Sponsored Halotest-25 by PowerLab Nurtition log


New member
ok guys i am new here but not new to the game. i was selected by powerlab nutrition to try out some of their products and to post a log and review of my progress so that is what i am gonna do. first off lets start out by talking about me. so i am 29 years old and a police officer for 8 years. my department does not have a policy on prohormones just illegal AAS so im good to go lol. i played high school football and was given a full ride scolorship to michigan state university for football and in practice i injured me knee and was red shirted for two years and never actually got to play a college game. after football was ended i started my career as a police officer and have rose to a training officer and a member of the swat team. i have lifted weights all my life but with work kids and not having any free time to think some of that has been put to the way side the last few years. i still have been going ot the gym but not as much as i should and my workouts have not been where they should. also my diet because of always being on the go has suffered. i was revently diaganosed with crohns disease which is uncers in the small intestine that when flaired up they make me very sick where i cant eat for days and everything is coming out of me in a hurry to be nice about it. so during those times i didnt workout. my crohns is pretty much under control now and ive been hitting the gym hard trying to get back to where i was. ie why i am coming back to ph's. i have done mass tabs and havoc in the past with good results. i am still waiting for my supplements to arrive in the mail but i thought that i would get my log started so that when i get them ill be good to go. on my first workout ill post my baseline numbers and weight. i dont have a way to do bf% but ill post waist weight and my first week numbers. im not sure if i will be able to post each and every day but ill be on at least 3 times a week so lets get this started

this is gonna be my workouts
monday - chest tris abs
tuesday - bis, back
wednesday - cardio abs
thrusday - lats traps delts
friday - legs abs
sat and sun off days

here is what ill be taking

halotest-25 from powerlab nurtition
liver clean from powerlab nutrition
mass pump xxl -lemon lime from powerlab nutrition
pct from powerlab nutrition
those are the products that powerlab nutrition has been so nice to let me log
added products that i will be taking are
cranberry extract
life support during pct
on gold standard whey
on casien
on pro complex
creatine mono during pct
multi vit
and some sort of a far burner during pct

if there is anything that you think that i am missing let me know and ill see about adding it. ill be taking the halotest as directed 2 tabs a day seperated by 8 hours. so i hope that you guys follow along and please please feel free to comment pros and cons i want to hear it.


Board Sponsor

Congrats on a lot of accomplishments there.
Cop for 8 years and you're 29 nice... What city?

How did u get sponsored by power lab? Ain't seen those guys around here it all.

From personal experience I didn't like halotest 25. Curious to see how u respond I'm in.
DiEsEL g33k

DiEsEL g33k

Im in! Curious to see the results as well.


New member
thanks for following along guys. i have never used halotest or any clones of it but i have used other ph's and from what i do know its a pretty mild ph as far as sides liver tox and gyno. so im excited to get going on this. i wont say which dept i work for because i dont want someone going to my boss and telling him that ph's are roids and a new policy gets added because of me but im a burb of chicago lets just leave it at that


Board Sponsor
thanks for following along guys. i have never used halotest or any clones of it but i have used other ph's and from what i do know its a pretty mild ph as far as sides liver tox and gyno. so im excited to get going on this. i wont say which dept i work for because i dont want someone going to my boss and telling him that ph's are roids and a new policy gets added because of me but im a burb of chicago lets just leave it at that
lol @ u thinking I'm going to call your boss...
Hey we got better things to do than that, I respect your privacy.

Either way how did u find power lab to hook u up with this?


New member
no man im not saying you but you never know gotta be safe you know. and as far as how i got powerlab to hook up this log well i sent them a nice well written contact email and i lucked out big time.


Board Sponsor
no man im not saying you but you never know gotta be safe you know. and as far as how i got powerlab to hook up this log well i sent them a nice well written contact email and i lucked out big time.
I emailed them back and forth and they just offered me deals. Aw well let's see what it can do 4 u.


New member
ok guys just got my package in the mail today. i got a bottle of liver care halotest25 their preworkout mix and a gym towel didnt know that was coming as well that was nice of them. im just waiting on a few support supplements to arrive from an unnamed .com supplier and ill get started. everything should be here this week so as of now my start date is monday.


Board Sponsor
Cool, I'll be around.


New member
ok guys couldnt get on here the last two days but everything showed up yesterday so i will be getting started on this log as of tonight. i just got off from work so im off to bed but ill be hitting the gym later today and ill post after including what ill be taking and when so i hope you guys like this log. a friend of mine will be running the same log just a few days behind me and he will be posting on here as well. so look for his log too


Board Sponsor
ok guys couldnt get on here the last two days but everything showed up yesterday so i will be getting started on this log as of tonight. i just got off from work so im off to bed but ill be hitting the gym later today and ill post after including what ill be taking and when so i hope you guys like this log. a friend of mine will be running the same log just a few days behind me and he will be posting on here as well. so look for his log too
We wont look for anything.
Throw a link in here :) :p


New member
sorry guys.........my workout buddy also is getting a log of the same products so i decided to wait until his package arrives and to run log his stuff at the same time his stuff should be here any day so ill get started when he does


New member
ok this afternoon when i woke up dale my buddy said that he got his package in the mail. so gym day number one was today well i guess u can say yesterday due to this is posted at 130 am lol. ok so lets revisit some stuff. this is not my first ph run but it is the first for dale. im a "bigger" guy and he is a hardgainer ill have him post a link today on here to his review so this should be cool seeing two different body types to run the same log. he did not get the pre workout supplement from them but he already got his pct and im still waiting on mine. they said that they would get it in the mail soon so nbd i trust them lol.

ok on first glance

all of my bottles are their Old lable due to what dale got is a different lable and they said that they were coming out with a new pct so i assume that the lables on the pct are the new ones. i like the old lable better than the new one. just my opinion. the mass pump suprised me due to the small size of the container but on closer look it is a concentrate like jacked so ok. and there is 45 servings of it due to my weight it says that i should take two scoops so it cuts the 45 servings down to about 22 days. i will only be using this on workout days and not taking anything during non workout days.

i woke up at 3 pm took a halo right as i got up along with a liver clean about a hour later. took 2 scoops of mass pump about 30 before the gym and off i went we got to the gym around 5 and left around 630. upon leaving the gym i took procomplex with taurine and creatine mono and cranberry pills. about midnight i took another halo 1 scoop whey taurine and cranberry. right now im working but on break i get off at 7 am and plan on having casien taurine and cranberry right before bed.

Mass Pump XXL- first glance. small package lemon lime flavored. opened the container it had a good smell very fine powder. filled my shaker with 12 oz of water as reccomended dropped in 2 scoops i stir it with a spoon ive always done this with preworkout drinks. it mixed very well not much floaters but a few very small ones. took a small sip and gatoride. that is what it tastes like lemon lime gatoraide. it went down good no stiring while drinking it the last gulp had a little bit of grit and a little bitter but no more than most pre workout powders. upon walking into the gym i could feel the beta alanine tingles starting to kick in i love that feeling. had great energy during my workout lasted for the duration of the workout no crash after no headaches and so far no preworkout drink ****s (not gonna name SuperDump-250 lol) i had good pumps during my workout nice vein buldge. had to get a really good feel for anything on day one lol.

height 6 2
weight 252
waist 36 i dont know bf nor do i really care to lol

here is my workouts that ill be doing
monday - chest tris abs
tuesday - bis, back
wednesday - cardio abs
thrusday - lats traps delts
friday - legs abs
sat and sun off day

i know thats a repost but oh well

let me know if you want me to write out all of my lifts and sets and i will but i dont want to make my post too long so here is the jist

flat bench max 1rep as of today 315
decline 300
incline 250

those are some of the numbers that ill be looking at. during the last week ill be doing maxes again to see where i got from halo. again if you want each set let me know i write everything down so i can post if you want. but day one so far so good. i may not be able to get on here each and every day that i lift but i promise at least 4 days a week ill be on here posting. so follow along let me know what you are thinking about and anything that i can change.


Board Sponsor
Alright man.
Let's see how this goes for u.


New member
sorry guys havnt been on in a few days. got buisy with family stuff you know how that goes. well today was day number five. im starting to feel some strength gains but mostly in the way of endurance. my last sets that are usually tuff to struggle through it seems like i have that little extra push. so far no negative side effects. no weight gain no back pumps so that is good. im pinched for time right now so ill get on here tomorrow and post more, promise


New member
On day 15 w/ Halotest I've had a bought 10 lb. Gain in weight. But not much stronger in the gym. I'm eating my ass off 4,000 good cals and 300 Pt. Gm.
I started this diet 1 wk before I started! I guess what I'm saying is... I just don't know if weight gain is do to diet or Halo! Waist size is still the same. Should I stay w/ 4 wk. Cycle or continue for a 6wk. & would it be worth the x-tra cash. Insight would be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!


New member
On day 15 w/ Halotest I've had a bought 10 lb. Gain in weight. But not much stronger in the gym. I'm eating my ass off 4,000 good cals and 300 Pt. Gm.
I started this diet 1 wk before I started! I guess what I'm saying is... I just don't know if weight gain is do to diet or Halo! Waist size is still the same. Should I stay w/ 4 wk. Cycle or continue for a 6wk. & would it be worth the x-tra cash. Insight would be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!
well cap i dont know that much about halo to tell you if you should go the extra two weeks. i know im liking it so far and i have seen logs of people that do a pyramid cycle out to 6 weeks with weeks 3 and 4 taking 100 to 150 mg tapering up and then back down. mayby someone else on here will have more insight for you than i do.

ok guys monday will start week three of this log. i have been working alot of hours because we have had 2 officers go out on injury from a call. they are fine but it just leaves us short so there has been alot of ot.

week 1 - during week one i didnt really notice much in the area of strength or size. there were no neg sides either. my energy was good everything went well
week 2 - that is this week that is coming to an end. i had an off day today and will have another tomorrow. my energy has remained solid. i have started to notice noticible strength gains and same goes with size. my muscles look fuller veins are poppping out a little more. my endurance has stayed high thanks to max. i still cannot get over that flavor it is great even if your not looking for a pre workout supplement give it a go u can feel the BA working and it tastes amazing. probally one of the best tasting preworkout supplements that i have ever taken. and it does what its supposed to so all in all pretty good. just not as many servings as i would like to see. i have gained 8 lbs and my waist has stayed the same exactly the same. my weights have went up on all exercises and that part feels great. no on to the neg sides. i am having some problems getting asleep and staying asleep i dont know if it is from the PH or not but im experiencing it so im going to write about it. i was starting to get some wicked back pumps towards the end of the week so i upped my cranberry and added some extra milk thysle. this has seemed to help we will see how next week goes.

again monday starts week 3 and getting towards the end. im going to start my natty test booster with my second to last day of the ph. i was told to do this by a guy at my PD. is this something that is pretty common when coming off a PH and on to a natty test booster??
