superdrol precautions and pct


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SUPERDROL precautions and pct

i'm planning on starting a cycle of superdrol in about a month. I have been researching it and am a lil confused on some specifics.

For liver protection I plan on taking milk thistle, should i take this during my sd cycle and pct or just pct, i've heard both, should i throw something else in too for my liver?
For my cholesterol i plan on taking fish oils, niacin, possibly rry with CoQ10, but i've read that rry could be detrimental too the liver and am not entirely sure if the CoQ10 would make the rry completely liver friendly. could someone pls clarify this. also was wondering if i should take this during cycle and pct or just pct because i don't want to further stress my liver while on sd.
For the blood pressure i plan on taking celery seed extract, just wondering would the decrease in bp decrease the pumps at all? prob not just wanted to check

for pct i am planning on taking rebound xt along with lean xtreme, my main objective with this is to maintain my gains, return my natural test levels, and combat any possible gyno and maybe even loose some body fat. i've heard that rebound xt can do a number on your lipids which is not a good thing cuz of the effect sd will have on them. should i look at something else, i do not have access to nolva, would 6-oxo help my lipids get back to normal? also wat do u guys think of lean xtreme in keeping gains and loose body fat at same time.

help would be greatly appreciated
sorry for the long post


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i'm planning on starting a cycle of superdrol in about a month. I have been researching it and am a lil confused on some specifics.

For liver protection I plan on taking milk thistle, should i take this during my sd cycle and pct or just pct, i've heard both, should i throw something else in too for my liver?
For my cholesterol i plan on taking fish oils, niacin, possibly rry with CoQ10, but i've read that rry could be detrimental too the liver and am not entirely sure if the CoQ10 would make the rry completely liver friendly. could someone pls clarify this. also was wondering if i should take this during cycle and pct or just pct because i don't want to further stress my liver while on sd.
For the blood pressure i plan on taking celery seed extract, just wondering would the decrease in bp decrease the pumps at all? prob not just wanted to check

for pct i am planning on taking rebound xt along with lean xtreme, my main objective with this is to maintain my gains, return my natural test levels, and combat any possible gyno and maybe even loose some body fat. i've heard that rebound xt can do a number on your lipids which is not a good thing cuz of the effect sd will have on them. should i look at something else, i do not have access to nolva, would 6-oxo help my lipids get back to normal? also wat do u guys think of lean xtreme in keeping gains and loose body fat at same time.

help would be greatly appreciated
sorry for the long post
First off you can take the milk thistle while on, and continue it through pct I would add NAC to that. As far as the RYR there are no studies showing that is hard on the liver, don't worry about it. The COQ10 is a must if you are running RYR, its to keep depletion of coq10 from happening in vital organs. Take it before you stat the cycle, run it through, and into pct a few weeks as well.

Celery seed is a good choice, and no it will not decrease your pumps.

I would use Nolva pct, if you are looking to lose some fat, and reduce some gyno, then save the RXT to cycle on its own. You could stagger the dose of Nolva with RXT.

You can get Nolva from a few of the board sponsors
Mach .78

Mach .78

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I got some Fenugreek after hearing good things about it with Nolva during PCT.


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if i used 6-oxo for pct, that won't help with the lipids like nolva does rite?


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I'm about to start my first cycle of Superdr0l but am in the 2nd week of Rebound.

Can i just quit the Rebound and begin my SD, or should I take a week off? I'm currently taking 75mg/day of Rebound. I plan on resuming the Rebound with nolva for PCT.
Mach .78

Mach .78

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Dr. D where are you at? You guys need to ask Dr. D these questions.


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Personally, all I would worry about having on hand is some Cialis :D (killed the hell out of my libido, AND I got sick (from my boss) as hell so I didn't even get to really finish they cycle on a good note...only about 1.5 good weeks) However, it killed the hell out of my libidio...i'm still trying to get it back 3 weeks later (RXT solo--works well, strength is good, boys are chillin, etc--tried solo on a leap of faith)--oh, and of course some Nolva or RXt or something in case of gyno. (unlikely to happen)

PCT...there is more than enough info on this board to answer that with a simple search. In fact, pretty much all of you questions have answers all over the place on this board.
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