For anyone that doesn't know, during the time that Anabolic XT had been released, I hadn't been able to workout because I was in a bad accident in February of 2022 and broke my shoulder, my fibula in 2 places, and shattered my tibia in my right leg including it coming out thru my calf muscle, so I was in a wheelchair for 5 weeks, 6 months of physical therapy, and then a long process of trying to learn how to walk again properly.
During that time period, I had really let myself go between not being able to do much and the stress, anxiety, & depression. I had lost pretty much all of my muscle and gained so much fat that I was 25 lbs. heavier than my heaviest weight ever and without the muscle that I had when I was at my previous heaviest.
In Feb. 2023, I started trying to clean up my diet some; not strict, but more like watching what I ate more. Since I couldn't workout, I was relying on a very supplement intensive fat loss regimen to help lose some fat and between Feb. 14th and beginning of June, I had lost a little over 40 lbs., which I was very happy with being that I wasn't able to do any exercise at all.
Around a month ago, I started back doing some light workouts and just trying to ease back into things. The fat loss part of my supplement regimen since then is Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, LipoVantage, and GlucoVantage XT. I had added in CEL Ecdy-Plex and SNS Recomp20. I used XPG Ursa-Gel but admittedly wasn't as consistent as I should have been bc I suck at applying topicals consistently. I need to get better about that.
The stack that I've been looking forward to running the most in all the time that I wasn't able to workout has been to stack Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, & Phosphatidic Acid XT - and I'm excited that I'm finally starting that today.
I will continue with my fat loss supplement regimen for at least the next 4 weeks. I'm going to continue on Recomp20, try to get more consistent with XPG Ursa-Gel & Ab-Solved, and am going to continue with Ecdy-Plex for at least a couple more weeks and decide from there.
I know what I'm taking is a lot more than most people will use, but I've also been through a lot in the last year and a half and it had destroyed me both physically and mentally, and I'm trying to go all out to get back into shape as quickly as possible.
Anyway, I said all that to say that - I'm super excited to finally get to start Anabolic XT for myself!