Sweetlou's training log



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Based on this post I'd skip it.
I appreciate that perspective. Duffin made a comment in his Podcast Q&A last night about how he trained speed work Westside style for 10 years but never really felt like he got much for me. I was really slow starting this program but lately I have been getting fast enough that I'm not sure it would help like when I can tell I'm slower.


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Not to start a shît storm, but I'm still confused as to why speed work is even a thing. Powerlifting is about limit strength. Speed has really nothing to do with limit strength. How fast you recruit muscle fibers is largely genetic and almost non-responsive to training when compared with other forms of strength. And how fast you recruit muscle fibers still doesn't even really matter because at the end of the day it's about the total force those fibers generate not the speed at which they generate it. Powerlifting isn't a race. You're slow off the ground, out of the hole, off your chest because you're not producing enough force not because you didn't produce it fast enough. Not trying to rant. I'm just honestly confused


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Not to start a shît storm, but I'm still confused as to why speed work is even a thing. Powerlifting is about limit strength. Speed has really nothing to do with limit strength. How fast you recruit muscle fibers is largely genetic and almost non-responsive to training when compared with other forms of strength. And how fast you recruit muscle fibers still doesn't even really matter because at the end of the day it's about the total force those fibers generate not the speed at which they generate it. Powerlifting isn't a race. You're slow off the ground, out of the hole, off your chest because you're not producing enough force not because you didn't produce it fast enough. Not trying to rant. I'm just honestly confused
Maybe I can help clear up why the confusion persist? I will say I agree with you however in your points above.

First there is research showing that if one presses with a slower cadence as opposed to as fast as they can, the fast group will get about double the bench press strength gains. However this should tell us to press fast all the time and not just as a designated "speed work" fashion.

Second, there is research showing that the speed of a weight can correlate to a specific % or 1rm, so if press a certain weight faster then your limit strength is higher. This is why mike t and Duffin use these devices but again, they are not doing speed work.

So I think people see the research mentioned above and include speed work but miss the big picture applications. Plus we know that the best fitness to fatigue model is around rpe 8 for most lifting. To do traditional speed work your rpe usually is lower or else it's not very speedy. So you miss out on a better fitness gain, you may still get the same volume but it's not the same from a fitness gain or hypertrophy standpoint. So I think speed work or even "cat" work misses the mark a lot bc we should be pressing fast or moving fast all the time anyways.

Just my take.


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I appreciate that perspective. Duffin made a comment in his Podcast Q&A last night about how he trained speed work Westside style for 10 years but never really felt like he got much for me. I was really slow starting this program but lately I have been getting fast enough that I'm not sure it would help like when I can tell I'm slower.
Slower means weaker. You do not need a speed work wave to correct this. Just be conscious with moving fast and with intent each rep. Also you mentioned it gives you bicep tendon issues so it's clearly not worth the risk. You will perform better when healthy. Just skip it.


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So people can't understand the application of research and base their training around old adages and what they think is common sense. Gotcha.


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So people can't understand the application of research and base their training around old adages and what they think is common sense. Gotcha.
That is my take after looking at the research myself. As I was one of those people and once. But I could be totally wrong.


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So I have a bad habit of tipping on my squats when I fatigue or rpe 9ish stuff. My quads and glutes are not up to par to keep my moving like I should. I'm starting to address the glutes and have bss for quads. Gonna do more fronts to help me push some sets hard and make it I can't tip as bad per Greg.

But I was reaching out if you guys think the above makes sense and if I should lower my squat weights and consider the tipping technical failure? It is excessive at top end.

I'd have to switch gyms to use a leg press regularly and belt squats are a huge pain to set up and load with anything meaningful. Hence my choices above.


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I've seen Mike T say that when you reach a heavy enough weight or fatigue level (like a 9) you're gonna tip no matter what. Just gotta try to minimize it, obviously.


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I've seen Mike T say that when you reach a heavy enough weight or fatigue level (like a 9) you're gonna tip no matter what. Just gotta try to minimize it, obviously.
Thanks bud. I'll try gregs method of cluster sets like I've done on my down sets for all squats to minimize this.


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So people can't understand the application of research and base their training around old adages and what they think is common sense. Gotcha.
Success leaves cues...and there were a lot of successful guys that did it. But people tend to fail to consider what people can accomplish IN SPITE of what they are doing. A guy with good genes on a lot of drugs that busts his ass is probably gonna be successful however he lifts.

I also know Louie always promoted speed work BECAUSE it is poor for hypertrophy...he only uses it on lifters trying to stay within a weight class. You can't go ME sustainably twice a week and repetition method tends to make people more jacked, so speed work was the solution.


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Success leaves cues...and there were a lot of successful guys that did it. But people tend to fail to consider what people can accomplish IN SPITE of what they are doing. A guy with good genes on a lot of drugs that busts his ass is probably gonna be successful however he lifts.
Bodybuilders are the archetype for this. 1/2 of them aren't qualified to coach a high school football team in the weight room, but they're MASSIVE.


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Pause bench
275x8 @8
260x4 60s 4 @7
240x5 60s 5 @7
Dead bench (30s)
220x1x8 @7-8ish by the end
Face pulls
25x15x3 @7-8
Head supported db rows-dicks press
60x12-125x8 @7-7
60x12-125x8 @7-8
60x12-125x8 @8-9
60x12-125x7 @9-10
Flat flys
30x15/12/10 @8/9/9
Notes: crushed bench, so the strength pendulum swings once more. Bench was on the low and squat was on the high and now it's turning the other way again lol. Can't complain tho. Groove was on point, weights were flying and I'm feeling healthy. What more can I ask for? Settling into my routine more.


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Front squat paused beltless
185x10x3 @7/8/8
Sumo deadlift narrow
455x5 @8
Medium stance
405x3x3 @7/7/5
15lb dbx12x3 @8
Abs wheel-glute hypers
10-20x3 @7-6/8-7/9-7
Notes: took it easier on pulls today bc if my back. Also played around stance wise and found my sumo stance again. Also found my groove on the last set and it was effortless really. Just need practice with submax weights. Conv is out due to my back. Finally had a quad pump instead of lower back pump after squats than only got worse after fronts. Feeing good about how things are progressing health wise.


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Lou what do I need to do to make my bench not suck so bad? Bionic arms?


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Lou what do I need to do to make my bench not suck so bad? Bionic arms?
lol I am probably one of the worst guys to ask since my bench is sub par. But I'd say first, train your pecs and shoulders much harder then your triceps. Second is bench is bench more, find your mrv and push towards it each block to really maximize the volume you put into it. Last just stay healthy while doing the first two.


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T3 raises (60s)
5x10x3 @6
Cg bench paused (120s)
225x6x5 @7/7/8/8/9
Seated oh db press (120s)
60x12/11/10 @8/9/10
Head supported db rows (120s)
65x8x4 @7/7/7/8
Rear delt raises-db curls (90s)
20-20x10-10x4 @7-7/7-7/7-8/7-8
Cardio: 20min on bike
Notes: fun quick session, extending the block for a week then I'll deload and enter meet prep.


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So I have a bad habit of tipping on my squats when I fatigue or rpe 9ish stuff. My quads and glutes are not up to par to keep my moving like I should. I'm starting to address the glutes and have bss for quads. Gonna do more fronts to help me push some sets hard and make it I can't tip as bad per Greg.

But I was reaching out if you guys think the above makes sense and if I should lower my squat weights and consider the tipping technical failure? It is excessive at top end.

I'd have to switch gyms to use a leg press regularly and belt squats are a huge pain to set up and load with anything meaningful. Hence my choices above.
I've noticed that if I focus on a few things I can stay straight.

-knees forward(don't let the PC take over the whole lift)
-obviously make sure my core and upper back is tight
-make sure the weight is over midfoot the whole time in raised heels or over my heel in flats. If I feel a slight transfer forward it is disastrous.


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Squat in lifters
395x3 @5-6
Cat squat (120s)
325x4x5 @5-6/6-7 at end
Uni sldl (90s)
12kgx12x3 @6
Banded static glute bridges (90s)
Triple micro bandx60sx3 @7/8/9
Front squat static holds beltless
365x15sx2 @7/8
Notes: working on staying within my ability to maintain my technique. I was suppose to deload this week but taking it as a transition to a deload as I start meet prep in 2 weeks. This sets me up for the weights I want t handle in week one of prep. Squats were on point and couldn't have been happier with how they moved and felt. Then rehab work and brace work.


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Pause bench
295x4 @8
275x6 @9
260x4 120s 4 @7
Dead bench (45s)
230x1x8 @finished around 7
Rope facepulls (90s)
35x10x3 @7/8/8
Underhand pulldowns-dicks press (90s)
115-105x12-12/12-10/10-9 @8-8/9-9/9-9
Flat flys (90s)
25x12x3 @8/8/9
Notes: **** I needed a deload, did what I could, I was beat. Dead bench is still one of my fav bench variations. Feels better then even regular benching does. Felt a twinge on the last set of flys. No pain or anything, may go back to floor pause flys instead and keep flat flys to light rehab/stretching type weights and sets.


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I haven't done flyes in ages. Bryant big on those, or is that a Lou thing?


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I haven't done flyes in ages. Bryant big on those, or is that a Lou thing?
Bryant is big on them, they are great when done light to open up the pecs and help with the rom. The floor version limits the rom a touch and is easier on the pec tie ins.


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I know he seems pretty huge on pec/delt work. I've hardly ever seen anyone programmed by him that wasn't doing dips, flyes, db pressing or usually a combo of all 3


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I know he seems pretty huge on pec/delt work. I've hardly ever seen anyone programmed by him that wasn't doing dips, flyes, db pressing or usually a combo of all 3
Yup, he had me doing floor flys pauses and my pec strength jumped up a lot. The better my pecs and delts get the better my bench gets. So I see why he is such a huge fan. I just won't be doing flat full rom flys for working sets anymore just as rehab work to open up the pecs. Not worth the risk of injury.


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Front pause squat
1ct-185x5 @5-6
2ct-185x5 @6
3ct-185x5 @7
Sumo deadlift
495x3 @7
Cat sumo deadlift (120s)
425x4x5 @6/7/8/7/7
Bss (90s)
15lb dbsx12x3 @7/8/8
Abs wheel-glute hypers (90s)
12-20 @8-6?
12-20 @9-6?
9-20 @10-6?
Notes: ready for a deload. Crushed sumo after tweaking form a tad. If this keeps up, I'll be smashing a pr in no time, sumo felt so clean and pain free. Hips are feeling extra healthy with the dedicated glute work/bss/uni sldl


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Be patient. Just keep polishing that stone, doing what you're doing, and when the time comes to show, it will be magnificent. You are on the path to victory.

I finally broke the 6 barrier, pulled 605 clean in training today. A year ago I literally couldn't pick up a pencil without pain, and I couldn't wash my legs in the shower.


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T3 raises
5x10x3 @6
3ct pause cg bench
185x5x3 @6
Oh db press
60x6x3 @6
Head supported db rows
60x6x4 @6
Rear delt raises-db curls
15-15x8-8x4 @6
Cardio: 20min on bike
Notes: nice deload day, pec get fine and felt good overall. About to start reversing on my diet so I can really push towards the meet. I like the 3ct cg bench even though I have spotters now if I needed them.


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365x3 @8
Cat squat (120s)
295x4x3 @5-6
Uni sldl (90s)
12kgx6x3 @5 or below
Banded glute bridge (90s)
Triples micro bandx30sx3 @6
Front squat static holds beltless
315x15sx2 @6
Notes: needed the deload today. 365 felt heavier then it should. I have been studying all day and night since Sunday tho for a physics test so I'm sure that played a part. Picked out my meet. Ready to pony up for some big lifts. Feeling healthy. Also did some coaching tonight too.


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Ew. Physics. I remember those days.


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Almost done, then I can start shadowing, takes the gre and finally apply to grad school
Yup, just have to grind through it. What will you be shadowing in?


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Great gig for you. One of my good buddies from college is in PT school.


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Great gig for you. One of my good buddies from college is in PT school.
I think it will be too, I'm really looking forward to it. Most people want me to go to Med school but I don't want to take more pre reqs at this point lol


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Pause bench
275x3 @5 or less
Cat bench (120s)
235x4x4 @5 or less
Spoto bench
235x4x3 @5 or less
Face pulls (90s)
35x10x3 @5-6
Underhand pulldowns-dicks press (90s)
80-95x10-8x3 @5-6
Floor flys paused (90s)
35x10x3 @6-7
Reverse hypers
2 sets, trying to loosen up my lower back, it's still irritated from pulling 450x10 conv
Notes: played with my bench set up a tad tonight. Wanted to test out my old comp set up from my last meet vs my current. Current is easier to set up but not nearly as tight. It'll take a few more sessions of playing around but I feel tweaking my old set up will be the ticket. Only if it doesn't bother my low back tho.


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Ssb pause squat
275-285ishx3x3 @6
Sumo deadlift
315x1x8 @0
10x8x3 @5 or less
Planks-glute hypers
30s-20x2 @6-7
Notes: just finishing off a deload week. Feeling much better and ready to enter prep. Forgot how much I missed the ssb. When my powerlifting time is over that would be the bar I'd squat with going forward lol. Back to flats, knees are getting cranky.


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Front-side raises (90s)
15-15x12-12x3 @7-8/7-9/7-9
Cg 3 board bench paused
290x5, 14 @6 or less/10
Rear delt pec deck (120s)
7.5 of stackx12x3 @7/8/9
Straight arm pulldowns (120s)
45x12x3 @7/8/9
Neutral grip chins (90s)
Bwx7/5/4/4/4 @8/10/10/10/10
Cardio: 20min on bike
Notes: working with Josh again, I train harder then someone else programs for me. And I respect Josh and trust him. I have no rom on 3 board, we will see what Josh thinks. Still felt juicy by the end of this session. Right shoulder actually feels better at the end then it did when I started.


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Based on the previous convo about paying for Josh I figured you were going to pass. This is intriguing.


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Based on the previous convo about paying for Josh I figured you were going to pass. This is intriguing.
I was, but I ended up with some extra money I wasn't planning on.


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420x3 @7-8
Cat squat (120s)
375x3x3 @7
Sumo deadlift
500x2 @7-8
Cat deadlift (120s)
420x3x3 @7
Dbl overhand dl hold
325x15s @7-8
Lateral step up to 12inch box
110x6x2 @6-7
Notes: grueling session, but my conditioning way better then last prep. So this was a smooth session. Excited for the rest of prep now knowing this.


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Pause bench
315x3 @7
Rest pause pause bench (300s)
270x8 20s 4 20s 3 @9/9/9
250x9 20s 3 20s 3 @9/9/9
Flat db press paused
90x6/5 @9/10
Seated scapular retraction row (75s)
160x12x3 @6-7
Lat pulldowns-chain ext (120s)
150-1 chainx10-10 @8-6 or less
150-2 chainx10-10 @9-7
150-3 chainx10-10 @10-10
150-3 chainx5-9 @10-10
Floor fly paused (90s)
40x8x5 @6/6/6/7/7
Notes: awesome session, had a blast and bench finally moved like I needed it too. Could have matched an all time pr at 315 tonight it felt like. Flat db press was not all that crisp, Josh wanted me to use the 100s, I think a touch lighter/deeper/better pause would have been more effective. The rest pause was brutal but again fun.


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Cambered bar pause squat (120s)
335x3x3 @7
Split stance rdls (75s)
145x8x3 @6 or less
Shrugs (120s)
315x6x3 @6-7
Incline chest supported db rows (120s)
75x5x5 @6 or less
Kettle bell towel curls (90s)
24kgx15/13/8 @10/10/10
Suit case deadlift one arm at knee level (60s)
145x3x2 @6-7
Notes: fun session. Adductors were shot coming in but I'm glad to see the squats moved well. Excited for the weeks to come.


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Front-side raises (90s)
15-15x14-14x3 @7-8/7-8/7-8
Cg 3 board paused
305x5,15 @6 or less/10
Reverse band flys (120s)
Micro band around postx12x3 @8
Straight arm pulldowns (120s)
45x14x3 @8/9/10
Neutral grip chins (90s)
Bwx8,6,5,4,4 @10
Cardio: 20min on bike
Notes: another good session, felt like crap and tired all day but get really good during this workout. Bench technique is improving week to week as well.


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Does Josh have you do a true closegrip, or is it just closer than comp?

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