Time to start Competing ...


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WORKOUT 1, Tangy Tangerine, 1 SERVING

Today was my first workout using Compete. I’ve been nursing a few injuries, so while I hit chest very hard/heavy, I took it easy on biceps, focusing on solid reps & not aggravating my elbow inflammation & lower arm tendonitis. At the end of the workout I also did my typical forearm workout. I was very excited to try Compete since iForce is probably my favorite supplement company. When it comes to pre-workout products in my opinion you cannot beat 1 scoop of Hemavol + 1 scoop of Maximize Intense (really looking forward to trying the new Grape Ape version). I’m also a big fan of Dexaprine (both versions) as well as TT-33. This is the next big step for iForce & based upon today, I must say, THEY DELIVERED. I typically drink my pre-workout on my way to the gym and during my first two exercises, which today was incline & flat bench. It was a fairly weak start to the workout for me only getting 225 for 2 sets of 3 on the incline after 185x10 & 205x8 & then 4 sets of 8 on the flat bench (but I was using a much wider grip than usual, to switch things up.)
Then it was time to try Compete! I poured the single serving of Tangy Tangerine into my blender bottle with just the right amount of water. Here’s what I found …

-Mixability: 10/10 Perfect. Nothing more needs to be said other than one word … PERFECT.

-Taste: 11/10 Seriously, hands down, best tasting supplement ever. I’m also a big fan of Lemon Drop Hemavol & Mango Peach Tea Maximize Intense … but this wins, easily. I could see myself sipping on this around the house & at work … a single scoop in a blender bottle to stay hydrated/anabolic (could get expensive though …)

-Performance: 10/10 My workout picked up dramatically after starting Compete. Truthfully, it may have been due to my excitement but my decline bench & cable crossovers went very smoothly. I was extremely focused, but in a good way, definitely the combination of Vinpocetine & Rhodiola. Also, I really like knowing that I’m ingesting the Carnitines & Whey Hydrolysate, as well as the electrolytes. The Citrulline combined with the amount in 1 scoop of Hemavol adds to the endurance & pump.

I felt like I could keep lifting for hours … but my wife is 38 weeks pregnant & would not have appreciated that!! Here’s what I know … my life is going to change dramatically over the next few weeks & diet/training may suffer a tad, but Compete will help me stay in the game. Not only will I be doing two scoops every workout but I will also, when needed, sip on it outside the gym to stay anabolic … or at least anti-catabolicJ

I’m psyched to get my three tubs in the mail on Monday (one of each flavor, thanks GRN).

Just want to drop a quick thank you to iForce & Vaughn. Very well done!!


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just saw this!! amazing review! bump for the other flavors + 2 scoop servings!


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WORKOUT 2, Lemondrop, 2 SERVINGS

After an amazing workout on Saturday featuring 1 scoop of Compete, I decided to take yesterday off due to injuries. My elbow & lower arm have been in very poor condition & my last tricep workout was a complete waste, with this in mind, I wanted to space bi’s & tri’s by a day to reduce inflammation as much as possible. This was an early morning workout from approximately 6:15AM – 7:45AM followed by 20 minutes of hill intervals on the elliptical.

Before I start talking about the workout, I must say that I’m sitting here, sipping on a scoop of Tangerine Compete in a blender bottle with water & ice, it’s amazing.

This was another great workout. Typically my morning workouts start slow, then get going, then end on a slow note. Today was very different. There was no slow start, probably because I was so excited to try two scoops of Compete & there was definitely no slowing at the end (I credit this to Compete.)

I started off with some pull-ups which have been suffering from my lower arm injury. These were ok, bodyweightx10, 25lbsx8, 45lbsx5x2. Looks crappy when a year ago I was doing +90lbs for 4, but I’ll try not to think about thatJ From there, I did some supported t-bar rows, then some close grip lat pulldowns.

Now for the exciting part, following close grip pulldowns, I headed to the lockerroom to get my Compete. From here on out the workout was great. I did some high-rep cable rows following by a lot of high-rep work for triceps. Unfortunately this was all cable work, but I’m trying to take it easy because of the injury.

An interesting side note … a guy came over to me & said “I’m not sure what you’re doing, but you look great, getting big & cut up.” I replied it must be my injuries, lackluster diet & crappy sleep J I should have said, it’s the Hemavol, Compete & Maximize Intense!!!

I drank about 80% of the Compete while I finished up triceps & abs. I then added water to the remaining amount & sipped during cardio. Moving forward, I’ll probably use a full scoop for during cardio but I didn’t receive my personal supply until this afternoon.

-Mixability: 10/10 Perfect. Nothing more needs to be said other than one word … PERFECT.

-Taste: 10/10. I like the Tangerine more but this is very good. In fact, it reminds me of a lemon water ice flavor I used to get at Pop’s Water Ice in South Philadelphia, a spot I always used to go to with my grandfather, so this brought back some cool memories!!

-Performance: 10/10 I really like the way Compete makes me feel. The endurance aspect is very strong, especially with two scoops. Additionally, the added focus really helps when/if the preworkout starts to wear off. Not quite sure about strength because I’m not pushing a great deal of weight due to injuries.

All in all, I think two scoops is the way to go. That gets you 4 grams of Carnitine, 5 grams of protein, 1 gram of Citrulline Malate + the focus ingredients/electrolytes.

I just received my three tubs in the mail this afternoon along with a grape ape maximize intense & hemavol. It’s gonna be an iForce summer!!!


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Hemavol, maximize and compete = winning!


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awesome reviews bro.

and loving the stack you have going, you won't be disappointed with the results. keep us posted and let us know how the whole stack treats you :)


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Time to start Competing ...

WORKOUT 3, Fruit Punch, 2 SERVINGS

Today was my third workout using Compete. I wasn’t quite as excited for this workout. Here’s why … I’ve already received my three containers of Compete in the mail & I’m not a huge Fruit Punch fan, so I would have preferred to drink the Lemondrop or Tangerine … but I wanted to fulfill my logging obligation to iForce & put my personal flavor preferences asideJ This was a rare afternoon workout for me & it went pretty well as my injuries are starting to heal up, albeit slowly. I drank my new Grape Ape Maximize Intense before the workout & Watermelon Hemavol during my first two exercises. Then it was time for Compete. As expected, Fruit Punch is my least favorite flavor BUT it is much better than Fruit Punch Maximize Intense, in fact it reminded me of Hawaiian Punch. All in all it was another solid workout with energy, endurance & concentration staying strong through the end. My lifts were average:

Shoulder Press: 145x8, 165x8, 185x5, 200x2, 145x10
Dumbbell Press: 65x8, 70x8, 80x4, 50x14
Cable Side Raises, Cable Face Pulls, Barbell Shrugs, DB Shrugs supersetted with 45lbs plate uprights

-Mixability: 9/10 I felt like this one may not have mixed as well as the others but that may have been because I am not a huge fan of the tasteJ

-Taste: 7/10 I will drink my 50 servings without a problem BUT going forward I will purchase Tangerine & LemonDrop first.

-Performance: 8/10 My performance was lacking today, probably because I am used to early morning workouts & I’m feeling stressed about work.


This is a fantastic supplement, one that I feel rounds out my workout nutrition arsenal very well. Additionally, I have had a scoop while working each of the past two days, something that I will continue doing. Going forward my plan will be 1 scoop of Maximize Intense Pre-Workout, 1 Scoop of Hemavol Pre-Workout & 2 Scoops of Compete. There is a chance I may reduce it to 1 scoop of Compete to help our budget by I strongly feel that 2 scoops is where this should be dosed for optimal benefits. In my opinion 4G of Carnitines, 5G of Protein, 1G of Citrulline & higher doses of the Rhodiola, Vinpocetine & electrolytes.

I want to once again thank iForce for this opportunity! Compete is right up there with Maximize Intense, Hemavol & Dexaprine as category leaders. I have ZERO DOUBT that Conquer will be just as good … if not better!!


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Nice review! Stacking compete with hemavol and maximize... Epic! I hope nutra puts together a stack for sale!


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awesome final review, and appreciate the great feedback. just been using this the past few days, amazing how much of a difference it's made in my workouts


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Thanks for the review! We're happy you enjoyed it and yes, Conquer will be just as good :)

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