The Liquid Trifecta Stack Experience!



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About to put on the sauna suit under neath my clothes to hit the treadmill and bicycle today!


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This is my new best friend and worst enemy

For all of my cardio days. Used that today for the first time and it was crazy!
Here is the thing, I have a HARD time sweating. Playing soccer, working out and even in the SAUNA it makes it hard for me to break a sweat. Can you imagine yourself playing soccer for over an hour and not breaking a sweat? Or going into the sauna and while everyone is showering in sweat I am hanging in there dry for the first 20 minutes! lol

Today was different though. Wore it underneath the pants and sweater. Did 25 minutes in the bicycle and 20 mins in the treadmill. And while in the bicycle I could feel the sweat going down my back and the suit sticking to my legs. Once I started running I saw few drop of sweat drop in the treadmill and sweat dropping down my arm.

Got home took my clothes off got in the tub took the suit off and it was drenched. My Boxer were soaked! lol

Tomorrow its DTP Shoulders and I'm NOT looking forwards to that! One because its all shoulder presses and that hurts the hell out of my shoulders! So I don't know what to do. Do DTP shoulders or do another sort of shoulder routine. Maybe Dorian Yates Shoulder routine from Blood and Gluts routine. Which is
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps, 1 warm up set of 8-10 reps, 1 working set of 6-8 reps to failure, desired weight (1 min rest between sets)
Side Lateral Raise: 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps, 1 working set of 8-10 reps to failure, desired weight (1 min rest between sets)
Low-Pulley Delt Raise: 1 set of 6-8 reps to failure, each arm
Reverse Dumbbell Flyes: 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps, 1 working set of 8-10 reps to failure, desired weight (1 min rest between sets)

I'll decide tomorrow I guess.


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So what's going on in here buddy?

See you're doing the DTP style for some of your work outs...
It's making you sick?
I take it that you don't like DTP then?


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So what's going on in here buddy?

See you're doing the DTP style for some of your work outs...
It's making you sick?
I take it that you don't like DTP then?
It was just chest and back day. Didn't get a pump from them and at the end made me threw up, got all oozy and felt sick but after a nap I felt better and went back to the gym. I'm liking it though. Today is Shoulders and its a **** load of presses. My shoulders always hurt when I do presses. Thinking if should do the exercises in the machines or do the Blood and Guts Shoulder workout.


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Delts the Blood & Guts way.

Had a really ****ty day today and in very bad mood but I tore up in the gym with my shoulder workout.

Db press 12, 12, 10r, fail
30lb, 45lb, 55lb, 60lb to fail

side lat raise 10-12, 8-10, fail
20lb, 30lb, 25, 20, 15lb

frontdb raise 10-12, 8-10, fail
25, 30, 35, 25, 15lb

shrugs back 180lb + bar, 140+bar, 90+bar no rest
8, 10, 20reps

low pulley delt raise 10, 4r + negatives 10sec rest
10lb, 20lb

upright rows 10-12, 8-10 to fail no rest
60lb, 50lb, 40lb, 30lb



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Had a really ****ty day today and in very bad mood but I tore up in the gym with my shoulder workout.

Db press 12, 12, 10r, fail
30lb, 45lb, 55lb, 60lb to fail

side lat raise 10-12, 8-10, fail
20lb, 30lb, 25, 20, 15lb

frontdb raise 10-12, 8-10, fail
25, 30, 35, 25, 15lb

shrugs back 180lb + bar, 140+bar, 90+bar no rest
8, 10, 20reps

low pulley delt raise 10, 4r + negatives 10sec rest
10lb, 20lb

upright rows 10-12, 8-10 to fail no rest
60lb, 50lb, 40lb, 30lb
Bad azz Animal Tank.
So Blood and Guts? Pump & burn?


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Bad azz Animal Tank.
So Blood and Guts? Pump & burn?
Was suppose to be Blood and Guts but I been so angry that I just kept doing more and more.
I also took condense+muscle marinade today as a pre workout.


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Cardio today with the sauna suit again.

25 mins in the bicycle
17 mins in the treadmill.

Its so much easier to take Formadrol 5x a day. Easier to keep track lol.

Tomorrow is Leg and Calves again with some Decline Crunches!


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Cardio today with the sauna suit again.

25 mins in the bicycle
17 mins in the treadmill.

Its so much easier to take Formadrol 5x a day. Easier to keep track lol.

Tomorrow is Leg and Calves again with some Decline Crunches!
Legs and calves w/crunches? That sounds familiar.
Is that you in the batman suite? :laughing:


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Legs and calves w/crunches? That sounds familiar.
Is that you in the batman suite? :laughing:
Yep DTP LEGS! Only part of DTP that I liked.. Legs and Arms.

Not yet, not big enough to fill up a Batman suit like that.


So whats the weight gain so far? How much did prs go up? What did u like dislike ab the trifecta stack?


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So whats the weight gain so far? How much did prs go up? What did u like dislike ab the trifecta stack?
10 pounds with MMv3 and M1d. We'll see how much I'll stay at the end of Forma.

I when I was on a regular routine I PR'd every day.

What did I dislike? I dislike that its almost over. There is nothing that I didn't like about it. No side effects either. I read people saying dry joints but I felt nothing.


Nice work man, you will like the formadrol. It leaned me up and made me hard..and really really horny. lol, I had no standards for women those 6 weeks.


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10 pounds with MMv3 and M1d. We'll see how much I'll stay at the end of Forma.

I when I was on a regular routine I PR'd every day.

What did I dislike? I dislike that its almost over. There is nothing that I didn't like about it. No side effects either. I read people saying dry joints but I felt nothing.
Wait 10lbs?! How long was this run again? lol thats pretty damn good!!!


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I'm 2 weeks in now and I've gained 6lbs...

I'm not getting PRs every time out, but I'm not attempting them every time out either (but yes, I've reached new PRs)...

No side effects noticed...I already have bad joints from faulty lifting form in my youth, but no increased joint issues during Trifecta Stack; in fact, I've actually been experiencing less pain and restriction...

The only negative that I can currently give this stack is the dosing regimen...

As for the taste, MMv leaves a lasting after taste that will even effect the taste of food and drink for quite some time after dosing; methyl doesn't taste too bad and doesn't have the same lingering after taste...


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Nice work man, you will like the formadrol. It leaned me up and made me hard..and really really horny. lol, I had no standards for women those 6 weeks.
Can't wait for it. I go on vacation on the 4th December so its perfect for me.

Wait 10lbs?! How long was this run again? lol thats pretty damn good!!!
Yeah plus all the food I was eating while bulking, 4 weeks. I've started Formadrol Sunday. Even though I'm avoiding mirrors when naked I've noticed my shoulders and back are larger, family even commented on it as well.

I'm 2 weeks in now and I've gained 6lbs...

I'm not getting PRs every time out, but I'm not attempting them every time out either (but yes, I've reached new PRs)...

No side effects noticed...I already have bad joints from faulty lifting form in my youth, but no increased joint issues during Trifecta Stack; in fact, I've actually been experiencing less pain and restriction...

The only negative that I can currently give this stack is the dosing regimen...

As for the taste, MMv leaves a lasting after taste that will even effect the taste of food and drink for quite some time after dosing; methyl doesn't taste too bad and doesn't have the same lingering after taste...
I try man. I can never just do the same weight on every workout. I remember when I first started working out I could never go higher on anything, it would drive me nuts. So I always try. When I can't do it, I just put it down and finish my set with lighter weights.
I'm with you there on the less pain. I had 2 motorcycle accidents and torn muscle on my ankle that had me walking around with a limp for year and that is completely gone. Same for soreness the next day, barely happens!
I actually got used to the the taste of MMv3 after the first week that had me licking my lips everyday for it lol. Forma has no taste so I like it.


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DTP LEGS today...
Leg Press will be mine today for about 40 mins.

brb growing tree trunk legs.


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I'm toying w/GVT now.
I did this
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Intervals
A1. Barbell Curl 5 5 201 0
A2. DB Curl 5 5 602 60 seconds
B1. Preacher Curl 5 5 201 0
B2. Reverse Curl 5 5 602 60 seconds
C1. Cable Triceps Pressdown 5 5 201 0
C2. Skull crushers 5 5 602 60 seconds
D1. Close Grip Bench Press 5 5 201 0
D2. Overhead Cable Extensions 5 5 602 60 seconds

2 years ago. I had a real hard time walking the next day. When I had my motorcycle accident and f'ed up my legs. I stopped working out legs for 3 months cuz I could barely walk let alone lift. I did love GVT though. It was awesome.


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I did this
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Intervals
A1. Barbell Curl 5 5 201 0
A2. DB Curl 5 5 602 60 seconds
B1. Preacher Curl 5 5 201 0
B2. Reverse Curl 5 5 602 60 seconds
C1. Cable Triceps Pressdown 5 5 201 0
C2. Skull crushers 5 5 602 60 seconds
D1. Close Grip Bench Press 5 5 201 0
D2. Overhead Cable Extensions 5 5 602 60 seconds

2 years ago. I had a real hard time walking the next day. When I had my motorcycle accident and f'ed up my legs. I stopped working out legs for 3 months cuz I could barely walk let alone lift. I did love GVT

60 second rest period.
Will try 8x8 with 30-45 second test period or up tye weight a bit on the 10x10.though. It was awesome.
I did 10 sets of 10


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Sorry, I don't have enough posts to include quotes/links...

Yeah, King, I'm with ya on the soreness, or lack thereof to be more precise. Usually, for larger muscles, I go minimum 4 days between workouts b/c that's usually the time it takes for the soreness to subside, thus indicating full recovery; however, with the Stack, not only is the DOMS much milder, but the soreness has been subsiding within 36 hrs, tempting me to hit the muscle group again; I have to consciously keep my ego and amped-up drive in check, lest I find myself venturing into the realm of overtraining!


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1. I don't think I've used a high enough weight....
Going back to DTP. :)
Today while I was on the Leg Press this guy was working out around me, did squat machine, db step ups, some others I couldnt see and after my 5th set he came over and asked what I was doing. I told Leg Presses and Calf Presses. He was like no **** I see that. I looked at him like wtf and said than why ask? He said never mind can I jump in?

It was too funny. 3mins later the manager came down and right after I sat down again for my 7th set he asked what was I doing. I told him DTP Legs. And he was like OH ****! Damn ok go on sorry.
Funny ****.


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Leg Press
50,40,30,20,10,10,20,30,40,50 reps
110lb, 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 450lb, 450lb, 360lb, 270lb, 180lb, 110lb

Calf Press
40,30,20,15,10,10,15,20,30,40 reps
110lb, 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 450lb, 450lb, 360lb, 270lb, 180lb, 110lb

Decline Sit Ups
4 Sets of
50 reps, 10lb plate for 30 reps, 10lb plate 30 reps, 25lb plate 33reps

Few notes:
Last week when I did DTP for the first time my presses were 90lb, 140lb, 180lb, 270lb, 360lb 360lb, 270, 180, 140, 90. Went beyond it today and got it done.
Guy was a smart ass while I was doing it and when he asked if he could jump in I yelled no.
Decline sit ups are meant to do with the small barbell weight but I did with plates so I could keep a much better form and keep my back completely straight.
Taking dose number 4 of Forma right now.


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Ronnie Coleman got the bars bending.


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Haha I love the pics you put in your log, if I was in charge with a supplement company i'd let you log something every month just to see the content in your logs! Great job dude!

And 10lbs in 4 weeks...holy taking our MMv3 / TesTren combo right now...only a few days in.


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Got to rep ya 4 that 1! :bigok:

Haha I love the pics you put in your log, if I was in charge with a supplement company i'd let you log something every month just to see the content in your logs! Great job dude!

And 10lbs in 4 weeks...holy taking our MMv3 / TesTren combo right now...only a few days in.
Thanks man. I got a PM a while back saying the admins blocked a few guys for posting half naked pics. That is the only reason why there is no ass picture at the end of every log update lol.

I wasn't going to weigh myself at all till the end but I wanted to see how much I was at since I'm doing a transformation thing on another forum so I wanted to see how much fat and weight I would lose after cutting down on my food intake and doing cardio every other day.

Put in a good word for me with the LG bosses if they ever need a logger.

Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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1. I don't think I've used a high enough weight....
Going back to DTP. :)
You nut! I might bust that out again once a month. Def gotta make sure there's nobody lurking around your machine or anyone who needs those plates piled up by the machine, only PITA about DTP.


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You nut! I might bust that out again once a month. Def gotta make sure there's nobody lurking around your machine or anyone who needs those plates piled up by the machine, only PITA about DTP.
True, I'm go when it's quiet in there. DTP seems to work, it's simple yet brutal.


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Thanks man. I got a PM a while back saying the admins blocked a few guys for posting half naked pics. That is the only reason why there is no ass picture at the end of every log update lol.

I wasn't going to weigh myself at all till the end but I wanted to see how much I was at since I'm doing a transformation thing on another forum so I wanted to see how much fat and weight I would lose after cutting down on my food intake and doing cardio every other day.

Put in a good word for me with the LG bosses if they ever need a logger.

ROFL hahahah that gif image thing made me laugh.

And don't worry bro, you got a good reputation, keep your eyes open for future promos!


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Cardio time today! Already got the sauna suit on!



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Since yesterday I been craving food... like more than just eggs, chicken, tuna and veggies.... I'm only 6 days into my cut and I'm already going nuts. I'm controlling myself though. But I'm going to suck up the lil b!tch in me and keep on cutting hard. MAYBE in a week I'll have a plate like this

or this

But till than.. Gotta hit chest and back NOW!


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Today was suppose to be CHEST and BACK. But been having a crappy week and day.... tried a pre workout sample today that made me yawn while doing my 3rd exercise and didn't stop so instead of having a crappy back workout I just did Chest.

Dumbbell Press
36lb, 45lb, 55lb, 60lb, 65lb
15,*12, 12, 10, 8 reps

Incline Dumbbell Press
40lb, 50lb, 60lb
15,*12, 7 reps

Wide Iso Press Machine
45lb, 70lb, 90lb each side
15, 12, 8 reps

Cable Cross Over
10lb, 20lb, 30lb
15, 12, 10 reps.

Went to shop rite and got this lean turkey ground beef to try out

Paid $7.50 for that **** and I will never ever buy that **** again. I'm a cheap guy I won't deny that but one thing I never do is starve because I'm not cheap when it comes to food. I'll go to a place and have a $40 steak if I see it and crave it, I won't deny myself food but $7.50 for that was too much. I just made it, eat half of that thing with veggies and still hungry.

I'm going f'n nuts here. I'm stressed... Got so much crap in my head. I'm tired all the time. I guess its cuz I cut the carbs in my daily intake. I miss not eat pasta, rice, beef and steak.

Can't wait for December 4th so I can get down to Brasil already and toast under the 90 degrees sun that they got there right now. And get laaaaaaaaaid!


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Shouldn't have to go to Brazil to get laid.



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Shouldn't have to go to Brazil to get laid.

Here is my problem though. Here where I live in Jersey is FULL of hispanics, doesn't help that I look like one and I hate when people come speaking spanish to me. I don't give a **** if if I look like one, don't come up to me speaking Spanish. Ok rant over. My problem, with all the hispanics here women ignore them all. Only the ugly bishes that look like a broomstick sees you but still when you go for it they don't want none.

The good:
I go out with my friends and cousins and we have a whole game plan, I'm Brazilian but speak no portuguese because I moved to the US when I was 6. I'm this mma fighter from Jersey that trains with Frankie Edgar and Renzo Gracie. I'm in Brasil to train with some of the big names before my first pro fight. Their eyes glow and I don't even have to say single word in Portuguese to get laid. They hear english, USA, mma(ufc) and they think rich. So i'm in. lol

did the one in pink

did blonde milf and chick in white

lost count with her

the one in all white

my first time with more than one chick lol

met this chick before i met the 3 but of course I left with the other girls. next afternoon she showed up at the hotel i was staying in

I know they are not all pretty faces but they all had assssss for dayssssssss and they all freaky bishes. I got laid in Brasil in 3 month more than I did a year here in Jersey lol


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Bad ass bro!!!
I like that thick chick in all white.


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Bad ass bro!!!
I like that thick chick in all white.
She is RICH! Like RICH! She bought a house in Orlando and she never came to the US before. She paid for her sister to come, see the house, take pictures and make a video to show her so she could buy it. CASH.

The one that I'm wearing blue, she is a lawyer. Studying to be a judge. RICH and in love. Never paid **** whenever we went out lol.


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She is RICH! Like RICH! She bought a house in Orlando and she never came to the US before. She paid for her sister to come, see the house, take pictures and make a video to show her so she could buy it. CASH.

The one that I'm wearing blue, she is a lawyer. Studying to be a judge. RICH and in love. Never paid **** whenever we went out lol.
That's too hours away, I wanna hit it. :lol:



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Word, don't bring her around me haha...
I'd phuck her DTP style! 10x10.
I hardly EVER let my booty calls meet my friends.

Plus this year I think I'm going to get down there looking a lil more defined. And I'm going to Rio as well where I haven't been to yet so should get some new asses. =D


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Wide pull downs
90lb, 110lb, lb
10, 10, 8 reps

reverse pull downs
90lb, 100lb, 110lb
10, 8, reps

dumbbell rows
50lb, 60lb, 70lb, 75lb
10, 10, 10, reps

seated cable rows
60lb, 90lb, 120lb, 130lb
15, 12, 9, 7 reps

Again with a bad day. Now I'm getting pissed because its messing with my workout. I'm going to rest tomorrow. Its been over a 10 days since I took a day off from the gym. So tomorrow will be that day. Can't guarantee that I wont go workout at least ABS but I know I'll be angry if I don't workout. Maybe all this bad days are my body saying to take a mof'ing break already.. We'll see what happens.


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I change my avi you change yours?

Anyways... This log has been long & I'm following a million logs ATM.
With that being said what's the deal with the stack? What do you feel you got out of it?
Any weight gain?


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I change my avi you change yours?

Anyways... This log has been long & I'm following a million logs ATM.
With that being said what's the deal with the stack? What do you feel you got out of it?
Any weight gain?
So let me get this straight... All of a sudden you are TOO GOOD to keep following my log? Just because I'm lacking in life and pissed off all the time you cant stay here still!!?!??? Is that it?

About 8 to 10 pounds.
I'll know exactly how much I got on the 25th when the 7 weeks will be up.

Lunch today btw.

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