’t losing weight to find that last 10lbs.

I was starting to develop some very similar thoughts...
Well I see a bunch of y'all got in 1/1/25 lifts yesterday, and it never really occurred to me that the day was much different from any other. I did enjoy a fantastic day of rest of the wife though, she did a reverse sear on some tenderloin steaks we had from the cow we butchered this year and she found these HUGE prawns, like 8"+ (uncooked) for $10 so instead of going out to any parties or expensive dinners on NYE etc we had surf and turf for dinner last night. I tell you what, my wife can cook!! Her food is always better than the stuff we buy when we go out.

Man you and I have very very similar numbers. my best bench/squat/pull are 305/360 or 365 I can't remember/485

thanks brother, happy new year!

same to you!!

I was starting to develop some very similar thoughts...

Ya but I weigh 60lbs more! That will change though this year.
Ya but I weigh 60lbs more! That will change though this year.
Just put it to good use. My buddy outweighes me by 60 or 70lbs. Right now he's at 295/470 for bench and deads so I still have him there, but he has an astonishing 500lb squat recently. Since he started hitting higher volume with me in 2024 his bench shot up like 45lbs last year from around 245/250 to 290 on Dec 26th, then he PR'd again at 295 on NYE with me.
Excellent!!! What’s been your total kcal and carb intake recently?

I honestly don't count, I just eat more when I'm on a strength cycle and eat less when I want to cut a few. I keep protein, mostly actual meat, as my staple and if I'm needing to drop 10 I'll go 20:4 with the occasional 36hr fast on rest days....
Bench - FAFO session with my boy
15 x bar, 95
5 x 135
2 x 185, 225
1 x 265, 280, 295

1 x 315, 315, 325 (PR tie)

Board press (2)
3 x 250

10 x 225

10 x bar
5 x 95, 135
1 x 185, 225, 245, 265, 285, 305

5 x 95, 95, 95
(Just teaching my boy)

Just fooling around with my boy. He almost had a 215lb bench (PR) today with mild assistance then DID PR his squats at a clean AF 285. He moved it 10x faster than me

We bailed early to hit the arcade

Weight is 195 today, down 3lbs for no apparent reason or effort.
Congrats on that PR @Dustin07!!! You should definitely be proud of the effort you put in to hit this goal! Well Done!
10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275
8 x 315

(Beltless, ROM practice day)

Seated DB curls
4 x 12

SS with H/S shrugs
4 x 15

Lat pull downs
3 x 15

Cable curls
5 sets
(Various forms, experimenting with ROM and stimulus)

2 sets

Just sorta chill day getting back into routine. Weight 195

I realized I have not deadlifted in a while since I've focused energy effecienty on bench and squats. Normally 315 would be belted for me, but for whatever reason things just felt light today. I was very winded, maybe dehydrated, but all in all this was a nice session to slip back into routine.

we spent a bit of time playing around with different implements trying to find the right rom for a cable curl and see if we could different stimulus. I definitely felt like I had a great bicep pump. I also think that had I been belted, I could have easily gone for a monster set on that 315, like 15+ reps. I was shocked at how well everything broke the ground.
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Well done, were those touch and go reps or did you reset your hips every rep?
10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275
8 x 315

(Beltless, ROM practice day)

Seated DB curls
4 x 12

SS with H/S shrugs
4 x 15

Lat pull downs
3 x 15

Cable curls
5 sets
(Various forms, experimenting with ROM and stimulus)

2 sets

Just sorta chill day getting back into routine. Weight 195

I realized I have not deadlifted in a while since I've focused energy effecienty on bench and squats. Normally 315 would be belted for me, but for whatever reason things just felt light today. I was very winded, maybe dehydrated, but all in all this was a nice session to slip back into routine.

we spent a bit of time playing around with different implements trying to find the right rom for a cable curl and see if we could different stimulus. I definitely felt like I had a great bicep pump. I also think that had I been belted, I could have easily gone for a monster set on that 315, like 15+ reps. I was shocked at how well everything broke the ground.
That’s interesting how the deads felt so light and great within not being the focus of attention.

I don’t know why but on cable curls I’m finding if I stand with my back to the pulley and cable through the legs seems to be hitting 🔥
Bench - FAFO session with my boy
15 x bar, 95
5 x 135
2 x 185, 225
1 x 265, 280, 295

1 x 315, 315, 325 (PR tie)

Board press (2)
3 x 250

10 x 225

10 x bar
5 x 95, 135
1 x 185, 225, 245, 265, 285, 305

5 x 95, 95, 95
(Just teaching my boy)

Just fooling around with my boy. He almost had a 215lb bench (PR) today with mild assistance then DID PR his squats at a clean AF 285. He moved it 10x faster than me

We bailed early to hit the arcade

Weight is 195 today, down 3lbs for no apparent reason or effort.
Congrats on you and your son’s PRs….looks like you guys are starting 2025 with a bang.💪
Well done, were those touch and go reps or did you reset your hips every rep?

somewhere in between.. I never took my hands off the bar, but worked to slow impact on the descent, no bouncing, etc, locking hips and back into place. I was a little bit more aware of form since this is normally a weight where I'd be belted.

That’s interesting how the deads felt so light and great within not being the focus of attention
yeah told my buddy, lets just get some reps in at 225 so we don't lose the ROM, and we kept going lol
I don’t know why but on cable curls I’m finding if I stand with my back to the pulley and cable through the legs seems to be hitting 🔥
that's about where I'm finding it's best although I think what I actually want is to be able to stand further back than that even. if the pully cable was not in the way of my back then I'd back up 1-3" further I think ideally.

Congrats on you and your son’s PRs….looks like you guys are starting 2025 with a bang.💪
for real! he squats today at school so I'm trying to figure out if I can get him to squat this weekend. 2x per week is really great for him right now.
5 x 135
8 x 160
8 x 190
5 x 225
3 x 250
3 x 270

Board (2)
3 x 270
5 x 245

Incline db
12 x 45s, 50s,
15 x 55s
+ 10 x 42.5s dropset

OH cable ext Rope attachment
3 sets roughly to failure

Pec deck
3 sets

Kettlebell armbars
Few sets per side.

Shoulder felt a little fucky on the 270 set so I pulled it a little short there and finished with kettlebell armbars as a "just in case" prehab.
That’s interesting how the deads felt so light and great within not being the focus of attention.

I don’t know why but on cable curls I’m finding if I stand with my back to the pulley and cable through the legs seems to be hitting 🔥
Try putting on a single handle and step out so your hand is actually behind your back pulling your biceps into a stretch and do curls from that deep stretch. You will thank me later. Even better if you have dual pulleys and can do both arms at once to save time.
10 x bar, 95
5 x 135
2 x 185, 225
1 x 265, 295
3 x 315, 315
5 x 275
(Last rep paused)

V squats
3 sets

Leg ext
3 sets

Just time for some meat and potatoes today.
Are the V Squats done with your heels together and knees out or what exactly are they?
Try putting on a single handle and step out so your hand is actually behind your back pulling your biceps into a stretch and do curls from that deep stretch. You will thank me later. Even better if you have dual pulleys and can do both arms at once to save time.

so funny, my last two sets were what you just described actually. it's one of those machines with a cable pully on each side so two people could be doing say tricep extensions or one person can reach both for curls. it was a weird sensation, not the burn I love from like say 21s, but massive bloodpump

Are the V Squats done with your heels together and knees out or what exactly are they?

its a different machine than the hack squats, I feel like with the v squats I get a deeper rom that its way more focused on the quads, adductors, and balls if I go to deep before I'm warm. my quads were shaking today. I personally feel like I am getting more training stimulus from the v squat machine than the hack squat machine allthough both can be miserable when done enough lol..

Hey I didn’t want to busy Seg’s log up, but do you take a vitamin D3 supplement? You were talking about the lack of it in winter and it made me consider you might actually trying to be relying solely on that year round, which is not a valid strategy for optimal male health generally.
so funny, my last two sets were what you just described actually. it's one of those machines with a cable pully on each side so two people could be doing say tricep extensions or one person can reach both for curls. it was a weird sensation, not the burn I love from like say 21s, but massive bloodpump

its a different machine than the hack squats, I feel like with the v squats I get a deeper rom that its way more focused on the quads, adductors, and balls if I go to deep before I'm warm. my quads were shaking today. I personally feel like I am getting more training stimulus from the v squat machine than the hack squat machine allthough both can be miserable when done enough lol..

View attachment 248583
Ah got ya, I have called this thing so many things. Some companies call it a True Squat, some call it a Power Squat. Either way, if I could only have one machine for legs, and wasn't dealing with a spinal compression issue this would be it. Great for quads, adductors, glutes, hamstrings, and even calves. I love doing a modified good morning on that thing facing in. It not only allows you to push up, but forward with the movement really engaging the glutes and hammies better. A person could build a really solid set of legs with that machine alone!
Hey I didn’t want to busy Seg’s log up, but do you take a vitamin D3 supplement? You were talking about the lack of it in winter and it made me consider you might actually trying to be relying solely on that year round, which is not a valid strategy for optimal male health generally.

I do have vitamin D but have been horrible about remembering to take it. but can you elaborate on what you mean about relying on it? Do you mean relying on the supplementation or relying on actual sunshine?

Yesterday we had a warm day, like 47f, and beautiful blue bird skies with the sun out. it's crazy how much my energy level and mood improve on a day like that! felt great to hit some balls at the range.

Ah got ya, I have called this thing so many things. Some companies call it a True Squat, some call it a Power Squat. Either way, if I could only have one machine for legs, and wasn't dealing with a spinal compression issue this would be it. Great for quads, adductors, glutes, hamstrings, and even calves. I love doing a modified good morning on that thing facing in. It not only allows you to push up, but forward with the movement really engaging the glutes and hammies better. A person could build a really solid set of legs with that machine alone!

It's a pretty good/hard machine. I can actually stack a fair amount of weight on it depending on the depth of ROM i'm aiming for. My buddy likes to bottom it out and hit bottom, I will at light weight but generally I consider myself OK if I'm breaking parallel.

Yesterday I hit the driving range for the first time in ages to try to kick off 2025 after work. Between that and my squat session my body is worked today! LOL. Longest drive reached 293 yards which feels pretty good this early in the season fighting the cold air with range balls after a gym session. If I had to guess I'd say thats way beyond normal for me in January.
I do have vitamin D but have been horrible about remembering to take it. but can you elaborate on what you mean about relying on it? Do you mean relying on the supplementation or relying on actual sunshine?

Yesterday we had a warm day, like 47f, and beautiful blue bird skies with the sun out. it's crazy how much my energy level and mood improve on a day like that! felt great to hit some balls at the range.
Also curious to this question as well.
I do have vitamin D but have been horrible about remembering to take it. but can you elaborate on what you mean about relying on it? Do you mean relying on the supplementation or relying on actual sunshine?
I mean if you’re not living in a southern state you should not be relying on sunshine to maintain healthy D3 levels year round. Even people who work outside often won’t store enough to get through winter well, and that’s the time it’s most critical to deal with all the viruses going around. People who died from COVID generally had low D as well as varying levels of metabolic/cardiovascular disease.

I recommend everyone get their D3 tested annually, so you know what you’re working with, but many people will benefit from a supplement. And you’d get tested again to make sure you’re taking enough (and not too much). Most people need 2-5,000iu D3, taken with a meal containing fats, daily to stay above a deficient range (you want levels between 30-100). I need 10,000+iu, and currently use 14k iu to stay around 70s. Some people don’t need any.

You don’t really get healthier being higher in that range, but you can suffer many consequences being low - immune, cardiovascular, bone, and hormonal consequences.

If you supplement with D3, also supplement with K2 at 180mcg same time - this ensures calcium gets deposited in the bones by D3, not the arteries. This is also why SNS Cardiovascular Support XT contains both D3 & K2.
I mean if you’re not living in a southern state you should not be relying on sunshine to maintain healthy D3 levels year round. Even people who work outside often won’t store enough to get through winter well, and that’s the time it’s most critical to deal with all the viruses going around. People who died from COVID generally had low D as well as varying levels of metabolic/cardiovascular disease.

I recommend everyone get their D3 tested annually,

Also, best minimalist supplement for D3/K2 is by NOW - 5,000iu/180mcg in one tiny pill.

Good stuff, I've never (that I can recall) tested or at least observed results on D before, but last time I recall my wife's blood work covering it it was literally the only low metric she had. Of course everyone just laughed it off and said "welcome to washington" but at the time she and i did make a better push on the supplemenation.

I have NatureMade at my desk, they're 1000iu but I can take a few, actually 5 at a time if you think 5k is the way to go. Just popped some right now, so thank you for the reminder 🤘

Yeah I do recall the COVID discussion around vitamin D and remember that when I tested positive I was in Arizona at the time in beautiful weather and nobody in the areas I was in gave 2 $hits about it, but maybe they had a better scenario for handling it naturally. I know my COVID experience was incredibly mild. almost entirely a nothing burger except for about 12 hours of no taste and 4-7 days of no smell.
Good stuff, I've never (that I can recall) tested or at least observed results on D before, but last time I recall my wife's blood work covering it it was literally the only low metric she had. Of course everyone just laughed it off and said "welcome to washington" but at the time she and i did make a better push on the supplemenation.

I have NatureMade at my desk, they're 1000iu but I can take a few, actually 5 at a time if you think 5k is the way to go. Just popped some right now, so thank you for the reminder 🤘

Yeah I do recall the COVID discussion around vitamin D and remember that when I tested positive I was in Arizona at the time in beautiful weather and nobody in the areas I was in gave 2 $hits about it, but maybe they had a better scenario for handling it naturally. I know my COVID experience was incredibly mild. almost entirely a nothing burger except for about 12 hours of no taste and 4-7 days of no smell.
For now, until you get some K2 to pair with a larger dose (and ideally a blood test), I’d just take 2,000iu once a day with/after a meal containing some fat. That’s a good safety net that’s not going to do anything drastic but will still help ensure things go in the right direction.
If you supplement with D3, also supplement with K2 at 180mcg same time - this ensures calcium gets deposited in the bones by D3, not the arteries. This is also why SNS Cardiovascular Support XT contains both D3 & K2.

I did not know that about the K2 piece. Will pick some up to go alongside my D3.
Throw some biscuits in there and got a full Sunday meal!
Man, some biscuits and gravy with spicy sausage sound fugging amazing right about now!!!