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  • Samples received , Log starts tomorrow with a 5 day run , 1 cap a day. Thanks Vaughn!
    Hey vaughn,can I stack Drxaprine with Alpha Yohimbine, I was thinking about tryin it, here's all my staple supps I am going to stack.
    CLA 1250*
    Lean Green (Green Tea)
    Optimum Fish Oil Softgels*
    MusclePharm Armor V (Multi-vitamin)

    Do you think all of this would be fine? If not what should I change? Thanks in advance!

    I am getting ready to start dieting for a show in about 1 week (16 week diet), I have seen alot of threads on here talking about TT-33 and Lean Xtreme. I am interested in either 1 or both of these supplements to help with my cut. Could you provide detailed instructions on the best way to either take one or both of these supps? Also, would you reccomend stacking both or just use tt-33? At what point in my diet should I start? I am 23 yrs old, 230lbs, 19% BF according to the "hand-held thing" pretty much all my bad weight is around my midsection. Thanks for your help, and if I can provide any more info that will help just let me know.

    Thanks for your time.
    Hey Vaughn,

    I won a bottle of Tropinol in a contest for the hottest girl picture. Long story short, I just started a log of HGH-Pro about a week ago and it's going great and then I won this bottle of Tropinol which is on its way here. Would you be alright if I ran them both at once? I think it would be a fantastic combination for someone like me (age and size) and would be a great testimonial regardless of it having to do with a test booster + hgh booster.

    If you're against it, that's fine. I have enough HGH-Pro to start another cycle after although I'd prefer taking them at once. They would be a good complement.

    what's up Vaughn?? Its Jay from Totally Fit...up 12 lbs....but serious nosebleeds..........
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