The Blacklist- Terms/Conditions

If someone is logging product for 1 company, they should have the common courtesy not to apply to log another companies product.One product sent for free to a logger is good enough.Some people are just greedy man!!

Too many people on here do that unfortunately.
unless it's a united effort it will be to no avail...i propose we all stipulate that if you are already logging a product for another company you are ineligible to apply-unless approved in advance by both companies!!!

this will improve logs as that logger will be able to focus on just one log, keeping several logs of different products has got to be distracting and many times the products have overlapping effects which skew results!!!
I do respect what everyone here has said, and do agree that some loggers take advantage, especially
ones that have sometimes 3 or 4 logs running at the same time. But, by the same token, I do believe that
someone logging 2 products with no overlap, is no different then someone logging 1 product & also
using a product that they purchased themselves that has no overlap during their log..

I think that some of you guys are drawing a hard line in the sand, so to speak, and are being a little too
rigid about the whole subject. There's got to be middle ground somewhere where the companies, reps
and loggers can all agree too.

But hey, thats just me.. :bigok:
If someone is logging product for 1 company, they should have the common courtesy not to apply to log another companies product.One product sent for free to a logger is good enough.Some people are just greedy man!!

Agree 100000000%.
I do respect what everyone here has said, and do agree that some loggers take advantage, especially
ones that have sometimes 3 or 4 logs running at the same time. But, by the same token, I do believe that
someone logging 2 products with no overlap, is no different then someone logging 1 product & also
using a product that they purchased themselves that has no overlap during their log..

I think that some of you guys are drawing a hard line in the sand, so to speak, and are being a little too
rigid about the whole subject. There's got to be middle ground somewhere where the companies, reps
and loggers can all agree too.

But hey, thats just me.. :bigok:

I understand what you are saying here, but one thing to be mindful of is that people in general arnt really able to tell the difference between product A and B.

If youre running a test booster and a fat burner, how could you know if that mood enhancement you got that lasted all day was because of the fat burner or the test booster?

Likewise, feeling "better" can apply to a lot of products, but not to all. So I want to know who is feeling what and the product that is producing that.

Same as endurance. Some people report that with T boosters, epi or just a preworkout in general. With so much potential tial overlap between categories, its hard to get a fair idea of what really is doing what
Hate to say it but prince Vince falls into that category for Diesel. Didn't live up to his end of the bargain and no communication at all
Hate to say it but prince Vince falls into that category for Diesel. Didn't live up to his end of the bargain and no communication at all

i will remember that name, thanks!!!
geez are you guys getting lazy or what??? reps on this forum need to check whats going on with the promo section!!!!
geez are you guys getting lazy or what??? reps on this forum need to check whats going on with the promo section!!!!

What if the reps would edit the first post of their promos to say who got picked to log their product(s)? I know there are some threads that you really have to weed through a lot of posts to even find who was chosen. It would make it easier on all reps. Or we could start a "Who's logging what" thread but not have any other idle chit chat going on.
What if the reps would edit the first post of their promos to say who got picked to log their product(s)? I know there are some threads that you really have to weed through a lot of posts to even find who was chosen. It would make it easier on all reps. Or we could start a "Who's logging what" thread but not have any other idle chit chat going on.

good suggestions...i read thru the promos sometimes and always see the same people applying for every single promo even though they already have logs going...this just isn't right, imo!!!
An easy way is to click on a users name and see their post history before choosing a winner. A lot of reps wont coordinate with each other (especially those companies who only run the occasional promo) and so its easy enough to just screen someone before selecting
An easy way is to click on a users name and see their post history before choosing a winner. A lot of reps wont coordinate with each other (especially those companies who only run the occasional promo) and so its easy enough to just screen someone before selecting

This is what I do. It's easy enough to see where their interests are.
I'm going to be logging for BPS so nobody pick me to log anything else. Oh wait, never mind, I won't be putting in an app for anything else. Lol!
I get sent supplements to review from all the time. I just hold up my end of the bargain and give my honest reviews. I did a lot of beta testing for Grenade, EVL, GAT, Purus Labs, and ProSupps. I would love to be able to do this with . Since I work in marketing for a small supplement shop in Gainesville, FL where we do supply I love knowing which products work!
I get sent supplements to review from all the time. I just hold up my end of the bargain and give my honest reviews. I did a lot of beta testing for Grenade, EVL, GAT, Purus Labs, and ProSupps. I would love to be able to do this with SARMs, PHs, and SERMs. Since I work in marketing for a small supplement shop in Gainesville, FL where we do supply PHs, SARMs, and SERMs I love knowing which products work!

Just a heads up bro... this isn't a thread to sign up to do reviews & logging :bigok:

PS: No one is going to send you SERMS for Logs or Reviews :thumbsdown:
mod edit: you need to read the rules.

I meant that companies appreciate when people do full reviews of their products. It means a lot to us for marketing and sales. I like the idea of Blacklisting...and I know I'm new to AM, but I used to do these logs for other companies for CrossFit and Powerlifting...I like the POV of people on this website. People seem willing to help others and actually gain friendships.
Same here with SKL87, accepted our Liquid Labs promo, after numerous attempts and song and dance admitted to receiving the product while also receving Age Force. We agreed he would run ours after AgForce, to be started the beginning of this month to no avail. Have PMed numerous times with no response.
Include nfmejia0486, Edited out*, and MultiVitamin.

We ran a Max Pump promo over the summer. The product shipped late due to not being in stock.

Nfmejia0486 said he never received shipment but all tracking numbers list as delivered.

Multivitamin never responded to my PM.
I know @KiliCali was away for awhile you might want to try reaching out now, he is back!
I know @KiliCali was away for awhile you might want to try reaching out now, he is back!

I did. He may have stuff going on still. If he puts up the log I'll remove his name.
I know KilaCali was away for awhile you might want to try reaching out now, he is back!
Include nfmejia0486, KiliCali, and MultiVitamin.

We ran a Max Pump promo over the summer. The product shipped late due to not being in stock.

Nfmejia0486 said he never received shipment but all tracking numbers list as delivered.

Multivitamin never responded to my PM.

KiliCali reached out at the end of November and said some stuff came up and he'd get a log up ASAP, but I haven't heard anything else from him and no response following up asking for a log link.
Yeah I've had a problem with Nfmejia before as well. He's had issues more than once for the same things.
I did. He may have stuff going on still. If he puts up the log I'll remove his name.

I know KilaCali was away for awhile you might want to try reaching out now, he is back!

Yeah I've had a problem with Nfmejia before as well. He's had issues more than once for the same things.

Don't trip guys! I never had an issue fulfilling my logging opportunity's, I am very grateful for the consideration and chance to put a good word in for the supplements I log as best I can, I'm working on the log right now as we speak getting caught up, I actually started it on paper about a week ago but haven't had more then a few minutes with all the holiday stuff and getting things situated from my hiatus over the summer and fall, i will have it up today with a link for sure. big apologies for the time constraints! See you in the log soon! thanks Finaflex RegisterJr and thank you Rocket3015 for having my back man! your awesome!

*Edit Since Creating log*
Invalid Link Removed
Include nfmejia0486, Edited out*, and MultiVitamin.

We ran a Max Pump promo over the summer. The product shipped late due to not being in stock.

Nfmejia0486 said he never received shipment but all tracking numbers list as delivered.

Multivitamin never responded to my PM.

I've logged each and every time I've received something here. I truly didn't receive anything otherwise I would've logged it without hesitation. Even told you I would check with the postal worker and did and told you he hadn't delivered anything for me in a week at that time.

I'm currently logging a product and tracking said it was due and still hadn't been delivered 2 days later when the rep tracked it to see when I'd be getting it. I ended up receiving 2 more days later. So not sure why in this case I didn't receive it, but I seriously never received anything. I'd be more than happy to file a claim with USPS and forward the claim to you.
Yeah I've had a problem with Nfmejia before as well. He's had issues more than once for the same things.

That's absolutely false. If you recall there was back and forth from that company that you repped before and nothing was ever shipped. Your other rep followed up over and over with the owner and it never shipped.
That's absolutely false. If you recall there was back and forth from that company that you repped before and nothing was ever shipped. Your other rep followed up over and over with the owner and it never shipped.

Past is past...... And the new accusations??
You never got the max pump either, right?
Past is past...... And the new accusations??

Addressed above. Literally nothing ever delivered and checked with the postal worker. As offered if I can get the tracking info then I'll file a claim with USPS gladly. I'm not trying to screw over Finaflex or any other company. Heck I've logged for M&M Liquid Labs, Performax and CnP and no issues with shipping, logging or anything.
Noted. I want to believe you, but I can't argue with delivery confirmation.
Noted. I want to believe you, but I can't argue with delivery confirmation.

And I'm not arguing that is confirmed delivered as I tracked it when you gave me the tracking number. But I swear I didn't receive it and would hate you have a sour thought about me. If you can send me the tracking number I'll open a claim with USPS.
And I'm not arguing that is confirmed delivered as I tracked it when you gave me the tracking number. But I swear I didn't receive it and would hate you have a sour thought about me. If you can send me the tracking number I'll open a claim with USPS.

That's up to you. I'm not sour, just don't feel I shouldn't share the info with the community.

Tracking: 9402111899223506378879

N.P Thank YOU guys! would have to be a real ass to get a free supplement and get to do what you love doing already and bone out on the log/review, I for one enjoy and am truly and deeply grateful for any and all opportunity's to help fellow gymrats/meatheads/lifters/and all consumers have a good idea of what would work for them and what wouldn't without having to spend money on bunk supplements! sorry to ramble!! thanks again guys. Disappointed in myself for taking so long that my name was even mentioned in here but I will make up for it with a kicka$$ log for everyone.
Someone could have stolen it though, but I don't know about forging someone else's name too. I know people steal packages all the time, but it's usually the ones that are left at the door. I know because I've had it happen to me before. Even filed a police report. They never caught anyone though. The solution was to just have the post office hold all my packages.
Someone could have stolen it though, but I don't know about forging someone else's name too. I know people steal packages all the time, but it's usually the ones that are left at the door. I know because I've had it happen to me before. Even filed a police report. They never caught anyone though. The solution was to just have the post office hold all my packages.

^^^ Sucks, Specially around this time of year! all sorts of scumbags looking for packages left in cars, on porches etc.. sad situations!
Dang you can't argue with that. You even got a signature with the guys name on it.

Hard to have a signature when we have community mailboxes and they just drop it in our box. And if too big it goes into the oversize box and they drop the key in our personal box.
What our mailboxes look like in Texas in the newer neighborhoods.


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He's also been flagged for running multiple logs on multiple sites.
Actually I think we have all become more stringent since then
If your not involved, keep out. The member and companies should handle their issues privately.
Noted. I want to believe you, but I can't argue with delivery confirmation.

I just posted in the promo thread itself and posted my screenshots of the submission I made to USPS along with a confirmation number of my submission. I'll update as I get an update from USPS.