Tell Us What You Would Like to see From SNS, CEL, Muscle Addiction, & XPG (2024 Edition)



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When can we expect the sale to go live?
The sale codes are live and banners are on the homepage.

I'll be doing the thread on it momentarily :)


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telos95 is very interesting i looked at it while back
super expensive agree would be nice to see this added on .. dont know the demand for it.
I think that is the issue - I don't think there is much, if any demand for it because its not very well known.

It's an ingredient/product that I would really like to do, but it wouldn't just be one that we could do and it would just sell.

It's one that we would wind up with quite a bit of money tied up in and that probably wouldn't be a fast seller unless we were able to tie quite a bit up in advertising to hope that it would sell.

There are a lot of things I want to do, but have to be smart about the sequence that we do them in. I've been guilty in the past of doing things based on my excitement or excitement from a few, but then wind up with cool products but that didn't really sell extremely well - and at the expense of it pushing back things that were going to sell better.

So just having to try to prioritize and find a balance for things now.

If it works as advertised, I don't care how much it costs really lol but reversing the clock by 7 years after 6 months seems a bit far fetched. I'm intrigued though. I wonder if anyone here used it and can provide some feedback.
I think it has super exciting potential.

The thing is though, even if it really does turn back the clock on telomeres the way it says it will, that's not something that people necessarily feel - or at least while its happening gradually, they don't feel it happening; so some people will be hesitant to buy it or to keep buying it because of the price and not actually feeling it.

I will say though, if we did one, it would be cheaper than the prices people are seeing now bc some of the markups on it are ridiculous.

It's very intriguing. But is 7 years of cell reversal really the same as adding 7yrs back on?
I don't think you're going to feel 7 years younger, but I think it definitely has its benefits.

In general, on the Telos95 subject, I really want to do an anti-aging/longevity sub-brand and if we do, I would either do a Telos95 or have Telos95 in a formula under it. It's just a matter of cash flow bc if I'm going to do an anti-aging/longevity brand, I want to do it right and make the absolute best products possible and that is going to require a good amount of cash flow, that just right now I honestly can't take away from the other brands. Plus, it would be something that would also have to be able to afford to put a good amount of advertising in. So, for the anti-aging/longevity brand, its either going to be something that will be down the road and happen when I can, or something I would have to find investors for.

It's possible that if it does take a super long time to do a line like that, may do a Telos95 under the SNS Health Series though.


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Steve, love to see the revival of these topicals. Talk to Caleb about bringing back Sesamin under the SNS umbrella. A very underrated supplement that was somewhat overshadowed by Melting Point (TTA) back in the day, but it's due for a comeback.
Thank you. I'm glad. It's exciting for me too.

We actually did talk about that, but the problem is that the price of legitimate Sesamin now is so high - it is much, much higher than it was back then. That's why he had stopped doing it back then, and the cost is over 2x as high now as it was when he stopped.

So the issue with doing it now would be that it is a good ingredient, but the price would be higher than you could get great comprehensive formulas for, and that we'd have a great quality but high cost product and then we'd be competing with some of these companies that just put sesame oil in a capsule and call is Sesamin and most people would buy theirs bc it would be cheaper.

I really do appreciate the post and suggestion though. And it is something I have on my raw material list to keep an eye on.

Lipoderm Xtreme and Napalm Xtreme should both be only a few weeks out :)


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It’s alright; a lot of people don’t know what purchases to prioritize first when initially getting a ‘Steve’s Club’ membership
Ha. Now if we could just get more people knowing about the club and the products.

We make so many great products, but that's our problem is that just not enough people know about them - and we don't have the marketing budget that most brands have now.

I'm pretty much in desperation mode trying to figure out how to get more people knowing about the brands.


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Steve is downright killing me financially with all of these sales and new product releases. I'm finally able to use most supplements after several years of not being able to do so due to various health related issues and I literally want to try everything that's out there now. That's on top of the stuff I still kept on stockpiling in the meantime until I was recovered sufficiently to start using what I already accumulated.

At this rate I might need to join some sort of supplement addicts self help group or something. This is a situation where keeping my personal finances separate from my wife's is both a blessing and a curse in that I don't have any sort of oversight to keep the purchases in check a little bit. 😁
Thank you for the kind words and the support.

I'm really glad that you're finally able to be back into things; I know all about how health issues can just turn life upside down.

I think most guys would agree that keeping personal finances separate is a great thing haha - in the sense of not getting fussed at over how much we spend. Anytime this subject comes up, I think about a customer that buys a lot during the sales but will ask if I can ship it in increments to him when he lets me know to, so that his wife doesn't see it all come in at once. And its funny bc I mentioned that once on here and then someone else asked me to do it - which I'm glad to do. But I know have a space in my office under a table that I put boxes for guys that need me to space out shipments to them so they don't get in trouble with their wives haha. :)


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These are all reasons I can actually feel good about spending as much of my overall supplement budget on Steve's products as I do. Pepti-plex has my wonky tennis elbows feeling the best they have in like a decade, and Api-plex in addition has me experiencing some of the best sleep I have in several decades as a shift worker so each quickly became full time staples.
Thank you for the kind words and feedback.

I'm really glad that you're liking Pepti-Plex and Api-Plex. If you ever have time, any feedback in the threads would be so appreciated.

Pepti-Plex is a great product for so many different things. I think the muscle health and healing aspects are so overlooked - it has helped me so much with the tissue damage and associated pain in my leg from my accident, and I'm pain free most of the time from a partial bicep tear that I've had for years.

Api-Plex gets so overlooked. That dosage of Apigenin is so good for so many different things.

Here are links to the threads for anyone reading that isn't familiar with them:



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I have only just recently discovered his companies. I mean a few years ago I almost certainly bought something from sns at some site, couldn't tell you what, but I didn't explore further as my training was on the downswing. (Hurt back, kid, laziness etc...) I few months ago when I finally got determined to get back into it all, I got some Inihbit-P, Inhibit-E, and Reduce-XT. I was shocked at the results. Yes, I dialed in my diet and having trained for years I knew what to do with the weights, but I was impressed. I then did a run of Anabolic-XT and Optimize-t and was impressed further still. Best natty anabolic I have ever experienced, to be honest.

I recently made what is pretty close to, if not is in fact, a sinful amount (when the wife is away, J will pay) of purchases of these companies products and only these companies products. I am a believer. To be honest, it is kind of disheartening seeing all these new things appear haha. The new natty anabolics on the horizon from the various companies, the single ingredient things, the other various things for endurance and health etc... Not sure when the wife is going away again haha. Anyway, the various companies are pretty much a one stop shop for any supplement you could want. I find them trustworthy as nothing leads me to believe otherwise. Steve seems like a good guy and is always helpful and forthright. I see a good thing being established. I hope it and he prospers bigly.

Most likely more headache than it is worth as you you would have to deal further with a corrupt government, (they all are) and maybe being the way it is now is ideal and the most safe (probably is) I don't know, but if there was ever a possibility of a Series A or some such crowdfunding investment type thing for this firm, I would be in.
Thank you for the kind words and support. I really truly appreciate it.

I'm really glad that you like the products and that they help you.

That's what this is all about to me - I love helping people and I love supplements, and the goal with the companies is to offer top quality products to help people reach their health and fitness goals and to improve their quality of life.

The part that you said about being disheartening with so many new products, that's something that I've thought about a lot and have really had to do some prioritizing on - in that we offer so many great products, but just not enough people know about them. And that I really need to be focusing more on advertising and increasing awareness of the brands versus coming out with more and more new things because after a certain point, we really just compete with ourselves on some things - like the natural anabolics for example. It's just that for me, I suck at the marketing side but love the science side, so the formulation and development is what I enjoy so its easy to get caught up in it. But we do have to start focusing more on increasing awareness than just on what's next. There's still a ton of stuff in process, and I think after we get out the things we do have in process, we will have almost every category covered and then new releases will slow down - but mainly just bc I think we will have everything covered then for the most part.

We do have several cool natural anabolics in the works - and we have a lot of flavored powder projects coming out throughout the rest of the year too. That's something I'm very excited about - getting Focus XT and Energized Aminos back in stock and then launching Daily Gains, an EAA, a hydration product, and a couple ideas for pre's.

Thank you on the well wishes for prosperity. I really do appreciate that and they're very much needed. From my end, its really hard in today's market bc we have so many products, and so much money tied up in products, and just not enough people know about us and we don't have the advertising budget to compete with the big brands. And most of the brands that come into the industry now have big marketing and money backing, so I'm in the tough spot of really needing to get the word out on the brands and needing more people to know about them, but not having the big ad budget they do.

In regards to what you said:
if there was ever a possibility of a Series A or some such crowdfunding investment type thing for this firm, I would be in.

^^^ I really wish I knew more about how to get investors or crowdfunding, because it could help a lot of cool projects come to life quicker, and it could be company changing and life changing for me as a person, to be able to have the advertising budget to let more people know about the brands and grow them.

If anyone knows about this type of thing, I'm all ears and would love to learn more. Anyone is welcome to pm me on this, and I'd be glad to set up a call with them.


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Your right I'd be one of those that would definitely invest
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I would be very open to crowdfunding or investment opportunities; crowdfunding is just something I don't know a lot about, but I think it would have a lot of cool potential. And investment wise, I'm definitely open for discussing with anyone interested.


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Steve is a great stand up guy! I have spoken with him on the phone at length and through email and he is one of if not the most genuine person I've ever talked with in the supplement industry. He's extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of the products he puts together and pours his heart and soul into all of it. He works his a$$ off to bring quality products that work to the market. I know that whenever he brings out a new product it's going to be exactly what he says it is with the proper clinical dosing.

I agree with you on the investment options if SNS was possibly going to be a publicly traded company. I think there's quite a few on this forum that would invest if it were an option. But at this point ordering directly and telling as many people as you can would really help grow SNS so we can continue to enjoy all the benefits of the products Steve offers. 👍
Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words and support. I really mean that.

I really do love helping people and I love supplements, and I just want to be able to help people reach their goals and improve their quality of life, and be able to make SNS be successful to help more people.

I'm definitely open to ideas and discussion from people that would be interested in investing in particular products, etc.

The companies, especially SNS, has so much potential but its just a matter of cash flow.

Now days, so many brands come into the industry being backed by marketing and investment companies, and they start off with an advertising budget that is more than what a normal company without that can even hope to do in total sales. It's so hard to compete with that - and that's what we desperately need is just more people knowing about the brands.

We make a lot of great products, its just that in the overall general consumer market, not many people know about us.

So thank you for mentioning that - helping spread the word on the brands is so helpful and means so much.


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I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that posted kind and encouraging words in this thread today.

Sincerely, it means a lot to me and it was very much needed.

I've been very discouraged lately - so reading kind words and support here really did help me today.

I want to help people, I want to grow the companies to be able to help more people, but just can't afford the advertising that the big companies can. And sometimes it gets discouraging to see the sales and awareness that many of them get and then how few people know about us.

I don't mean that negatively towards the big advertising brands - I wish any company that does the proper quality testing and meets labels claims the best. It's just discouraging sometimes to work 60+ hours a week and have so many great products, but not to have the advertising budget or social media knowledge to get people knowing about the brand.

I know I need to be better on social media, and I am going to try, but part of that is that I'm just kind of a shy person in general. I love talking to people and helping people, but I'm just not someone that likes to be on video - like there's a part of me that would love to do explainer videos and things to help educate people on the products and ingredients, but I just don't like being on camera. That's something I've been trying to talk myself into trying to get past, but its the way I've always been.

Normally, I don't let things get to me and try not to get discouraged, and I rarely talk about my life in general on here, but the last 6 weeks has just been rough. I'm used to things happening, bad things happen to all of us - but the last 6 weeks has been almost surreal just how many things have happened so close together.

I've always been open about having struggled most of my life with depression, which is why I always try to offer to be there for anyone here or anywhere that is struggling themselves; and normally I do a good job of handling mine, or at least giving the appearance of handling it well, but the last 6 weeks has just been rough.

So thank you to everyone again for the kind words. I really do sincerely appreciate it.


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Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I would be very open to crowdfunding or investment opportunities; crowdfunding is just something I don't know a lot about, but I think it would have a lot of cool potential. And investment wise, I'm definitely open for discussing with anyone interested.
You have an email coming in shortly 👍


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6 oxo product maybe? Lol.
Not a chance.

That ingredient is illegal, and even if it wasn't, the parent raw material tends to convert to an ingredient that is not only illegal, but a Schedule III.

On top of that, even back when it was more commonplace it was very hard to get legit raw materials even back then, and it was very common to test raw materials and find that they had a high content of regular andro in them - which was a big issue because people were taking something hoping to lower their estrogen, but then it may have something in it that would increase estrogen.

That's the reason you'll read and hear some people say that 6-OXO increased their estrogen. It likely wasn't that 6-OXO increased it, it was likely that they bought a product from a company that hadn't tested their raws and it had a certain % of andro in it.

Always appreciate suggestions, but absolutely no way on that one.


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Haha it was a joke. Honestly I would just like a multivitamin and maybe a creapure creatine mono supplement. I take those year round (plus additional single vitamins b c d).


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Haha it was a joke. Honestly I would just like a multivitamin and maybe a creapure creatine mono supplement. I take those year round (plus additional single vitamins b c d).
Ah, okay. Some people really do mistakenly think that ingredient is still legal.

We have a great multivitamin in process that I think people are going to love.

We may do a creatine monohydrate at some point, but that market is so saturated and some bag brands and brands on Amazon sell it for less than legitimate would even cost to make and have tested.

I personally can't use creatine monohydrate because it causes stomach issues for me and bloats me so badly that, as my daughter put it - I look like I swallowed a Volkswagen haha.

That's why we offer Creatine HCI and also Magnesium Creatine Chelate - both are advanced forms that have better absorption and don't cause any stomach issues or the bloating and fluid retention that may get from regular monohydrate.

We have the Creatine HCI in both caps and powder, and the daily dosage needed on that is only 1,500 mg.
The capsules are super convenient, but the flavored powders taste amazing.

We have Magnesium Creatine Chelate, which is patented Creatine Magnapower, and the daily dosage needed on that is only 2,500 mg.

Creatine HCI Capsules:

The capsules are normally 29.99, but are on a Memorial Day Flash Sale for 19.99 at the moment.

Creatine HCI Powder:

Magnesium Creatine Chelate:



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Yeah the market is saturated that’s for sure. I would just trust you guys making it more than others haha.


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Yeah the market is saturated that’s for sure. I would just trust you guys making it more than others haha.
If you don’t already take a magnesium supplement, it’s basically the one mineral that most people actually are deficient in. Most people could use more, especially lifters, so the MCC helps kill 2 birds with one supplement. Consuming it around training also seems to help prevent cramping during/post for me.


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Just coming back to Napalm Xtreme & Lipoderm Xtreme, what is the main difference between the two? Is one meant to be applied pre-workout and the other used on a more strict PSMF type diet with less exercise, so as to preserve more muscle mass?


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Xtreme Performance Gels Memorial Day Sale Thread:



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SNS, CEL, & Muscle Addiction Memorial Day Sale Thread:

We are doing a much larger than normal sale this year - 20% to 30% off everything + lots of flash sales and special deals.



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If you don’t already take a magnesium supplement, it’s basically the one mineral that most people actually are deficient in. Most people could use more, especially lifters, so the MCC helps kill 2 birds with one supplement. Consuming it around training also seems to help prevent cramping during/post for me.
I take zma xt every night lol.


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Just coming back to Napalm Xtreme & Lipoderm Xtreme, what is the main difference between the two? Is one meant to be applied pre-workout and the other used on a more strict PSMF type diet with less exercise, so as to preserve more muscle mass?
Thank you for the question.

I can't go into a lot of details yet, but no, that isn't the difference between them. Neither of them need to be based around workout timing, and neither are meant to be used with any specific type of diet.

Napalm Xtreme and LipoDerm Xtreme are updated formulas of the Avant Labs Napalm and Lipoderm Ultra products, which were two of the original very effective td fat loss products. There will be some common ingredients, but quite a few different ingredients between them. They will be able to be used individually or stacked together.

As the launch becomes closer, we will go into more details about the differences between them.

Since these are technically Avant Labs products, I have to have the go ahead before I can give out too much detailed information on them. I will probably do some of the ingredient write up part, but there will also likely be some of the technical info done on these by Par.

I'm looking very forward to these myself.


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some interesting ingredients:

1. EubioQuercetin. personally, isoquercetrin is hands down my favorite. i believe anecdotally that it does have a much better halflife than anything else ive tried. i believe the claim is it lasts 12 hours which would blow alot of other forms out of the park; alot of people using it for allergies would want that longer window. no side effects either like i get from some other forms. at 600mg/day though it costs me a fortune

2.) microactive oligonol. im going to try this at 2x dose to see it has any value
3) microactive citrulline: i wonder if there is a financially realistic way to sell this relative to how lifters dose it
4) microPQQ. i know biopqq has a reduced size, not sure how it compares
5) microactive astaxanthin. ive seemingly never absorbed regular astaxanthin
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some interesting ingredients:

1. EubioQuercetin. personally, isoquercetrin is hands down my favorite. i believe anecdotally that it does have a much better halflife than anything else ive tried. i believe the claim is it lasts 12 hours which would blow alot of other forms out of the park; alot of people using it for allergies would want that longer window. no side effects either like i get from some other forms. at 600mg/day though it costs me a fortune

2.) microactive oligonol. im going to try this at 2x dose to see it has any value
3) microactive citrulline: i wonder if there is a financially realistic way to sell this relative to how lifters dose it
4) microPQQ. i know biopqq has a reduced size, not sure how it compares
5) microactive astaxanthin. ive seemingly never absorbed regular astaxanthin
For Quercetin, I personally prefer, and we have gotten asked a lot more for Quercefit, which we use in Immune Support XT.

There are a lot of quality issues in the Isoquercetin supply chain, and a lot of products labeling as Isoquercetin are mislabeling in the sense that the raw material may only be for example 40% actual active Isoquercetin and the brands are labeling the total mg as the Isoquercetin content.

I have a good relationship with the MicroActive company. We use their MicroActive Melatonin. We really haven't had a demand for any of their other ingredients. I think some of them are good, and then some are more just marketing; not that they're bad, but not sure they provide a justifiable benefit for the cost on some.

And no, its definitely not realistic to offer MicroActive Citrulline at dosages that lifters thing of it as. It's only 60% actual Citrulline if I remember correctly.

Appreciate the suggestions though. Always open to ideas.

Doubling back to Quercetin for a moment, Quercefit was the obvious choice for Immune Support XT because of their data, and how good it helps for seasonal allergies as well. I was researching different forms for use in a different project, a natural anabolic one, and my original thought was Isoquercetin, but that one is going to be Quercefit as well bc the data is just better and its legit.


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Neither of them need to be based around workout timing, and neither are meant to be used with any specific type of diet.
Hi sns8778, thanks for your response. What you mentioned here about not being required necessarily around workouts is key - not that I’m implying being lazy in any way and expecting results - but not being obligated to go through the whole rigmarole of showering first, then applying the gel, then waiting 40mins to an hour for it to absorb, then working out and the showering again !
I’ve forced myself to do this in the past purely to get single digit bf results but it’s not time efficient, especially when holding a full time career !! The reason I felt obligated to use transdermals in that way is because they contained Yohimbine HCL and was advised that it didn’t work out the released free fatty acids would just be re-esterified back into the fat cells !

Just a few other questions, is Lipoderm Extreme and Napalm Extreme meant for those around 10 to 12% bf who want to get to single digits?

When is the expected release date(s) for both?


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Hi sns8778, thanks for your response. What you mentioned here about not being required necessarily around workouts is key - not that I’m implying being lazy in any way and expecting results - but not being obligated to go through the whole rigmarole of showering first, then applying the gel, then waiting 40mins to an hour for it to absorb, then working out and the showering again !
I’ve forced myself to do this in the past purely to get single digit bf results but it’s not time efficient, especially when holding a full time career !! The reason I felt obligated to use transdermals in that way is because they contained Yohimbine HCL and was advised that it didn’t work out the released free fatty acids would just be re-esterified back into the fat cells !

Just a few other questions, is Lipoderm Extreme and Napalm Extreme meant for those around 10 to 12% bf who want to get to single digits?

When is the expected release date(s) for both?
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't consider doing it that way as necessary - I never used the original Lipoderm Ultra or Napalm that way back when I used them when Avant had them.

The next part of my reply isn't specifically to you; its about what you asked and what I've read some people say about that in the past that isn't true. I'm trying to make the answer as simple as possible for anyone reading and following along or that may read in the future.

I've read of some people making it out like there was some magical ritual or time frame that you have to do things like that in, and its simply not true and not realistically possible for many of us.

With Yohimbine HCI, or anything else that helps release fatty acids to give you the opportunity to burn them again, if they aren't burned then yes, they may stored back as fat again. But that doesn't mean that one has to go through that routine and that you have some magical timeframe that you have to do it in. There is a time frame for anything, but its not like some make it out to be. If you think about it, we aren't just burning calories during our workouts - we are burning calories all day.

I can tell you that for me personally, I either workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (if goal is fat loss) or at nighttime if the goal is more focused on building muscle and maximum performance. I will be dosing morning and night, and one dose will be about an hour before my workout on workout days but that's because my dosing will be morning and nighttime every day. So on workout days, I'll time it an hour before my workouts - but that's really the same timing I'll be dosing it on my non-workout days anyway. My primary goal is just splitting my dosages 8 to 12 hours apart. And like at nighttime, I'm not showering, putting it on, waiting, etc. - I'm putting it on at my desk and going to workout. Simple as that.

I hope that helps.

For your next questions:
Is Lipoderm Extreme and Napalm Extreme meant for those around 10 to 12% bf who want to get to single digits?

Lipoderm Xtreme and Napalm Xtreme can be used by people at any body-fat percentage.

Yes, they will be particularly effective for people that have lower body-fact percentages because of allowing to target problem fat areas and because people that are that lean can many times tell a bigger difference in fat loss in specific areas.

But they will also be good for people at any body-fat percentage because no matter how high or low the body-fat percentage, they work the same way in the sense of allowing people to have the chance to burn more fat from their problem areas and burn more body-fat in general.

It's important to remember that these aren't just area specific fat loss - they have systemic benefits as well for total fat burning.

For people in the 10% to 12% range, and especially if they're storing fat in abdominal and love handle problem areas and visceral fat, Ab-Solved is actually a great option because Ab-Solved is a localized carrier and very effective.

Ab-Solved, Lipoderm Ultra, Napalm, and FL7 were the original Avant fat loss lineup.
(There we also Lipoderm-Y, but we really haven't had much demand to bring that back.)

When is the expected release date(s) for both?
I would say probably within the next month.

There were several other products in front of them and they've all been released now, so these are the next XPG products due out. We've discussed releasing both at once or whether to space them out - but even if spaced out, it won't be more than a couple of weeks apart. I'm leaning towards wanting to release them together bc I think a lot of people will stack them.

When they are released, there will be more answers explaining the differences and kind of a Q&A type piece on them. If there are any specific questions that you, or anyone else would like for me to try to have answered in that, you're welcome to let me know. I will say up front though - no dosages are going to be provided - there's nothing about that meant to be deceptive, everything is dosed just as Par and I think it should be. It's just the same as it was with the original Avant ones - way too much work and detail has gone into these formulas and optimizing the carriers to give out the exact dosages.

I'm always a fan of transparent dosing on all capsule and powder products, but I understand with topicals that sometimes not disclosing exact dosages is necessary because it makes them harder to copy or knock off.


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Couple long days at softball had me thinking...

Focus XT Sport. Slightly altered from the normal FXT. Throw in an extra stim boost, electrolytes, and maybe a couple different nootropics like BrainBerry. Purely anecdotal and maybe a little bit of placebroing myself... but I feel like I do have better hand/eye coordination when using it. Was in that STORM pre + one of the variations of C4 cans now.


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Couple long days at softball had me thinking...

Focus XT Sport. Slightly altered from the normal FXT. Throw in an extra stim boost, electrolytes, and maybe a couple different nootropics like BrainBerry. Purely anecdotal and maybe a little bit of placebroing myself... but I feel like I do have better hand/eye coordination when using it. Was in that STORM pre + one of the variations of C4 cans now.
That's a great suggestion. I had thought about something like that - a little higher caffeine, electrolytes, etc. I hadn't thought about the Brainberry, but would consider it. I'm not sure how well this would sell, so had thought about doing a 1 flavor limited edition of it to gauge how it goes.

My plan is to hopefully build out the Focus XT lineup:
  • Focus XT
  • Focus XT - Caffeine Free
  • Focus XT Ultra
  • Focus XT Xtreme - much higher stim
  • Focus XT capsules
I had thought about one with some electrolytes for outdoor and sports performance, and I think that's very doable.

We hope to have the first flavors of Focus XT back in stock next month and then how soon the other ideas progress will really just depend on how well it sells when it gets back in stock. The better and quicker it sells, the quicker we can do the other versions.


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If you don’t already take a magnesium supplement, it’s basically the one mineral that most people actually are deficient in. Most people could use more, especially lifters, so the MCC helps kill 2 birds with one supplement. Consuming it around training also seems to help prevent cramping during/post for me.
Yup, I use Mag Threonate in the A.M. and follow-up with Magnapower MCC pre-work out and SNS Creatine HCL post. I also take Albion Mag Lysinate/Glycinate Chelate before bed. I love magnesium (and creatine, lol).


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As we get close to the launch of the new Thermagize XT, DPS is blowing out stock on the version they have now.

For anyone that likes a high energy thermogenic, this is a great price:

24.96 for 1 Bottle
44.99 for 2 Bottles



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I love how you use the veggie and gelatin caps for products like SNS Immune XT and SNS Joint Support XT. I would love to see other products that we run year round like creatine hcl, stress & anxiety support, cissus get the same veggie capsules instead of the plastic capsules.


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I love how you use the veggie and gelatin caps for products like SNS Immune XT and SNS Joint Support XT. I would love to see other products that we run year round like creatine hcl, stress & anxiety support, cissus get the same veggie capsules instead of the plastic capsules.
We have or are changing over most things to vegetable capsules on future runs. We typically make the change when we run out of labels &/or existing inventory.

Stress & Anxiety Support are Veg Capsules (always have been).

Cissus XT are Veg Capsules (have been for quite awhile).

Creatine HCI Capsules are changing to veg capsules on the next run. We are low stock on the exiting ones, which is part of why we marked them down for the sale, to go ahead and blow them out.

You may be thinking that they weren't based off the 2 you mentioned being clear capsules and those being white, but there are white veg capsules. I prefer white, but we do use clear in some products bc in some things the color of the ingredients may stain the capsules if we use white ones.

The only product I can think of that I don't plan on changing at some point is the new Thermagize XT. That will stay red/white because red/white is part of the branding on that and looks cool. Plus, most people using high energy fat burners aren't concerned with whether its a gelatin or veg capsule. If red/white ever becomes available in veg, will probably change it too.


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The m test I just bought was white capsules instead of red and white.
That's a great example of one that recently changed over to vegetable capsules :)


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Thank you. Still works great without the red 40 lol.
Thanks. Nothing in the formula changed, just went from colored gelatin capsules to white veg capsules.


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The Xtreme Performance Gels Memorial Day Special is still active thru June 2nd as well.

Buy 200.00 worth of Xtreme Performance Gels products through any retailer, you can choose one of the following for free:
  • CurcuPrime Gel
  • DHEA-50 Gel
  • Epicatechin Gel
  • MitoBurn Gel
  • Pregnenolone Gel
  • Pump Gel
Full details and full Xtreme Performance Gels product information in this thread:



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Muscle Addiction - Sales, Promos, & Free Product Specific Thread:

I wanted to let everyone know that I updated the original post in this thread and that the SNS, CEL, and Muscle Addiction sales have all been extended through midnight Sunday, June 2nd.

There are so many different special offers in the main sale thread, I did a thread specific to Muscle Addiction products for anyone that wanted to see those grouped together.



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Competitive Edge Labs - Sales, Promos, & Free Product Specific Thread:

I wanted to let everyone know that I updated the original post in this thread and that the SNS, CEL, and Muscle Addiction sales have all been extended through midnight Sunday, June 2nd.

There are so many different special offers in the main sale thread, I did a thread specific to CEL products for anyone that wanted to see those grouped together.



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SNS, CEL, & Muscle Addiction Memorial Day Sales - All Extended

Make sure to check this out bc this is one of the most extensive sales we've ever done.

Tons of flash sales, special offers, and product giveaways.



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Genabolix Methyl Eaa [N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic Acid (NMA)]

i want to try it anyway, no idea if it works.


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Genabolix Methyl Eaa [N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic Acid (NMA)]

i want to try it anyway, no idea if it works.
I appreciate the suggestions, but that's one that I could never in good conscience sell.

At one time, we were asked to do that one quite a bit and I probably lost a good amount of money by not offering it, but there are serious safety concerns with that ingredient. That's an ingredient that I would absolutely never put in my body.

There are too many great safe ingredients available to take such a risk on something like that.

Plus, the reason that you rarely see it available anymore is because the feedback wasn't good on it, so most of the companies that did sell it at one time stopped.


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I appreciate the suggestions, but that's one that I could never in good conscience sell.

At one time, we were asked to do that one quite a bit and I probably lost a good amount of money by not offering it, but there are serious safety concerns with that ingredient. That's an ingredient that I would absolutely never put in my body.

There are too many great safe ingredients available to take such a risk on something like that.

Plus, the reason that you rarely see it available anymore is because the feedback wasn't good on it, so most of the companies that did sell it at one time stopped.
i saw reviews from other brands where people said they had good sleep or acne. some people said it was good, which is unsatisfyingly vague. i wanted to find good testimony, but i got sick of digging and digging. cant rule it out though. I could see why a company wouldnt want something like this on their hands;, but sort of feel like people who get overexcited from glutamate or nmda have something else going on and the only place people know to point the finger is at the supplement.
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Oh man I remember all the drama from that stuff. 😂

I’m just sitting here patiently (or maybe only trying to be patient…) waiting for some of the endurance products to drop. 👀


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Oh man I remember all the drama from that stuff. 😂

I’m just sitting here patiently (or maybe only trying to be patient…) waiting for some of the endurance products to drop. 👀
i mustve missed it; are we talking about people having seizures or just a bunch of people dumping on Vaughn. it does seem like the kind of ingredient people would abuse; moth to the flame type of scenario.
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Idk I don’t care to really get into it, just remember tons of drama and doesn’t seem it ever was worth it.
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i saw reviews from other brands where people said they had good sleep or acne. some people said it was good, which is unsatisfyingly vague. i wanted to find good testimony, but i got sick of digging and digging. cant rule it out though. I could see why a company wouldnt want something like this on their hands;, but sort of feel like people who get overexcited from glutamate or nmda have something else going on and the only place people know to point the finger is at the supplement.
There are so many great, safe ingredients that I'm not sure why anyone would want to try that ingredient. I'm not saying it does or doesn't cause any issues, I'm saying that something with basically no good real world feedback and some serious potential side effects simply isn't worth the risk when there's plenty of good options out there that wouldn't.

I know you like to experiment with things, but I like you, and I hope you'll pass on this one.

This is one I truly wouldn't put in my body or ever be comfortable selling. And for what its worth, I didn't make the decision to be unwilling to sell it bc of any public debates on the ingredient, I make the decision to not be willing to sell it based off of my own research combined with the fact that there were many raw material suppliers that wouldn't even sell this ingredient because they felt it was too dangerous.

Idk I don’t care to really get into it, just remember tons of drama and doesn’t seem it ever was worth it.
Agree. This ingredient had so much drama over it and heated arguments for something that seemed to not really do anything to begin with.

I get heated debates over ingredients if there are great results vs potential sides, but this one seemed like hypothetical possible results vs. no real world results + potential sides; and even if it did work, there were other things without the sides that would have worked better.


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New products will be released pretty regularly throughout the year. I can't give exact dates for them because its hard to predict because things can get pushed back for a variety of reasons. But the Senactiv XT product that you mentioned, I'd guess 8 weeks or so.

The next new SNS release will be the new version of Thermagize XT, which is excellent.

The next new CEL release will be a natural anabolic/recomp product and that should be 6 to 8 weeks.

The next XPG releases will be Lipoderm Xtreme and Napalm Xtreme and should be just a couple of weeks.
Bumping with some new info on what is next in the pipeline.

Really looking forward to the Senactiv solo product, wish it was sooner! Think 150mg is about the most I've pushed pre-workout, but would love to try 200-300mg pre or 150-200mg twice per day with split training.


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Bumping with some new info on what is next in the pipeline.

Really looking forward to the Senactiv solo product, wish it was sooner! Think 150mg is about the most I've pushed pre-workout, but would love to try 200-300mg pre or 150-200mg twice per day with split training.
Senactiv XT should be about 8 weeks out I'm hoping.

It will be Senactiv and AstraGin and will allow for people to conveniently try higher doses of Senactiv, which I think a lot of people will really enjoy.

Also, AstraGin has some great new studies on gut health at higher dosing so that will be a nice added benefit.
