New member
I had a lot of cycles in the past 7 years.
First time use Tren
I have already started (20 days ago) the cycle
I pin every 3 days. I started with:
0,5 ml test-e (125mg) + 0,3 ml tren-e (60mg)
Now i pin every 3 days
0,6 ml test (150mg) + 0,5 ml tren (100mg)
until now no sides effects at all
I will add Anavar (20mg) and Winstrol (20mg) in 3 weeks
I am wondering if it is better to pin every 4 days and not every 3 days ?
First time use Tren
I have already started (20 days ago) the cycle
I pin every 3 days. I started with:
0,5 ml test-e (125mg) + 0,3 ml tren-e (60mg)
Now i pin every 3 days
0,6 ml test (150mg) + 0,5 ml tren (100mg)
until now no sides effects at all
I will add Anavar (20mg) and Winstrol (20mg) in 3 weeks
I am wondering if it is better to pin every 4 days and not every 3 days ?