Slintensity Feedback, Reviews, Questions



Awesome! Post up your review in this thread.

I haven't used SSv1 or SSv2 (I do use 300mg Na-R-Ala), but Slintensity significantly reduced insulin lethargy and bloat after some pretty carb heavy meals. It is a great combination of ingredients, including some ingredients that will block carbohydrate absorption (gymnena and banaba). The inclusion of 80% 4-OH Isoleucine is nothing at which to sneeze, either. ;)
Sounds good, Ill let you guys know how it all goes when I have used Slintensity. As I stated I will utilize it a couple different ways, preWO with a carb meal, post workout, and with a large cheat meal and see how it helps out.


Sounds good, Ill let you guys know how it all goes when I have used Slintensity. As I stated I will utilize it a couple different ways, preWO with a carb meal, post workout, and with a large cheat meal and see how it helps out.
Quick question. I have used Slintensity in a couple different ways, and Ill get a review up within the next week after I have used it a couple more times. But, my question is since Im currently cutting I have one refeed day a week where I go up to 350-400gr carbs that day. My refeed day always falls on a Sunday, which is also my Leg day. I like to to set-up my refeed like this because I truely feel that after a grueling Leg session my glucose up-take will be require/enhanced that much more. Now, this Sunday is Easter and for my refeed Ill be joining my family for Eater dinner, so my questions is if I know in a aprx a 2-2.5hr time period I will be injesting a large portion of my carbs say aprx 250gr or so does anyone forsee a problem if I pop 2 Slintensity prior to my Easter Meal? Or would it be better to pop 1 Slin PreMeal, and then 1 Slin before bed (although I know this is not recommend like it is for some other GDA can anyone chime in on if they have done it?)


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
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Quick question. I have used Slintensity in a couple different ways, and Ill get a review up within the next week after I have used it a couple more times. But, my question is since Im currently cutting I have one refeed day a week where I go up to 350-400gr carbs that day. My refeed day always falls on a Sunday, which is also my Leg day. I like to to set-up my refeed like this because I truely feel that after a grueling Leg session my glucose up-take will be require/enhanced that much more. Now, this Sunday is Easter and for my refeed Ill be joining my family for Eater dinner, so my questions is if I know in a aprx a 2-2.5hr time period I will be injesting a large portion of my carbs say aprx 250gr or so does anyone forsee a problem if I pop 2 Slintensity prior to my Easter Meal? Or would it be better to pop 1 Slin PreMeal, and then 1 Slin before bed (although I know this is not recommend like it is for some other GDA can anyone chime in on if they have done it?)
I wouldn't take it any further out than about 30 minutes pre-meal, but I've even used 3 caps at a very large meal with no discomfort. I'd assume you'll be fine with 2, though everyone is different.


I wouldn't take it any further out than about 30 minutes pre-meal, but I've even used 3 caps at a very large meal with no discomfort. I'd assume you'll be fine with 2, though everyone is different.
Oh, by the 2-2.5hr window I meant is that I will consuming my Easter dinner in that time-frame. Ill take 2 slin aprx 20mins before that meal and see how it treats me.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
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Oh, by the 2-2.5hr window I meant is that I will consuming my Easter dinner in that time-frame. Ill take 2 slin aprx 20mins before that meal and see how it treats me.
I gotcha, bro. That makes way more sense lol. The way it was worded (and I'd been on the road all day traveling out of state), all I could think is "he'll feel miserable" lol.


Anyone ever try dosing 1 cap slintensity before bed? Im thinking of hitting 1 cap before my Easter meal, and then 1 cap right before bed. Any input is welcome, I know on the label it states "taking before bed is at your own risk" but has anyone ever tried this? I use to take SSV1 before bed all the time and wake up leaner/dry in the morning even after a heavy carb meal.


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Anyone ever try dosing 1 cap slintensity before bed? Im thinking of hitting 1 cap before my Easter meal, and then 1 cap right before bed. Any input is welcome, I know on the label it states "taking before bed is at your own risk" but has anyone ever tried this? I use to take SSV1 before bed all the time and wake up leaner/dry in the morning even after a heavy carb meal.
I have been, and love it.

I take 1 Slintensity, 1 Vanillean, 1 DCP original, and my sleep formula.

While I DO wake up once during the night, very snacky, if I ignore it and go back to bed I do wake up leaner in the morning.


Would taking it with a protein shake affect anything pre bed?


I have been, and love it.

I take 1 Slintensity, 1 Vanillean, 1 DCP original, and my sleep formula.

While I DO wake up once during the night, very snacky, if I ignore it and go back to bed I do wake up leaner in the morning.

Well it did allow me to not bloat up after my refeed tonight, and I still have two pop-tarts and a protein shake left before I got to bed to hit my carb refeed numbers for today. Yes, I refeed on pop-tart, but my diet throuhgout the week is as clean as can be. Ill try taking 1 cap Slin 15-20mins Pre-Bed tonight on an empty stomach and let you know how it turns out for me. Thanks for the quick feedback there dsade :)


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Having your sweat smell like maple syrup has to be the coolest "side effect" ever. Lol

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