Sustanon 300 and anadrol winter bulk!



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Day 75

Weight unknown

No pin today

Had a day off today. Worked 14 hours. Still ate quite big at 2954. 292g protein 201g carb 101g fats. Going to watch an hour or so of the Olympics and get to bed.


Well-known member
Day 76

Weight unknown

Pinned 150mgs sustanon 300

Need to go to the gym. Having a focking terrible day at work. One of those days when you just want to tear your supervisor a new a$$hole. Need gym to vent but it's closed. Pretty sure I'll still be pissed about today tomorrow so I'll have to murder some weights in te morning.
Calories 2806 pro 277 carbs 151 fats 119.
Got two an a half hours left of work. If I can get out of here without killing someone I'm doing well.


Well-known member
Day 77

Weight unknown

No pin today

Was going to hit my full body routine today but yesterday when we were cutting apart a car a workmate dropped our big pair of hydralic spreaders and my left quad broke their fall. Oww. Not bruised or anything just focking sore. Hit back and chest for some supersets instead.

Back and Chest

Chins BW x 12 x 12 x 11 x 10
Incline Barbell bench 190 x 12 x 12 x 10 ( didn't have a spotter so I couldn't push it )

Bent over rows 175 x 10 x 10 x 10
Flat dumbbell press 90s x 9 x 9 x 9

Lat pulldowns 90 per side x 12 x 12 x 11
Dumbbell pullovers 75 x 8 x 8 x 6

T bar rows weights only not including the bar 175 x 12 x 11 x 10
High cable flyes
No weights on plates but three sets of 10

Good session I thought my headrests was up pretty much the whole workout and finally my callouses and back pumps were not a problem.
I'm on night shifts tonight so my calories will be all over the place. I've tracked up until dinner tonight 10pm and so far 4112 calories with 371g protein 331g carbs and 122g fats.
My right nipple is sensitive again but there's no lump or anything there so I'll let it go for a few days and see how it goes.
I'm down to my last 1/4 of a vial :(


niiice, your progess is getting there man! sucks how your almost done with your cycle though bro, time flies when youre having fun!


Well-known member
niiice, your progess is getting there man! sucks how your almost done with your cycle though bro, time flies when youre having fun!
Yeah bro it feels like I just started yesterday! Another week and it'll be all over! :(


Yeah bro it feels like I just started yesterday! Another week and it'll be all over! :(
ah well, the cuttening shall soon commence and then its time for another chemically engineered transmogrification!


Well-known member
ah well, the cuttening shall soon commence and then its time for another chemically engineered transmogrification!
Yes I'm looking forward to the shreddening :D and ye it will be a VERY chemically engineered transmogrification lol is that even a word ??


Yes I'm looking forward to the shreddening :D and ye it will be a VERY chemically engineered transmogrification lol is that even a word ??
hahah the race is on to see if we can cut up and compete! haha actually it is, it means to transform something un-naturally, usually used to describe something being transformed into a monster, so i think its an apt description of what will happen when u start your next cycle :D


Well-known member
Day 78

Weight 195

Pinned 150 mgs sustanon 300

Was supposed to be an off day as I'm between night shifts but I woke up at 1400 and didn't start work till 1800 so I thought fock it ill put my big boy pants on and hit the gym. I'm supposed to hit legs but my left ls still majorly sore from the other day so I hit arms for a quick 30 minute session.

Biceps triceps supersets

Seated DB curls
40s x 10 x 9 x 7
Seated DB tricep extension
90 x 12 x 12 x 12

Ez bar preachers
100 x 5
90 x 8
80 x 9
Skull crushers ez bar
70 x 6
65 x 12 x 9

Cable crossover double biceps
No weights on these plates as the machine is about 45 years old... 4 sets 12
Single arm cable tricep pushdowns.
No weights recorded on these either due to the sane reason as above. 4 sets of 8 with four forced reps at the end if each set.

It was a quick session as I was actually really tired prior to heading down there. Felt good tho.

I've only been eating since 1500 so my calories are currently around 2k kcals. Will update with overall kcals at around 0800 tomorrow morning.

My mrs is going away for 5 days tomorrow so I'll be batching it for awhile. Looking forward to it actually. We had another big argument about my next cycle again tonight. I'm definitely thinking it might have to be on the sly ;)

By my calculations I have three more injections to go then I'm all done :( 3.5 weeks till pct. Hope my torem gets here before then or else ill have to go plan b and go clomid which I have on hand.


Well-known member
hahah the race is on to see if we can cut up and compete! haha actually it is, it means to transform something un-naturally, usually used to describe something being transformed into a monster, so i think its an apt description of what will happen when u start your next cycle :D
Yeah man I'm looking forward to it. Hahah yes that sounds like a very apt description. Test / Mast / abombs / Tren will unnaturally change anything into a monster!!


Yeah man I'm looking forward to it. Hahah yes that sounds like a very apt description. Test / Mast / abombs / Tren will unnaturally change anything into a monster!!
yeah man, i dont think id stand a chance if i tried a bulk competition with you on that cycle! it'll be interesting to see how well my test / mast/ primo goes :D


Well-known member
yeah man, i dont think id stand a chance if i tried a bulk competition with you on that cycle! it'll be interesting to see how well my test / mast/ primo goes :D
It would still be fun for both parties :D Test mast and primo should put some decent lean gains bro it would be a fun cycle.


Well-known member
Overall calories 3956 pro 359g carbs 331 fats 133. Always feel fat eating that much food over night shift..,,


It would still be fun for both parties :D Test mast and primo should put some decent lean gains bro it would be a fun cycle.
heeeelllzz yeah, and once that ones out of the way its time to jump aboard the Tren train! if you dont get jaundice or commit a triple murder i might just copy your cycle for my 3rd time round the block :p


Well-known member
heeeelllzz yeah, and once that ones out of the way its time to jump aboard the Tren train! if you dont get jaundice or commit a triple murder i might just copy your cycle for my 3rd time round the block :p
Hahah yeah it's going it's going to e a sweet cycle.... People just gotta learn not to FU*K with me lol :D


Well-known member
Day 79

Weight unknown

No pin today

Had an off day today due to not really sleeping after night shift. Had to drive 2 hours into town as well to see my brother off so I really didnt have much time to eat or train. Will rectify that tomorrow once I catch up on some sleep.
Calories low today the lowest they've been on cycle so far 2470 pro 242 carbs 160 fats 87.
Time for bed.


Hahah yeah it's going it's going to e a sweet cycle.... People just gotta learn not to FU*K with me lol :D
fuuuuuuu*k yeah man you'll be seeing all KINDS of gains on dat der tren! how long till u start it u reckon?


Well-known member
fuuuuuuu*k yeah man you'll be seeing all KINDS of gains on dat der tren! how long till u start it u reckon?
I'm going to give me body time on = time off so hopefully around three months after pct. Gives me time to get ripped first :)


I'm going to give me body time on = time off so hopefully around three months after pct. Gives me time to get ripped first :)
Wise choice.
Hope you keep a log of your cut too, I've been keeping quiet but have kept following your log all the way.
Good work mate..


I'm going to give me body time on = time off so hopefully around three months after pct. Gives me time to get ripped first :)
noice, that means if we start our cutting comp then we can do a bulk comp right afterwards :D


Well-known member
Wise choice.
Hope you keep a log of your cut too, I've been keeping quiet but have kept following your log all the way.
Good work mate..
Hey thanks bro! Yeah I'll be logging my cut. It's going to be very strict this time around too as I've got a much lower bf goal. Might have a bit of a competition going on just to keep me in line lol.


Well-known member
Day 80

Weight unknown

Pinned 150mgs sustanon300

Still quite run down after not sleeping after night shift yesterday and seem to have caught a headcold. Not the best thing to happen on my last week of pinning. I took the day off and had a three hour sleep instead of training. I'll be back home tomorrow and in quite looking forward to it. I'm going to hit legs tomorrow sick or not.
Didn't track calories today but I ate sh1tload! Easily 3500 kcals. .


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Day 78

Weight 195

Pinned 150 mgs sustanon 300

Was supposed to be an off day as I'm between night shifts but I woke up at 1400 and didn't start work till 1800 so I thought fock it ill put my big boy pants on and hit the gym. I'm supposed to hit legs but my left ls still majorly sore from the other day so I hit arms for a quick 30 minute session.

Biceps triceps supersets

Seated DB curls
40s x 10 x 9 x 7
Seated DB tricep extension
90 x 12 x 12 x 12

Ez bar preachers
100 x 5
90 x 8
80 x 9
Skull crushers ez bar
70 x 6
65 x 12 x 9

Cable crossover double biceps
No weights on these plates as the machine is about 45 years old... 4 sets 12
Single arm cable tricep pushdowns.
No weights recorded on these either due to the sane reason as above. 4 sets of 8 with four forced reps at the end if each set.

It was a quick session as I was actually really tired prior to heading down there. Felt good tho.

I've only been eating since 1500 so my calories are currently around 2k kcals. Will update with overall kcals at around 0800 tomorrow morning.

My mrs is going away for 5 days tomorrow so I'll be batching it for awhile. Looking forward to it actually. We had another big argument about my next cycle again tonight. I'm definitely thinking it might have to be on the sly ;)

By my calculations I have three more injections to go then I'm all done :( 3.5 weeks till pct. Hope my torem gets here before then or else ill have to go plan b and go clomid which I have on hand.
When I read this I was like yup the mrs going away and being happy and fighting about your sounds like my life haha well feel better man and enjoy your last 2 weeks or so bro


yeaaha pinning on the sly; now u can just say 'nah babe chicken and rice' all natural baby ALL NATURAL [video=youtube;2a4W8yUx0tY][/video]


Well-known member
When I read this I was like yup the mrs going away and being happy and fighting about your sounds like my life haha well feel better man and enjoy your last 2 weeks or so bro
Yeah man I guess it sounds bad but I'm looking forward to having the house to myself for a bit lol. I'm still sick today but with only having a couple weeks left I'm going in to crush legs anyways lol. Been following your log man you've had some sweet gains so far!


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Sorry for not going through your whole thread to find the answer, but how did you like drol? Did it bloat you real bad?


Well-known member
Sorry for not going through your whole thread to find the answer, but how did you like drol? Did it bloat you real bad?
That's ok bro. It did start to bloat me but I found drinking about 4l of water a day and taking diuretics kept the bloat down. I did however love the strength it gave me. I'm going to run it again for sure.


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That's ok bro. It did start to bloat me but I found drinking about 4l of water a day and taking diuretics kept the bloat down. I did however love the strength it gave me. I'm going to run it again for sure.
Got a couple of questions

1. How did 50 compare to 100 (I am assuming this was the dose)?

2. You actually took a diuretic the whole time? Or do you mean an AI?

3. How would you compare it to other orals? Size and strength wise.



Well-known member
Got a couple of questions

1. How did 50 compare to 100 (I am assuming this was the dose)?

2. You actually took a diuretic the whole time? Or do you mean an AI?

3. How would you compare it to other orals? Size and strength wise.

The difference between 50ng and 100mg is night and day. Huge difference. 100mg is where it's at for me at least. Nah man actual diuretics. I was honestly pissing about 30 times daily. An AI won't help as the bloat isn't estrogen related. I havent taken any other orals so I wouldn't have anything to compare it to... Yet. The strength was impressive tho. The weights that I used to struggle for 3 reps with suddenly became easy for 12! I'll definitely take it again with my next cycle.


Well-known member
Day 81

Weight 195

No pin today

Ohh today's workout was rough. Really rough. Have still been feeling sick today but after I dosed the sh1t out of my pre workouts I didn't feel too bad... Until my second work set of squats.

Leg Day
Barbell back squats
310 x 9 x 7 I all of a sudden starting seeing stars and got dizzy... Not cool with 140kg on your back!
265 x 10
240 x 10

Leg press
615 x 10 x 10 10

Leg extension cable
No weights on plates but 3 x 10

Leg curls
110 x 10 x 10 x 10

Seated calve raises
175 x 20 x 18 x 15

Standing calve raise
230 x 10 x 10 x 10

Was feeling absolutely focked after my second set of squats but I pushed through light headed and nauseated and finished my workout. Did cut a couple of exercises out because I thought I was going to pass out lol. Maybe I should've taken another day off.
Calories today will be 3574 protein 330 carbs 234 fats 142.
Time to go pass out :)


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The difference between 50ng and 100mg is night and day. Huge difference. 100mg is where it's at for me at least. Nah man actual diuretics. I was honestly pissing about 30 times daily. An AI won't help as the bloat isn't estrogen related. I havent taken any other orals so I wouldn't have anything to compare it to... Yet. The strength was impressive tho. The weights that I used to struggle for 3 reps with suddenly became easy for 12! I'll definitely take it again with my next cycle.
What AI did you use?


Well-known member
What AI did you use?
I've only been using erase. I've got armidex and letro on hand but I also had three bottles of erase so I thought fock it I'll use the erase and if it doesn't cut it I'll switch over to adex. So far I haven't had any major problems. I've had sensitive nipples once or twice but I doubled my dose of erase and it actually worked. :surprise: Going to use adex in PCT now.


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The difference between 50ng and 100mg is night and day. Huge difference. 100mg is where it's at for me at least. Nah man actual diuretics. I was honestly pissing about 30 times daily. An AI won't help as the bloat isn't estrogen related. I havent taken any other orals so I wouldn't have anything to compare it to... Yet. The strength was impressive tho. The weights that I used to struggle for 3 reps with suddenly became easy for 12! I'll definitely take it again with my next cycle.
Oops, i meant diuretic.


Well-known member
Day 82

Weight 196

Pinned 150 sus300

Still feeling pretty ordinary today but much better than yesterday. I struggled in the gym today due to how I've been feeling. It sucks.

Chest and back supersets

Incline bench press
190 x 12 x 10 x 9 ( could have pushed more but I didn't have a spotter )
Bw x 12 x 10 x 10

Flat DB press
90s x 9 x 8 x 8
Iso lateral lat pulldowns
90 per side x 12 x 12 x 11

Bent over BB rows
175 x 12 x 10
135 x 18
High cable flyes
No weights on machine 3 sets of 12

Seated row
No weights on machine 3 sets of 10
Low cable flyes
40 per side x 8 x 8 x 8

My body had had enough same as yesterday pale, light headed and nauseous. Came home smashed a protein shake and had a nap. Woke up feeling ALOT better than I was this morning.
Calories 3985 protein 366 carbs 230 fats 160.
No new sides to mention.
Planning a PB day on Wednesday. Going for PBs on the big three. Going to load up the barbell with what I think I can do 3-6 reps with and go for it. I'll use that as a gauge as to how much my lifts have increased during this cycle.


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I think I must've nicked a vein when i pulled the needle out because fock me it bled. I aspirated so I'm not worried but damn it was a fair bit of blood that spurted out!


Well-known member
Day 83

Weight 196

No pin today

Was going to do a tri set of shoulders tris and bis tonight but my mrs came home and we ended up doing some pre gym cardio ;) didnt have time afterwards so I just hit shoulders.

Shoulder day

DB shoulder press
70s x 11 x 10 x 10 these are getting a bit light but I can't get the 75s in place by myself so I'll have to stick with these for a bit.
45s x 6 very very slow reps with a 3 sec pause at the bottom.

Side lateral raises
30s x 10
25s x 12 x 12 x 12 the last 1-2 were cheat reps.

Front DB raises
40s x 10 x 6
35s x 10

Rear delt cable flyes
Non weights on plates but 3 x 10

DB shrugs
Down the rack starting at 135s and ending up at 90s.

Pretty happy with the workout overall as it was a bit rushed due to the gym hours on Sunday.
Calories a bit on the low side but 3139 is what I ended up with. 267g pro 240g carbs 118g fats
Have a pretty sweet bruise where I injected last night and some major PIP. I'll be focked if I know why I'm still getting PIP but that's one thing I won't miss when this cycle finishes.


Well-known member
Day 84

Weight unknown

Last pin 150mgs sus300

Had a big day at work today and somehow I've managed to hurt my left knee. Focked if I know what ive done to it but it's getting better as the day goes on. Having an off day today and probably will tomorrow as well. Still a bit sick and I'm feeling worn out. Working big hours isn't helping my cause.
Calories will be 2965 pro 292 carbs 196 fats 103.
Last pin tonight and it's all over 2.5 weeks until I start PCT.
Will take some finishing pics on Friday or Saturday.


Well-known member
Well bros unfortunately I have a cycle ending injury ( lucky it was my last pin last night ) I have a partial thickness tear of a tendon above my patella. Can't bend my leg at all and am in a lot of pain. :(


Crap, No good dude. Rest up and hope you get a quick recovery..
Best of luck with it...


Well-known member
Crap, No good dude. Rest up and hope you get a quick recovery..
Best of luck with it...
Thanks bro. Could have been worse... It could have been in the middle of the cycle instead of the end. Cheers.
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