Testo + Tren + Primo + Anavar


New member
Planning for May... for summer cutting cycle
I recently saw a video by VigorousSteve
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and I m thinging to do the Best Cutting Phase Shredding
It suggests (in example 1) that the following are well combined:
TEST E = 250mg - 500mg /w
Primo = 250mg - 500mg /w
Tren = 50mg - 150mg /w
Anavar = 5mg - 25mg /d

I have tried everything except Primo
Thinking now what doses I will go with and for what duration.
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Lots of questions to consider. What’s your size, goals, and cycle experience. Tren can be a bitch. I’ve ran the test primo and anavar cycle on a cut/recomp several times with great results. Is tren needed? Anavar always gets me shredded and pumped up
I am 1,83cm - 94kg - about 16% body fat now
Goal is.... summer cutting cycle - to go about 10% body fat
cycle experience - 2 cycles / year, for the last 6 years.
Iam on TRT the last 2 years.
I used Tren last summer at 200mg/w with Test and Var of course and i love it.
I will change Primo with Masteron

TESTO Ε : 1-12Weeks (150mg every 3 days=359mg/week)
Masteron E : 1-12weeks (150mg every 3 days=359mg/week)
Anavar : 1-8weeks (10-20mg ed)
Tren: 6-12weeks (50mg every 3 days=117mg/week)
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Have you run primo at a 1 to 1 ratio with test in the past and did bloods to check estro levels? Primo and mast effect estro on a similar level. I for example run my test at 2 to 1 mast or I get achy joints. Estro is important for overall health,libido and muscle growth. You don't want it in the ground unless your approaching a contest or peaking for a specific day where your trying to look extra dry. Plus low estro just feels shitty. Something to consider friend.
I have NEVER use Privo or Mast before.
Mast and Primo have that much effect to estro?
Everyone’s different, however both compounds will reduce estrogen, primo having a stronger effect on e2 (at least the symptoms associated with elevated estro). You may find you need to raise your test dose a bit if your estrogen is feeling low. Although I don’t think you’ll run into an issue if you opt for masteron. your cycle and amounts in relation to your experience level are actually rather reasonable, good job man. I’ve personally run this cycle (in different amounts) several times, I think you’ll have great results if you keep diet and training in order 👍
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OK. I will go with Masteron then.
Reading that Masteron will reduce estrogen ... you think i dont need arimidex at all right?
OK. I will go with Masteron then.
Reading that Masteron will reduce estrogen ... you think i dont need arimidex at all right?
It’s hard to say, as everyone responds differently, but with masteron dose equal to test, and also var if think you’re safe without it. I’d absolutely always keep it on hand, however I wouldn’t add it until you find that you need it.
Consider checking bloods 3 weeks into cycle. That way you can be sure. And yes I forgot you have anavar on board as well. All dht derivatives have an effect on estrogen. So it's very unlikely you will need arimidex. More likely than not you'll be dealing with low estrogen. Watch some videos by vigorous Steve. Hell give you the low down.
What is the ideal Estradiol Levels on cycle?
It depends. Definitely no lower than 25-30 but can be as high as 80-100 depending on what your test level is. It's more about that ratio of test to estrogen then just the number alone. Plus things like how you feel, nipple sensitivity, excess water, highly emotional states. Like everything it's individual. Mostly you don't want it in the ground. But how high it can be is based on you. If your using gh the estrogen potentiates igf1. So the higher you can have it while not experiencing sides the better
What is the best way to mixing 3 roids using one syringe? I will use Testo (e) + Tren (e) + Mast (e) every 3 days
How you do it?
Yes i draw it out from each vial
now: 0.5ml test + 0.5ml masteron
later: 0.5ml test + 0.5ml masteron + 0.3ml tren
what is the best way?
I read that the best way is to add - inject that much air into each vial and then draw up the drug from each vial
Yes i draw it out from each vial
now: 0.5ml test + 0.5ml masteron
later: 0.5ml test + 0.5ml masteron + 0.3ml tren
what is the best way?
I read that the best way is to add - inject that much air into each vial and then draw up the drug from each vial
You don’t have to do that every time, I only inject air when I first open a vial.