THE Natural Hormone Optimizer-- Growth Factor XT!!



  • RockStar
  • Established
Growth Factor XT is an exciting, revolutionary all-natural anti-aging product that can help you make the most of your workouts while helping minimize the fatigue of everyday life.

Ask yourself a few questions:

- Are you stuck in a rut?

- Are you lacking motivation to train?

- Find yourself not recovering in time for the next workout? Or not recovering the way you used to?

- Find yourself feeling just ‘not yourself’ anymore?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you owe it to yourself to keep reading about this new, exciting product – Growth Factor XT.

Growth Factor XT May Help Support Improvements in:

- Quality of Life & Sense of Well Being*

- Recovery Between Workouts*

- Fat Loss*

- Sleep Quality*

- Sexual Health*

- Stress and Anxiety Levels (Something all of us could use in this crazy, busy world that we live in)*

Growth Factor XT Highlights:

- All Natural Formula (Does not require PCT (Post Cycle Therapy))

- Insane Number of Potential Benefits from One Product

- Anabolic and Anti-Catabolic Benefits*

- May Help Optimize Growth Hormone (Serum and Plasma Levels)*

- May Help Optimize Testosterone Levels *

- May Help Decrease Prolactin Levels*

Why Growth Factor XT?

Growth Factor XT isn’t just another product that falls into an existing category of anti-aging or hormone optimizing products. Growth Factor XT raises the bar for both categories and is so advanced that it creates its own, advanced unique product category all to itself.

The cutting edge Natural Hormone Optimizer Matrix of all natural ingredients in Growth Factor XT delivers a huge variety of benefits that is almost unheard of in a single product. This exciting formula doesn’t stop with giving you just one, two, or even three incredible ingredients – it gives you 8 exciting ingredients all in one extraordinary formula. And on top of the fantastic variety of benefits from these as standalone ingredients, there is the incredible synergy of some of these ingredients working together to lead to even better results.

Even more good news – in spite of Growth Factor XT’s formula being so dominant in both the anti-aging and GH product categories (so dominant in fact that it doesn’t belong in those categories, it belongs above those categories), it is still more cost effective than most products in either of those product classes.

Still Not Sure if Growth Factor XT is for You?

(Although How Could You Not Be with the Wide Variety of Potential Benefits?!)

Ingredient Highlights:

Chlorophytum Borivilanium (50% Saponin Extract)

- All natural Aphrodisiac*
- May Improve Sleep Quality*
- May Increase Serum Growth Hormone*
- May Enhance Male Reproductive Capabilities*

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate

- Reduce Markers of Metabolic Stress*
- Increase the Amount of Fat Burned During Resistance Training*
- Reduce Markers of Muscle Damage Following Exercise*
- Optimize Muscle Tissue Repair (Improved Recovery)*
- Up-regulate Androgen Receptor Content, Possibly Resulting in Increased Protein Synthesis*
Green Tea (98% Polyphenols; 50% EGCG)
- Impressive Antioxidant Capabilities*
- Suppress Muscle Oxidative Stress and Inflammation*
- May Help Improve Cholesterol Levels*
- Plus Many, Many More!

3-OH-GABA (3-OH-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

- Improved Plasma Growth Hormone Levels*
- More Active & Potent Form of GABA *
- May Help Improve Sleep Quality and Increase Feelings of Relaxation*
- May Lead to Resistance Training Induced Muscular Adaptations (Increases in Lean Muscle from
Working Out)*
OptiDopa™ (Specialized Blend of 95% and 20% L-Dopa Extracts from Mucuna Pruriens)
- May Help Suppress Prolactin Levels*
- May Help Increase Circulating Levels of Growth Hormone*
- May Help Improve Blood Pressure*
- May Help Increase Serum Growth Hormone After Exercise*


- May Help Decrease Stress and Anxiety*
- Neuroprotective Benefits Against Cerebral Ischemia and Stress Induced Memory Impairment
and Recall *
- Increased Nitric Oxide Production (Vasodilation)*
B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)
- May Help Suppress Prolactin Levels*
- May Help Increase Levels of Growth Hormone Induced by Exercise *
- May Help Inhibit Pituitary Cell Proliferation*


- Increased Nutrient Absorption*
Excited Enough Yet? You Should Be.
But there’s more – Check out these Ingredient Summaries.

Growth Factor XT
Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 5 capsules
Amount Per Serving:
Chlorophytum Borivilanium (50% Saponin Extract) – 1000 mg
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate – 500 mg
Green Tea (98% Polyphenols; 50% EGCG) – 500 mg
3-OH-GABA (3-OH-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) - 250 mg
OptiDopa™ (Specialized Blend of 95% and 20% L-Dopa Extracts from Mucuna Pruriens) - 200 mg
L-Theanine - 50 mg
B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) - 25 mg
Bioperine – 5 mg

Suggested Use:

As a dietary supplement, either take 5 capsules before bedtime or take 3 capsules before bedtime, and
another 2 capsules spaced out 10 to 12 hours apart from the bedtime serving. For best results, take on
an empty stomach. No not exceed 60 days of consecutive use without at least a 2 week break.

Growth Factor Warnings:

This product is for healthy adults over 18 years of age. Consult a physician before using this or any
dietary supplement. Do not use if you have any pre-existing medical condition or are taking any
medication without consulting your physician. Store in a cool, dry place away from children.
* These statements haven’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




  • RockStar
  • Established
Ingredient Summaries:

Chlorophytum Borivilanium (50% Saponin Extract):

Chlorophytum Borivilanium (also known as Safed Musli) is an herb fond in Ayurveda mostly known for its aphrodisiac activity. Over the past 10 years or so, numerous studies have been conducted into its effects. It is mainly used in India, and has been marketed as an “all-natural” version of Viagra™. It is also purported to have immunomodulatory and anticancer activities. Chlorophytum Borivilanium use has been shown to enhance the quality of semen and enhance male reproductive potentiality. It also leads to a significant increase in semen count, volume, and serum testosterone levels. Trials combining Chlorophytum Borivilanium with L-dopa (both components of Growth Factor XT) have shown an increase of sleep quality in participants involved in the group using these two ingredients vs. placebo. This very same combination has also shown to lead to an increase in serum growth hormone in men who exercised regularly (1-5).

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate:

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT) can possibly increase the amount of fat burned during resistance training, and enhance the consumption of fat as a source of fuel. LCLT supplementation can also result an increase in the contents of androgen receptors, which made lead to increased protein synthesis. Research also suggests that less muscle damage occurs due to this increased androgen receptor content, which in turn leads to a promotion in recovery. In addition, LCLT may also lead to a reduction in myoglobin and creatine kinase after exercise (6-10).

Green Tea (98% Polyphenols; 50% EGCG):

Green Tea extracts are one of the most common supplements on the market. EGCG, a constituent of green tea extract, is a mild decarboxylase inhibitor. Long term use of EGCG suggests that it suppresses muscle oxidative stress and inflammation, which may lead to a recovery in physical performance. Using green tea extract has been shown to possibly have beneficial effects on cholesterol and glucose related markers. Green Tea extract is twice as potent as vitamin C in terms of antioxidant activity. Green Tea extract use may potentially have anticancer capabilities, and may be helpful in treating chronic inflammatory states (11-15).

3-OH-GABA (3-OH-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid):

Administration of GABA has been consistently shown to lead to increases in plasma growth hormone levels. GABA usage may also lead to an elevation in both resting and post-exercise levels of immunoreactive growth hormone and immunofunctional growth hormone release. It is speculated that this may lead to resistance training induced muscular adaptations (increases in lean muscle from working out) (16-17).
3-OH-GABA is more potent than regular GABA and is more selective of GABAA receptor sites (generally GABA agonists are active at GABAA and GABAB sites) than most GABA agonists. Therefore, a much lower dose is needed because of the increased potency.

OptiDopa™ (Specialized Blend of 95% and 20% L-Dopa Extracts from Mucuna Pruriens):

L-Dopa supplementation has been reported to have a variety of sexual and non-sexual benefits. These benefits may include an increase in libido, improved semen quality, and due to the extra blood flow, a temporary increase in penile thickness. Other benefits may include a potential decrease in prolactin and improved blood pressure. Studies have also shown that L-Dopa stimulates the release of hypothalamic
hGHRH and may increase circulating testosterone and growth hormone levels.
In addition to L-Dopa’s standalone benefits, combining L-Dopa with Green Tea extract (due to its EGCG content, which acts as a catechol-o- methyltransferase inhibitor) may have a synergistic effect on growth hormone levels. Also, in trials, combining Chlorophytum Borivilanium with L-dopa (both components of Growth Factor XT) have shown an increase of sleep quality in participants involved in the group using these two ingredients vs. placebo. This very same combination has also shown to lead to an increase in serum growth hormone in men who exercised regularly (18-26).


Theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid in tea, has been shown to have a significant anti-stress effect on animals under psychosocial stress. A study has shown the anti-stress effect of Theanine on humans in students during pharmacy practice. Another study has shown Theanine not only reduces anxiety but also attenuates the blood pressure increase in high stress response adults. Theanine administration has also shown results in neuroprotection and prevents glutamate receptor agonist-mediated injury in the rat model of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion. Theanine also possesses a preventative effect on stress-induced impairments of hippocampal long-term potentiation and recognition memory. Theanine intake can also lead to an activation of ERK/eNOS resulting in enhanced NO production (i.e. vasodilation) (27-32).

B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate):

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate is the metabolically active form of vitamin B6 and is involved in numerous processes in the body. Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate usage may inhibit pituitary cell proliferation, indicating it may be used to help with symptoms of hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas. Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate may also suppress the rise in prolactin and increase growth hormone levels induced by exercise. A combination of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate and L-dopa (both components of Growth Factor XT) may lead to a greater decrease in prolactin than either ingredient alone (33-37).


BioPerine® is a patented extract from piperine (Piper nigrum L, aka black pepper), commonly used in nutraceuticals to potentiate the effects of compounds. BioPerine® works by inhibiting enzymes (such as CYP3A4, CYP 450, and P-glycoprotein enzymes) that metabolize the supplements we take. When BioPerine® inhibits these enzymes, the enzymes aren't able to quickly break down ingredients, meaning you get stronger and longer lasting effects from the ingredients in Growth Factor XT. BioPerine® has several trials showing its efficacy (38-41).

More Cost Effective than most Anti-Aging Products
More Cost Effective than most GH Products
Yet So Advanced it’s A Category All to Itself

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