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So based on the fact i pretty much can do body-weight pull-ups now, My back/bi workout will be more centered on Pull-Up movements. I will be doing Overhand/Wide/Hammer/Chins first without assistance (if i can, it may take a few more workouts) Then move on to assisted. It will definitely kick up the sets/intensity. Also going to cut out some movements, probably more than likely gonna be some curl movements. If my bi's don't grow from 30+ sets of pull-ups then i will literally be shocked haha


  • RockStar
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So based on the fact i pretty much can do body-weight pull-ups now, My back/bi workout will be more centered on Pull-Up movements. I will be doing Overhand/Wide/Hammer/Chins first without assistance (if i can, it may take a few more workouts) Then move on to assisted. It will definitely kick up the sets/intensity. Also going to cut out some movements, probably more than likely gonna be some curl movements. If my bi's don't grow from 30+ sets of pull-ups then i will literally be shocked haha
They will grow man!!
Maybe a couple pump sets after back and that'll be all you need. My biceps are pretty big I'm told and I don't do more than 4sets a week for biceps lol.


Well-known member
They will grow man!!
Maybe a couple pump sets after back and that'll be all you need. My biceps are pretty big I'm told and I don't do more than 4sets a week for biceps lol.
That's actually the plan haha ironic, I just plan to do 4-5 sets of ez bar preacher curls or something like that.

It seems like the small muscles barely need anything to grow (besides calves LOL)

My bi's i feel are lagging too... Hmm maybe i need to cut out bi's almost all the way. I think for some bodyparts less may be more.

EX. Zack Khan, I've followed this dude for a while and i NEVER/RARELY see him training tri's/bi's. He seems to always focus on compound more than anything. And his arms are eh... not so small LOL

Also some more irony is i train my arms with LOTS of volume/intensity but they barely respond.. I HAVE TO TRY THIS APPROACH NOW I JUST SOLD MYSELF! You can even tell from my pic's, Back usually responds to volume which it has been, same with legs.. It all makes sense now! :D


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I think though some ppl respond better to different training methods. Even for different bodyparts. Especially when growth is the goal. For strength in one rep ranges obviously 10-12 reps are not a good idea. But for growth it's all your own body. I'll be posting more on this when I start my lean bulk.


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I think though some ppl respond better to different training methods. Even for different bodyparts. Especially when growth is the goal. For strength in one rep ranges obviously 10-12 reps are not a good idea. But for growth it's all your own body. I'll be posting more on this when I start my lean bulk.
That's definitely true, I meant more along the lines of sets. I tend to forget that volume means more reps to a lot of people. I'll just keep messing with it and see what happens.

Another note of today is i'm having this feeling of my skin being tight and almost a pump like feel throughout my body. Like my hands for example, when i make a fist it almost feels like my hands all pumped up. I have that feeling everywhere. Skin is a little red on arms, I must be growing or something because my sodium intake today was low so i should not be holding a lot of water. Either way it feels awesome, Forearm is pumped up a **** ton too.

Last time i experienced this was when i was winter bulking last year, i gained about 60-70Lbs over that time period but i got this "tight" feeling pretty much all the time. I really think it's an indication of muscle growth considering i'm dropping fat slowly.

Guess well find out tomorrow when i train!



  • RockStar
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That's definitely true, I meant more along the lines of sets. I tend to forget that volume means more reps to a lot of people. I'll just keep messing with it and see what happens.

Another note of today is i'm having this feeling of my skin being tight and almost a pump like feel throughout my body. Like my hands for example, when i make a fist it almost feels like my hands all pumped up. I have that feeling everywhere. Skin is a little red on arms, I must be growing or something because my sodium intake today was low so i should not be holding a lot of water. Either way it feels awesome, Forearm is pumped up a **** ton too.

Last time i experienced this was when i was winter bulking last year, i gained about 60-70Lbs over that time period but i got this "tight" feeling pretty much all the time. I really think it's an indication of muscle growth considering i'm dropping fat slowly.

Guess well find out tomorrow when i train!

Wow that sound great!!
Shoot for some new PRs tomorrow for sure!!


Well-known member
Wow that sound great!!
Shoot for some new PRs tomorrow for sure!!
Oh i definitely plan to!

Diet Breakdown 9/13/11
Calories: 4430
Protein: 302 Grams


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Workout went exactly how i expected, i got 13 BW Chin-Ups i'm so happy haha but either way i got to a bicep exercise and after 1 set i felt done. So in an essence i'm pretty much not gonna train bi's directly anymore and see what happens from pull-ups. Workout was shorter today but i made it count. Pretty much cut almost 30 min out. Weight this morning was 231.2Lbs BUT it probably is more like 230 since i didn't answer nature yet. Either way I'm starting to notice a difference everywhere. I need to get my tri's growing more though! I think i'm just gonna see what happens if i cut out arm training. I more than likely need more recovery for my arms, I've gotten really high up there with sets with little to show but an impressive workout. I'm starting to utilize some smarts now, it should yield the progress i'm craving!

Workout will be up later!


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Workout went exactly how i expected, i got 13 BW Chin-Ups i'm so happy haha but either way i got to a bicep exercise and after 1 set i felt done. So in an essence i'm pretty much not gonna train bi's directly anymore and see what happens from pull-ups. Workout was shorter today but i made it count. Pretty much cut almost 30 min out. Weight this morning was 231.2Lbs BUT it probably is more like 230 since i didn't answer nature yet. Either way I'm starting to notice a difference everywhere. I need to get my tri's growing more though! I think i'm just gonna see what happens if i cut out arm training. I more than likely need more recovery for my arms, I've gotten really high up there with sets with little to show but an impressive workout. I'm starting to utilize some smarts now, it should yield the progress i'm craving!

Workout will be up later!
Good Job, congratulations on achieving your goal!


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Good Job, congratulations on achieving your goal!
Thanks Al! Now goal is to get BW wide grip pull-ups and then start adding weight :D


  • RockStar
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Thanks Al! Now goal is to get BW wide grip pull-ups and then start adding weight :D
sweet man! I remember a couple years ago I couldnt even do ONE pull up. Feels great whenever you break a PR. Keep hitting those PRs man.


Well-known member
sweet man! I remember a couple years ago I couldnt even do ONE pull up. Feels great whenever you break a PR. Keep hitting those PRs man.
Yeah definitely, last time i did a pull-up i was 155Lbs too xD, Imagine hanging 45Lb plates from a belt and doing them..


  • RockStar
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Yeah definitely, last time i did a pull-up i was 155Lbs too xD, Imagine hanging 45Lb plates from a belt and doing them..

Wow 155... haha, you have made it a LONG way my friend. Last time I was 155 was in elementary...? haha


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Yeah definitely, last time i did a pull-up i was 155Lbs too xD, Imagine hanging 45Lb plates from a belt and doing them..
155Lbs... WHAT??? How tall were you when you weighed that... I mean you are 6'4" your bones weight at least that, LoL!


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Workout went exactly how i expected, i got 13 BW Chin-Ups i'm so happy haha but either way i got to a bicep exercise and after 1 set i felt done. So in an essence i'm pretty much not gonna train bi's directly anymore and see what happens from pull-ups. Workout was shorter today but i made it count. Pretty much cut almost 30 min out. Weight this morning was 231.2Lbs BUT it probably is more like 230 since i didn't answer nature yet. Either way I'm starting to notice a difference everywhere. I need to get my tri's growing more though! I think i'm just gonna see what happens if i cut out arm training. I more than likely need more recovery for my arms, I've gotten really high up there with sets with little to show but an impressive workout. I'm starting to utilize some smarts now, it should yield the progress i'm craving!

Workout will be up later!
Congrats man, my goal is 10 in a row lol.


Well-known member
155Lbs... WHAT??? How tall were you when you weighed that... I mean you are 6'4" your bones weight at least that, LoL!
6' 3"/6' 4" Same as now, I've got small bones but here's a pic haha

P90xInsanity Hybrid Day 1 #1.jpg

I have another pic where i'm even leaner but i don't know how much i weigh..

Here it is, there's also a pic from the back you can see striations which i never noticed :eek:

P90xInsanity Hybrid Day 30 #1.jpg

Considering i had no idea what i was doing right here it makes me feel even better i accomplished it. This was from pretty much a home workout i put together with pushups/pullups that i had done for a couple months. I also did that Insanity cardio program which is what initially got me really lean.


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At that height and build I would still have guessed at least 175Lbs, well keep at it, how about being that lean at like 200Lbs???


Well-known member
damn bro!! youve put on some weight.. when were those pics from?

and you're talking about cutting bi work by doing pull ups, is this the compound exercises you were talking about? i wasnt even sure what the hell you meant by compound when you mentioned it earlier ..but this makes sense.

you'll never catch me dead layin off bi's, probably some of my favorite lifts.
any advice for compounds that would build the forearms?


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  • RockStar
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damn bro!! youve put on some weight.. when were those pics from?

and you're talking about cutting bi work by doing pull ups, is this the compound exercises you were talking about? i wasnt even sure what the hell you meant by compound when you mentioned it earlier ..but this makes sense.

you'll never catch me dead layin off bi's, probably some of my favorite lifts.
any advice for compounds that would build the forearms?
Forearms are seriously worked anytime you are doing back, biceps, basically any upper body exercise that requires you to hold on to heavy weight! My forearms grew the best with I did forward and reverse bar rolls with the rope and weight at the end, nothing has built my forearms like that!!!


  • RockStar
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6' 3"/6' 4" Same as now, I've got small bones but here's a pic haha

View attachment 44043

I have another pic where i'm even leaner but i don't know how much i weigh..

Here it is, there's also a pic from the back you can see striations which i never noticed :eek:

View attachment 44045

Considering i had no idea what i was doing right here it makes me feel even better i accomplished it. This was from pretty much a home workout i put together with pushups/pullups that i had done for a couple months. I also did that Insanity cardio program which is what initially got me really lean.
damn this is MEAN progress!!!


Well-known member
Forearms are seriously worked anytime you are doing back, biceps, basically any upper body exercise that requires you to hold on to heavy weight! My forearms grew the best with I did forward and reverse bar rolls with the rope and weight at the end, nothing has built my forearms like that!!!
right on man, yeah ive seen those being done and ive always thought about tryin them..just never got around to it. not sure which gym i'll go to tomorrow but if they have the right equipment im definitely gonna hit this up!!


Well-known member
At that height and build I would still have guessed at least 175Lbs, well keep at it, how about being that lean at like 200Lbs???
I've been getting that a lot lately, Makes me feel really good that i look heavier than i actually weigh :D, I did think about seriously cutting but i'm just gonna keep my fat under control and march forward 1Lb at a time.

damn bro!! youve put on some weight.. when were those pics from?

and you're talking about cutting bi work by doing pull ups, is this the compound exercises you were talking about? i wasnt even sure what the hell you meant by compound when you mentioned it earlier ..but this makes sense.

you'll never catch me dead layin off bi's, probably some of my favorite lifts.
any advice for compounds that would build the forearms?
Those pic's were from around July 11', August i went on a roadtrip then when i got back i started going to the gym instead of doing home workouts. THAT'S when i blew up!

What i meant by that was i'm gonna do bodyweight chin ups with bi's prioritized so when i do them i focus on using my arms more. I'm pretty sure a 230Lb "Bicep" curl will be better for me than the normal DB work i did. Plus i have had trouble growing my arms more so i may need to not work them directly as much. I do a lot of heavy rowing too. As i'm typing this my arms still feel sapped from my workout even though i cut out 2 entire bi exercises.

damn this is MEAN progress!!!
Thanks man! I REALLY messed up my diet though, not by bad foods. But i seriously was trying to eat like 1000-1500 calories while doing this insane cardio program. If i would have eaten around 3k i would have been as lean or leaner and bigger. I learned really quick though and that's a good thing.

Dammmm bro, congrats on that progress man

Keep up the great work !

Oh and you guys would FREAK if you saw older pic's than that, their from about 2 years prior around 2008 i seriously looked so skinny that i myself can't believe it! I had a SMALL sized shirt and my arms weren't even close to filling out the sleeves, This was when i skated a LOT but i probably didn't eat enough so i wasn't intentionally that skinny. It is going to make an absolutely insane transformation/motivation for people once i finally am content with my physique and time to get on stage and begin my dream.


  • RockStar
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I guess that's why you call yourself tiny lol. But man you sure ain't tiny anymore. :)


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I guess that's why you call yourself tiny lol. But man you sure ain't tiny anymore. :)
Sorta haha, it's kind of a joke between a guy in the gym and me. He always makes fun of my hands because since my bones are so tiny my hands look smaller the bigger i get. He always talks about the burger king commercial haha it's pretty funny though



Well-known member
Hahah. I see! Well small hands gonna make you look even bigger haha.
Man i really hope so, i want the illusion to be as drastic as possible. PAUL DILLET IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THIS! 6'1" 285Lbs, but had smallllll joints/bones. One step at a time is what it's gonna take.




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Omg that guy is huge!!!!
Keep lifting hard and eatin big buddy!!


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Back/Bi's *Pull-Up HELL* 9/14/11
Duration: 2-2.25 Hours (15-30 minutes shorter)
Mood: Confident
Energy: Strong
Other notes: Body weight today was 230-231Lbs, Last workout i was 226Lbs.
Pull-Ups Overhand Grip- These are done with a pause at the bottom.
BW x 3
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 6
BW x 9 *PR* +3 Reps
Chin-Ups- Mostly for Bi's, First time doing these in a longggggg time.
BW x 9 *PR*
BW x 10 *PR*
BW x 10 *PR*
BW x 10 *PR*
BW x 13 *PR*
(Assisted) Wide-Grip Pull Ups- BW @ 230/231Lbs for pull-up reference.
-30 x 7 *PR* Wasn't an amazing PR, form was rough and back was definitely spent from bodyweight.
-50 x 6
-80 x 10
-100 x 17 *PR* +3 Reps, Beta-Alanine must be kicking in now because the burn is getting less intense.
Drop set to
(Assisted) Pull-Ups Overhand Grip-
-40 x 8 (I guess PR since i weigh 6Lbs heavier? Got the same last week)
-60 x 10
-80 x 7
Drop set to
(Assisted) Hammer-Grip Pull Ups-
-60 x 6
-80 x ?
Drop set to
Wide-Grip Pull Downs- Doing these with a lot more control now.
80 x 20 *PR* +4 Reps, this was a warm up xD
100 x 14
120 x 13
140 x 10
160 x 7
Yate's Row Over Hand Grip- Do these in the power rack and do every rep from a dead-stop (meaning bar sits on rails for a second before another rep is initiated)
135 x 28 *PR* +18 Reps. Was really surprised by this o_O
225 x 10 *PR*
225 x 10 *PR*
EZ-Bar Curls- Did 1 set standing and i was done. Tried preachers and my bi's were fried.
50 x 14
Wide Grip ROW-
80 x 20
95 x 13
140 x 5 *PR*

Other Exercises: (Yup, i did it again :))
Incline Bench Push-Ups- 4 Sets, not to failure.

46 Sets Total


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Other notes for today:

As soon as i got back from training i started to get hungry... not just normal hungry after a workout either i was STARVING, i sailed through a HUGE bowl of 4 Cups fruity pebbles and 24oz of whole milk for post-workout glycogen replenishment and after ALL that i felt the same as before. Appetite is seriously blowing up right now. Don't be surprised if you see 5k+ calories for today, i'm THAT hungry!! Good thing though!


  • RockStar
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Sick volume!! Your lats must be SO pumped!! Man. That's the motivation I needed for my Saturday pull day.

Keep busting those PRs!!


Well-known member
Omg that guy is huge!!!!
Keep lifting hard and eatin big buddy!!
Sick volume!! Your lats must be SO pumped!! Man. That's the motivation I needed for my Saturday pull day.

Keep busting those PRs!!
I know right? It's a shame the guy stopped competing/training, i mean seriously if i had that physique i would dedicate myself to just being a motivational freight train for people.

Oh they were it was almost painful too! I have been having an annoying feeling on my left lat right by the teres area. I have been using a tennis ball on it and it seems to be getting better little by little. Glad to motivate you man kill the sh*t outta your pull day!


  • RockStar
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I know right? It's a shame the guy stopped competing/training, i mean seriously if i had that physique i would dedicate myself to just being a motivational freight train for people.

Oh they were it was almost painful too! I have been having an annoying feeling on my left lat right by the teres area. I have been using a tennis ball on it and it seems to be getting better little by little. Glad to motivate you man kill the sh*t outta your pull day!
Dude that's some mean food you're getting in!!
Yea the lats are hard to massage but the tennis ball trick works well IMO.
That guy though.... Shiet. But then again in a couple days Jay will be on stage at the olympia. Haha. That is motivational!!!


Well-known member
Dude that's some mean food you're getting in!!
Yea the lats are hard to massage but the tennis ball trick works well IMO.
That guy though.... Shiet. But then again in a couple days Jay will be on stage at the olympia. Haha. That is motivational!!!
The cool thing is i'm not forcing it like before, i'm just hungry more often. Metabolism is definitely picking up speed again! I'll keep updating if the pain continues, it seems to only be like a soreness honestly but it feels weird that's why i'm cautious.

I still can't comprehend how big he must have been i mean the average IFBB Pro is like 5'9"-5'11". THE OLYMPIA IS GONNA BE KICKASS! Probably gonna watch it on a webcast, i really want to go to the Arnold Classic Expo next year. If i score a job at my gym they go every year so maybe i could tag with them. People tell me they leave with hundreds of dollars worth of stuff like supp's and shirts/etc.


  • RockStar
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The cool thing is i'm not forcing it like before, i'm just hungry more often. Metabolism is definitely picking up speed again! I'll keep updating if the pain continues, it seems to only be like a soreness honestly but it feels weird that's why i'm cautious.

I still can't comprehend how big he must have been i mean the average IFBB Pro is like 5'9"-5'11". THE OLYMPIA IS GONNA BE KICKASS! Probably gonna watch it on a webcast, i really want to go to the Arnold Classic Expo next year. If i score a job at my gym they go every year so maybe i could tag with them. People tell me they leave with hundreds of dollars worth of stuff like supp's and shirts/etc.
What?! Damn i have a friend that is going to the Olympia. Lucky bum.

Take care of that back!! And keep fueling the machine.


Well-known member
What?! Damn i have a friend that is going to the Olympia. Lucky bum.

Take care of that back!! And keep fueling the machine.
Lucky him that'd be really cool to meet pro's

Working on it right now as i speak!

Oh and here's a pic of Jay from today....I'm sorry to say this but Kai/Phil are gonna have to be spot on.



  • RockStar
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Omfg. He looks in better shape than last year!!

What is that?! Lol

5'8" 265lbs eh? Damn.


Well-known member
Omfg. He looks in better shape than last year!!

What is that?! Lol

5'8" 265lbs eh? Damn.
Ohhhhh man if he comes in better than this i think my head will explode.



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speaking of which...

Diet Breakdown 9/14/11
Calories: 5040
Protein: 353 Grams



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Damn that's a good day of eats.
For what it's worth i had 2 shakes today too.. But they were made with whole food haha


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Diet Breakdown 9/15/11
Calories: 4430
Protein: 274 Grams


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Oh no appetite today? lol
Well, what i'm doing with higher calories on training days is to try and off-set the cal's i burn from training. Off days since i'm not training 4400-4600 seem to be fine since i'm not doing anything really. Weight is 231.4Lbs (+12.8Lbs) as of today, it's cool how my weight goes up here's an example from last week.

I added a little bit of cal's around when i was 224 and that did the trick. It won't be long now till these XL sized shirts will be too small :firedevil:

GETTING READY TO TRAIN C/S/T Ironically i need to work on all these areas so today i might drop the sets a little bit depending on how i feel because that's how i train, Instinctively!

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